Episode 33. Have One More Drink

Entrovil City, a key transportation hub connecting the northeast of the continent with other regions.

In a corner of the large city built along a great river, the members of the Entrovil Six Council were gathered.

“I wonder if things will turn out well.”

Rodius grimaced as he looked at the other five seated around him.

Rodius, a wealthy figure dominating the entire Entrovil Dock, had hundreds of subordinates under him.

Among the six present here, Rodius was the highest-ranking individual.

“Will the youngest daughter of the Regel family really come here?”

Rodius checked the letter again.

In the reply received a few days ago, it was stated that the representative of the Celestial Empire would come to Entrovil in person.

“The Regel family is different from us rootless folks. They wouldn’t lie about something like this…”

Of course, Yustia Regel wouldn’t come alone.

She is not a sorceress but an ordinary woman.

The likelihood of her bringing her subordinates to protect herself was high.

“Then Sirius Canisroot will probably come too.”

Sirius Canisroot.

As Rodius recalled that name, he bit his lip.

Kalstein Sword Sect, Valkain Guild, Oblea Mercenary Band… The formidable forces of the northeast all fell under Sirius alone.

Even other minor factions dissolved under Sirius’s hand.

“Kalstein, Valkain, Oblea… They were all incredibly skilled. He managed to eliminate them all, so Sirius must be at least on par with them.”

Among the six present here, there was not a single person with the skills of Kalstein, Valkain, or Oblea.

“If the six of us cooperate, we might have a chance… but it’s risky.”

Even if they cooperate to win, some will lose their lives.

The chances of someone losing a limb or two are high in such perilous situations.

I wanted to avoid such a situation as much as possible.

“I should resolve this without a fight.”

Rhodius had already prepared a scheme.

He had obtained a colorless, odorless, tasteless sleeping potion.

No matter how strong Sirius was, once he took that potion and fell asleep, he would be powerless.

“Whether Yustia comes or Sirius comes… we can handle it after putting them to sleep.”

If the operation went well and the deal with the Agtas family was successful, the Entrovil Six Council would gain an unimaginable amount of power.

“The risk is high… but we have no other choice.”

Meanwhile, Sirius had swept away most of the Black Association in the northeast.

Now, the only remaining power was the Entrovil Six Council.

They couldn’t just leave the Entrovil Six Council alone.

Even if they managed to save their lives… there was a high possibility of being stripped of their authority like the Valkain Guild, becoming mere lackeys of the Regel family.

“So, we are taking the initiative.”

However, there was a worrying aspect.

The agreed time had passed, but there was no news of Yustia and her group approaching.

Among the sub-organizations of the Entrovil Six Council, there was a group that managed the roads and collected tolls.

It was agreed that when Yustia’s group appeared, they would relay the news, but there was complete silence.

“Surely… they won’t fail to show up, right?”

The six of them had gathered and made preparations.

Everyone was tense and waiting, but if neither Yustia nor Sirius showed up…

“Rhodius, do you think they’ll really come?”

At that moment, the impatient Drader spoke up.

Drader was the second in command of the Entrovil Six Council and the ruler of the entertainment district of Entrovil.

“Why is there no news at all?”

“Well, for now…”

As Rhodius was scratching his head, about to speak.

Suddenly, there was a knocking sound on the door.

“What’s happening?”

Could it be news coming in right now?

Rhodius turned his head with anticipation, but the door swung open without an answer.

A man with black hair entered through the door.

Among the six present, no one had a man like him as a subordinate.

“Could it be…!”

“I arrived about 30 minutes earlier than the agreed time. You all are quick.”

The man sat down in an empty seat.

“I am Sirius Canisruth, representing the Cheonlang Empire. Pleasure to meet you, members of the Six Council.”


At the sudden appearance, the faces of all members of the Entrovil Six Council stiffened.

When the appointed day arrived, Sirius set off for Entroville alone.

While the attendants of the 6-person Entroville council were collecting tolls at the crossroads, it was a matter of no concern to Sirius.

Using his teleportation skills to leap over mountains and fields, he had arrived at Entroville by the shortest route.

“Oh, how…?”

Including Rodius, the members of the Entroville 6-person council had completely bewildered expressions.

Since Sirius had received information in advance, he already knew who they were.

“How did you get here…?”

“Was I not supposed to come here?”


Sirius spoke in a calm voice.

“You all must have invited the representative of the Celestial Nation.”

“Well, we did invite the representative of the Celestial Nation, but…”

The second-in-command of the 6-person council, Drader, spoke up.

“Then Yustia Rigel should be here… Why did you come alone?”

“Yustia has delegated all authority to me.”

Sirius took out documents from his pocket and threw them on the table.

“So, I now hold equal authority as the ruler of the Celestial Nation. Talking to me is the same as talking to Yustia, so there’s no problem.”


Having said that, Sirius added.

“I didn’t come here because we’re a united front, so don’t misunderstand.”



Sirius cleared his throat for a moment.

“You called me here… but the hospitality seems lacking. It’s a bit disappointing.”

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Rodius hurriedly spoke up.

“We didn’t expect Sirius, you, to show up alone… It caught us off guard for a moment.”


Others, including Drader, nodded.

“As I wrote in the first letter, we want to join forces with the Celestial Nation to develop the entire northeast. As you know, the northeast is quite underdeveloped.”

“Yes, the Black Association is squeezing the powerless commoners there.”


A moment of silence followed.

All six present here fell under the category of powerless commoners being squeezed by the Black Association.

“W-Well, it seems there are some differences in opinions.”

Rodius coughed and clapped his hands.

At that moment, people entered from outside and began setting up drinks and snacks on the table.

“So, how about we slowly discuss and bridge our differences in perception? This way, we might build some friendship.”

“Friendship, huh, sounds good.”

Saying so, Sirius picked up one of the drinks placed in front of him.

With a sip, Sirius could taste the refreshing flavor of citrus.

“What kind of drink is this?”

“Lemon juice mixed with carbonated water and sugar. It’s a trendy drink in the central region.”

“The central region, huh.”

Sirius took another sip.

Watching him, including Rodyus and the other five, all showed relieved expressions.

“Delicious. It feels worthwhile coming all the way here just for this drink.”

“Well, that’s fortunate.”

Rodyus smiled at the others, making eye contact.

“Well then… shall we discuss business? It seems there are some misunderstandings from the Chenlang Kingdom, but we are not squeezing people for profit.”

“Well, considering the continent’s average, it’s at an acceptable level.”

“I also want to talk about the recent timber price with the Chenlang Kingdom.”

The six of them chattered on, observing Sirius’s expression.

But Sirius remained silent, just sipping on his drink.

“Let me speak first. Recently, the Chenlang Kingdom drastically reduced transportation fees…”

Rodyus intended to discuss business seriously.

However, Sirius raised his hand to interrupt.

“Sorry, but I won’t understand even if you talk about it.”


“Those practical matters are left to the Justian Kingdom’s governor or Edith. There’s no point in negotiating numbers with me; it’s meaningless.”

“Well, then…”

They all turned their gaze to the delegation letter Sirius had thrown earlier.

“So, what does the delegation letter mean…?”

“As the acting representative of the Chenlang Kingdom, I have come to propose something to you all.”

“A proposal?”

Taking another sip of his drink, Sirius spoke.

“First, the Entrovil Six Council will disband all its subordinate organizations.”

“What, what…!”

“Second, the Entrovil Six Council, along with its subordinates, will come under the Chenlang Kingdom. Third, in the upcoming conflict with the Agtas family…”

“Wait a minute!”

Rodyus interrupted Sirius.

“What are you talking about? We called the Chenlang Kingdom to have a conversation, and now you’re being so one-sided…!”

“You probably never intended to have a conversation from the beginning.”


“Despite all the talk, isn’t it just a delay tactic?”



Sirius had already anticipated that they would try to buy time by spinning plausible tales.

“Foolish fools.”

Sirius finished his drink in one go.

The refreshing feeling lifted his spirits.

“I never thought I’d be affected by such a mild poison.”


Cheonlangmuje Baekmulang could neutralize most poisons using his own techniques.

Even now, as Sirius, it was no different.

“Rhodius! You said it would go unnoticed because it had no taste or smell…!”

Drayder, impatient, stood up from his seat and raised his voice.

Rhodius tried to stop his reckless actions, but it was too late.

“Darn it, if it comes to this…!”


Sirius’ thrown weapon pierced Drayder’s throat.

It was a fork from the table.

“Ugh, ugh….”

Groaning, Drayder collapsed.

Seeing this, the hulking figure on the table clenched his right hand.

“How dare you… Drayder…!”

He tried to cast a spell quickly, but Sirius throwing a second fork was much faster.

It too pierced the throat, sealing his fate.


No one said a word.

In the blink of an eye, two were dead.

“From a group of six to four.”

Muttering, Sirius extended his hand towards Rhodius across from him.

Rhodius flinched, but Sirius only picked up Rhodius’ drink.

“Think carefully, you scum.”


“You guys are nothing compared to Calstein, Valkain, or Oblerabo. That’s why you six had to band together.”

Taking Rhodius’ drink and drinking from it, Sirius spoke.

“I don’t need to personally deal with the likes of you anymore. Ordering the Cheonlang Sword Sect through Alerion is enough. With the Sword Sect absorbing other dark guild members, it has grown in strength.”


“Yet, why did I personally come to face you guys?”

He asked, then fell silent.

Realizing Sirius awaited an answer, Rhodius hesitantly replied.

“I-I don’t know.”

“If I order the Cheonlang Sword Sect to deal with you, Entrovil here will be drenched in blood.”


“Rhodius, half of your subordinates are usually dockworkers. If those guys flock to protect you, the Sword Sect will have no choice but to wield their swords against them.”

Sirius sighed.

“If I go after you and all your subordinates, Entrovil’s city functions will die out. What’s the point of taking over a city like that? Just surrender to the Agtas family….”


“So, I came alone. If I negotiate with you directly, we can settle with minimal sacrifices.”

Saying so, Sirius raised his glass of drink.

“So, make your choice.”


“Either come under Cheonlang Trading and be reborn, or protect the pride of Entroville’s Six and die here.”

Rebirth or death.

Sirius demanded a choice from them.

“After I finish this drink, I will hear your answer.”

Watching Sirius drink his beverage, the four members of the Six turned into four, swallowing their saliva.

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