"On your back? What happened to my back?"

The fourth-level police detective frowned slightly and turned his head to look behind him strangely.

When he turned his head, he saw a scarecrow growing on his back!

There was a weird smile on the scarecrow's face. Just stare at him!


This sudden scene scared the fourth-level police detective into a cold sweat, and his mind went blank for a moment!

Under extreme fear, he almost lost the ability to think.

However, the quality of a senior warrior still allowed him to At the first opportunity, he slashed away with his backhand!


The sharp sword light swept across.

The scarecrow parasitic on his back was broken into several pieces.

But those broken straws did not lose their vitality!

After falling on the body of the fourth-level police detective, they actually squirmed. Drilling into his body!

This made him dizzy, and he tried desperately to pull out these straws.

But these straws were almost fused with his flesh and blood, making it difficult to get them out.

Even though he had very good control over his body. Strong, no matter how much energy he controls in his body, he can't strangle these strange straws!

After just a moment's hesitation, these straws integrated into the body of the fourth-level police detective began to grow.

His back quickly parasitized Three or four scarecrows are growing at a speed that is visible to the naked eye!

This scene almost makes the surrounding international police detectives faint from fear!

It is so terrifying!

It is simply creepy!

These international police detectives are all frightened. Standing there, not daring to move.

Let alone stepping forward to help.

Just kidding, even A-level warriors can't deal with monsters. Wouldn't they die by running over to them?


On the other side, after discovering this, the fourth-level police detective was completely panicked!

He has traveled all over the world and read a lot, but he has never seen this weird thing!

This senior warrior didn't know that a life form like Chen Mo was called weird in White Feather Star.

These two words perfectly describe the characteristics of this life form.

In desperation, the fourth-level police detective slashed at his own back with a knife!


He let out a shrill scream and forcibly dug out the flesh and blood of these scarecrows!

After these half-parasitic scarecrows were dug out with their flesh and blood, they were still growing!

The weirdest thing, they actually grew into He looked like the fourth-level police detective!

Even the injuries on his body were exactly the same!

"How could...how could this happen? What kind of monster is this!"

Han Junfei, who was watching the battle from a distance, was trembling all over!

He has never seen such a terrifying and weird monster!

Put yourself in his shoes, if it were him who was facing the scarecrow now, then he would be even more embarrassed and frightened!


On the other side, the scarecrows that had transformed into humans were approaching the fourth-level police detective step by step.

"die! Die to me!"

Under the huge fear, this fourth-level police detective has lost the calmness of a warrior.

He waved the sword crazily, and the violent sword light swept everywhere, smashing the scarecrows to pieces!

But these scarecrows were like undead monsters!

Every time it is chopped into pieces, more will grow!

In just a few minutes of fighting, dozens of scarecrows were transformed, surrounding the fourth-level police detective!

The police detectives watching the battle could no longer see clearly. The fighting inside was going on.

They could only hear the roar of the fourth-level police detective getting weaker and weaker.

Finally, a few minutes later, a shrill scream came from the countless scarecrows.


This distorted scream is so terrible!

Just listening to the sound, you can imagine how scared the owner of this scream was before he died!


"run! Run, run!"

I don't know who shouted first.

Then the police detectives around them ran away like crazy!

This scarecrow monster was so terrifying and weird!

Apart from running away, they couldn't think of any way to fight!

The fleeing crowd Among them, including Han Junfei.

But as soon as he turned around, he saw a scarecrow suddenly turning its head to look at him.

Those black eyes, like an endless abyss, swallowed up Han Junfei's soul!

Han Junfei froze instantly. Under the huge fear, his body could not move at all!

With just a look, he was deprived of control of his body.

After swallowing the fear of the fourth-level police detective, Chen Mo recovered some strength

"Move! Get moving!"

Han Junfei roared crazily in his heart.

This scarecrow is really terrifying!

Even when facing an A+ level warrior, he has never felt such a huge fear!

This is a kind of fear that gushes out from the depths of the soul and can swallow up all minds. , the fear of all thoughts!

This is not a monster.

But an evil god!

The evil god who controls fear!


At the moment when he was on the verge of collapse, such thoughts flashed through Han Junfei's mind.

But what he didn't expect was that the scarecrow turned his head away at the next moment and ignored him.

After the scarecrow looked away, Han Junfei regained his freedom.

He quickly rolled and crawled away to the distance, using up all his strength! escape!

Run away!

Will die!

If you don't run away, you'll die!

Han Junfei roared crazily in his heart.

This famous rising star, the dream lover in the hearts of countless girls, has never been so embarrassed!

He only has one idea now - escape!

The further away the better!


Han Junfei ran wildly, desperate to escape.

He didn't even know where he had escaped.

Finally, Han Junfei, who was extremely exhausted, tripped over a stone pier, fell heavily to the ground, and passed out.

It is naturally impossible for a B-level warrior to fall into a coma after just one fall.

He was hit hard by Chen Mo first, and then exhausted all his energy while running, which is why he was so miserable.

I guess Han Junfei never thought that one day he would be in such a state of embarrassment.……


Han Junfei was unconscious, but there were other international police detectives present who were conscious.

They escaped and in extreme panic called their superiors to report the incident.

At first, the superiors did not believe this outrageous news.

A strange scarecrow came out and easily killed a fourth-level police detective?

Is this a phone call story?

But after several police detectives said this, Interpol couldn't help but become suspicious and sent people to the scene to investigate.

When they arrived, they didn't see any weird scarecrows.

But the fourth-level police detective was placed like a scarecrow, standing there!

For a moment, the entire Interpol was shocked!

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