Technological power starts with upgrading lenses

Chapter 39: Not bad at painting cakes

Zhang Qing was a little surprised, wondering why Kang Chi suddenly became interested in semiconductors again.

As long as it involves the semiconductor industry, the ability to burn money is very impressive!

However, Zhang Qing did not just stop reading like Manager Liu, but patiently continued to read page after page.

Although she couldn't understand most of them, based on her experience in watching movie projects in the past few years, she could still clearly feel that this plan was not written casually.

Kang Chi has worked hard.

In the second half, when it came to project funds and execution plans, Zhang Qing began to understand more.

“The project is expected to have a total investment of one billion, which will be invested in three phases.

The initial investment of RMB 100 million will be mainly used to develop semiconductor-grade monocrystalline silicon purification equipment (single crystal furnace) and achieve mass production of 11 9-purity monocrystalline silicon.

The mid-term investment is 600 million, which will be mainly used to develop chamfering machines, multi-wire cutting machines, and chemical mechanical polishing machines to achieve mass production of 12-inch silicon wafers.

The later investment of 400 million will be mainly used to establish a silicon wafer production equipment manufacturing base to achieve stable production and sales of silicon wafer manufacturing equipment. "

Seeing this, Zhang Qing finally couldn't help but stop and looked at Kang Chi with some doubts: "Are you sure the investment funds are not missing a zero?"

"Don't worry about this. I've done some rough market research. I can't guarantee it's accurate to a decimal point, but the deviation will never be greater than 10 million."

Looking at Kang Chi's confident expression, Zhang Qing couldn't help but wonder if she had a misunderstanding about semiconductors?

Aren’t there tens or tens of billions of R\u0026D funds at every turn?

She hesitated for a moment, but couldn't help but ask: "How sure are you of realizing the plan? This project worth hundreds of millions is no joke, especially in research and development. If any link is stuck, the capital chain may be disrupted. fracture."

Kang Chi nodded: "Relying on Daqin Optics alone, I can actually achieve preliminary financial freedom. If I didn't have a lot of confidence, I wouldn't dare to bet like this, right?"

Zhang Qing snorted softly: "You can't say for sure, maybe you just like excitement... I have seen many directors and producers like this, and everyone thinks that their movies will definitely explode at the box office. In the end, How many have lost all their money.”

Kang Chi shrugged: "So this has to test your vision as a big producer. Aren't you taking big gambles on several of your movies? Didn't they all win in the end?"


Zhang Qing was unable to refute, so she could only continue to look down.

Ten minutes later, she finally read the entire plan and had a complete understanding of Kang Chi's plan.

In fact, this project is said to require an investment of one billion yuan.

But in fact, the real investment required is only 100 million.

The next 900 million will only be continued after the initial plan is successful.

This not only reduces risks, but also enables nesting of dolls.

To put it simply, the monocrystalline furnace is built first, and after it is built, the technology of the monocrystalline furnace is used as collateral to continue the loan.

By then, let alone another 900 million loan, even 9 billion is entirely possible.

"I didn't expect Mr. Kang to be very good at drawing cakes." Zhang Qing lightly tapped the plan with her finger, "You can make your plan simpler. Just say that you will develop a single crystal furnace and be done with it."

"That's not okay."

Kang Chi chuckled: "I have to ask the leader to reserve a place for me in advance, otherwise the place will be insufficient and I will have to move it around. So this cake is not for you, but for the local government."

Zhang Qing nodded,

There's nothing wrong with explaining it this way.

But the key point is that you have even considered the land for expansion...

Are you so sure that this project can be successful?

"So how much do you want me to invest?"

"The bank has already approved me RMB 60 million, and there is still a funding gap of RMB 40 million."

Kang Chi put away his smile and began to say seriously: "But these 40 million can only be given to 4% of the subsidiary project shares according to the investment standard of 1 billion."


As soon as these words came out, Zhang Qing's expression suddenly changed.

It was obviously a 40% investment, but it was directly reduced to 4% of the shares?

And it’s just project shares, not company shares!

If the company expands its business in the future, she will not receive any dividends.

Even if Kangchi really has technology, investing in shares based on technology is too exaggerated!

The conditions he gave are no longer harsh.

It's so arrogant!

"With this condition, what do you think would be a bad guy who would invest in you?"

"How will you know if you don't try." Looking at Zhang Qing's obviously cold face, Kang Chi said helplessly, "Actually, even if it's only 60 million, I'm confident that I can do it, but it will take a little longer, mainly because Dongyang has recently In the newly designated high-tech zone, the entry standard is 100 million..."

Zhang Qing: "..."

I'm just here to make up for the feelings?

"Thank you, Mr. Kang, for calling me all the way to be taken advantage of." Zhang Qing stood up with a straight face and said, "I'm sorry, you'd better change your target."

After saying that, she turned around and left.

Kang Chi didn't stop her, stood up and watched her leave the conference room, then sighed.

I also want you to drink some soup.

I didn't expect to be so ungrateful...

But it’s not her fault. After all, she didn’t know that Kang Chi had system analysis technology.

For her, this is a high-investment, high-risk, low-return business.

More importantly, she felt that Kang Chi didn't respect her at all!

It would be strange to agree to it.

Zhang Qing walked out of the factory angrily, and when she was about to get in the car, she couldn't help but look back.

Several dilapidated warehouses are connected together, lying quietly in the somewhat quiet park.

This reminded her again of the first time she came here and saw Kang Chi sweating profusely inside, with messy parts and materials all over the floor...

The scene was quite shocking to her.

Could it be,

Is he really sure?

It seems that only in this way, things seem a little more reasonable.

If it were you, if you had a project that you knew was sure to make a profit, but you didn't have enough funds, you would have to find someone to invest...

At this time, she definitely didn't want to calculate the shares according to the investment ratio.

But she wouldn’t be so exaggerated!


Not only will it make a guaranteed profit, but it will also make a huge profit?

Zhang Qing turned on her phone and checked the global market size of silicon wafers.

More than 10 billion US dollars, equivalent to only 70 to 80 billion RMB,

And China only accounts for about 10%.

In other words, the domestic silicon wafer market is actually less than 8 billion.

There are also small-sized silicon wafers, and then refined to large sizes, the market size is even smaller.

Even if you can capture the entire large-scale market, compared with the initial investment of one billion, it can only be considered profitable.

Could it be that he is still sure that the domestic market will further expand?

Zhang Qing's expression was a little uncertain.

After a long time, she took a deep breath, took out her mobile phone, and dialed Kang Chi's number.

Isn’t it just 40 million! ?

She has invested in movies worth 200 million yuan, but she is still worried that the 40 million yuan will be wasted?

No matter how you look at it, Kang Chi doesn't look like someone who does things without any sense of propriety.

There must be a reason for him to do this!

Don't forget, even Suoni suffered a loss from him last time.

At this moment, Zhang Qing finally chose to believe Kang Chi.

She trusts her instincts.

On the other side, after seeing Zhang Qing's phone call, Kang Chi suddenly showed a meaningful smile.

He knew that this woman was very shrewd and should be able to smell meat.

More importantly, it can be seen from the movies she has invested in in the past few years that she also likes to make big gains with small things and is a real gambler.

The only difference is that she has a good sense of smell and has never fallen over yet.

Zhang Qing didn't say much, and just asked Kang Chi to prepare the contract, and she would come over to sign it in the afternoon.

Kang Chi is quite satisfied with his vigorous and resolute style.

Only 4% of the project shares were exchanged for 40 million in start-up capital. This result completely exceeded his expectations.

The bottom line in his mind is actually 8%.

I deliberately said it was a little lower, just to leave room for Zhang Qing to bargain.

Don’t all women like this?

But Kang Chi didn't expect that this woman didn't act according to common sense at all. She threw the table and left on the spot, and when she agreed later, she was so straightforward and unreasonable.

All I can say is, it's very special.

Maybe 40 million is really nothing to her?

The main reason why you threw the table and left was because you felt humiliated?

If this is the case, then Kang Chi can only say that he was wronged...

Not long after Zhang Qing finished the call, Kang Chi received another call from the lawyer, reporting to him the progress of the patent application.

“They have already reviewed those patents, but they said they don’t have the conditions to verify them, so they can’t give you the patent number directly for the time being.

However, they also said that they can give you a temporary protection period. As long as you provide more detailed evidence or information during the protection period, you can change the temporary batch number to a formal patent number. At the same time, during the protection period, if someone makes similar claims to yours, The application will also be directly rejected. "

"Yeah, no problem."

Kang Chi nodded, expressing his understanding of the patent office's approach.

As long as the pit can be occupied first.

"How long is this temporary protection period?"

"One year, okay?"

"It's not a big problem. If possible, please give me the relevant information this afternoon. My funds will be in place soon and I'm ready to submit an application to Dongyang City."

"Yeah, no problem."

"Oh, by the way, I have to sign a project investment agreement this afternoon and I need a notary. Can you handle it by the way?"

"Okay, you can send me the information first."


In the afternoon of that day, Zhang Qing and Kang Chi formally signed an investment agreement. The agreement stipulated that the two would jointly invest in the establishment of Dahan Silicon Industry Co., Ltd.

Among them, Dahan Technology Co., Ltd. invested 60 million, accounting for 96% of the shares, and Zhang Qing invested 40 million, accounting for 4% of the shares.

As for Dahan Technology Co., Ltd., it is naturally a subsidiary that Kangchi has registered some time ago.

Dahan Silicon is a subsidiary of a subsidiary.

Referred to as Sun Company.

This is actually to separate the silicon wafer projects separately, and the Sun Company was specially established to facilitate Dahan Technology's business differentiation in the future.

Zhang Qing only found out about Kang Chi's flirtatious behavior after seeing the agreement, but she didn't have any objections to it.

The bigger Kang Chi stretches the frame, the greater his confidence and ambition, which is actually a shot in the arm for Zhang Qing.

The two protagonists acted calmly, but when the lawyer saw the contract and the operation, he was a little confused.

After repeatedly questioning Zhang Qing several times and getting informed and agreeable answers, he signed his name to the notary with full of doubts.

This was the first time in his legal career that he had seen such a strange and unequal investment agreement.

This caused him to look at Kang Chi a little strangely.


A little envious?

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