Technological breakthrough: everyone is a creator

Chapter 155 Comprehensive reform and new career system

A complete overhaul?

It seems that this "little national master" has been prepared for it!

However, it is completely understandable. Everyone knows that Tushan Tianhao is such a person who pursues efficiency.

Over the years, they have watched Tushan Tianhao deal with countless matters every day. Sometimes the laboratory reports data, sometimes the researcher encounters problems, sometimes a certain product needs to be tested, sometimes a certain technology needs to be improved...

Not only does Tushan Tianhao pay attention to efficiency, but the team he leads also inherits this efficient style of doing things.

Otherwise, the empire would not have been able to produce so many advanced new weapons so efficiently in the past few years, and it would not have been able to construct so many "microscopic transformation spiritual bases". It would also be impossible to achieve such a big breakthrough in this civilizational upgrade.

Every time Tu Shan Tianhao puts forward a proposal, he will let the representatives communicate and discuss it. If they have questions, they will be answered by Tu Shan Tianhao on the spot. If they need to be revised and improved, they will be revised on the spot.

Then, let the on-site representatives vote together. As long as more than half agree, the innovation proposal will immediately come into effect.

Any innovation may affect the interests of those with vested interests. It is impossible to implement innovation to the satisfaction of all people.

Therefore, Tushan Tianhao took advantage of the opportunity of changing the ruling class to put forward his reform plan in one fell swoop, and formed the final decision at this council, and it was open to all the people. If anyone wants to violate it in the future, he will have reason to deal with them. .

There were many proposals, involving various aspects. Tu Shan Tianhao proposed that the rulers of Kyushu World should have the concept of "advancing with the times" and that many systems of the empire should be adjusted and changed.

As soon as the first proposal came out, it caused a heated discussion.

"The Zhongxia Empire fully liberalizes the control of all aspects of information such as psychic training and the battlefields of the two realms"!

Tushan Tianhao first analyzed the pros and cons of various information controls implemented by the empire for thousands of years, and then put forward detailed arguments to show that based on the current situation of the human race, there is no need for such restrictions.

Except for some important and core secrets of the empire, all should be disclosed to the public without setting so many restrictions. Children, especially, should be exposed to various real psychic training information from an early age and grow up in a real environment.

Don't wait until you step onto the battlefield to realize that the human race has been fighting alien races for thousands of years.

Tushan Tianhao proposed that not only the Jiuzhou Spirit Network should be fully deregulated, but the empire's major official media should also establish news channels that broadcast various empire information to all people.

Let all the people know at any time the crisis facing the empire, know the tragedy of the battlefield on the front line, and know that countless soldiers are sacrificing their lives and blood for the peace of the rear...

Excessive control of information does not protect the people and benefit the people...

After a fierce debate on this proposal, the leaders at the meeting reached a consensus that from now on, the control of all information below Class C (including Class C) will be relaxed. Information above Class C still needs to have the corresponding national level before it can be queried... …

The second proposal also caused intense controversy.

"Canceling the 'Fire Project' and canceling the proposal to restrict people from the real world from entering the spiritual world"!

“To be honest, I feel that the ‘Top Thousand Teams Competition’ in recent years has been a bit too intense and has created a lot of disharmony within the Kyushu human race.”

Tu Shan Tianhao slowly elaborated his views on the rostrum.

"As more and more people in the spirit world are transformed into Gundam robots, the pressure on the living environment of the spirit world in Kyushu has been greatly reduced, and the battle damage replenishment on some spirit world battlefields has been unable to keep up."

"The battles on the battlefield in the spirit world are of great assistance to the cultivation of our people in the real world."

"The Kyushu True Realm and the Kyushu Spiritual Realm, the human race and people who both belong to the Zhongxia Empire, are one. There is no need to artificially divide them into two worlds and create all kinds of antagonistic and disharmonious states."

"The lips are dead and the teeth are cold. Neither of the two realms can be lost. Without the Jiuzhou spiritual world, the human race in the true world has lost the foundation of reincarnation and cannot go far in the true universe; without the true world of Kyushu, the human race in the spiritual world is like duckweed without roots. We can only survive in the vast spiritual world."

"Only by uniting as one can we develop together and overcome all difficulties..."

After a heated discussion, a consensus was reached to suspend the "Tinder Plan" and gradually release the conditions and numbers for people from the real world to enter the spirit world, allowing the Jiuzhou spirit world to have an adaptation process...

The third proposal is for the Imperial Government Council to establish several new agencies to refine the original government system, make the division of labor more scientific, and make responsibilities and powers clearer...


The fourth proposal is for the imperial official to join forces with various forces to report on various competitions, covering all people and all industries, and fully stimulating the motivation of all people to practice and professional advancement...


The fifth proposal is the professionalization of teachers.

The teaching profession has been verified through the teaching practices of "Eighteen Bachelors" who have led their respective teaching teams over the years in various parts of Kyushu. The teaching effect of professional and standardized teaching staff is significantly higher than that of amateur staff who take on the task of teaching.

Therefore, it is recommended to change from a pure mission model to a dual model that focuses on specialization and supplements mission personnel...


Sixth, abolish the national military service system and implement a professional military system.

Fierce controversy!

be opposed to!

be opposed to!

How does this work?

Will anyone still join the army?

Aren’t they all lazy?

“Let professionals do professional things!”

"Rather than letting people who are not good at fighting die in vain on the battlefield, it is better to let them play a greater role for the empire in appropriate positions."

"Instead of spending huge amounts of resources to provide pensions for a large number of low-level victims who are not good at fighting and play little role, it is better to improve the treatment of professional soldiers and increase the pensions of professional soldiers."

"Future wars will require more professional soldiers and more systematic and comprehensive logistics auxiliary arms."

"More people are also needed to create different values ​​in various fields to maintain the healthy operation of the entire empire."

"Everyone must change the view that war is about heaping human lives. Our human race's population base is too low and cannot withstand unnecessary consumption."

"Our human race suffers an average of hundreds of millions of war losses every year, so what if we take away the lives of one billion soldiers of the Zoaner clan?"

"For more than a thousand years, it has been deteriorating and struggling, and has often faced the crisis of genocide!"

“Everyone has different areas of expertise, and an unreasonable system that covers the entire population cannot stifle the possibility of creating more value for everyone.”

"Just like the more than a thousand people in our Lingzi Research Institute, even if they all rushed to the battlefield and rushed into the Zhanlu tribe's camp to blow themselves up and sacrifice themselves, they would take away the lives of tens of thousands of Zhanluo tribe soldiers at most, which would be insignificant in terms of the entire battlefield of the true world."

"But the atomic bombs, hydrogen bombs, and various new weapons we have researched and manufactured in the past few years can completely turn the tide of the war between our human race and the rooster race."

"Introduce a professional military system, significantly improve military benefits, encourage people to actively join the military after reaching the age of 17, and conduct professional military training to reduce combat losses..."

"As for everyone's worry about no one joining the army, I think that if a nation is facing the crisis of extinction and no one is willing to take the initiative to join the army, then there is no point in the existence of this nation."

"Of course, after canceling the national military service system, we can add a reserve military service system. Our Zhongxia Empire is originally a civilization where all people practice. Everyone starts learning to practice and fight from an early age. We can conduct military training regularly. Even if you don't join the army as an adult, You can also become a reserve, ready to go to the battlefield at any time..."

"Now the soldiers on both battlefields should be adjusted and streamlined to adapt to the new type of warfare after the introduction of new weapons..."

Hot discussion...

“Royal representatives support this proposal!”

The royal family in charge of the military was the first to take a stance.

"The Imperial General Military Headquarters supports this proposal!"


Seventh, professionalization of certain positions.

Since even the military has been professionalized, professional positions in many areas of the empire should also be professionalized.

First of all, Gundam robots are professionalized.

Various types of Gundam robots must also undergo professional assessments on a regular basis. Spirits that fail to meet the standards three times will be released from their contracts and return to the Kyushu spirit world...

People in the real world who want to become Gundam robots can also apply for the assessment.

The virtual game laboratory of the Lingzi Research Institute will soon launch several immersive simulation games to the public, including the world of Gundam Robots. People who like it can conduct various trainings in advance...

The Gundam robot group, which may reach a scale of one to two hundred billion in the future, must be systematically planned and managed.

The mecha laboratory of the Lingzi Research Institute has developed the first generation of mecha suitable for control by humans in the real world, but its power is not satisfactory and needs further optimization. If the three new technologies obtained by the National Master can be digested and absorbed, the performance of various mechas will be greatly improved.

Secondly, the professionalization of researchers.

Professionals in various fields of the empire should try their best to leave the combat profession and become full-time researchers, fighting part-time, except for research that requires finding inspiration in battle.

Lingyuan base builder, nuclear material refiner, missile head forger, chemical reagent synthesizer...

Hundreds of new professions are open to the people of Kyushu, each profession requires a large number of professionals, either research or production...

Hot discussion...


Eighth, improve and optimize the national welfare system.

Add a number of regulations on rewards and punishments, and implement a fair distribution system where more work, more gain, and no work, no gain...


Ninth, optimize and standardize the profit distribution of various industries in the empire...


10. Optimize and standardize private economic interests...

11. Compile a more detailed and complete "Zhongxia Code", which can be divided into "General Constitution Code", "Criminal Code...", "Civil Code...", "Shang Code..."...

12. Let go of entertainment...

Three days and three nights passed.

Hundreds of proposals, involving all aspects of the world of Kyushu, were put forward one by one by Tushan Tianhao. After continuous heated debate, discussion, research, revision and improvement by the leaders present, they were voted on one by one.

More than 200 billion people in the two circles of Kyushu also watched the entire voting process of the reform proposal through the official media's live broadcast on the Kyushu Spiritual Network.

This is the first time that people can see directly how various policies that are closely related to them are born.

What a novel experience!

Seeing the decisions being made to benefit the people one by one, the top 100,000 people on the scene voted to approve the decision, which will take effect immediately.

With every stimulating debate, the entire populace becomes excited.

Every time a new proposal comes into effect, the entire population cheers.

After three days and three nights, all the people recognized and admired Tushan Tianhao, the recognized "little national teacher" and the newly appointed dean of the Government Affairs Council, and were full of confidence in the new imperial ruling team headed by him. .

These proposals all solve long-standing problems in the empire!

Although I don’t quite understand the meaning of some proposals, I can all feel that they are beneficial to the country and the people.

For thousands of years, the people of the Zhongxia Empire have actually had no worries about food and clothing. The biggest problem is that their cultivation resources are somewhat insufficient, and they need to exchange for more cultivation materials through various jobs, joining the army or taking on tasks.

Therefore, for thousands of years, although all the people have practiced cultivation and everyone has super strong force, there has never been any peasant uprising or the like.

However, the people of the empire will still feel dissatisfied with many of the empire's policies, especially the control of information and entertainment, which has forced all people to become cultivation and work machines. Everyone's life seems boring and boring, with no goals or meaning in life.

This is also the main reason why the empire's development has become slower and slower over the past thousand years. The thinking of the entire people has been made more and more rigid and less energetic by various restrictive measures.

The main purpose of Tushan Tianhao's corresponding solutions to the various shortcomings of the Zhongxia Empire is to untie the various constraints on all people, emancipate their minds, and stimulate vitality.

Three days and three nights of discussing and voting on new proposals, plus the previous day and night of deliberation, four days of uninterrupted meetings. Although the participants are all saint-level practitioners, it doesn't matter if they don't eat or drink for three or two months, but mentally It is inevitable to feel a little tired, after all, the brain has to follow the meeting content and think accordingly.

Many of the people watching the live broadcast couldn't take a break before recovering and continuing to watch.

All the proposals were voted on, and Tushan Tianhao breathed a sigh of relief. Although many proposals had some modifications or additions, overall, they basically achieved his expected results.

After all the proposals were voted on, Tushan Tianhao thought about it and felt that he should give a passionate speech to inspire the people's fighting spirit, bring the conference to a successful end, and give the Zhongxia Empire a new beginning. It represents that the Zhongxia Empire has entered a new era.

What is a good speech?

Um! The introduction of so many new proposals at this meeting will definitely touch the interests of many old forces, so I gave a speech comparing the old and new ideas.

Let’s make some magical changes to “Young China Story” and bring it here! In my previous life, I often quoted the classic quotes from this article.

"Seniors attending the meeting and everyone watching the live broadcast, in the past few days, we have reviewed and summarized many shortcomings of the Zhongxia Empire in the past, and launched many new proposals to improve or solve the shortcomings..."

"Finally, I would like to dedicate this article to you, "The Story of Youth in Summer"!"

Tushan Tianhao took out the spiritual weapon brush and spiritual material paper from the space ring, blessed the spiritual energy, and "created" "The Story of Youth in Summer" on the spot.

Projection equipment on the podium displays content on a large screen.

Tu Shan Tianhao chanted passionately while writing. His writing speed was very fast, keeping pace with the chanting.

"Four Thousand Years of Zhongxia Empire, Boss Call?... There is a young Zhongxia in my heart!"

"You want to speak to the young and old of the country..."

"Those who caused today's boss Zhong Xia are the unjust karma of Zhong Xia's old age..."

"The wisdom of young people will lead to the wisdom of the country... If the young man is strong in the Milky Way, the country will be strong in the Milky Way; if the young man is strong in the universe, the country will be strong in the universe..."

"The red sun is rising... How beautiful is my young boy Zhongxia, who is as old as the sky! How magnificent is my young boy Zhongxia, who is boundless with the country!"

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Heaven and earth resonate!

Colorful light fills the Kyushu world.

The excerpted version of "The Legend of Summer in Youth" inspired everyone's excitement as soon as it came out...

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