Chapter 109 Chapter 109: "Soldier Sun Wu" goes berserk

"Ji Qinyue, don't show off your seniority. The purpose of convening everyone today is to discuss this newly emerged mutated disease. We are not ranking based on seniority. Don't judge heroes based on their age!"

For several hours, Minister Sun Changqing, who had been listening to the doctors' exchanges with several deputy ministers without interrupting, suddenly interrupted.

"Yes! Yes..."

A dozen other saint-level doctors who had just spoken in agreement with Ji Qinyue were so frightened that they quickly shut up and did not dare to say any more.

"Ah? Minister Sun! I'm not trying to show my qualifications, I just think that he, a medical layman, can't possibly come up with any good solutions, so there's no need to waste everyone's time."

Although Ji Qinyue, who is more than 2,000 years old, has high qualifications and reputation in the medical field, the people of Kyushu have practiced cultivation for thousands of years, and everyone's physical fitness is generally good. The chances of big bosses getting seriously ill and needing life-saving treatment from doctors are quite rare. Only The military needs a large number of healing doctors, and the general public needs mostly ordinary doctors. The status of famous medical experts and the like is completely incomparable to that of Tushan Tianhao's previous life in the 21st century.

Therefore, facing Minister Sun, the powerful boss of the empire's "Military Command", Ji Qinyue obviously did not dare to show off even though he was a holy doctor. He didn't expect that a military boss like Minister Sun would actually help this young man stand up, so he quickly lowered his voice and explained.

"Hmph! You keep saying 'medical laymen', but you so many 'medical experts' can't think of a solution for so long, why don't you allow others to think of a solution?"

As the leader of the "Military Command", Sun Changqing's bold decision is not easy. Since he has decided to support Tushan Tianhao, these holy doctors who have communicated for several hours still have not come up with an effective treatment plan but still want to show off. Naturally, he is no longer so good-tempered.

"Some news has not spread yet, but it probably won't be kept secret for two days. I will reveal it in advance to let you know."

"This new injury is no longer limited to the soldiers of this group of 'Exploration Fleet'. In the past few days, the front lines of various theaters have begun to add new soldiers with the same injury."

"This special injury to the soul can basically be determined to be caused by a powerful spiritual technique newly obtained by the Zhanzhan tribe. This is no longer just a matter of treating the current group of injured soldiers."

"The new spiritual technique of the zodiac tribe is aimed at the new mutant disease created by our race. If we cannot introduce effective treatment methods in time, our race's frontline may soon collapse. Once the 'boundary barrier' is lost, our race's frontline will collapse." It is very likely that the tragedy of three thousand years ago will repeat itself, or even worse."

"Huh! It's time like this. If you don't work together to find a solution to the problem, you are still here talking about seniority. I guess one or two of you still have a lot of so-called unique skills passed down from your ancestors, right?"

"No wonder our human race has been developing more and more slowly for hundreds of years. It's because our Zhongxia Empire has too many 'old-timers' like you in all fields and walks of life who follow the old tradition and rank based on seniority."

"You people think that our Jiuzhou world has become more and more stable in the past three thousand years. The 'spiritual battlefield' has accumulated 200 billion spiritual lives, and it launched a full-scale counterattack into the alien spiritual worlds hundreds of years ago; the 'true battlefield' has also The 'Kyushu Defense Ring' has steadily advanced to the 'Boundary Barrier', and you think that the human race has nothing to worry about, and that the crisis of our human race's extinction three thousand years ago was only caused by the incompetence of the human race's predecessors at that time."

"You people think that even if 100 million ordinary soldiers are sacrificed in the battlefield of the real world every year, it will not harm the Zhongxia Empire with a population of 20 billion. You all think that even if the soldiers are sacrificed, they can be resurrected in the Kyushu spiritual world. It doesn’t matter whether these hundreds of thousands of soldiers can be cured or not.”

"Hmph! Let me tell you, the crisis our human race is facing this time is far beyond your imagination. More news will be officially announced to the public in a while."

"You just discussed it for several hours. This one said how many methods were tried, and the other said how many tricks were used, but in the end it can be summed up in just four words - nothing can be done!"

"I, Sun Changqing, do not deny that you have made many contributions to the human race, nor do I deny your respective expertise and authority in the professional field."

"At other times, when you people are chasing fame and wealth and ranking based on seniority, I can still turn a blind eye. However, now that our human race is facing a critical moment of life and death, I, Sun Changqing, hope that you will put away those messy little thoughts in your hearts and work together. Let’s work together to overcome the difficulties.”

As the director of the "True Realm Battlefield Military Command" responsible for "counseling military affairs, formulating combat plans, and directing military operations" of the imperial military, Sun Changqing has been under unimaginable pressure these days.

If only hundreds of thousands of soldiers were injured, the huge battle damage base in the "True Realm Battlefield" would not be enough to attract such attention from the military bosses. Of course, there are more pressing reasons why so many military bosses came to inspect the frontline battlefield.

For several hours, I patiently listened to the senior doctors discussing treatment plans. The final result disappointed Minister Sun. Although he did not place his only hope on Tushan Tianhao because of this, as long as there was a glimmer of possibility, Minister Sun Just won't give up.

If this new soul-damaging disease can be solved in time, the pressure faced by the human race will be greatly reduced, and it can fully respond to greater crises.

Therefore, when Minister Sun saw that Ji Qinyue was the first to stand up and deny it after General Li introduced Tu Shan Tianhao, he couldn't hold back the anger in his heart and taught these saints a lesson with very rude words. One word from the doctor.

Ji Qinyue and a dozen other saint-level doctors never expected that Minister Sun Changqing of the "Military Command Department" would be so angry, and his words of lecture to everyone were not polite at all.

"Minister Sun, I'm serious, I'm serious. Just now, I, Ji Qinyue, had a narrow-minded mind and ignored the overall situation of our human race. Next, I will fully cooperate with this little brother to study the treatment plan, and there will never be any hidden secrets."

Although Ji Qinyue has a weird temper, how can someone who has been promoted to the Saint level and lived for more than two thousand years be a fool? One look at Minister Sun's attitude, and one can tell that this young genius who has long been heard about is in the eyes of the military bosses. The importance of the doctor is probably much greater than that of a pure holy doctor. It would be foolish to insist on it any further.

For thousands of years, people who don't know how to survive have been eliminated to the spiritual world of Kyushu, and maybe they have been reincarnated several times and lost the memory of the true world of Kyushu. Do you think that if all the people practice cultivation, all the people will live forever? Only a handful of outstanding people can be left in each era, and the vast majority of people will be naturally eliminated to the Jiuzhou spiritual world.

When a dozen other saint-level doctors saw that Minister Sun of the "Military Command Department" was so furious for this young man, they quickly expressed their stance that they would fully cooperate with Tu Shan Tianhao's discussions and exchanges.

hey-hey! This is the platform of the "Soldier Sun Wu" for a young man like me! Although this Minister Sun Changqing does not have the supreme status among military strategists like "Soldier Sun Wu" in his previous life, he is still a very high-ranking boss in this world of Kyushu. Tushan Tianhao also felt quite satisfied that he could support him so much when they met for the first time. honored.

With Minister Sun Changqing standing on the platform, the subsequent exchanges and discussions went smoothly. No matter what Tu Shan Tianhao asked, all the saint-level doctors would answer it carefully...

This exchange lasted another half hour.

"Seniors in the medical field, based on the information gathered from previous exchanges and the information obtained after in-depth discussions with you just now, I have summarized several key points in the treatment of this new disease. As long as these key points can be solved, There is absolutely hope that the soldiers’ illnesses will be cured.”

Although Minister Sun was on the platform, Tushan Tianhao always asked humbly for advice as a junior when communicating with other holy doctors.

Not to mention that these people were all medical masters admired by the world in their previous lives, but their countless achievements in treating diseases and saving lives in the world of Kyushu for hundreds of thousands of years were enough to make Tushan Tianhao respect them.

"The first problem is how to get rid of alien soul consciousness. Seniors can't get rid of it effectively using various existing spiritual techniques, but I heard senior Ji Qinyue said that he tried to get rid of it by playing and singing "Tai Sao". At first, he obtained It has a certain effect, just because the work "Tai Sao" has been circulated for more than two thousand years, and the deer tribe is already very familiar with this work. Many soldiers of the deer tribe are even more proficient in humming it than we humans, and the work embodies the charm of the song. The soul illusion has less and less influence on the souls of the Zhanzhan clan."

"According to Senior Ji Qinyue's analysis, this kind of ecstasy spiritual music that is incomprehensible to the deer tribe is the most suitable to get rid of alien souls. However, the two tribes have been at war for more than three thousand years, and each other knows each other's various abilities. Spiritual art, and you tried the newly created works, because there is not enough spiritual resonance accumulation, the impact on this high-grade spiritual art is very limited, and it is impossible to completely separate the alien souls."

"Furthermore, if the alien souls are not completely eliminated, even elixirs such as 'Soul Replenishing Liquid' and 'Soul Fixing Pill' cannot be used, otherwise the alien souls will be nourished together."

"The second problem is that after the alien soul is eliminated, the main soul can be comforted and stabilized. According to the experience analysis of seniors, while the alien soul is being eliminated, no matter what form of spiritual magic it is, it will still have an impact on the main soul. However, because the main soul is more closely integrated with the main body, the newly entering alien souls will be eliminated first."

"According to the analysis of the seniors, the spiritual technique to appease and stabilize the main soul must not be lower than the level of the spiritual removal technique. Otherwise, it may not be able to stabilize the main soul, causing the main soul to separate from the body, making the injured person unconscious. of vegetative state.”

"The third problem is that even if the main soul is calmed and stabilized, after the soul is injured, the consciousness of the main soul and the consciousness of the invading alien soul compete with each other for control of the body, which has led to confusion in the entire soul's thinking. Even if the alien soul is eliminated, , the main soul consciousness is also difficult to find on its own, and it also requires high-level related spiritual techniques to stimulate and awaken it."

"The three problems of expelling souls, reassuring souls, and summoning souls are interrelated and must be solved in a unified manner, otherwise it will not be completely cured. This is also the main reason why the seniors have been unable to achieve the desired therapeutic effect even though they have used various spiritual techniques."

"I wonder if the three main difficulties summarized by the juniors are correct? In addition to these three points, do the seniors think there are any other difficulties?"

"Yes, yes, yes, little brother, you summed it up so right. It's these three difficulties. We had so many people discussing them for a long time. It always seemed that this spiritual technique worked a little bit, but the other one didn't. Solving one of them wouldn't solve the other one. It's just that I know that I have tried all kinds of spiritual arts, and I have been messing around and can't figure it out. When my little brother summarized it like this, it became clear at once. Expelling the soul, reassuring the soul, and summoning the soul are the three difficulties, and the others are all It’s a small problem. I wonder if little brother has any ideas for solving it? If you need help from me, an old guy, please feel free to give me your instructions.”

After the half-hour exchange, Ji Qinyue no longer dared to underestimate this young man, because many of the questions raised by Tushan Tianhao were completely beyond his imagination, and many of them were things he had never thought about before. Why do patients talk nonsense? Is it an organic disease in the neural area responsible for language or is it a neurological split caused by a mental disorder...

I have been practicing medicine and treating diseases for more than two thousand years. Why do I feel like I can’t understand the medical terms spoken by this young man?

So after hearing the three difficulties summarized by Tu Shan Tianhao, Ji Qinyue quickly agreed and agreed, not just to show off to Minister Sun, but because he did feel a little impressed.

After hearing Ji Qinyue's words, more than a dozen other saint-level doctors also expressed their agreement with Tushan Tianhao's point of view.

"The junior has previously examined several soldiers through his own examination equipment. Based on the information exchanged by the senior medical professionals, the junior believes that the essence of this so-called 'alien soul consciousness' is also a kind of energy, a special kind of energy. Eroding the psychic energy that harms our human nervous system."

"The juniors saw through the detection equipment that this special psychic energy was constantly eroding and assimilating the brain tissue of the injured soldiers."

"This special spiritual energy has a strong corrosive and assimilation effect. I tested the brains of several soldiers and found that the various healing techniques performed by our doctors are actually effective, but they cannot be treated at once. The spiritual energy is removed, so it will be gradually eroded and assimilated in the process of resisting this special spiritual energy, which is also the reason why the efficacy of various spiritual techniques becomes weaker and weaker."

"Junior speculates that if the spiritual arts of the Zhanzu clan also have 'Tiandao Certification', the level of the spiritual arts they cast is at least equivalent to our 'Six Color Certification'. If it is performed by their saint-level generals, it will be more powerful than ours." The ninth-grade spiritual arts of the human race are all stronger."

"So the quality of this special spiritual energy is quite high. The various spiritual arts performed by our doctors can only temporarily alleviate the condition of the soldiers. Firstly, the level of spiritual arts does not have an overwhelming advantage. Secondly, the quality of the spiritual energy also matters. The quality of the spiritual spells performed by holy doctors is similar to this special spiritual energy, so the curative effect can be maintained for a longer period of time."

"Minister Sun, Admiral Li, based on the information we know now, I have some treatment ideas that I would like to try. Is it possible?"

Tushan Tianhao made a big talk, mainly to get the support of the military bosses. Otherwise, if they didn't agree, it would be impossible for him to treat his third uncle. After all, he was not a professional high-level doctor. He could only let the people in front of him Only when these military bosses recognize themselves can they have the opportunity to perform.

"Okay! No problem! Go ahead and give it a try. We will fully cooperate with you if you need anything."

Minister Sun stood up and made a direct decision.

"Brother Tianhao, I know you will not let us down. I believe you can create another miracle. How do you need us to cooperate? Tell me and I will arrange it immediately."

Admiral Li, who has dealt with Tushan Tianhao a lot in the past two years, knows that Tushan Tianhao is not a braggart and will not speak out easily about things he is not sure of.

Tushan Tianhao explained to General Li for a while, and General Li left the conference room to prepare related matters.

Tushan Tianhao called a group of saint-level doctors to explain that the next treatment would require the assistance of these top professionals to be more secure.

After explaining the relevant matters, while Admiral Li was doing the preparation work, Tushan Tianhao continued to think over and over in his mind the treatment plan he had drawn up...

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