Talk about the world of mortals in detail

Chapter 183 White Dragon Born in the Great Lake

It was evening at this moment, and Yi Shuyuan's figure melted into the wind, swimming close to the water. In his sight was the setting sun shining on the water, and there were fishing boats returning home from far and near.

According to the history books, only 60% of the water area of ​​Changfeng Lake is within the territory of Changfeng Mansion. The entire lake area is adjacent to one government and two states, which shows its vastness.

Nowadays, even if it is not restored to its previous level, Changfeng Lake is still very exaggerated, and it is difficult for Yi Shuyuan to see the edge at a glance.

I don’t know how many people now rely on water life for their meals.

Sometimes people's ability to adapt is very weak, and maybe just a little acclimatization can kill half of their lives.

But sometimes people are very adaptable. Four years ago, when many people understood that their fields could not be restored, many people broke down and cried. Nowadays, many people are not doing badly.

The wind transformed by Yi Shuyuan moved closer and closer to the lake, and his figure gradually appeared. He stretched out his hand to touch the water, causing waves of water splashes.

The next moment, Yi Shuyuan seemed to fall into the water from the wind, and his body was like a fish swimming against the water waves.

In the ripples of the setting sun, Yi Shuyuan did not walk against the water, but the water around him seemed to follow him.

Gradually, a slender white shadow appeared in the water flow.

The scales arise on the surface of the skin when they encounter water, and they must melt in front of the kiss and grow with the waves;

The eardrums of the eyes are shimmering with lake light, and the forehead is slightly bulging, as if there is a ruler tree gestating in it;

The limbs are close to the body and the five claws are spread out, and the body gradually grows into ragged clothes and a tail.

If someone looks down at Changfeng Lake from a high altitude, he will find a slender white dragon swimming in the water under the setting sun.

Sometimes it hovers in one place, sometimes it quickly passes through the bottom of some fishing boats.

The changes are not caused by pure magic, but are born in response to the Qi of the water, and are transformed by the white dragon!

After this transformation was completed, the white dragon transformed by Yi Shuyuan could not help but open his mouth and moan softly.

"hold head high--"

A clear dragon roar came from the lake, and the sound penetrated the lake and echoed everywhere, also reaching the sky.

In the evening sky, rain clouds gathered at this moment. There was no thunder or thunder. Just a moment later, a soft drizzle fell from the sky.

“Crash, la, la, la”

The rain was not heavy, but it slowly turned from drizzle to heavier, turning the entire Changfeng Lake into a haze.

At this moment, Hui Mian was running from the shore to the lake. When he saw it started to rain, he couldn't help but quicken his pace. He stepped on the water and jumped ten feet out, then jumped into the water and brought up a stream of water.

But when Hui Mian happily encountered the water and returned to the place where he left, he lay down on the patch of water plants and was suddenly shocked because the familiar figure was not there.

Sir is missing!

"Sir? Sir"

Hui Mian suddenly became anxious, where has Mr. gone? The gentleman's aura was invisible, and it didn't know what was going on for a while.

After searching in the nearby water for a long time, Hui Mian still couldn't find any trace of Yi Shuyuan.


Hui Mian shouted into the water. Except for bringing out some small bubbles, the sound spread far under the already darkened water.

After waiting in place for a long time, Hui Mian began to search everywhere under the water.

I have to say that Changfeng Lake is really big, and it seems to be endless under the water. Hui Mian has been looking for it for a long time and has reached a completely unfamiliar body of water, but there is still no trace of Yi Shuyuan.

Even the dark water suddenly made Hui Mian feel a little scary, so he hurriedly swam to the surface, and then his head broke out of the water.

At this moment, even the surface of the lake has darkened, there is rain everywhere, the sound of rain has drowned out all the noise, and there are no fishing boats on the water.


Hui Mian panicked and shouted in the direction of the water, but received no response except the sound of rain.


The sound of water made Hui Mian feel happy, and he quickly got back into the water, only to see a group of fish scurrying around.

"Are you looking at sir?"

Hui Mian muttered, feeling a little disappointed. Mr. Won't leave without waiting.

Is there any danger?

It’s impossible, sir, he’s so powerful!

At this moment, a depressing aura emerged around him, as if something terrible was approaching, making the little mink suspended under the water stiffen all of a sudden.

What does this feel like, this, this can't be

Hui Mian huddled there and restrained all his aura, pretending to be unconscious like a drowned animal, even floating back and forth with the current.

A long white beard floated with the water waves not far away from him. Hui Mian's heart was already in his throat with his eyelids squinting.

Dragon whiskers!

Gradually, a huge white shadow emerged in the surrounding waters, and Hui Mian could even feel a pair of terrifying dragon eyes looking at him.

Come and save me, sir!

Hui Mian shouted in his heart.

"The breath has been restrained well, but are you looking for the immortal cultivator in the lake?"

Bailong's voice was deep and clear, making it sound slightly neutral.

But Hui Mian didn't react when he heard the words, as if he were a dead mink, and even his heartbeat stopped.

"Hehehehe. That immortal cultivator has no one to protect him and has been eaten by me. I think you are full of energy, so it's time for a toothpaste ceremony."

As soon as he finished speaking, Long opened his mouth and swallowed Hui Mian.

Now Hui Mian can no longer pretend.


With a scream, Hui Mian Yu Shui ran quickly, screaming as he ran.

"I won't believe it. Just because you want to eat sir? I won't believe it. I don't believe it -"

But no matter how good Hui Mian was in water control, there was no way he could outrun the dragon in the water. Bai Ying was already behind Xiao Diao as soon as he moved.

However, in Hui Mian's despair, he found that he was not swallowed into the dragon's mouth. Instead, he was hit by the dragon's head and fell on its head. He was led by the white dragon and swam forward.

But Hui Mian couldn't feel anything but panic and chaos in his heart, and he couldn't be calm at all. He just screamed.

"Ah - ah - sir, come and save me -"

"Hehehehe, hahahahahaha."

Yi Shuyuan couldn't help laughing. He restrained himself at first, but then his laughter became louder and louder.

"Please stop running around!"

Hui Mian knew that Yi Shuyuan was at the key to his cultivation, but he didn't know the details of the White Dragon Transformation, so he was perfectly deceived by him.

Hearing this, the screams under the water stopped suddenly. Hui Mian, who was scared to death, finally reacted, with surprise on his face.

"Sir! Sir, you have become a white dragon!"

Then Hui Mian grabbed the white velvet on the dragon's neck and kept scratching at the dragon's scales with his claws.

"Sir, you just scared me to death. Let you scare me. Let you scare me."

After a flurry of venting, Hui Mian was also very excited. No mink can ride a dragon, right?

So a little mink who had experienced great sorrow and great joy became arrogant again when he stood on the head of the white dragon.

There are also some weak aquarium people coming to Changfeng Lake. When they meet Long Ying, they are all so frightened that they lie under the water and dare not move casually.

It's just that the white dragon seemed to have no extra thoughts at all, just swam by as if passing by, and then disappeared into the distance.

A dragon and a mink swam to a lake. Yi Shuyuan prepared his clothes again and moved with the dragon's body.

When Yi Shuyuan emerged from the water, he had transformed into a human body again, put on his clothes and walked onto the shore step by step.

The rain clearly fell on Yi Shuyuan, and even flowed down his long hair and clothes, but it did not soak his clothes.

Then the folding fan in his hand turned directly into an umbrella, and it was as if Yi Shuyuan had never been touched by water.

After just looking at himself, Yi Shuyuan couldn't help but sigh.

"Oh, what a mistake, I have to refine a robe!"

When he transformed into a white dragon, the clothes that Yi Shuyuan was wearing were torn apart by the dragon's body. Only his headband and boots survived.

According to this way of playing, if you change into many other identities in the future, no matter how many clothes you have, it won't be enough.

"When those dragons turned into human beings, they wore robes, right?"

"Yes, they are indeed, but there are also transformed monsters who use scales and feathers to transform into clothes."

Hui Mian thought for a moment and reminded him again.

"Then sir's cassock is not just a piece of clothing. It's best to be able to adapt to your changes. I think it will be much more convenient!"

"Indeed it is!"

Yi Shuyuan nodded and walked towards the shore step by step with Hui Mian.

"But changes cannot happen out of thin air. Everything must have a basis. At least I must be able to think of it first. All kinds of clothes must be seen in real form before they can change. Alas, why are you talking about this? Wait until you refine it. Let’s talk after you come out!”

When you get to Changfeng Lake, Changfeng Mansion City is already in front of you. Nowadays, many houses have been built beside the lake, and many fishing villages have even formed in the entire area around the lake.

On the waterside outside the southwest gate of Fucheng, some restaurants and pavilions were built, and some boats were moored.

In the rainy night, not many people were walking around outside, but some pavilions near Fucheng were very lively inside, with some people exchanging cups and cups and others chanting poems.

Yi Shuyuan looked at the busiest restaurant from a distance and couldn't help but read the name of the building with interest.

"Wanghu Tower?"

"Sir, don't you know? The original Wanghu Tower in the city has been renamed, and the owner of that building has built a taller new building outside the city. This time it is a veritable Wanghu Tower. ”

"Oh, he's a businessman."

Yi Shuyuan had no intention of going to Changfeng Mansion City. He did not need to see Chu Hang because he felt that Chu Hang was not at his home or in the city at all.

"Have you ever visited Chu Hang?"

Hearing Yi Shuyuan's question, Hui Mian shook his head.

"No, I have been hanging around the lake. He rarely comes to the lake. That is, before the exam last year, I took a boat tour in the lake with a few friends who came to visit him, and then went to Chengtian Mansion together. ”

It has been more than four years since the last general examination, so another general examination was held more than a year ago. I don’t know what happened during this period.

Yi Shuyuan smiled and walked towards Wanghu Tower with an umbrella. Coincidentally, there was an ox cart parked next to the building. The fisherman driving the cart was carrying fresh big fish with the waiters from the restaurant.

Those fishermen Yi Shuyuan looked very familiar at first glance. They were the father and son who had given him to the boat before.

While the three of them were carrying fish, they were chatting and laughing with the restaurant waiters. From time to time they heard exclamations, and they could vaguely hear people talking about the existence of gods in Changfeng Lake.

At this time, the waiter at the door of the restaurant saw someone holding an umbrella and immediately greeted him warmly.

"Hey, guest, please come in - did you ask for a table?"

Yi Shuyuan paused.

"Is it full?"

"Uh-huh, sir, we have an endless stream of guests here and there are no empty tables. If you are willing to share a table with others, there is still room. Look."

Yi Shuyuan smiled.

"I don't mind that."

"Hey, that's it. Sir, please come with me. There is still room on the third floor!"

It was late autumn at the moment, and the evening breeze by the lake seemed very cool. Inside the restaurant, business was booming. The temperature seemed to have risen a lot as soon as you entered, and all the waiters in the building were very busy.

Yi Shuyuan followed the waiter all the way up to the third floor. As the waiter said, there were almost no empty tables in the building.

In comparison, the third floor is quieter than the one below, and there seem to be more people dressed as Confucian scholars.

"Look, sir, it's over there, by the window."

As he said that, the waiter quickly walked to the east window, where a man ordered two plates of food and a bottle of wine, and drank by himself.

When the waiter came to the table, he saw rain swept in by the wind and wet half of the table, so he subconsciously wanted to close the window.

"Don't shut it down!"

"Sir, I will only close one door. There are guests coming over to share the table!"

The floor clerk explained it with a smile.

Wanghulou's business has been really booming in the past two years. If it's during the peak dining period and you don't have any status background, you will definitely be asked about sharing a table if you occupy a table alone.

Most of the visitors will choose to be accommodating, but for a few who are more arrogant, the store will not refuse to let them in and let them have it all to themselves.

Hearing the waiter's words, the guest who originally occupied the table looked in the direction of the waiter's finger and saw a man wearing a dark straight robe walking towards him.

The visitor was only tied up in a bun with a hairband, and most of her long gray hair fell on her shoulders. She seemed unkempt, but her demeanor was not disrespectful at all.

"If you don't mind, just sit here!"

Yi Shuyuan nodded, sat down directly opposite the man, and then looked at the guy aside.

"Boy, what are your specialty dishes?"

"Yes, there are so many. The most indispensable ones are the fairy chicken, roasted duck, stewed goose soup, and simmered lotus root soup. They are the delicacies from our Changfeng Lake. The delicious taste is a local specialty!"

Hui Mian pulled Yi Shuyuan's hair by his ear.

"Sir, I want to eat them all!"

Yi Shuyuan could even hear Hui Mian swallowing.

"Take some of them all!"

"Okay, all... uh, guest, I can't hear you clearly because of my hearing loss. What kind of food do you want?"

Yi Shuyuan glanced at the person opposite who also looked shocked, and solemnly repeated it to the waiter.

"I said, serve all these dishes!"

The waiter subconsciously looked at Yi Shuyuan again before he hurriedly responded.

"Uh-huh, okay, sir, wait a moment, I'm going to talk to the chef right now."

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