Talk about the world of mortals in detail

Chapter 135 The sky is like a sword

No matter what the situation is, it means that the stuff in the water is not a good thing.

At this moment, there is more than just one big fish underwater, there are even many slightly twisted water ghosts.

These water ghosts are different from the ones wandering in the river just now. Instead, they surround the big fish in the middle with obvious purpose. They are obviously in a group.

The moment they saw a huge wave pushing the boat away, the shadows in the water immediately focused on Yi Shuyuan's boat.

Several ghost figures immediately swam towards the big ship, swimming around the bottom and around the ship, making ripples on the water surface in the heavy rain.

A fish tentacle was thrown out of the water from the river not far away, like a black fishing rod rising and falling on the water, like a superior person watching.

But soon, both the ghost and the big fish found that the koi was not there.

At this time, the monster in the water seemed to have realized something, and turned its attention to the boat. A man holding a folding fan was standing in the rain looking at the water.

Yi Shuyuan unfolded the folding fan at his side and squinted at the largest shadow in the water.

A vague aura, invisible to ordinary people, spread out from the ship where Yi Shuyuan was located.

But let alone ordinary people, even if Yi Shuyuan did not deliberately restrain himself at this moment, the monsters and ghosts in the water could not see the aura around Yi Shuyuan, but there was an instinctive sense of oppression that made them subconsciously move away from the boat. .

A vague breath spewed out from the gourd above the mast, and the breath rose to the sky in a twist, like an invisible cloud whipping against the clouds.


The sound sounded like thunder but not thunder. The clouds in the sky dissipated a lot at this moment, and the rain also became much lighter at this moment.

The rain hasn't stopped yet, and a ray of sunshine has already fallen from the break in the clouds, shining on the surface of the Kaiyang Canal.

In the middle of the river, a layer of golden light floated with the water waves.

"evil creature."

Yi Shuyuan's lips were slightly opened, and a low and soft sound came from his mouth. It was not clear to ordinary people, but the monster in the water seemed to be ringing in his ears.

In the light rain, the light spots on the water surface where the sun originally fell actually seemed to flow in the waves, and a sharp edge stimulated the water.

This feeling is as if someone is gently brushing the surface of the body with a sharp tip. It has not hurt oneself, but it has already made people feel a sense of fear.

A big catfish in the water looked at the man beside the boat through the swaying water curtain, and then felt a dazzling light dazzling through the fluctuations.

"Woo" "Woo."

Wherever the light passed, several water ghosts covered in black energy around them melted and disintegrated, and those with more sinister energy could only let out a scream, just like the scorching sun melting ice and snow.

There was a burst of bubbles churning under the water, which were the sounds of dead ghosts. The catfish felt a sense of fear. Although it was huge, it was extremely flexible in the water.

With a violent flick of its tail, the catfish spirit swam a long distance away, and even walked directly through the water. In an instant, it had penetrated hundreds of feet and swam backwards quickly to escape.

The rain stopped in the sky, and more and more clouds dissipated. The range of sunlight on the river continued to extend, and the sharp sense of crisis in the hearts of the underwater monsters also continued to extend.

At this moment, the sunlight on the water is spreading, and the monsters in the water are running away from the light as if crazy. Behind them, I can hear the wailing of the ghosts before they dissipate.

The sun is chasing me!

No, there is a murderous intention chasing me in the sunshine!

At this moment, the catfish spirit seemed to recall a distant memory, a time when it was just a catfish when a man held a knife.

But no matter how fast the water control is, it can't dissipate faster than the clouds.

"What a sacred place, this is the domain of the Kaiyang Water God."

A whistling sound under the water approached quickly with a strong gloomy ghostly aura. That sound echoed in the water, and to ordinary people's ears it was like a weird wind whistle.

At this moment, the sun shines here.


There was a violent vibration under the water, and countless bubbles rose up.

The entire water area illuminated by the sun seemed to have turned into boiling oil, and the black air and the demon body of the catfish spirit seemed to have just entered a cold water filled with boiling oil.

A large amount of black air twisted, split, and disappeared directly under the sunlight penetrating the water.

But at this moment, the entangled and twisted black aura also combined with the power of water control, taking the catfish spirit with it, and fled away at a speed that was not like the speed in the water.

It wasn't until even the boats in that area of ​​water had gone from being small to invisible that the sense of crisis gradually subsided.

At this moment, the clouds in the sky have completely dissipated.

The sun has covered the surface of the river, but it is obvious that ordinary sunlight is not too dangerous, which also makes Yasha and Catfish, who are moving slower, feel relieved.

"My beard!"

It was too scary just now, but now the catfish spirit suddenly felt pain, but found that a beard on his left side had disappeared.

It's so suspenseful. If I had been slower, I might have lost more than just my beard.

In the black mist in the water, a man appeared. His hair was like water grass, his face was pale and black, he was wearing fish scale armor with exposed arms, and he was holding a two-pronged steel fork in his hand.

The man looked back at the direction he had just escaped, and then looked at the big catfish next to him with a broken long beard.

"What's going on?"

The big catfish finally calmed down and looked at Yasha in front of him.

"You have to help me get the place back. This man took action without any explanation. I have never suffered such a loss in Kaiyang Waters! It will take many years for my beard to grow back!"

"Did you find that carp?"

Da Yasha asked with a gloomy face, and the big catfish swayed slightly in the water.

"Not the red carp, but a man standing on a boat holding a fan!"

"I said it's impossible for that carp not to use such means before!"

Da Yaksha said, looking at the big catfish next to him with an even colder expression.

"Why provoke such a person to cause trouble? This is obviously an immortal! The sharpness just now was so weird, invisible and invisible, it hurt my heart. I don't dare to touch it. If you take one step slower, you will be a dead fish. "

When he said this, Da Yaksha couldn't help but look at his waist badge. If it weren't for the Water God's Order, which allowed them to come and go freely on the Kaiyang Grand Canal, it would not have been so easy to escape just now.

"No matter how powerful he is, he still lives in the waters of Kaiyang, right? My godfather is the God of Kaiyang Water. My godfather has the final say here. He attacks me without asking any questions. Doesn't he even look down on the water god who is the orthodox king of heaven and earth? ?”

The catfish spirit was filled with resentment at the moment, but she was also very frightened when she thought about it just now. Feeling that the fish face was missing a beard, she didn't even dare to say harsh words.

"They may not know this. What did you just do? To tell the truth, if the other party is really angry, you can only go to Lord Water God to take shelter first!"

"Ah? Can't you stop him?"

When the catfish spirit heard Da Yasha's words, the water around him started to float, and he obviously had plans to run away.

Da Yaksha shook his head.

"It's not that I can't stop it, it's that I don't know how to stop it. I've encountered too few immortal magic."

Da Yaksha, who was usually as gloomy as a ghost, could not help but feel a little scared when he spoke at this moment. The feeling just now was almost like the feeling of being an ordinary ghost when being illuminated by the light of the sky, or even worse.

A catfish spirit and a big yaksha all suddenly remembered the fear they had when they were weak.

"Tell me quickly, why did he take action?"

Da Yaksha asked. Although Catfish Spirit was the godson of the Water God, he was obviously still afraid of this Yaksha. After hesitation, he hesitated and told the truth.

"I just wanted to see if the carp spirit was nearby. I always felt like I could smell her fragrance, and I just wanted to capsize a boat."

After the catfish spirit explained the cause and effect clearly, Da Yasha breathed a sigh of relief.

"Fortunately, no one died. Speaking of which, my virtual ghost shadow seemed to have been destroyed by thunder last night."

"The situation just now can be said to be a misunderstanding."


In the distant water area where the incident occurred, the big ship over there has taken control of the hull, but the people on the small boat are still in shock.

But the rain stopped and the clouds dispersed.

The sun appeared, from weak to obvious, and its light fell on the surrounding ships, bringing some warmth and stability to the people who had just been frightened.

A wisp of invisible breath returned to the wine gourd. At this moment, the gourd was still absorbing the fire energy of the sky.

Yi Shuyuan frowned and looked in the direction where the aura was going. How could this guy run so fast underwater?

I’m afraid it’s because of the river god’s ability to control water, or maybe I still don’t understand enough about water control?

Or could it be that the Kaiyang Water God has been staring at this area?

While Yi Shuyuan was thinking, everyone on the boat became active.

"The rain has stopped?" "I thought it was going to rain for a long time!"

"It was really hanging back there just now!" "Yeah, we almost hit it."

"It's okay, okay, otherwise it would be difficult to save people on such a heavy rainy day, and I don't know how many people would sink to the bottom of the river."

The boatmen on the ship said so, and Old Meng also came to Yi Shuyuan's side.

"Mr. Yi, you must have seen it just now. If we collided with it, I'm afraid several lives would have been lost."

"Yeah, luckily it's okay!"

As Yi Shuyuan said this, he looked towards the warehouse, where Yang Bencai had already appeared.

"I'm going to get busy. Sir, please help yourself. It's best not to get too close to the boat. There are undercurrents under the water in some places. Maybe you can't control the boat for no reason like just now, and it's easy to knock people over."

"Okay, I'll pay attention."

Yi Shuyuan responded. Now that the rain had stopped, he walked back to the bow of the ship.

Old Man Meng nodded. He was a little afraid that Yi Shuyuan would fall into the river. After all, he was too close to the boat.


Old Man Meng, who had just turned his head to go to the stern of the ship, looked back at Yi Shuyuan's back. Mr. Yi's clothes were undulating slightly in the wind, and he was already standing on the bow of the ship to watch the scenery.

Why don't your clothes seem to be wet at all?

Old Man Meng thought about it again and felt that Yi Shuyuan was standing under the eaves of the warehouse before, but he only raised his head when he heard the exclamations from the waterway behind, and he didn't get much rain.

Although he was thinking this, Old Man Meng still turned around after a few steps, glanced at Yi Shuyuan a few more times, and then looked up at the sky.

I have been running boats for decades, I have seen all kinds of people, and I have experienced a lot of strange things on the water. The thing just now had an unusual smell.

At the bow of the ship, Yi Shuyuan leaned on the railing of the ship and looked thoughtfully at the water around him.

"Sir, I thought you were going to kill the fish in the water."

Yi Shuyuan glanced at Hui Mian who had his head sticking out of his collar.

"Although I haven't mastered my sword yet, I originally wanted to give it a try. However, it is the godson of Kaiyang Water God after all. I wanted to severely damage its origin first, but I didn't expect that its ability to control water is so good. Then The black mist should be the Great Yaksha."

"Maybe I should try the orthodox method?"

Hui Mian scratched his head with his claws, wondering what Yi Shuyuan's orthodox method was.

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