Talk about the world of mortals in detail

Chapter 131 Changes in the Water

After the ship left the harbor, the sails were lowered and the ship moved smoothly along the canal.

Yi Shuyuan had been watching the excitement on the deck for a long time, and other passengers started to come out of the cabin one after another.

The scholar who was rushing to take the exam yawned and stretched out on the deck. Although Yi Shuyuan was not a candidate, he was still well-educated, so he naturally walked to Yi Shuyuan's side.

"Hey, these boatmen, their voices are so loud early in the morning, yo! There are so many boats! There are thousands of sails passing through the border, just like thousands of candidates going to Beijing to take the exam, there is always someone who can sail ahead!"

Yi Shuyuan lay on the edge of the fence and looked at the scenery on the water near and far. There were some boats leaving the canal at this moment, and many more boats came from the river behind. The boats of different sizes looked quite spectacular.

After hearing Yang Bencai's words, Yi Shuyuan turned back to look at him.

"Good ambition."

Yi Shuyuan replied casually and looked up at the top of the mast. His gourd had already been placed on top, absorbing the power of the sun and remaining motionless as the ship swayed.

Yang Bencai also looked in the direction Yi Shuyuan was looking. He found nothing but the mast and sails, so he turned his attention to Yi Shuyuan again.

Yesterday, the cabin was dark, and everyone was settling down and tidying up, so there was no time to take a closer look and chat. When I took a look, I found that the person in front of me was clearly described as handsome and good-looking, but his hair was actually gray.

"Uh, Brother Yi, are you going to Chengtian Mansion too?"

"That's right. Is this your first time going to Beijing to take the exam?"

Yi Shuyuan looked at Yang Bencai. This man looked high-spirited, but in fact, although there was a certain aura on his head, it was not conspicuous.

"Exactly, this time I go to Beijing, I will definitely make a splash!"

Yes, you are full of confidence. For example, Chu Hang has been trying for a long time, but now he has become a veteran and only knows about traveling all day long, but this must be allowed by his family's conditions.

Afterwards, the two of them chatted for a while, and other passengers in the cabin also came out to get some air, and there were even children playing on the deck.

Going with the wind, the ship's sailing speed is naturally not slow, but the speed of each ship is different, so the distance gradually widens, and the surrounding ships also become fewer and fewer as they sail.

It's just that the waves in the water seemed to have become a bit bigger unknowingly, and even this boat, which was not small in the river, was shaking a bit.

The wave ahead is wrong!

Just when Yi Shuyuan realized something, changes had already occurred.


With a roar, the ship suddenly shook violently, as if it hit something.

"Ouch." "Ah"

Many people on the deck were shaken unsteadily, and some even fell down directly. Yi Shuyuan, with quick eyes and quick hands, took one step more than ten feet away from the original place, and single-handedly lifted a child who was almost falling out of the guardrail. Catch it.

Yang Bencai also fell down on the deck at this moment. He didn't see Yi Shuyuan's movements. When he looked up, he was just surprised that the other party had run so far all of a sudden.

"Thank you, thank you sir!"

The child's mother climbed up from the deck and quickly hugged the child to thank her.

"No! Watch the child!"

After Yi Shuyuan said this, he turned sideways and looked towards the waterline of the ship. Some of the boatmen on the ship were also shouting and asking each other.

"What's going on?" "What's going on?"

"Did you hit something?"

"I can't see clearly, the boat is still moving!"

The big ship is only shaking slightly now and continues to sail along its original channel.


Not far behind the stern of the boat, a splash of water suddenly exploded on the river, attracting everyone to look at it, and Yi Shuyuan was no exception.

The waves in the nearby waters began to grow larger and seemed to intensify.


Just like the waves hitting the rocks, a huge wave hit the side of the ship, even causing a lot of water splash on the deck, and the ship shook violently.

"Ahhh." "Ouch!"

"Go inside the cabin quickly—"

"Let's go!" "Go in quickly!"

Amid the shouts of the boatman, the passengers seemed panicked and were shaken to the point of being unsteady, but they still went to the cabin one after another.

The boatmen, on the other hand, were frightened and uncertain, and each of them stuck to their posts.

"Bang" "bang la la la."

The water in the river was surging, and there were other boats around that were also swaying in the waves. The exclamations and screams of the people above could be heard from a distance.

But the wind this time was obviously not violent. No matter how violent the wind was, this was a river, not a sea, so the waves were exaggerated.

Yi Shuyuan's eyes were fixed on the water, or under the water.

Others didn't see anything clearly, but Yi Shuyuan was paying attention and could vaguely see two huge shadows fighting each other deep under the water.

The water depth of the canal is far beyond that of ordinary natural rivers. Yi Shuyuan does not know how deep this section is. He only knows that the average depth is several feet. It is not surprising that such a stirring method in the water would cause huge waves.


Another splash of water exploded directly on the surface of the water, making the entire river look turbid.


In Yi Shuyuan's ears, a low hum sounded under the water, while others on the boat heard ringing in their ears.

Hui Mian tensed his body and lay on Yi Shuyuan's shoulder. There were monsters fighting in the water, but they were not obvious because they were blocked by the river surface.


"Take a look and then talk!"

After about half a quarter of a tense moment, the water surface of the canal began to calm down.

After the ship sailed some distance away from the area just now, the boatmen began to get busy, checking whether the ship was damaged. Some people even took off their clothes and went into the water to look at the bottom of the ship.

Nothing could be seen inside the boat, and there was no water seepage. Then the person who entered the water was pulled up, and Yi Shuyuan also came over with the boatman.

"Quick, blanket, ginger soup!"

The man who got into the water shivered and put on a blanket and took the ginger soup. He took a sip and stabilized himself before speaking.

"Hey, there was a mark underneath, but it seems to be nothing, just some rough edges."

"Did you hit some rocks?" "How could there be rocks under the canal?"


"Then what happened to the strange wave just now?"

"Maybe the river god is angry."

The people on the boat soon became secretive, and the old man representing the boat owner bowed frequently to the river and stuffed some wine and rice into it.

Yi Shuyuan listened to the discussion of the boatmen, watched the actions of the shipowner, and looked thoughtfully at the river behind him that had already passed.

Fortunately, nothing strange happened in the next half day of sailing, and the people on the boat gradually settled down.

In the evening, the boats were moored along the canal.

There were already boatmen taking out the fishing nets on the deck. Several boatmen ran to a position on the bow of the ship. Someone pointed to a small inlet on the shore.

"There must be fish in this small inlet, just cast the net here!"

"Okay, look at my -"

A boatman fiddled with the fishing net, then threw it hard towards the inlet over there. The net opened in the air and then fell into the water. After waiting for a while, he pulled it back.

"Oh! There's a lot of movement!" "Help!"

"Pull together and pull together!"

Several boatmen became excited, and people around them came over to watch.

"Hey, if you want to buy fish, prepare some money. The fish in the Grand Canal is so fresh!"

A boatman shouted, and as the fishing net was pulled up, Yi Shuyuan noticed that there seemed to be a different color in it.

"Hahaha! There are a lot of fish!"

The recovered fishing nets were spread out on the deck. There were aquatic plants and debris inside, as well as several large fish, a bunch of small miscellaneous fish, and even some shrimps and crabs.

"Hey! There's a golden one!" "Oh, there really is one!"

A boatman peeled away the water plants and found a golden-red fish covered underneath, a carp weighing two to three kilograms.

"Drive it, drive it, give it to me!"

The gambler boatman was obviously one of the more ferocious and arrogant among the boatmen, and he also had more say. He went over and grabbed the golden carp and hooked the fish's gills with his fingers.

"Oh, this kind of fish is rare. If you can eat it, the custodian will have good luck, and those who do business will be able to make a lot of money. Especially those who go to Beijing to take the exam, they will definitely be able to go to high school——"

The boatman shouted, and many people gathered here, and his eyes were mainly on a few well-dressed people, as well as Yi Shuyuan and Yang Bencai.

"This one is called koi, which means a bright future. It's very rare. Does anyone want to buy it?"

Yi Shuyuan frowned and looked at the golden-red carp. It seemed to be just an ordinary red carp with no evil aura about it. Even his eyes and sense of smell could not tell anything unusual.

However, the fish seemed to be struggling to open and close its mouth in the hands of the boatman, but it did not struggle or move at all.

"Can I be named on the gold medal list after eating this?"

Yang Bencai asked curiously in the crowd, and the boatman immediately became excited.

"That's natural. Someone also got one that year, and it seemed like he got second place!"

"How much?"

The boatman looked at Yang Benzai, and then at Yi Shuyuan on the side. In terms of demeanor, he should be richer.

"Uh, two taels of silver!"

"A fish is so expensive!" "You are so big as a lion, how dare you ask for two taels of silver?"

Yang Bencai hesitated for a moment and was about to speak when Yi Shuyuan spoke.

"Two ounces is two ounces."

The boatman was delighted, his face changed and he waved his hands.

"No, no, no, I made a mistake just now. For three taels of silver, you can't catch this fish just because you want to!"

"Hey, if I ask for three taels and you raise the price to four or five taels, wouldn't it be endless?"

Yi Shuyuan sneered and seemed to be planning to leave. The boatman quickly took a few steps forward.

"Don't go, don't go. Three taels, just three taels, the price will never go up!"

"I want three taels, I want them first!"

Yang Bencai quickly took out his money bag, and the boatman did not hesitate. He smiled at Yi Shuyuan and then turned to look at Yang Bencai.

"Okay, then sell it to this young master! Do you want me to help you scrape the scales and remove the dirt? Just give me twenty cents!"

It is obviously not the first time that fish is sold on the boat, and even the small scale is ready.

While paying, Yang Bencai took the carp that had its gills pierced with a straw rope and waved his hand.

"No need, no need!"

"Borrowing a stove also costs money for firewood!"

Yang Bencai stopped talking and walked toward the cabin with the fish in hand.

"There are also some big fish here, which are quite cheap. They cost twenty cents a pound. Who wants them?"

The boatmen shouted again, but Yi Shuyuan had already followed Yang Benzai quickly.

"Brother Yang, you don't really believe that eating koi can bring you a bright future, do you?"

Yang Bencai carried the carp to his book box and answered Yi Shuyuan.

"Brother Yi, why are you arguing with me if you don't rush for the exam? For this kind of thing, if it's just a chance, I'd rather believe it. What if you're so unlucky?"

"Brother Yang, have you ever thought that even if you really have a bright future, you should be free?"

"Release animals? There are three taels of silver!"

Yang Bencai had already returned to his bed and took out a knife from the book box. It seemed that he was planning to perform a dissection and remove the scales himself.

When Yi Shuyuan saw him taking out another small pot from the bookcase, he couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth.

Seeing Yang Bencai carrying the fish and tools towards the stern of the boat, Yi Shuyuan couldn't help but grinned and asked as he followed.

"As the saying goes, a gentleman stays far away from the kitchen. Brother Yang, you are too complete."

Yang Bencai glanced at Yi Shuyuan who was following him.

"To put it bluntly, all the money I spent on going to Beijing to take the exam was spent on the knife edge, and I could stay in hotels and have banquets everywhere? I naturally have to cook when I have the opportunity. There are some places where there are no shops in front of the village, and people who come here to eat and sleep in the open air, can Don’t have any cooking skills?”

Damn, that makes sense!

I couldn't tell it before. This is not a completely pedantic scholar, but he is so superstitious about things that can increase the success rate of the imperial examination.

Yi Shuyuan stopped talking. He wanted to see how Yang Bencai, an ordinary person, could cut open this fish.

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