Lin Yu and others had no choice but to tell a white lie.

But when facing the mayor,

They told the truth.

The mayor's face turned pale with fright.

All I had to do was kneel down and ask Lin Yu and the others to help solve this problem.

Please help us, I know this is a bit difficult, and there is nothing we can do.

Lin Yu quickly helped the mayor up.

We'll go check it out in two days. If there are still so many monsters after 820 a few days later, we alone can't do anything.

Okay, okay, we'll wait.

Mayor, may I ask how Honda Gangxiong's funeral is going?

Huh? Oh, thank you for your concern. Gang Xiong's funeral has been taken care of and he has been buried safely.

That's good. By the way, Mayor, do you have any masters here who can catch monsters?

There are too many demons and ghosts there, and we need more people to join our team, except for those demons that cause harm to the world.

Yes, yes, there is a city in front of you, and there are demon slayers from the Abe family guarding it.

Is it far there?

At least (acda) it's three days' journey

Lin Yu learned that there was a demon slayer in this place, and he belonged to the Abe family.

He decided to cooperate with them and get rid of these evil spirits together.

After a few people rested for a day, they decided to go to Fucheng.

On the day they left, the whole town came to see them off.

Only the mayor looked worried.

Lin Yu, who understood that the mayor was worried that they would not come back, comforted him,

Mayor, don't worry, the talismans we left behind will be distributed to the villagers.

Even if we can’t come back for the time being, you will be fine, we will come back as soon as possible, don’t you still believe us?”

The mayor put down his snack slightly.

Take care along the way

The group of people embarked on the road to Fucheng,

Stepping into the deep mountains again,

Lan Ka said with a bit of a crow's mouth,

This time, I won't encounter any monsters and monsters. I won't be so unlucky.

Bai Ye gave Lan Ka an elbow,

Shut up, why didn't you eat to death?


In this way, the group of people walked around noisily.

You look so ugly. Why do you have the nerve to appear in front of people when you are so ugly?

You are such a loser, why do you still have the nerve to follow your companions? Is it because you are too thick-skinned, hehehehe?

Lan Ka's whole body turned gloomy.

Lin Yu noticed Lan Ka's emotional problems.


What’s wrong with you

Lan Ka raised his head blankly,

Tell me, am I terrible?

Ah, what's wrong? Why do you suddenly think like this?

Huh? Aren't you just saying that I'm ugly and useless?

Lan Ka was a little depressed.

Ugly? Trash? We never said these words, we didn't even open our mouths.

Ah, then, who said that about me?

Lan Ka was stunned, and then a wave of anger surged into his heart.

I just said that I am so good, how can I be ugly and useless? People who say that I am useless and ugly must be blind.

Looking at the suddenly angry Lan Ka,

Others looked at him with sick eyes,

Zhang Sanyi revealed the true meaning.

Hey, needless to say, looking at him like this, he must be in trouble again.

Are you on the road again?

Hahahaha, this is so ridiculous to me. Why are you just staring at you, Lan Ka, you look like Tang Monk?

Bai Ye explained at this time,

Lan Ka, you must be thinking of Jue. This Jue is the monster in the mountains that confuses people.

But I don’t have any bad intentions, I just like to play pranks and hit people, but you just happened to be targeted.”

Lan Ka wailed,

Why is it always me?

Another round of jeers followed.

In order to prevent something like this from happening again, Lan Ka

The whole body is covered with talismans and seals to ensure safety.

while walking,

Hiss hiss

Lin Yu heard the sound of the snake sticking out its tongue and reminded everyone,

Everyone, be careful. There are snakes. Be careful not to be bitten by venomous snakes.

Everyone continued to move forward,

Suddenly, Lin Yu stood still.

And he also motioned for everyone to stop with his hands,

What's wrong

Lin Yu put his index finger on his lips and made a shush gesture.

The others were not disturbing him, but were silently on guard.

Lin Yu tilted his ears and listened to the sound,

He vaguely heard the sound of scales rubbing and entwining on the branches,

And the friction sound that can be heard,

It can only explain one thing,

That's because this species is huge,

Only large creatures can make such distinct sounds.

Lin Yu suddenly became more vigilant.

535 In danger on the way to town

The neighing sound of snakes could be heard clearly in the quiet forest.

Several people stood back to back and vigilantly observed the surrounding environment.


Wang Wu pointed at a tree and shouted,

Several people looked in the direction of Wang Wu's finger.

There was a giant snake sitting on that tree.

The pattern on the snake's scales is similar to that of a tree

His head stood upright, spitting out snake messages,

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