Wentian said from the side: Maybe she is busy. I heard Li Nian say that her father asked her to work in his company.

Heilong showed an envious expression: It's great to have a rich father.

Speaking of money, Lin Yu remembered something.

I have a debt that I haven't gotten back, but I have nothing to do anyway. Can you come with me?


Black Dragon reacted quickly: What are those called Zhao Yuan and Huang Youyou? They haven't paid you back yet?

Lin Yu sneered: If I don't come to the door, will they take the initiative to return it?

Black Dragon suddenly became angry and said: It is only right to pay back debts.

I heard Sun Ze say that they are also from Jiangcheng.

Including Zhao Yuan and Huang Youyou.

Lin Yu didn't have the contact information of those two people, so he simply called Sun Ze.

Upon hearing that he was coming to ask for money, Sun Ze immediately decided to take them to Zhao Yuan.

After the meeting, Lin Yu learned about the situation of Zhao Yuan and Huang Youyou from Sun Ze.

To say that Huang Youyou does have two skills, after the previous rich second generation collapsed, he quickly found another rich second generation. Although he was a bit older, he was willing to give money.

Huang Youyou is very good at coaxing men. She coaxed the rich second generation to buy her a car and a house, which ruined her outlook on life.

Huang Youyou asked Zhao Yuan to pretend to be her cousin, and asked Zhao Yuan to move to the house bought for her by the rich second generation, and the three of them lived together.

This was not the case last time when they were captured by Yewei Tomb. After returning, Huang Youyou fell seriously ill. After she recovered, she didn't know what to think and fell out with Zhao Yuan.

The two completely fell out, and Zhao Yuan publicized his relationship with Huang Youyou everywhere.

It stands to reason that the old rich second generation knew that it was time to dump Huang Youyou, but who knows that he didn't.

Anyway, Huang Youyou is living very comfortably now. The last time I saw her, she was wearing a jewel-like outfit. She didn't even look like people of our age.

With that said, Sun Ze glanced outside and asked Wentian to turn around: At the end of this road, there is the villa where Huang Youyou lives now.

By the way, Emperor Fengdu, are you still going to the mandatory dungeon this time? I asked Yang Caiwei and the others, and we unanimously decided not to go. We exchanged points for the dungeon exemption card.

Let's go.

Lin Yu said, it’s okay if they don’t go this time.

Who knows if the ghosts from the Night Crying Tomb will attack them again.

I will handle this matter as soon as possible. I haven't formally apologized to you for what happened last time.

Sun Ze was stunned and waved his hands quickly: Emperor, that's not what I meant. There is no need to apologize. It was us who sought your asylum. We don't blame you. We all understand it in our hearts. I really don't blame you.

Sun Ze promised again and again, and Lin Yu smiled and said nothing more.

It's one thing to understand it, but another thing to be able to accept it.

There are many dangers in the dungeon, plus the potential danger of Night Crying Tomb.

The second time, there will be some resentment.

Arrive at the villa where Huang Youyou lives.

When Lin Yu got off the car, he saw Huang Youyou swinging in the courtyard.

She also saw him, and their eyes met. Huang Youyou seemed to have thought of something, and turned around and entered the house.

What does she mean? She doesn't plan to pay back the money?

Black Dragon said dissatisfied.

Go and take a look first.

Lin Yu walked over and as soon as he reached the door, he saw Huang Youyou coming out with a card.

Although it was autumn, she was wearing very cool clothes, which was different from the way she used to smile when meeting people.

Huang Youyou had a cold face from beginning to end.

She handed the card over and said: There are five million in it. I only used the previous Ming coins. In addition, the previous Ming coins were used by Zhao Yuan. You can ask him for it.

After saying that, he turned around and left.

Lin Yu looked at the card in his hand, then turned to look at Black Dragon: Have you noticed her current rank?

Black Dragon was stunned and shook his head. He really didn't pay attention.

Wentian said: A second-level ghost controller, she was still at the peak of the second level when she was captured by Yewei Tomb. How come she has regressed?

Going backwards? It's impossible to do 510, right?

Black Dragon looked surprised.

Lin Yu looked at the direction Huang Youyou left with a heavy gaze.

It's impossible, the facts are already here.

It seems that I need to tell Bai Ye.

On the way, Sun Ze said apologetically: I didn't know that Zhao Yuan actually moved away, making your trip in vain.

It's okay. Do you have his contact information?

Sun Ze nodded and took out his cell phone to make a call. The phone rang twice and was hung up.

He hit two people in a row and was killed by Zhao Yuan.

Sun Ze was confused: He, what if he doesn't answer?

Lin Yu was silent for a moment and said: Forget it, go back first.

In the evening, Lin Yu told Bai Ye about Huang Youyou's regression in rank.

When he came out after washing up, he saw Bai Ye's reply: Yes, I will arrange for someone to investigate.

The next day.

Lin Yu received a call from Sun Ze.

Emperor Fengdu, we have found Zhao Yuan. Can you come over now? I will send you the address.


After replying, Lin Yu got up and washed up. After he finished packing, Sun Ze's address was also sent over.

In a village within a city.

The car cannot be driven in and can only be parked outside.

Sun Ze was already waiting at the entrance of the village, accompanied by Qian Tong.

Several people met and said hello.

Sun Ze pointed to a three-story self-built house and said, That's it. Zhao Yuan moved there. I asked and he is at home now.

313 The truth behind the breakup: Spiritual power was extracted

The environment of urban villages is very messy, and the rents are relatively low.

Zhao Yuan was so lonely that he lived in a village in the city. Lin Yu didn't think he could pay back the five million.

They also thought of this, and Shangqing frowned: Great Emperor, you may not be able to get this money back.

Lin Yu nodded, he was mentally prepared: Go and take a look first.

Sun Ze led them over.

He walked to a room door and knocked on the door.

Zhao Yuan's hoarse voice came from the door: Who is it?

Sun Ze reported his name, and then footsteps came from the door. Zhao Yuan opened the door and asked Sun Ze, Why do you want to come to me? Is there something wrong?

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Lin Yu and their eyes met. Zhao Yuan's first reaction was to close the door.

But it wasn't closed.

Lin Yu pushed the door open with a calm expression: What do you mean?

Zhao Yuan let go of his hand in despair, squatted on the ground and held his head with his hands: I don't have money to pay you back, so if you want to fight, just fight.

Lin Yu frowned, what happened to make Zhao Yuan change so much?

Get up, I won't ask you for money.

Zhao Yuan was stunned and looked at Lin Yu doubtfully.

A beating on you is worth five million, I'm not that stupid.

Zhao Yuan withered, stood up silently and walked inside.

Lin Yu followed and found that it was a single room, the kind where you could see the bed at a glance.

The room was not big, and several grown men felt crowded even when they were standing in it.

Zhao Yuan sat on the bed and said, Just a chair. Let whoever you fall in love with sit on it.

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