Suddenly, a huge yin energy swept through the entire ghost prison.

Feeling the pressure of the fierce ghost in the air, Lin Yu breathed slightly.

He had seen fierce ghosts and killed two fierce ghosts with his own hands.

But neither the two fierce ghosts nor the conductor gave him such a great sense of oppression.

Is this the power of rules?

Lin Yu took a deep breath, and the pressure became slightly lighter.

It seemed that the warden had restrained himself.

Lin Yu walked to the door and two ghosts appeared in the corridor.

One is the captain, and the other walking in front is a tall male ghost.

The male ghost has a beard on his face and is only wearing a vest. His exposed ghost body is covered with black spots.

157 Deposit to the warden! It’s time to open the hell gate!

Lin Yu persuaded the captain to invite the warden out.

One is to test whether the warden is stronger than General Zhu.

The second is out of pure curiosity.

The image of the warden surprised him.

His ghost body covered with black spots is not fat and looks very strong.

But visually, it's a bit hard to accept.

As the warden walked in, Lin Yu contacted General Zhu in his mind.

[Zhu Jiang, can you beat this male ghost? 】

Hope you will get a reply soon.

[My lord, wait a moment. 】

Don't be afraid of 10,000, just be afraid of what might happen. Just in case the warden intercepts you when you are trying to escape.

General Zhu's strength is not ordinary fierce ghost level, it can be said to be beyond the strength of fierce ghost level. Is he more powerful than the warden who has the power of rules?

There was a brief silence before the warden walked up to him.

Lin Yu raised a three-pointed smile and said to the warden: Warden, I have heard of his name for a long time.

The ghost world does not have the custom of shaking hands in the real world.

As he looked at the warden, the warden was also looking at him.

You were the one who bought my ore?

The male ghost's voice was rough, but not malicious.

Lin Yu's smile did not fade, and he nodded: The quality of the ore in the prison is good.

He is telling the truth 02, if it were not for the inconvenient location.

These ore captains will not worry about not being able to sell!

Speaking of which, he also got a bargain.

The warden burst into laughter, slapped Lin Yu on the shoulder with his big palm, and said with satisfaction: You are still a good guy, those sanctimonious businessmen say that my ore is not good in order to lower the price, huh, I don't know if it is good or not, I Just throw them out.

And this?

Should he be lucky that he didn't bargain with the captain because he didn't lack money?

There were three people sitting around the square table.

The warden was feasting.

Don't forget to entertain Lin Yu.

Drink, this wine is good this time.

Lin Yu smiled slightly. This wine was certainly good, but he spent 800 hell coins on it.

I thought that the captain had finished drinking it long ago, but I didn't expect that the ghost knew that good things should be kept aside and drank slowly.

Warden, this wine was given to me by the director.

The captain is a real person, so he didn't forget to win some favor for him at this time.

Lin Yu took out 600,000 hell coins and pushed them in front of the warden.

The male ghost who was drinking stopped and looked at him doubtfully.

It seems that the captain didn't tell him about the deposit.

I signed a long-term contract to purchase ore with Gui Prison, and these are the deposits I gave.

The warden was a smart man, so he put down the wine bowl and picked up the ghost coins.

This kid told me that you are the director of the other side. The directors of the other side that I know are not as grand as you.

After saying that, he burst into laughter.

He seemed to say it casually, and put the Ming coins away without waiting for Lin Yu's answer.

I'll accept it. I'll ask this guy to sign a deposit slip for you later. Since it's a business, just follow the rules.

You asked this kid to invite me down, wasn't it just for this?

Thirty minutes later.

Lin Yu walked out of the lounge.

General Zhu's reply came to mind.

[My lord, we can fight. 】

[What is the winning rate? 】

【half. 】

Lin Yu lowered his eyes. The fierce ghost with the power of rules is really powerful.

Arriving at the mine, spiritual power fluctuations suddenly spread not far away.

Walking along the wave, Lin Yu witnessed the scene of the Lighthouse Kingdom surrounding and killing the Bangzi Kingdom.

He did not step forward and waited until the people from the Lighthouse Country killed the people from the Stick Country.

Then he turned around.

The Lighthouse Nation moved faster than he thought.

They have to hurry too.


There is one less person in Bangzi Country.

Lin Yu met with the Heilong trio and sent Shangqing out.

At night, Shangqing returns, and Sakura Country loses a teammate.

It's the fourth day.

When it was time to relax, Bai Ye told him.

Lighthouse Country started fighting with Bangzi Country. The captain of Bangzi Country was a sixth-level man and he killed two people from Lighthouse Country.

He expected this, but was a little surprised.

On Kane's side, he killed two people from the Bangzi Kingdom, and on the other side, the Bangzi Kingdom killed two people from the Lighthouse Country.

The three of us decided to take advantage of the chaos and kill a few more people.

Lin Yu nodded and said, How much do you know about how to escape from the Ninth Layer Prison in a week?

Bai Ye frowned slightly, and after a brief thought, she spoke.

The ghost prison will open its ghost gate in a week, and the ghosts will be let out at that time. Then we can take the opportunity to escape.

There really is a ghost gate.

Do you know where it is?

Bai Ye thought hard for a moment and gave a direction: Northeast corner.

Early the next morning.

Bangzi Country has lost another teammate. So far, Bangzi Country is close to the destruction of all members.

When Lin Yu was deploying his next plan, Qiu Shanming came to the door.

The man's face was full of hatred, but what he said was: We have the most people in the two teams now, why don't we cooperate.

Lin Yu is not that stupid to cooperate with a group of people who hate him.

Captain Akiyama, cooperation is not that simple. Besides, I have already reached cooperation with the Lighthouse Country.

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