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People in the Slavic Kingdom may be rude or straightforward, but it is undeniable that most of them are straightforward and have revenge. So after Daddy Iger finished speaking just now, the big man thought about it for a long while, then patted his thigh, and then said:

"No! We don't have any weapons to eat the Franks. How can they help them? My village head has taught me, I don't mention the remuneration to help you, I want the money to help you, it's a deal! Old Daddy, where are you from?

At this moment, the listener Dahan said the whole thing, not to mention Daddy Iger, but also the few elderly people next to him who were also laughing.

"Haha boy, what you said is not unreasonable, it's just that you are out of strength, and you don't know. This time, the French people are selling our things, it is too cheap! This sack of grain is usually known. Do you sell more money? "

Hearing Daddy Egger asking himself, Dahan answered quickly this time.

"Of course I know! In the past, when the caravan of Kia came to the outside of the village, we all took the extra skin and sold it for money to buy food. For this big bag of food, we have to pull half of the gold coins! But it's expensive! "

"That's not right! It's too expensive! But your village head should have told you, don't make trouble with the caravan of Kia, otherwise people will not go to your village in the new year, but they will be finished."

"Not really! But this group of Kia's businessmen are not bad. They laughed one by one, and they looked good to me. It was too expensive!"

Speaking of which, the snowfield people present laughed all at once. Although the Kia caravan sells things more expensive, they are all rare things that are not on the snowfield! Besides those skins and things, you ca n’t use them if they are too much. It ’s better to change things.

"Boy, let me tell you, this Kia caravan is thousands of miles back and forth to get something over, and it ’s hard work to get expensive. Nowadays, people only sell us two silver coins for this food! In the flange, this grain also has five or six silver coins and a sack! "

"Ah, mother! What a difference!"

"Isn't it that people take care of us! Actually, I heard that the reason why the Franks are interesting is all decided by the lords in the south! It is said that the leader of the group of lords seems to have the surname Roland ... … "

"What the blue and blue, I haven't heard it!"

"It's nothing. The key is not to help us, so no matter what, there are good and bad in the French people. Don't make any jokes!"

"Well! I understand, hey, that's right! Father Iger, haven't your daughter been found yet?"

The smile on Iger's face froze at the mention of Emma, ​​who had been missing for a long time. He always hurts this little daughter the most, but this little daughter who has been reluctant to let her leave her side disappeared when the army of undead spirits just started to invade!

If it weren't for the shaman priests in the city of Igbato to count for Emmabu, to confirm that she was still alive and well, I'm afraid Igeh really had to cry blindly?

(Remember that it seemed to be the one picked up by Emma. The out-of-towner named Wright chased Emma. Maybe the kid saved Emma? Although the kid was a little thinner, but he was hunting. Good hand. If Emma really walks with him, it ’s not impossible ... Hey, I ’m far away, girl, where did you go ...)

Not to mention that Iger was thinking about his little daughter all day long, and he said that Emma was no longer the village girl who knew nothing.

Today, Emma has already completed the study and practice of water magic in the land of elves. Until the time of turning on, she is already a qualified third-order black iron primary water magician! It was just because of her Slavic identity, and the fact that she had signed a contract with the white shadow of the ice demon wolf under the accident, and became the fastest wolf knight on the snowfield!

It ’s just that Kaineng ’s strength is too bad. Although she can vaguely perceive Zhang Yang ’s position, she ca n’t safely pass through the Slavic snow field full of undead spirits, let alone the **** that is a hundred times more dangerous. The territory of the empire is gone.

So in the absence of anything to do at the moment, at the request of Emma, ​​the two of them even invited a few natural elves to help, and began to rescue the surviving Slavs on the snowfield against the undead.

It's just that their location is already near the Slavic western snow, but there is a short distance from Snow Wolf City. So, around the western snow mountains of Slav, the reputation of the 'Elf Rescue Team' has been extremely loud!

Not only that, during this battle, Emma and Kai Neng actually gathered a large number of Slavic warriors willing to follow them! And because there are a lot of natural elves beside the Kaineng two, all the mad warriors who met them were almost all glued together!

Up to now, the "Elf Rescue Team" has saved more than 20 villages and three small cities! The Slavs directly rescued by them have reached tens of thousands! In order to arrange a safe hiding place for them, Kai Neng et al.

With Kai Neng exploring in the snowy mountains, after several experiences almost buried under the avalanche, he was really able to find a huge cave! Not only can the wind and snow be sheltered here, but even the temperature can be comparable to the room where ordinary Slavs live!

Therefore, not only did these 10,000 people live in this cave, but they also built a strong fortress that can be used forever! Then the matter was logical, because Emma saved the adult and the identity of the magic wolf knight, all the Slavs here even regarded her as the city master!

Generally speaking, there are only a hundred people living in every Slavic village, even if it is larger, it is only a few hundred people. As long as there are thousands of people, it is a small city. And a city that accommodates 10,000 people in a cave like this can be called a medium-sized city, and it is even worse than the royal city of Alterac.

And this is just the area of ​​the naturally-occurring open space in the cave. If this cave is properly cleaned up, it will not be impossible to accommodate 40,000 or 50,000 people.

As more and more Slavs were rescued by Emma, ​​the more detailed information about the undead. By now they already knew where the undead spirits appeared, and the source turned out to be Alterac, the capital of the Slavic Kingdom! It's just that if they want to destroy that source, it's not something they can do.

In fact, to be precise, the closer you are to Alterac, the higher the density of undead spirits. Similarly, the chance of encountering powerful high-level undead will also be much greater.

On the side of Emma, ​​although there are several mad fighters equivalent to the fifth-level gold level strength, as many as hundreds of mad fighters of the fourth-order silver level. But if you want to use this number to attack Alterac? That's a fool's dream ...

"It sounds like a dream. It's only a few months. I turned from an ordinary person into a magician, and still a wolf knight! And the most exaggerated is the title of the city master, you say, White gold?"

At the moment, Emma is standing on top of a two-story wooden building in the cave. At her position, she can almost see everything in this cave. Seeing the people who were digging mountains around and building houses around, Emma was really sighed.

And beside her, a white giant wolf sitting much larger than her was yawning boredly. After hearing Emma ’s words, the white giant wolf squinted at her for a while, and then gave her a very humanized white glance, and then her front paws fell on her ass, and she relaxed her waist. He lay on the ground and put his big head on his front leg.

"Hey, I'm talking to you! Why don't you just ignore me? Could it be that you haven't fought in a few days and have been suffocated?"

The relationship between Emma and Bai Ying is better than all Slavs imagined. Even if she eats and sleeps, she will stay with Bai Ying. And the same, whether it is fighting or hurrying, Baiying will protect Emma with due diligence, and with the tacit understanding, it seems that he has been partnering together for more than ten years.

At this moment, when Emma directly fell on Bai Ying, when she was rolling in its thick white hair, from the top of the cave, a small figure with a faint white light suddenly flew down. Look carefully, the official small The elves can be turned on.

"Emma, ​​you're bullying Bai Ying again! Be careful that people get angry and throw you down!"

Fanning the wings behind him, Kai Neng soon came to Emma, ​​looking at Bai Ying's helpless and somewhat funny eyes. Kai Neng couldn't help but count Emma. It's a pity that Emma is completely immune to this remark, not to mention that in Slav's opinion, it's a close performance to get together.

"Yeah! Are you busy with Kai Neng? Your elf's city is built now? How fast! So we can go out and find the troubles that are not undead?"

After seeing Kai Neng, Emma immediately turned over and sat up. She was not a militant, but if the battle could save more people, she would gladly go. But these days I have been busy cultivating and transforming the cave, and I haven't gone out to find the group of undead spirits.

"How can it be so fast! Although you can use magic to speed up, but for the sake of safety, it has been slowed down. But speaking of it, now that all construction is on the right track, we can indeed bring some soldiers to attack."

"Yeah! Okay! I heard you Baiying! Let's do it again!"

"It's really impossible to take you ... Emma ... If you are seen by the master, you will never marry you crazy girl!"

"Oh! Kai Neng, don't you always take me away, who said you want to marry that weirdo?"

"Isn't it? Or why are you always holding the necklace pendant?"

Hearing Kai Neng say so, Emma's face flushed suddenly, but even so, she still didn't loosen the gem-like two-color magic core in her hand.

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