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Kai Neng was taken aback by Zayok's sudden voice, but before she could react, the body of Zayoke in front had already begun to change!

I saw Zayok's howl, his muscles began to swell quickly! The already very tall figure suddenly swelled once again! The cuff breastplate, which seemed to be somewhat loose and large just now, is now fully supported by bulging muscles!

At this time Zayoke jumped up with blue muscles and his eyes were red! There was even a trace of saliva on the corner of the mouth! However, after four or five seconds, Zayoke completed his madness, and turned into a man with a height of more than two and a half, and his muscles were terrifying!

"Energy! You hide far away! This guy is completely in a state of madness, and now he should be recognized by six relatives! I will fight him with all my strength, be careful yourself!"

Zhang Yang was already feeling the pressure at this moment, and the mad warrior with red eyes in front of him gave him a feeling beyond the level of the third-order black iron intermediate just now! At this point, Zayoke's breath has reached the level of fourth-order silver! The increase in madness actually allowed him to cross a level! Fully upgraded two levels!

"Hoo ~! Ha ~! Kill !!!"

Only a moment of pause, Zayok, after he was crazy, carried the huge battle axe with one hand, two hot air spurted from his nostrils, and screamed and rushed towards Zhang Yang! That feels like a full beast!

Zhang Yang can no longer compete with the maddened Zorkey in his current state. Not only that, even self-protection is a problem! Therefore, he no longer hides himself, and instantly mobilizes the power of thunder and lightning in his soul to pour into the whole body!

[Lightning Enhancement]!

This is the first time that Zhang Yang has achieved the "Thunderbolt Strengthening" skill since reaching "Erley's Body". In fact, he feels again, perhaps because of the "Errey body" relationship, some of his self-made tricks have changed in power. It's just that Zhang Yang didn't expect that this change was too unexpected for him! !

Under the action of thunder and lightning that filled the whole body in an instant, Zhang Yang's physical quality even instantly increased the height of the two major ranks! Originally only second-level bronze intermediate strength, he has now become a fourth-level silver intermediate master!

This is so powerful! At this moment, Zhang Yang's strength is still very low. If he practiced to the sixth level again, and then used this lightning to strengthen, then wouldn't his strength reach the level of the eighth level epic? !

These thoughts only existed in Zhang Yang's mind for a moment. At this time, Zhang Yang realized that the "Thunderbolt Strengthening" skill that could be blessed by three points was now greatly reduced in duration! He can feel that the current [Lightning Enhancement] can only last one point! Is this a lack of beauty?

It's too late to think about it, the crazy axe in Zayok's hands has been cut before Zhang Yang's eyes! But at this time, Zhang Yang has surpassed the maddening Zayoke in terms of strength and fighting will!

With one hand raised the Liuding Warhammer in his hand, Zhang Yang's calm and cold eyes flashed with a slight electric awn! At the moment of the intersection of the axe and hammer, a faint shock wave of circular airflow instantly blew the snow within two meters of Zhang Yang's feet! After this, a loud noise that made the eardrum painful came out from the position where the hammer and axe intersected!

In contrast, Zhang Yang ’s hands from the Titan family of orange warhammers have more than one win in material quality. Although the battle axe in Zayok ’s hands is thick, the battle axe is a bit hard to bear. A piece of fingernail-sized piece flew!

This blow was just the beginning. Zhang Yang tried hard to fight against the mad warrior a dozen times in order to test his strength. As Za York occasionally couldn't defend and was injured by Zhang Yang, his strength would increase accordingly! This is an amazing ability, but in Zhang Yang's opinion, it should be a trick to hurt the enemy from 800 to one thousand. Once the time of [madness] has passed, I am afraid that these injuries will go to the death of York!

Now Zhang Yang has figured out the general mystery of the Berserker, and the time has passed by half a minute. Zhang Yang is no longer ready to continue playing with York. Although this madman is not very popular, it is not necessary to kill him. Therefore, Zhang Yang actually found a chance to hit the side of the giant axe in Zayoke's hand hard, and then suddenly took the orange warrior back into the space ring when he was somewhat out of balance, and then Zhang Yang punched barely before Zayoke!

Zhang Yang is not the traditional old-fashioned warrior on the Orlando continent, he has his own unique understanding of fighting. Sometimes, when you do n’t want to kill your opponent, empty hand is more powerful than using a weapon!

But in a short span of ten moments, Zhang Yang, who was behind him, even dismantled most of the joints on Zayoke's limbs! In fact, Zhang Yang originally only wanted to remove Zayoke's arm joints, but who knows that Zayoke even disregarded the pain of the joint removal, and hit Zhang Yang with red eyes! Zayok, who can't move her limbs, can only lie on the ground at this moment, red eyes staring at Zhang Yang, who is still in front of her, still roaring ...

Until then, it was discovered that Zhang Yang had subdued the opponent's Kai Neng before flying back from the fir branches not far away. She looked at the big man who was lying on the ground and still couldn't twist her snarl. She felt that she was still not so relieved, so Kai Neng flew to the side of the snow and started a small snowball full of her body, and then smashed it. To Zayoke's face!

"Hee hee! Make you stupid bully me! It's time to be honest! But Wright, when will he recover from madness?"

At this time, Zhang Yang's blessing [Thunderbolt Enhancement] has faded. This time, Zhang Yang miraculously did not feel the severe soreness and itching after using [Thunderbolt Enhancement] once! He just felt a little tired in his body. According to his estimation, as long as the thunderbolt is no longer used in 30 minutes, this feeling should be able to subside.

This means that Zhang Yang ’s [Lightning Enhancement] skills have basically eliminated the side effects, but if it has to be continuously applied, I am afraid that the feeling will come back, and it may be more intense and maybe! Thinking of this, Zhang Yang suddenly thought, [Thunderbolt Enhancement] has become so powerful, so what other changes have been made to other lightning strokes? ! But his thoughts were interrupted by Kai Neng's questioning at the moment. Zhang Yang said after thinking for a while:

"[Crazy] I do n’t know much about this ability, but according to my feelings, it should n’t be a skill that can last for a long time, because such an instantaneous strength increase is a huge skill load, so I Judgment, at most very leaky, he will release the state of [Crazy]! "

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