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Clement looked at Zhang Yang, who was getting closer and closer, and he couldn't figure out what his opponent's intentions were in his heart. However, when he saw Zhang Yang close to ten meters, he no longer hesitated. An ice wall more than two meters high and four meters long and one foot thick and transparent appeared in front of Clement.

At this time, Zhang Yang didn't mean anything else. He just wanted to see what means the opposite magician had. By comparison, Zhang Yang had too few fights with the magician. His past opponents were either too strong or too weak, so he wanted to take this opportunity to increase his experience of playing against the magician.

Looking at the transparent ice wall that suddenly condensed, Zhang Yang did not go around, but continued to walk straight there without care.

Clement sneered after seeing Zhang Yang's performance, don't look at the ice wall is not thick, but the hardness is enough to be comparable to rocks of the same thickness! And the cold air unique to the ice will make people close to the attack tremble, so that the speed slowly decreases. Seeing the meaning of this warrior is not ready to go around, do you think you want to rush straight? ! ridiculous! Then prepare yourself a surprise for him! Thinking of this, Clement began to condense magic again ...

As Zhang Yang got closer and closer to the ice wall in front of him, bursts of ice-cold ice began to spread. If it is an ordinary person, as long as he does not use grudges to protect his body, this cold breath will affect it. But Zhang Yang is different. Not only is he extremely physically fit, but after having the water attribute and using the pure water heart, he can completely bear this level of chill. Therefore, when he came near the ice wall, Zhang Yang sharply raised the blade of the dragon, and then cut it fiercely in the middle of the ice wall!

At the moment, Clement was waiting to laugh at Zhang Yang's unrestrained power, but the next moment, after a loud noise, a large hole nearly one meter in the sky appeared in the middle of the ice wall with the **** splashing in the sky. ! For a time, the ice wall was covered with cracks. At the moment when Clement was surprised, after Zhang Yang quickly cut two knives, a big hole that he could pass was opened!

"Are you a monster ?! See me this trick [ice spike]!"

At this point, Clement was already nervous, and the ice wall was fourth-order magic! The guy in front of him could break it with two knives, isn't he not enough to be cut with one knife? !

With this recognition, Clement no longer dared to let Zhang Yang approach. As he yelled, he suddenly saw more than a dozen more than two meters from the ground in front of him in the direction of Zhang Yang. Sharp ice spikes that look like giant swords!

Faced with this bottom-up attack, Zhang Yang didn't dare to carelessly. He instantly ran under his feet and swiftly moved nearly three meters to the left to avoid the stinging ice thorns.

At this moment, Clement has released three fourth-order magic, but Zhang Yang's relaxed response really makes him lack of confidence. However, at this time, he was already riding a tiger. Looking at Zhang Yang, who had begun to accelerate, Clement did not hesitate to spend double magic, and instantaneously launched two third-order magics [Ice Ring] and [Ice Cone]!

[Ice Ring] is a magic loved by water magicians. Its biggest feature is that it can be attacked and defended and it is full of lethality. Zhang Yang, who was in the front charge, saw the magician's hand lit three meters in front of him, and then a very sharp circular huge ice ring burst out in an instant! Zhang Yang saw that the sharpness of the edge of the ice ring was not weaker than the sword, so he instantly stood up with a broad dragon-cutting blade and slammed up!

At this moment, Clement's face even showed a strange smile! Following the circle and finger of the staff, a two-foot-long and sharp ice cone immediately condensed out, and then flew away at Zhang Yang who hampered his sight because of the huge knife raised!

At this time, Zhang Yang's giant knife had blocked the spreading ice ring, and then immediately when Clement began to steal joy, the huge dragon-cutting blade in Zhang Yang's hand suddenly swayed slightly, which shot him. The ice cone in front was slammed and flew out!

Seeing this scene, the expression of ecstasy suddenly fixed on Clement's face, and then turned into a face full of surprise! How did this person find this ice cone? In order to achieve the purpose of sneak attack, he specifically reduced the speed of the ice cone to prevent the wind breaking sound from being discovered by the other party. But even so, the opponent still hit the ice cone accurately without seeing or hearing! How can this be?

Clement ’s doubts are destined to be answered by no one. Zhang Yang feels that the more advanced the tactics the magician is, the more abundant the magician is compared to the quick and direct combat. As for why Zhang Yang found the ice cone just now, the answer is actually very simple.

Repeated changes have made Zhang Yang's soul power greatly reduced, but his unique ability to detect spirit has always existed.

Although his mental control ability has completely disappeared after he cut off the connection with Wraith, the mental power detection used only as a detection method is enough to let him accurately grasp the wind and grass of ten meters around him. Therefore, unless the attack speed is too fast for Zhang Yang to respond, or some of its high-end skill effects, it is really impossible to attack Zhang Yang at close range.

"I have to admit that yours is a good opponent! As a warrior, you can fight me to such an extent without using grudge, I admire you. However, I will use my own Powerful magic! If you do n’t use grudge, do n’t blame me if you die! "

Looking at the opponent who had been fighting for a long time but still looking calm, Clement decided in his heart to take the last stroke, thinking that his fourth-level intermediate magic had been used by half at this time, but the soldiers on the opposite side did not even use their grudge ! ? Is it so different from his strength? impossible! Thinking of here, Clement solemnly reminded Zhang Yang, and then tried his best!

【Thorn Ice Bullet】!

As Clement waved his hands, a special ice bomb with the size of a fist like a stab ball quickly shot towards Zhang Yang!

Zhang Yang glanced roughly and estimated that there were more than thirty special ice bombs! Watching the ice bombs smashed into his face, Zhang Yang also admired the guy who could perform such a magical attack like a shotgun rain in front of him. In the face of this large-scale intensive attack, Zhang Yang no longer entrusted him, only to see him waving the dragon-cutting blade left and right, while blasting these ice bombs in pieces, he rushed towards the magician Clement. !

[Ice bomb] As the first offensive magic of water magician, most people can use it very skillfully. However, Clement was so attentive to it that such an attack method similar to fifth-order group magic [blizzard] was discovered!

A Tier 4 silver intermediate magician can use Tier 4 magic 8 times in a row, or 24 Tier 3 magic and 72 Tier 2 magic, or 216 Tier 1 magic! As for the consumption of level 0 magic, it is already negligible.

This kind of [thorn ice bomb] developed by Clement can send up to 28 at a time! From a certain perspective, the power of smashing a large piece of the past completely exceeded the limit of fourth-order magic, but consumed only one level of fourth-order magic! I have to say that he is also a genius ...

This book is from the first time, read the original content immediately!

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