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Medici has already made a decision in his heart. If anyone gets hurt again, then he will ask Lord Garfield to take action anyway! The current situation is really about the time of life and death ...

Jason gasped with his sword and anger, his anger was exhausted completely, and even a trace of his recovery was instantly exhausted by him. At this time, he has simply battled by the power of **, and he has really reached the limit! The legendary two-handed blunt sword anger that used to be comfortable was now more and more heavy in his hands!

I still have too many things to finish, can't I fall here! However, I really feel weak ...

There are more and more zombies around, and even Charlotte's Holy Light Bullet is no longer available at this time!

I really want to trouble you again, Master Garfield ...

Just when Medici was about to implore Garfield to shoot again ...

Boom! Boom!

Two consecutive strong bow strings suddenly sounded from a distance! When Medici had just heard this voice, the powerful arrow had already arrived!

I saw that two armor-breaking arrows, slightly longer than ordinary arrows, penetrated the bodies of seven or eight zombies in an instant! Not only that, the powerful force even directly blasted the bodies of these zombies out of several meters! After only two arrows, the place around Charlotte was suddenly empty!

"Great! Someone is here! We are saved!"

Seeing that the surrounding zombies were easily struck by the suddenly flying arrows, Charlotte shouted in amusement!

As Charlotte and four others watched excitedly, a beautiful female swordsman wearing a gray cloak, black hair and a bunch of ponytails, and a weird guy holding a sword and a wand in one hand shot from the direction Ran over among the trees!

Ingir and Sean have arrived.

With the support of Engel's powerful combat capabilities, the four Charlotte quickly got rid of the surrounding zombies and withdrew in the direction of the arrow just shot.

"Huh ~ Hoo ~! Thank you so much! If it's a little later, I'm afraid we can't hold on."

Charlotte thanked the black-haired female swordsman as she ran.

"Don't be so polite, no matter how you say, it's impossible to stand by and watch human beings in danger at this juncture? But why are you running near the city of Dharani? Don't you know that there is a plague?

Ingil looked at Charlotte with a smile, maybe it was a relationship with a girl, she seemed very close. Just because Jill is curious, these guys are not strong, what are you doing here?

Hearing the question from Ingir, Charlotte was embarrassed for a moment. But Lanster is different. As long as he meets a beautiful woman, he has always been the best.

"Beauty, you don't know, we came here to help the civilians who have been plagued, but we came here with great purpose!"

It was a good thing, but after deliberately emphasizing in Lanster's mouth, it didn't feel that much. So Sean couldn't help but sarcastically say:

"Fat man, I don't think you look like a frivolous son, how can you help the civilians? Are you ulterior motivated?"

"Huh! Don't underestimate people! Master Ben is an alchemist! If the magic core in his hand is used up, otherwise it will be easy for you to clean up!"

"Hey, who would believe that light? I said I was a summoner! It's just that the summons came home and came to the door, cut!"

"you you!"

"Okay, Sean, don't mess around with others. No matter what, let's go to the meeting with the captain first and try to find a way together."

Ingil saw Sean's sense of being leisurely everywhere and said after glaring at him.

"Oh? Your captain? Who is that? Isn't it the two of you who just shot the archery? There are others?"

When Jason heard Ingrid's words, he suddenly turned his head and asked, he always thought that the person who shot was Ingrid. Jason clearly felt that Ingrid was much stronger than him, and he was not her opponent at all. The black-haired beauty in front of him should be a strong silver or above?

"Haha, do you think I shot those two arrows? What a joke! That's a sniper bow! Not something that ordinary people can play! At least I can't play it, voila! The guy standing in front is us Captain of the team, who was the one who just shot arrows. "

Several people in Charlotte heard Ingil say this, they couldn't help but have a great curiosity! Who is the man who made the arrow? This is more than a hundred meters away! How strong were the two arrows just now?

With the direction indicated by Ingir, Charlotte, Jason, Randst, and Medici all looked at a tall figure not far in front of him, holding a hand in his hand at this time. Hugely long bow!

"Did everyone come back?"

Zhang Yang asked Engel and Sean to bring back only four people and asked casually.

"Yes captain, there are four of them."

"Relax, boss! I am doing Sean's business, can you still believe it?"

It started with Zhang Yang slashing the flesh monster crazy? If Sean is not mentioned, even Ingrid, who is incomparably indifferent, is now in awe of Zhang Yang. Zhang Yang's methods and strength have conquered their hearts. At this time, even Ingrid, who was not afraid of peace, would sincerely call him Captain.

At this time, Ingrid was convinced that Zhang Yang had completely left his hand when he was comparing with him. Otherwise, by virtue of the tremendous power that completely surpasses the flesh and blood monster, he can't bear it at all. This is no longer easy to draw close by virtue of strengthening grudge. Ingil has always felt that Wright is very mysterious. Will he use grudge? Where did his inhuman power come from? What kind of exercise did he take to control this huge power ...

"In this case, since you have already arrived here, then you have no other choice at this time. Let's go into the city of Dharaos before talking."

With a light touch of the words, Zhang Yang turned and walked towards the direction of the city of Dharaos ...

"Hmm ~ beauty, your captain looks so cool ... you don't all listen to him? You see there are a lot of zombies outside the city, densely surrounded! He said going into the city is as easy as saying to eat, Are you sure he is not crazy? "

After hearing Zhang Yang's words, Lanster looked at the crowd from side to side and asked, lowering his voice to Ingil.

"Do n’t always be so beautiful. It ’s always weird to call out from your mouth. My name is Ingir. The annoying guy next to me is called Sean. Our captain is called Wright. Others are not bad. It ’s just that I ’m used to it. I do n’t want to say at least his strength is very strong! If he says he can enter the city, then he can definitely go in! ”

"Yeah, although I don't want to admit it, if we stand here and talk and don't catch up, I'm afraid the boss will fall here ?! I'm going!"

Sean's eyes kept staring at Zhang Yang, and when he walked in the direction of the city of Dharaos, he felt as if he didn't want to wait for them, so he chased toward Zhang Yang in front of him after taking the next sentence.

"Oh, Sean is right, let's catch up, or maybe we will be thrown away!"

This book is from the first time, read the original content immediately!

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