Hu does not know what they are talking about. He can only feel that his cultivation base is still in the ascendant. He breathes in and breathes, and he feels the strength of his body growing in the body.

    In this short period of time, the strength of his cultivation base has changed dramatically. Now if he wants the Primordial Spirit to ascend the temple, it is only a breeze!

    Who would have thought that he would have become the first person in the world to become a divine treasure.

    He quickly encountered the first problem after his big breakthrough. He quickly asked: "How does Divine Bridge Realm practice?"

    Lao Nong flushed and couldn’t speak.

    He also doesn't have Divine Bridge. He has never had Divine Bridge, Realm. He naturally doesn't know how to practice, but he is proud of himself. He admits that he doesn't understand him in front of the younger generation. He can't pull his face.

    After a moment, Lao Nunao said: "This, you should go and ask Qin Mu to spend their time…"

    Hu did not return to see Qin Mu and the imaginary flowers. I saw the two teenagers join together again, hey, write and draw.

    He stepped forward and could not understand what the two were talking about.

    Qin Mu and the imaginary flower will write down the well-built Jianmu first Heavenly God bridge, copy each one, and make a lot of ideas on the way to writing, think of Five Elements, Six Directions, Seven Stars, Celestial Being, Life Realm, such as and Death, Divine Bridge, etc., can be practiced to build the first Heavenly God bridge.

    However, the construction of tree seedlings needs to be large and small, so more improvements are needed to the cultivation technique.

    Basically, each Realm's Heavenly God Bridge is different from other Realms.

    And the higher the Realm, the more dangerous it is to practice.

    When you reach Life and Death Realm, you need to be able to withstand such a strong Primordial Spirit.

    By Divine Bridge Realm, it is almost impossible to build a Heavenly God Bridge.

    "I have a solution that may solve this problem!"

    Qin Mu suddenly thought of a possibility, his eyes lit up, and said: "Xi Tian Zhen Tian Gong Xiong Xiu Hua Palace Master's natural power, can do everything, there is a god, and her control of origin qi has reached the point of truth. Circumstance. If she can integrate the control of True Essence into the Divine Bridge and control the pressure, then the chances of Divine Bridge Realm's Divine Ability Practitioner will be greatly increased. ”

    The imaginary flowers can't help but laugh and say, "I've been a neighbor to the School of Heaven and Zhentian, so I can ask her!"

    The two had studied without a doubt and remained indifferent to the outside world. It was already more than ten days after they had organized the Heavenly God bridge of each Realm.

    The Upper School has been built, the palaces are overlapped, the rows are row upon row, the promenade is empty, and the girl of Western soil has a very unique insight into the beauty, and this school palace is full of poetic charm.

    Qin Mu and the transcripts of imaginary flowers are piled up like mountains. Each Realm's cultivation technique is very heavy, and there are still many details that are not solved.

    "Isn't my virtual brother going to build a school of science? It would be a test for them to let the scholars of the Upper Cang Academy to mend these Realm's cultivation techniques. ”

    Qin Mu was a lazy waist and smiled and said: "I promised that the emperor will be with her to see her, and now it is time to go."

    There are some disappointments in the false flower, saying: "If you can stay a few more days, then we can study more things. In that case, I will have more unique things to attract the Westerners."

    Qin Mu said with a smile: "There is still a brother who stays here to teach martial arts. Qi Jiulu also hid in the sky. You invited him out. His skill is extremely high."

    The imaginary flower shook his head and said: "Qi Jiuhao is a person outside the court of heaven. How could he help me establish a school?"

    "He is the fat brother of the dragon, and he and the heavenly Heavenly King bowed the handle, let Long fat accompany you, he will be reluctant."

    The imaginary flower was overjoyed and quickly looked at Dragon Qilin: "Take a long-term friend for a few days!"

    Dragon Qilin heard that his heart was unusually happy but he was silent and said, "I can take it, but I need to have enough meals for three meals a day. The Cult Master is already hungry for me for a few days. The payroll is settled first. ”

    The imaginary flowers: "I have research on medical techniques and I am not short of your benefits."

    Dragon Qilin rest assured: "If you are hungry in the future, you can ask for more rations. Yes, I don't know if he is willing to join me as a brother. If he is a brother with me, the rations in this life are all…"

    His eyes flickered and secretly calculated.

    The old farmer came and coughed and said, "I will stay here for a few days. The imaginary friend helped me with the bullfighting palace so much. I also need to say something. The virtual little friend has made great achievements in the magic technique divine ability, but I see that you are lacking in the physical temperament. I will point you to the practice of the meat in these few days. ”

    The imaginary flowers praised them and asked, "I do have some questions to ask my predecessors. Qin Cult Master passed the ancestral martial arts, the three Primordial Spirit, the sacred mystery and the Heavenly King Buddhist Scripture. I also studied these cultivation techniques, but even though I practiced, But I don't know why the rumors in the meat are still not comparable to the Qin Cult Master. Can seniors dispel my doubts? ”

    Qin Mu's eyes flickered and stopped. "I suddenly remembered that I couldn't live without dragon fat. It was better for me to stay for a few days."

    He obviously moved his mind.

    After all, the old farmer was a martial artist in the Kaizhi era, and he was the first leader in the military. He had one of several emperors in the Kai Dynasty.

    Even if the cowards also said that the martial arts division of the martial arts in no one can achieve, and vertical and horizontal millions of years could not find him such martial arts.

    If he can listen to his lectures, he certainly benefits a lot.

    The old farmer gave him a look and said: "You have already entered Wudao. You are not suitable for my road. Forcing me to learn the road will make you fall astray. you go. ”

    Qin Mu does not go. Nena Road: “It’s no big deal to listen. Moreover, Hu Xiong was able to cultivate a divine treasure. I also had a great deal of credit. I listened and I did not practice. ”

    On the forehead of the old farmer, he said, "You are a disciple who cut wood. I won't teach you, or I'll be rewarded for cutting the wood."

    Qin Mu is still waiting to say that the old farmer said to the old cow: "More than three, you sent him to see Tianyin Goddess."

    The old cow should claim that a magic power was pouring out, and Qin Mu couldn’t help but fall on the back of the cow. He could only watch the old cows hang around.

    The Upper School is getting farther and farther, and Qin Mu sighs with a slight sigh.

    In the distance, girls from the Western s
oil sang and danced and sang the affection for the boy who was in love with him, but Qin Mu could not lift the spirit.

    The cow laughed: "Qin Junior Brother, old master is not so unbearable, he is not reluctant to pass on his cultivation technique, but he was really disgusted by the great heavenly teacher."

    Qin Mu is curious: “Has been the teacher of the widower ever took the meritorious service of the martial artist?”

    The old cow said: "The great heavenly division did not take credit, but the name of the great heavenly division was too loud. Others always liked to attribute all their credit to his head. Once again and again, the old master is still not angry, but the second time credit goes to him. Master is naturally unable to resist. ”

    Oh I see!

    Qin Mu tried to test: "Three more teachers, your cultivation cultivation technique, is it the cultivation technique of the martial arts master?" He does not teach me. You can teach me. ”

    More than three hesitated, said: "My cultivation technique is not to be transmitted, but I did not learn all the master's martial arts. I am a demon, just to see his practice when he realized his own path, and then go farther and farther away, this time into Ling Xiao Realm. You are a Terran. You learn my cultivation technique. Mostly it is useless. Everyone has the path of each person. Walking along other people's roads will never catch up with others. The artificial flower is a poor physical achievement, so the grandfather taught him. And your achievements are already one of the best in the young generation. ”

    Qin Mu had to give up.

    He calmed down, Primordial Spirit measured his own divine treasure, recorded down one piece of data, and waited until the old cow left West to visit the Great Ruins. Qin Mu had compiled his divine treasure data.

    The old cow carries him on and the sun goes down.

    The young cow quickly stepped up and said: "If you can get it, you can return to your master before the sun goes down."

    He is the existence of the Ling Xiao Realm. Throughout the entire era of the Kai Emperor, such a strong person was also small in number, and the speed was naturally unbelievably fast.

    At this time, the old cow suddenly felt a sense of heart, and quickly slowed down, turned to look back at Qin Mu, was not surprised.

    I just saw Qin Mu divine treasure is open at the moment, a building tree sprouts and is growing rapidly!

    The old cow was shocked: "Do he dare to practice like this alone? If something goes wrong, I can't save him! Go back and go back to school! ”

    He had just thought of this, Qin Mu Lingtai Taiwan has grown to the Six Directions divine treasure, a divine treasure open, three divine treasure directly connected.

    Afterwards, the wooden path has been used to cross the Celestial Being divine treasure barrier, and the Celestial Being divine treasure has penetrated into the five divine treasures.

    Qin Mu's breath has skyrocketed and continues to climb.

    The old cow looked at him nervously. He didn't find out how dangerous he was. Then he let go of his heart and said: "I forgot, his cultivation base Realm is Celestial Being Realm. It is a lower Realm than Hu, so it is dangerous. Sex is much smaller. No! Since he is Celestial Being Realm, why is his cultivation base not weaker than Hu? There is danger, he must be in danger! ”

    Bang –

    Qin Mu's body shock, the other five big divine treasure suddenly appeared, it is the five divine treasure of Devil Path!

    There is also a Devil Path building in the five big divine treasures. At this moment, this building has also grown into the Celestial Being divine treasure!

    Qin Mu is snorted, the whole person suddenly becomes dry, almost no muscles, only the skin and bones!

    Niu Sanduo was about to go back to Cang Xue Palace, but at this time, Qin Mu turned around and continued to brand himself, so that his nearly collapsed body and Primordial Spirit quickly stabilized.

    "Can he treat himself?"

    More than three cows could hardly believe it. Then they calmed down and continued to carry him forward.

    As it got older, he was getting closer and closer to the emperor. He said, "Where is the sky? I only heard about this place but I haven't been to it. But Qin Junior is now in a critical period, and it is not convenient to wake him…"

    He came to the cliffs of the Great Ruins and saw the sky darkness. The old cow jumped off the cliff, divine light radiating from his body, and forcing the darkness, but he saw a waterfall on the escarpment that flowed out from the hillside of the cliff, by his divine light. Shining, Fei Qiong leaked jade, it was beautiful.

    Those waterfalls converged at the foot of the mountain and turned into a river running eastwards along the tunnel of the emperor.

    "This is the Surging River, the most famous and strange place in the Emperor's period."

    The old cow stopped and looked around alertly, and said: "When Kaihuang and the Heavenly Master arrived here, condescending the sages, to remember the past era, they encountered a lot of unthinkable things."

    Suddenly, a cloud of darkness came and a divine light shined around his body. The snow-white fog was not afraid of his divine light, and he quickly drowned him and Qin Mu on his back.

    The old cow looked cautiously around and the fog was getting lighter. I saw a faint shadow in the fog. I heard a laughter saying: "The heaven is lively today. People come and go. Even the Tianhe is everywhere. It's a painting."

    The cows looked up and saw a huge painting, which was moving towards them. He hurried to escape, but the scenery around him suddenly became colorful, as if the colors had suddenly become live!

    "Where is this?"

    The old cows were shocked and looked around, but they saw countless paintings and thousands of sails competing on a large river.

    On both sides of the river, the temples are heavy and sacred.

    ——The 3,500-word chapter was updated seven thousand words today.

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