Shirley Yang is still very satisfied with Hu Bayi's experience and abilities.

In particular, I learned that Hu Bayi once served as an engineering soldier and had very rich experience in field inspections.

He has even been on the battlefield and has rich combat experience.

In addition, Lao Hu's"Sixteen-Character Yin-Yang Feng Shui Secret Technique" is indeed real and not a big lie.

After chatting for a few more words, you can really feel it.

There are no big problems in terms of character.

Lao Hu served as company commander.

A serious captain.

He has the ability to lead troops and has strong management skills.

As the leader of an expedition team, it’s no problem to bring a dozen people with you.

In Lao Hu's words, it's just two squads, the platoon leader's job.

But Shirley Yang was not very satisfied with Wang Kaixuan, also known as Fatty Wang.

In Shirley Yang's view, Fatty Wang's greatest specialty is eating... but Hu Bayi insists that Fatty Wang must go.

And he repeatedly emphasized that Fatty Wang can not only eat, but also do things.

Shirley Yang had no choice but to reply and think about it again.

But just when Shirley Yang was about to continue to refuse.

I found a jade pendant hanging around Fatty Wang's neck.

After seeing this jade pendant, Shirley Yang was immediately excited.

Because the pattern on this jade pendant actually has a very obvious mark of swirling eyeballs.

And there are obvious ghost cave words on it.

When seeing this, Shirley 28 Yang naturally couldn't calm down.

Immediately ask Fatty Wang about the origin of this jade pendant.

Fatty Wang is also a good person, and he knows at a glance that this jade pendant of his is very important to Shirley Yang.

He quickly discussed it with Hu Bayi in a low voice.

They all felt that Shirley Yang was attracted by Fatty Wang’s jade pendant.

Planning to buy it.

But this thing must not be sold.

Lao Hu and Fatty Wang are both smart people.

After the jade pendant was bought, naturally the person left after achieving his goal.

The best result is that you must join the expedition team and earn her $10,000 first.

Then we will discuss the sale of jade pendants.

Especially Fatty Wang has also watched the previous inventory video.

In an inventory video of the Zagrama Jade Eye.

A very special mark appeared.

There is a groove on the huge jade eye.

The shape of the groove is almost exactly the same as Fatty Wang's jade pendant.

Fatty Wang even joked at the time that the Zagrama Jade Eye was definitely something from his old Wang family.

Of course this is just a joke.

Now it seems that the value of this jade pendant is quite high, so naturally it cannot be sold casually.

At the same time, Hu Bayi also gave Shirley Yang other reasons for Fatty Wang to join.

It's not peaceful in the desert.

Not only may there be various beasts, but you may also encounter some bad guys.

Fatty Wang's marksmanship was even better than that of a veteran like him.

So after wearing it, it is regarded as an armed guard.

Shirley Yang thought about it and found that it made sense.

After all, the rest of the expedition team are all nerds.

Just when the two groups of people were discussing and colliding fiercely.

The inventory video in the sky starts playing.

This time the inventory video actually appeared directly on the sea.

The inventory video about the ocean has only appeared once before.

The video screen flew past a small island.

Then he ran into a huge wall of clouds on the sea.

And on top of these thick clouds, there were actually a few strands of black air rising straight into the sky.

It feels like the claws of a giant demon sticking out from under the sea.

Breaking through the clouds.

The feeling of wanting to grab something from the sky.

After taking a look, Fatty Hu Bayi Wang and Shirley Yang were all stunned.

The next second the video shot burst into the clouds.

The previous inventory video about the ocean was also very shocking, but this time the inventory video is obviously even weirder.

"Advection fog, this is the advection fog layer, which is very troublesome if it appears on the sea."Shirley Yang also has some research on meteorology.

Hu Bayi also learned a little bit before, so he understood it immediately.

After the video entered the clouds, the surroundings were suddenly filled with clouds and fog.

The visibility became very low.

Although it was only a video , but it still gives people an immersive feeling, as if they are falling into a large airtight ball of cotton. The surrounding sea seems to be surrounded by endless silence and darkness.

There is no storm at all, as calm as an endless abyss.

"Lao Hu, this video feels too depressing, I always feel like something is going to happen."Fat Wang suddenly interjected.

As soon as Fatty Wang finished speaking, the sound on the video screen began to change.

A little further away from the video camera, a dim light suddenly appeared.

At the beginning, it was just a blur. The yellow halo looked particularly clear in the extremely dark clouds.

After that, it became clear that it was an old-fashioned wind lantern, and underneath it was a very strange ship. The ship was faintly visible, and there seemed to be no one on it. It appeared quietly from the thick fog and slowly passed through the video camera. Seeing the situation in front of her, Shirley Yang shouted almost at the same time

"Ghost ship!"

Then the two people looked at Fatty Wang almost at the same time.

Fatty Wang opened his mouth wide, with a look of grievance on his face.

"Lao Hu, Miss Yang, what are you looking at me doing? I just said it casually, who knew something strange might come out?……"

At this time, the ghost ship on the screen is getting closer and closer.

The three of them were finally able to barely see clearly what was going on on the ghost ship.

But the more they looked at Fatty Hu Bayi Wang and Shirley Yang, the more ugly their expressions became.

Because the situation on this ship is indeed a bit scary.

Everything on the boat was behind the clouds and mist, looking hazy.

The deck was deserted.

The whole thing is off-white and looks very old.

The cabin is a bit shabby.

The most horrifying thing is that there are large dark red marks on the overtime and the cabin door.

It looks like blood!

…… parallel world.

Aning has left the office.

Start preparing to go to Hainan.

The company's latest plan is to go to Xisha to find an ancient shipwreck tomb.

According to the information in the company.

There is something very special inside this shipwreck tomb.

There are even clues to other, larger treasures.

At the same time, Aning also has to contact some very special people.

These people seemed to have gone to Qilu before, an ancient tomb of the Warring States Period.

He should be back soon now.

If they do not come back alive, it means that these people are not capable of participating in this Xisha expedition.

Just when Aning was about to set off, the inventory video appeared again in the sky.

As soon as the inventory video appeared this time, Aning had to stop.

It doesn't matter if it's another picture.

Aning can even avoid watching these videos in an emergency.

Focus on doing your own thing.

But the scene in this video is actually on the sea.

And judging from the island that first appeared on the screen, it was obviously in the Southern Ocean.

It's not very far from Xisha.

It may even be the Xisha area.

In this case, 413 Aning had to choose to watch this video carefully.

Soon the video footage burst into the stratospheric fog.

At first, Aning thought the video footage would come out of the stratospheric fog layer soon.

After all, the visibility in this advection fog is extremely low, and it is impossible for anything special to appear.

Even if it appears, it cannot be seen.

But unexpectedly, not long after, a silent ghost ship appeared directly on the video.

Empty old ship.

Ruined decks and cabins.

There were also large areas of dark red color that looked like blood stains on the hull.

Aning felt her heartbeat speed up and her whole body became cold.

Just when Aning thought the camera would rush into the ghost ship, the camera didn't move.

It seemed as if they were afraid of disturbing the expert ghost ship.

This huge ghost ship just passed by the camera.

Not a sound was made.

The yellow wind lantern quickly turned into a halo.

Then disappeared.

The surroundings became gray again and completely dead.

Immediately afterwards, the video camera finally burst out from the fog that was too thick to break.

This also made Aning breathe a long sigh of relief.

But immediately huge waves appeared all around.

Bolts of lightning appeared above the sea.

The sea showed its most violent side.

Although he was just watching the video and not actually on the sea, Aning still felt a little seasick.

At the same time, you can see tall gray-white water columns all around, rising straight into the sky from the sea.

Any one of these water columns seems to have a diameter of more than ten meters or even tens of meters.

The height is at least two to three hundred meters.

Linked to the thick clouds over the sea.

Aning's face turned white, and at the same time he murmured,"Dragon sucks water!".

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