[22 years old: You've been on the road all year long.

Over various mountains, across the great lake and the sea.

Walked far, far away.

As you keep walking, you find that your martial arts cultivation is also constantly rising. [

23 years old: Your steps still haven't stopped, you know that there are immortal cultivators in this world, and there are immortal relationships.

You want to find, you want to cultivate immortals.

Because although you have the fruit of the immortal path, you do not have the law of protecting the way.

If you encounter something like that kind of immortal fight like last time, you will have no room to resist at all.

Even a careless aftermath can wipe you out.

You hate that feeling very much, so you want to change, and you also want to cultivate immortals and have the strength to control your own destiny.

You have now reached the grandmaster level, and you may be very powerful among mortals, but compared to the two immortals you saw last time, the gap is too big and too big.

Their appearance directly broadens your horizons, making you no longer satisfied with the martial arts of mortals, but want to find the cultivation methods of immortals.

But the heavens and the earth are so big that there is nowhere to follow. [

24 years old: You are not overwhelmed by the difficulties in front of you, and you are still searching. [

25 years old: While searching, you have not given up your martial arts cultivation, and as you continue to walk, you see more and more things, and your understanding of the world is getting deeper and deeper.

It is the so-called reading ten thousand books and traveling thousands of miles.

Your comprehension came into play at this time, and your martial arts cultivation had actually risen further, and at this time you had reached the peak of the grandmaster, and you were only one step away from entering the grandmaster level. [

26 years old: You have come to the territory of a country called the Dahong Dynasty.

It was discovered that a martial arts ban was being implemented here, and any martial artist with martial arts would be arrested and suppressed by the imperial army.

This naturally caused resistance in the rivers and lakes, and many jianghu sects and forces united to fight.

However, they were no match for the imperial court.

These jianghu sects are just a group of stragglers, there is no cohesion at all, and they are used to being alone on weekdays, and it is impossible to twist into one force.

Quarrels and wars between countries are completely different.

These quacks originally looked down on the army in the country, but they did not expect that after the real fight, it would not be like that at all.

These quacks were beaten to death, and finally even arrested everywhere.

Either choose to abolish the cultivation in order to survive, or you will be directly dragged to the vegetable market to kill the head.

This matter originally had no effect on you, with your current cultivation, hiding and disguising yourself as an ordinary person, they couldn't see it at all.

As long as you don't shoot, you're fine.

It doesn't make any difference to you.

Even if the imperial court and the rivers and lakes fight to death, setting off countless bloody storms.

It's none of your business, but after your initial contact, you have a pang of curiosity because you heard something.

That is, when the army sent by the imperial court completely strangled a sect of jianghu sects, there were actually grandmaster-level masters in this sect!

You yourself are a Grandmaster-level master.

Of course, you understand that in the face of the army, even if it is invincible because of the large number of troops, it is possible to turn around and flee.

It is simply impossible for the army to stop a grandmaster-level master.

However, this sect was indeed wiped out from top to bottom, even the grandmaster-level ancestor was also destroyed.

This makes you feel a little incredible.

But after thinking about it, maybe it was because of the fetters of the sect, so he didn't think about escaping at all.

Or maybe his relatives, friends, and disciples were captured, forcing her to be unable to escape, and she could only fight to the death.

However, after a while, you find that a Grandmaster-level dispersal cultivator has also been rounded up by the imperial army and killed.

That's a bit outrageous.

As a scattered cultivator who didn't care at all, he would even be killed.

So why is that?

You have some doubts and interest in this.

So you inquire and observe.

It was discovered that the army in this Dahong Dynasty was actually very good at a military formation.

When this formation is unfolded, even ordinary elite soldiers can surround and kill experts in the rivers and lakes, and if there are enough of them, even innate masters can surround and kill.

That's exactly why.

in order to kill two Grandmaster-level masters in succession.

You feel a little puzzled by this, this kind of military formation is so powerful, it seems that it is not an ordinary formation.

You have come into contact with immortal cultivators, and you have even lost your relationship with the legendary immortal relationship.

So your mind is more alive, and you immediately think of another possibility.

Could it be that this formation is not a formation in the mundane, but a formation from an immortal cultivator?

That's why it can play such a powerful role!

Once this idea arises in your mind, it will never go away.

Because you know it's really possible!

Your eyes gradually lit up, you have been looking for Immortal Yuan for several years, but you have not found a single hair.

Now that something suspected of being related to immortal cultivators has finally appeared, of course you refuse to let it go.

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