- I believe you and I'm a fool.

Li Wei and Yakumo Zi just chatted with each other.

They chatted like this for a long time.

After a long time, Yakumo Zi stood up.

"Okay, Mr. Li Wei - although we don't need to take anything because of the gap, but if we want to leave, we still have to say hello to some guys."


Li Wei watched Yayunzi open the gap, and then Yayunzi turned to Li Wei's side before getting into the gap.

"Although we should thank you for your help this time - but considering that we have all paid ourselves to you, we will not say this thank you."

Saying so, Yakumo Zi laughed.

——It was brighter than the fish maw white in the distance, and it was an exceptionally clear and beautiful smile that could be seen in the morning light.

"Then we, who are only seventeen years old, can live for a long time, and we will always haunt you, so - please give me more advice for the rest of my life~"

"Well, please give me more advice for the rest of my life."


[End of this volume] He.

Chapter 110

"Our name is Yakumo Zi~ Although everyone should have a preliminary understanding of each other, we think we should make a brief introduction at this time."

Yakumo Zi stood in the living room and looked at Li Wei next to him and Li Wei's family in front of him, with a smile on his face, but his heart was full of mixed feelings.

"We are the bishop of Lord Li Wei. If nothing else happens, everyone will be companions in the future."


Such words have been said to Yakumo Zi before.

But from the moment of birth to the present, most of the time I have spent so far has been alone, or Yakumo Zi, who has taken care of everything by herself, is the first time she has uttered the word by herself.

So this unprecedented experience even made Yakumo Zi a little nervous.

Would anyone be willing to be your companion?

Do you deserve a companion yourself?

This time...you won't be left alone, will you?

"Welcome to meow~"

Heige raised his hand happily, and Bai Yin also followed behind his sister and nodded to Yakumo Zi.

Arturia was very peaceful and gentle towards her companions, and Tiamat had no objection to Yakumo Zi's addition.

"Well, I'll be a companion from now on~"

Ingville rushed up with a smile and hugged Yakumo Zi, while Sakura saw Yakumo Zi looking a little dazed, and while trying to pull Ingville away, she explained to Yakumo Zi.

Although Grefia always looks like that when she doesn't drink, Yakumo Zi can still feel kindness from her.

This situation made Yakumo Zi stunned even more serious, even if Ingville was pulled away by Sakura, she never recovered.

It was Li Wei who spoke and called her back.

"Don't worry, no one on my side will reject you - I said it before, my family members are different from other demon's family members. I treat my family members as family members."

Li Wei's parents have died in this life, and his grandfather is Li Zeweim, the guy he will kill himself sooner or later.

There is a half-brother Vali... The relationship between the original body and him in memory is not bad, it is the kind of level that can barely say a few words.

A real family is basically like this.

On the contrary, when these relatives get together, they can give Li Wei a feeling of home.

Li Wei enjoyed this feeling very much.

Yakumo Zi had never experienced this feeling before.

She is the only realm demon in this world.

If you are looking for some existence that can barely be called family - then there is probably only Reimu who was brought up by her, and even the current Lan is not very good at this.

There are no oranges in the lost home now.

Compared to Yakumo Zi, Lan is now more like a useful tool than his family.

So Yakumo Zi remained silent for a while after hearing what Li Wei said.

After a long time, under everyone's attention, he smiled and nodded.


"We know."


Because of the addition of the newcomer Yakumo Zi, there was a lot of trouble for a long time.

It was not until the evening that Li Wei discussed the future with his relatives who had gradually cooled down.

"Noah's Ark has been established - I also said before about our next goal, that is to take Noah's Ark to the parallel world, to accompany Artoria to see how her original choice has been extended. result."

The construction of the ark went surprisingly smoothly.

The required materials and resources can be found by Lucifer, so Li Wei handed over this matter to Gurefia, and gave her the spells and blueprints.

"As for the anchor point I mentioned earlier on Yasaka's side, I plan to pin the anchor point in Gensokyo, and then lock the anchor point with a national-level spell that spreads to fifteen cities, so that we don't have to be afraid. It's hard to come back after we go out."

"I've actually decided on the city. Tokiomi Tohsaka has dealt with it for the most part, but there are still some minor obstacles before we can actually start to construct the spell."

Li Wei took out a marker and wrote something on the whiteboard behind him.

'The Five Great Families', 'The Watcher of the Son of God', 'The Witch of Oz'

- These are the names of the three forces.

"In fact, I wanted to join the four major demon exorcist families, but the four major exorcist families have basically been wiped out, and the only remaining two Yi, Tomisaka Tokiomi also went to talk about it, the problem is not big."

"And besides that, the monsters that I was more concerned about before..."

Li Wei's eyes turned to Yayunzi.

Speaking of monsters, Yakumo Zi definitely knows the monsters here best.

So after noticing Li Wei's gaze, Yakumo Zi also smiled and took the words:

"We generally know the monsters in the Far East. In addition to the Nuliang group, the Kyoto group, and the feather-clothed fox, there are actually some large and small distributions. Among them, there are also several big monsters, and even the highest-level monsters. Well, leave this matter to us... Ming... the day after tomorrow at most, we can guarantee that they will not affect the plan."

With the protection of the monster sage Yakumo Zi, Li Wei also nodded, and finally led the topic to the three forces he wrote down.

"These three forces..."

Li Wei thought for a while, then he circled the witch of Oz with a red pen, then hesitated, and added an important line under the watcher of the child of God.

"What we have to focus on is this witch of Oz - I simply told you about the witch of Oz, and you may not understand, but you just need to know that this is a crack that can even isolate the world from the world in the interdimensional gap. The guy who came out of the power that created the world and established a country called Oz in it, it is enough to know this."

create the world-

These four words alone are enough to make them pay attention!

After briefly talking about the Witch of Oz, Li Wei talked about the Son of God Watcher.

"The organization called the Watchers of the Son of God is, to be honest, the fallen angels - to be honest, if I could, I would not have the slightest interest in being involved with the fallen angels at this time, but they are indeed more active than our demons in the human world, If it comes to this side, then you can't get around them, you have to face it."

"It's just that the influence of the fallen angels on us is not that great. It is a force that needs attention, but there is no need to pay special attention."

Finally, there are the five great families-

"These five great clans are the forces that have been secretly guarding the Far East from a long time ago."

When talking about this force, Li Wei did not pay as much attention to it as the first two forces.

It's not that Li Wei has a prejudice against them - it's that Li Wei is outright looking down on them!

The relationship between the five major clans and the guardian of the gods dropped to a freezing point because of the [Lightning] incident, and then their sleazy operation came. When facing Asachel, they said that Asachel took in those because he took in a few people.' Evil ghost', there is a threat to the Far East, strike hard!

Then Asachel didn't want to provoke any more disputes no matter what, and the five great clans really did not take action when dealing with the [Lightning] problem, so Asachel's reason prevented him from taking action easily. The Zong family occupies a place.

Later, when it came to the dxd plot, Kirkball said that he would provoke a war and put the holy swords on the top of the city, posing a major threat to the entire city, and then these guys didn't let a single fart, from beginning to end. Did not jump out to do anything.

They thought that Azazel was a lunatic because Azazel's Son of God would have a major impact on the Far East, and they attacked Azazel for these reasons, and then they didn't fart when they faced Kirkball. The core reason is because Kirkball is really a madman, and he will really have a major impact on the Far East.

In the previous monster war, these guys also hid far away, and only sent a small group to evacuate the people...

What qualifications are there for the five great clans who do this to be looked down upon by him! ?

The reason why it was written is because the first thing Li Wei has to deal with is the affairs of the five great clans!

But just when Li Wei was about to say these things, the black magic circle lit up in the open space of the hall, and then Tohsaka Rin walked out of the magic circle.

It was the first time Yakumo Zi saw Rin Tohsaka.

Li Weizheng was going to introduce her to her, and then Tohsaka Rin spoke first.

"Lord Li Wei, my father... ahem, Tokiomi Tohsaka said that the two ceremonies have been received, and I asked you when to come and have a look."


Chapter 111

"He's still in a coma."

Li Wei finally put down the matter at hand for the time being and came to see the situation of the two ceremonies.

When he came to Tohsaka Tokiomi's side, the two rituals were still in a coma, lying on the bed with his eyes closed - it is said that the other party has been like this for many years.

If it wasn't for the efforts of Liangyi's family to keep her alive, she would probably have died a long time ago.

——And in fact, she, who has a dual personality, is indeed dead - a personality.

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