Sword Saint’s Interstellar Master House Chapter 132

Li Yao flipped through the three major streams of "Fictional News", "Small Universe" and "Qunxing Pictorial", and by the way, he also checked the hot searches on the Internet.

To sum it up, there are three recent cosmic headlines --

The Empire Icon's first on-screen kiss.

The newly built murloc town in Baiye.

Star Thief King's Rubik's Cube Planet Club.

It just so happens that three things are related to Li Yao.

The first one, Princess Chen's first kiss on screen.

Mainstream news is very cautious, saying that this is the latest filming technology, and Princess Chen Yu did not hand over her first kiss on the screen, nor did she introduce too much to the actor.

After all, this is just a commercial, everyone is here to see Princess, who cares who your actor is.

However, the Internet is boiling.

Various posts, through frame-by-frame analysis, prove that Princess is indeed handing over her first kiss on the screen.

And from the previous kiss scene on the boat, we analyzed Princess's micro-expressions, and compared with the kiss scene expressions in the movie, it is speculated that Princess is in love!

There are quite a few posts like this, and one by one, like Leeuwenhoek, has aroused widespread discussion among netizens.

At the same time, a large number of newly registered accounts refuted this view online and received an astonishing number of likes in a short period of time.

Everyone knows.

There are also some people who dig deep into Li Yao's identity.

Some people speculate that he is the father of the murlocs of the White Night, although the title "father of the murlocs" is only casually mentioned by Elders and has not been widely reported.

Some people also dug up his true identity, which is the Boss of Interstellar Master House under Bai Ye.

Some people even speculate that he is Li sword saint who appeared on the battlefield of the eternal star. His strength is deep and unmeasurable, and he is the secret weapon for Bai Ye to seek the right to speak in the universe.

Most rational netizens expressed their blessings for Chen Yu Princess's love affair.

But there are also many people who feel that Li Yao is not worthy of Shenyu Princess, shouting about the fall of imperial idols, or being kissed and coerced by Li Yao.

What's more, they said they wanted to hire murderers to beat people.

Someone replied that it might be a sword saint. The floor master said that sword saint is not as good as money. He would spend one billion star coins to ask Xinglan Princess to beat up Li Yao.

Seeing this post, Li Yao also specially registered a digital account to reply: I am Lei Fenghe, Martial Arts Hall Master, Comet by Lakeside Star, the only heir of Comet Fist, as long as 100 million, guaranteed to beat Cry Li Yao.

The owner never replied...

However, these posts are all discussions among netizens in a small range, only youngster's business hobby, for middle-aged and elderly people who control the right to speak People don't matter.

Whether it's Li Yao's handsome face or the name Li Yao, it's all too popular and has not attracted widespread attention.

The same goes for the second headline.

Elders is the most prominent in the murloc town.

The only surviving heir of "Starbreaker" Elgreen, one of the three giants, has the blood of a king and pacifism, and the light of the future in the white night.

Li Yao suspects that the press release was written by Elders himself, however, it is actually from Chanai's small universe report and was ghostwritten by Kraft.

The second person to stand out was actually Princess.

The acquisition of Brotherl by the nuns is attractive enough, not to mention the Imperial Princess.

Few netizens praised the efforts made by Shengxiu Princess to protect the murlocs. On the contrary, they made a lot of vulgar ridicule. Some even posted a number saying that he had seen the plot.

Li Yao doesn't know what these people are talking about, so I wrote down a few numbers and decided to enjoy it when I'm bored.

The third most famous is Shui Xin.

Has been called the most beautiful mermaid by netizens, the only mermaid who can fly.

Even the name of the Twin Tavern has been launched, and it is considered to be a tavern that must not be missed when traveling to Lakeside Star.

Li Yao saw the news and hurriedly made a long-distance call to Shuixin and raised the price of the drinks to ten times the original price, so that they could relax.

But the famous tavern name and water heart, Li Yao and Yin Yue, and even sword saint's master house, are rarely mentioned.

If you watch the news tomorrow, the kind-hearted uncle Tantaiguang might get far more attention than Li Yao.

In general, the fish-man town project has been widely praised, and Bai Ye's consistent image of a black-hearted businessman has been improved to a certain extent.

Many netizens left messages, wanting to bring their children to the fish-man town to play.

Some netizens expressed the hope that the murlocs from all over the world could be brought together and given their freedom, instead of treating them as dolls or acrobats.

To sum up: fish life is expensive!

Oddly enough, many people don't have much sympathy for the orcs or the allies, and feel that they are too dangerous, and that allowing them to develop could overthrow human rule and crowd out human jobs.

Even the fictional newspaper of the Empire bluntly stated that if the orcs were allowed to develop and grow, every orc could live a splendid life like the people of the Empire, and the universe would not be able to support it.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but all the mainstream news on the Internet attacked orcs intentionally or unintentionally.

And the murlocs are much cuter.

After all, they are so rare, so weak...

The third headline is serious.

The King of Star Thieves plans to hold a Rubik's Cube planet meeting to convene the star thieves, who are about to slaughter the revolutionary army.

The Rubik's Cube planet, the well-known Ancient Immortal Palace, is said to be the famous instrument of Transcending Tribulation with 9 by 9, 81 Great Divine Ability cultivators.

Even Li Yao, a foreigner who has been in the WTO for five years, knows what a Rubik's Cube planet is, which shows how famous this thing is in the universe.

As a result, such an important Legendary Grade relic is actually in the hands of the Star Thief King, not the Empire...

This has exploded the public opinion in the whole universe!

There are even viewers who do not understand the complete truth guessing that Pangu Nebula is a treasure all over the place, and whether the Star Thief King has become an immortal?

As for the Rubik's Cube Planet, all the news is analyzing the purpose of the Star Thief King and how the Empire and the Revolutionary Army should respond.

What the Star Thief King promotes is that the Rubik's Cube planet has just been discovered, and the Star Thief King himself has only explored a few Immortal Palaces, and a large number of Immortal Palaces are still in the undeveloped state, inviting star thief friends to explore together , according to the appraised value, pay Star Thief King 20% of star coins!

There are also rumors that there is True Dragon in the Rubik's Cube planet, as well as the Great Divine Ability cultivator without Transcending Tribulation, and even the existence of Immortal is still unknown.

As of today, all the well-known star thieves groups invited by Pangu Nebula have responded.

For example, Solitaire, who is also the Big Three, has clearly responded and will send someone to the scene.

For example, Giant Race's glory [Great Sword Knight-errant] star thief group, it is said that they have a sword in each hand, splitting stars and cutting thorns.

For example, the immortal domain from the distant Qimen, claiming to be a traditional sect, is actually the [Floating Immortal Gate] of the Star Thief Group.

For example, the semi-religious organization [Apostles], whose influence has gradually expanded in recent years, has not been defined as an illegal organization for the time being due to the reason of the Princess.

For example, the worst powerhouse of the worst generation, [Electromagnetic Induction], which made the Star Thief King hate gnash the teeth, also unexpectedly received an invitation, threatening to take anything in the Rubik's Cube planet and never give it to him. taxi.

apart from this , Seven Wild Hunt, the revolutionary army Firefox group that destroyed Irfan and Madam Bachi, and Lieutenant General Meld of the Pangu Military Region, who had repeatedly clashed with the Star Thief King, also received invitations , but no reply yet.

The strange thing is that the culprit, Li Yao, received an invitation that the Seventh Fleet temporarily handwritten...

There is no media report on this.

Damn, Li Yao suddenly had a primordial urge to go to a big ticket!

However, he decided to wait and see.

Maybe someone paid him to do it?

Who can say such a thing?


spaceship has come to the door of interstellar.

Li Yao said that Victoria Princess invited the couple to Emperor Star.

He inquired about Yin Yue's route on the military boat, followed directly, and waived the toll.

The Pangu Nebula is far, far away from the Golden Star Domain and has no direct access to the Star Gate.

However, the Pangu Nebula is also a military center. It only takes one stop to get there. The fastest aircraft can even arrive in one day. Li Yao's prancing horse spaceship takes about two to three days.

Theoretically, he was impossible to catch up on the Tiger Style ship that Yin Yue was on on the way.

But for some reason, Li Yao always felt that something unexpected would happen.

One day later, Li Yao came to the transfer star gate of Centaur Star Domain.

After passing the relay station for free, you have reached the golden Star Domain, and the distance behind is not very far.

It only takes more than a day of continuous warp flight to reach the Silver Tree star system.

Entering the gold Star Domain, it is obvious that the stars in the field of vision have become much denser, just like the gravel on the beach, the golden-bright and dazzling are all gold.

That's why it is called the Gold Star Domain.

The vacuum here is much brighter, and even the Spiritual Qi concentration is a little higher.

The Spring Frog and Autumn Cicada sleeping in the bedroom were also awakened by the golden light shot through the porthole.

The stomach was gu gu, and the two looked around, but couldn't see Yin Yue's silhouette, and asked nervously:

"Where's the nurse?"

"Have we arrived at Dixing, why haven't we found the nurse, will they be taken away by the bad guys?"

It stands to reason that Yin Yue, who set off a day earlier, was on a military boat. It should have arrived at Dixing.

But Li Yao stared at the direction of sword qi, Yin Yue was not in the direction of Emperor Star.

"It seems to be yaw."

"How do you know?"

"It's called a consonance, super distance sensing, and you don't learn swords , of course I don't understand."

Although Li Yao couldn't see the details around Yin Yue at such a distance, it was certain that sword qi was stable and she was not in danger.

"Let's follow along and see what interesting things will happen."


The Tiger Style warship of the Eighty-ninth Army that Yin Yue boarded , named Good News.

It is an intelligence ship converted from a warship.

The captain is Colonel Gwyneth, a thin woman in her 60s. She looks full of energy and is easy to talk. She was specially arranged by Victoria to accompany Professor Yin Yue.

They are both old women, they have a lot of common words, and they talked a lot along the way.

Because the two of them were chatting too speculatively, the spaceship was on the yaw and they didn't notice it.

Instead, it was Yin Yue who first discovered the strangeness.

"Colonel, is our direction deviating from Emperor Star?"

Colonel Gwyneth came to the cockpit suspiciously, checked all the data carefully, and found that the spaceship was indeed deviating heading.

This is a low-level mistake!

Even the driving team felt weird.

Although the cause was the misoperation of a newcomer, the data has long been abnormal. Why didn't so many people find it?

Gwyneth felt that something was wrong, and what Princess told her was that Professor Yin Yue might have mastered some kind of spirituality, and she wanted to pay special attention.

I kept talking with the professor to appease her.

But she will never ignore it - this is Mrs. Baya's teacher, a biology professor who can disappear in the memory of hundreds of thousands of teachers and students of the Academy of First Technology. .

She immediately ordered, set the course, and handed it over to the spaceship to autopilot.

Then check the electronic equipment you wear, set a timed reminder device, and then go back to the office.

"How did the professor know about the yaw?"

Yin Yue put down the teacup, and the soul-stirring disturbance from the depths of her Sea of Consciousness proved that the woman was in the vicinity.

"We were never enemies, Colonel."

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