Sword Saint’s Interstellar Master House Chapter 107

Winged starfish, South Pole, fifty miles underwater.

Murloc Village, underwater village.

It is located in a concave cave on the side of a certain trench.

It looks very hidden from the outside, but in the caves of thousands of acres, the lights are brilliant, and more than 10,000 murlocs live.

The so-called lights are glowing shells, which are fixed on the inner wall of the cave and can be fed regularly.

These murlocs are not fully evolved orcs, but remnant orcs who have failed to evolve in the direction of humans.

Among them, there is a race with human fish tails. Because of finding suitable settlements, the genes are stabilized to reproduce offspring, which is the legendary mermaid.

The number of mermaids is extremely rare. It is said that a qualified female mermaid can sell for a market price of 50 million to 100 million star coins.

Underwater villages are not only hidden, but the outside is full of mist and the space is chaotic.

In the village, there is an old stone house.

A fat murloc old woman, lying on her side on a crystal compass full of shells.

In front of her, Shui Xin hung her body obediently.

"Mr. Keluo, your Bebu is amazing, I really found a hero to help us!"

The fat murloc old woman sighed:

"This is not a shell divination, but a calculation of a climber's strength based on the degree of ground movement towards Holy Mountain, Shuixin, you shouldn't run out to find a hero."

"Why, Mother-in-law?"

"If this hero is not strong enough to defeat the gods, he will become the food of the gods, and the village will also pay a very heavy price, which is a 90% probability. The incident."

"If the hero is strong enough to defeat the gods, but is as greedy as other human beings, after defeating the gods, he sells our entire village, or becomes a new god God."

"Only in a very small probability, this hero is stronger than God, and like Saint is selfless and benevolent to the murlocs, it is possible that after defeating God, he will only take you away One person."

Shui Xin listened obediently and earnestly, but her heart was still full of hope.

"This hero is more powerful than the imperial armor, and the man is also very handsome. Even the imperial princess asked him to shoot a commercial. He looks very gentle and promises that the commercial will not be exposed or forced. I do anything, and his wife is a professor of medicine and has two twin orc daughters of different races!"

The commercial...wife is a professor of medicine...twin orc daughters...

Hearing this, Granny Ke Luo's face turned black.

The seismograph built by the shells collapsed suddenly.

"You must never go out again, Shui Xin, this man is a devil!"

Shui Xin did not believe that Li Yao was a bad person, but did not defend him, only With tears in her eyes, she wept softly:

"But the Lord of God has to eat a pair of virgins and virgins with high cultivation innate talent every month, which is equivalent to blocking the ascending passage of the village, do we live forever? In the underwater cave, do you want to be the slave of Lord God all your life?"

Mr. Kelu got up and sighed:

"The village chief has tried to revolutionize the revolution through other channels. Military contact, some time ago, my niece Yuchi met a revolutionary officer named Sword Snake Langjun on Shenmu Island... Maybe one day, there will be a huge spaceship to take all of us to the new fairy Star Domain."

Shui Xin listened attentively, and suddenly said in frustration:

"But we are not orcs..."

Mr. Ke Luo's face stiffened, in the stone house Suddenly absolute silence.

At this moment, another little mermaid rushed into the stone house and shouted——

"Not good, but Granny Luo! Lord God appeared again and asked us to immediately Hand over a pair of virgins with high innate talent!"

"Isn't it the full moon yet?"

Mother Luo didn't know why, so let Shui Xin stay in the stone house. Move, and immediately go out of the village with the village chief to meet the Lord God.

The entrance of fishman village.

Mother-in-law Keluo and the village chief have been raising their hands to greet each other, standing respectfully.

The village chief is a skinny old man.

In front of them.

The Lord God has never shown a complete body, but only saw tentacles with black hair and green lacquer, swinging faintly in the depths of the trench.

The village chief said in a low voice:

"Lord God, the full moon is not over yet, and the innate talent test for virgins is not over yet."

"You don't have time for the innate talent test, but you have time to send people to contact humans?"

Deep in the ocean trench, huge tentacles, baring fangs and brandishing claws, are like spewing fires, emitting tongue-in-cheek Clear growl.

"Stupid murlocs, don't you understand now? For so many years, this god has been protecting you!"

"A group of more than 10,000 people, only one year Twenty-four people are charged for protection, and twenty-four little babies are not enough to fit between the teeth of the god!"

"Without the protection of the god, at the price of a mermaid, you would be extinct long ago! Steady, you have the face to betray me?"

After a roar, Lord God threw away two indigestible chest shells.

Mr. Ke Luo picked up the shell and held back her tears.

"I have eaten the mermaid who came into contact with the revolutionary army, and the revolutionary army sword snake Langjun, whom she came into contact with, was caught by the Irfan fleet in the battle of the Perpetual Star a week ago. Insignificant little character, I thought it was the hero who saved you!"

"Hurry up and hand over the mermaid who is in contact with human beings today, or the god will immediately pacify the village!"

On Lord God gave an ultimatum.

The village chief immediately explained:

"Lord God, you must have made a mistake. Some of us did go out today, but people who go to the shallow sea to collect medicine ingredients are right We are extremely cruel, how can we possibly touch human beings?"

Granny Ke Luo endured her grief and said:

"Under the protection of Lord Shangshen, the fish-man village has continued After thousands of years of incense, the people live and work in peace and contentment, and they will never betray the Lord God!"

The Lord God rolled his eyes.

"You don't think I'm a fool, do you?"

The village chief was so frightened:

"Sir, you must not really think Destroy us, after all, you can destroy us at any time with your strength. You are so tireless in protecting us, it must not be to destroy us."

"Whether or not to destroy is just casual, since you are unwilling to pay It starts with you."

God coldly snorted.

A tentacle with black hair and green paint reached the entrance of the village.

That's it!

Shui Xin rushed out, spreading her hands, her slender body stood in front of the village chief and Granny Kelu.

Her eyes were very firm, and she looked at death as if at home.

"Don't embarrass the village chief, I'm a traitor!"

White eyes and red pupils glanced down.


Shui Xin was determined to go out, his lips and teeth trembled, loudly said:

"The so-called protection of the Lord God is nothing but a It's just slavery, you who dare not even reveal your real body, you are definitely not Li Yao senior's opponent."

"Real body?"

The turbid water mist slowly dissipated .

The chaotic space quietly returned to its place.

An octopus head bigger than the fish-man village, with a half-spherical face exposed from the top of the trench, quietly overlooks the entrance of the cave.

The head is a huge octopus head, but the face has twisted human facial features. It is vast and strange, as if it is a high-dimensional creature.

The head is above the trench, but the body is not on the seabed, hidden in the dark depths, the vast breath seems to come from nothingness.

The lower half of the pure white protruding eyeball, the pupil of a scarlet is like a red space hole, locking the water center of the village entrance.

"Although you are a virgin and look good, your innate talent is too wasteful. God can only grit his teeth and reluctantly eat you!"

A line as thick as God The column's dark green tentacles extend rapidly downward.

The ends of the tentacles taper to accommodate the mermaid's body size.

Just as the tentacles were about to wrap around Shuixin's waist and hook her away——

A sword qi emerged from Shuixin's chest and exploded like a hedgehog. The ends of the tentacles are punctured with holes.

dark green's dive blood quickly dyed the village entrance green.

"sword qi? Sure enough, you're the warrior you're looking for!"

The frantic roar fell from the sky, with its own ancient and vast divine might.

While the village chief and Granny Kelu were stunned, the divide blood had degraded itself and dissipated.

The ends of the pierced tentacles have healed themselves in a blink of an eye, just like new limbs.

Is this the self-healing power of God?

Shui Xin was also frightened.

"I can also use a sword!"

Shang Shenxie smiled, lifted another dark green tentacle, and plunged straight into the heart of water.


The tip of the tentacle becomes as sharp as a sword.

The speed was too fast, in a flash, the sonic boom exploded in the water, rubbing the nearby seawater to boil.

Not only Shuixin, but also the village chief and Granny Kelu were held in place by the violent water pressure, unable to move even a little bit.

Shui Xin closed his eyes.

A more violent sword qi cuts through the space!

The sharp, cloudy-white sword qi slashed head-on, slashing the tip of the tentacle sword with one sword.

The tentacles split in an instant...

The furious sword qi slashed along the tentacles and toward the tentacles, spraying dark green blood.

However, there was no profit or loss in its sword pressure, and it slashed all the way towards the body of the god.

In the sky above the ocean trench, God's expression suddenly became solemn.

I immediately used the next tentacle to tear off the chopped tentacle from the root, and then sword qi dissipated.

After amputating a limb to survive, I accidentally discovered that this sword qi itself is not violent.

Furious is the skill of sword power transmission.

A silhouette in Tsing Yi appeared beside Shui Xin at some point, gently wiping away the residue of the divine blood that had been digested by sword qi for her soft and fair chest.

Shui Xin opened her eyes abruptly, thinking that she was being molested by the gods, but what she saw was Li Yao.

“Senior Li?”

Li Yao did not speak.

One second ago, he was still eating oysters, drinking beer, and chatting with Shenyu Princess on the beach.

The next second, he appeared in the deep trench...

Leaving the tender trench, looked up at the monster lying at the junction of the trench and the abyss.

No indescribable shapes, no vague babble, or even tentacles.

Only a twisted human face with an octopus head and a weird expression that seems to mock the entire universe.

Two bulging blue eyes, no nose, a slightly grinned big mouth, strange teeth...

Li Yao felt strangely disgusting.

"You are the god here?"

Although the Lord of the Gods amputated one of his limbs, his tentacles are like endless descendants.

In his opinion, although this child's sword skills are excellent, it is not such insignificant ability before the infinitely reborn divine body.

His white eyes spread to the largest, and his arrogant red pupils condensed to the smallest, full of some kind of mockery.

"Dharma End Era, a little sword saint, dare to draw a sword against the body of God?"

"Draw a sword against each other?"

Li Yao He didn't mean to draw a sword at all, the sword qi just now was just his hands.

"It depends on whether Lord God has the power to draw my sword."

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