Sword Saint’s Interstellar Master House Chapter 102

Li Yao blows the salty sea breeze, and the Divine Consciousness spreads throughout the island.

After searching for a while, I couldn't find the shadow of the mermaid.

In addition to the tourists who just landed on this island, they are the old people in uniform black clothes.

The old men in black seemed to be locals.

One of the yellow robe old woman caught Li Yao's attention.

This is an old grandmother who was picking up shellfish by the sea with a poker and a basket.

The body is hunched, the legs and feet are not very neat, and the facial features are squeezed together by folds, which looks very kind.

Li Yao walked over with the two girls and mecha, and asked politely:

“Grandma, is there a mermaid on this island?”

grandma After listening for a long time, she asked:

"Are you talking about murlocs?"

She has few teeth, so her words will leak.

Li Yao

"Beautiful female fish."

The old lady smiled and said:

"I am a fish p> People, aren't you beautiful?"

Li Yao took a closer look and saw that the thin scales on the old grandmother's skin were a little yellow, which was no different from human skin.

Seriously, she is actually younger than Yin Yue's wife...

"I guess grandma must have been a great beauty when she was young, but you belong to the category of beast girls. Now. I came here to see that kind of special murloc, the lower body is a fish, the upper body is a woman, and the body is very good, have you seen it?"

"When I was young, I was It's very beautiful."

The grandmother was happy, and then sighed:

"The mermaid you mentioned may or may not exist on this planet... Only the apostles We only know.”

Li Yao slightly startled.

"What is an apostle?"

The old woman pointed at the old man in black clothes in the distance with a tong.

"Those who wear black clothes are actually locals. Later, they were brainwashed by missionaries and claimed to be the apostles of God. I don't believe them anyway."

Li Yao asked curiously:

"What do they believe in?"

The grandmother said with contempt:

"Believe in God, they firmly believe that God created this planet, The orcs were created, and now the gods are gone, the Dharma End Era is created, as long as the gods are sincerely summon, there is still hope for the universe to recover Spiritual Qi.”

Li Yao laughed.

"It's not a bad thing for people to have faith, why doesn't grandma believe it?"

grandmother snorted.

"It's better to believe in the rebels than to believe this."

Li Yao didn't expect, even if you run here, you can still meet a revolutionary fighter.

"Grandma's mentality is very young."

When the grandmother heard this, she was so happy that her facial features were almost gone.

"I haven't been praised by handsome guys for a long time, young man, you really respect the old and cherish the young, a role model for human beings."

Li Yao smiled and said truthfully:

"Haha, of course, after all, my wife is older than you."


The old woman was stunned for a long time, but she still couldn't believe it.

But looking at the two girls next to them, I feel that they are older than they look, maybe this is really possible.

"Go on a pilgrimage to the top of the mountain, spend a few dollars, maybe the apostle will tell you where the beautiful murloc is." towards Holy Mountain.

Li Yao said gratefully:

"Thank you grandma."

The grandmother reminded:

"The mountain road is very long, and it usually takes a long walk. For two days, remember to bring some water and dry food.”


Li Yao thought he heard something wrong and looked up at Holy Mountain.

This mountain is cloudy and looks very high.

In fact, it's only a few miles high, so it doesn't take a day or two to walk, right?

He could have teleported up, but in order to verify what the grandmother meant, he decided to walk up.

Breaking goodbye to grandma, Li Yao led Spring Frog Qiu Chan and Mecha to the big stone gate in the management office at the foot of the mountain.

mecha was temporarily detained.

An apostle dressed in black clothed with a white divine wing pattern said to Li Yao:

"Visitors can only hike on foot and cannot borrow any means of transportation."


Li Yao didn't want to cheat either.

Looking up, in front of you is a straight, steep marble stone staircase, about a thousand zhang long, leading directly to the top of the mountain, with no end in sight.

Climbing, such as heavenly ascension.

There is a faint flowing mist on the stone steps.

There are not many people going up the mountain, they are sparse, and they stop and go, all of them blushing and dignified.

Li Yao raised his feet to climb the mountain. At first, he didn't realize that the higher he went, the more uncomfortable he was.

Only then did I discover that an irreversible coercion was exerted on the mountain!

You will be dizzy if you look up, and you will be afraid of heights if you look down.

The Spring Frog and Qiu Chan, who were carried on his left and right shoulders, had already fainted, and his body was supported by his sword qi.

The strange thing is that this coercion treats everyone equally.

It's not that the powerhouse can handle the pressure, and the weak can only crawl, but the pressure grows simultaneously with the stone steps and walking speed.

Regardless of the warriors of the cultivation, whether they are mortals or half-machines, they are all treated the same.

The higher you go, the stronger the pressure.

The faster you go, the stronger the pressure.

In particular, the stride should not be too fast, otherwise there is the possibility of sudden death.

ordinary person walk slowly, take a rest while walking, spend more time, but it is easier to climb up.

If the cultivator doesn't believe in evil, thinks very highly of himself, and accelerates climbing, it's easy to bump into a bag.

The meaning of the mountain is very simple, it is to make you pious and to respect the power of God!

Even Li Yao is no exception.

Li Yao suddenly became curious.

Does the God of the apostles really exist?

This is interesting...

Li Yao has never known where the upper limit of his strength is. If there is a so-called god, he may be able to test how strong he really is.

Thinking like this, Li Yao quickened his pace.

One step First Rank.

One step Second Rank.

One step third rank...

The speed is getting faster and faster!

Not only himself, but the sword qi imposed on Spring Frog and Qiu Chan was also strengthened simultaneously.

Li Yao feels heavier and heavier.

There is a feeling that when the spaceship approaches the speed of light, the mass increases infinitely.

The sword qi all over the body is vertical and horizontal, and the joints of the limbs are ringing.

Meanwhile, the whole mountain was shaking.

Passers-by stopped, clinging to the curb, not knowing what was going on.

Li Yao continued to trot.

Until a ka-cha sounded, past a certain point.

Mountain absolute silence.

Li Yao's power forcibly crossed a certain limit.

The coercion that fell from the sky immediately became honest.

Dissipate directly.

Li Yao looked up at the sky, somewhat disappointed.

It doesn't seem to be a god, it's just that there is a powerhouse on this planet...

At the same time, the two girls wake up.

Suddenly the head is empty, without any pressure.

They were bursting with confidence. I don't know if someone was carrying the weight for them. They thought they had just slept, their fatigue dissipated, and their physical strength recovered.

Looking at the other tourists on the side of the road, they still can only take one step and rest ten steps and climb slowly.

The two girls walked like flying, jumping three feet high.

"The physique of these people is still a little worse."

"Perhaps, this is the innate talent of the orcs."


The top of the mountain hangs in the vast clouds, seemingly very close but out of reach.

If Li Yao looks carefully, he can still see that this time is really not far away.

I ran too fast just now, accidentally over 90% of the distance.

Climbing is a lot less fun.

Unconsciously, Li Yao found a problem.

The closer you get to the top of the mountain, the more white rocks on both sides of the stone steps.

Li Yao stopped climbing, walked unhindered into the sparse forest, and picked up a white rock.

A closer look reveals that it is actually a broken bone!

It didn't rot even after being soaked by the rain, but it turned into a bone stone over the years.

Some bones are covered with a layer of emerald-colored pebbles.

What bones can be so strong?

Li Yao is not a paleontologist, not sure about the specific Spirit Beast species.

I picked up more than a dozen bones in a row, the category myriad, not the bones of the same Spirit Beast.

The only certainty is that these skeletons were originally huge, not the skeletons of ordinary Spirit Beasts, but the skeletons of ancient star beasts!

The Star Beast is a giant Spirit Beast that can traverse the void.

Only in Early-Stage in the era of cultivation, it has survived on a large scale, and Dharma End Era is rare.

For example, Insect Master's giant ray is a descendant of some kind of star beast, but its interior is engraved with artificial spiritual patterns to maintain a huge body and exaggerated power consumption.

The very penetrating milky sound of the Spring Frog and Qiu Chan came from the clouds-

"Li Yao, hurry up!"

" Why are you a big man playing with stones!"

"Come on."

Li Yao picked up a small white stone and took it back to Professor Yin Yue for research.

Maybe another happy thing is about to happen.

The top of the mountain is in the clouds.

It is a marble platform covering an area of 100 acres.

It is called Divine Stage.

A big black pillar in the middle is a symbol of God.

The power of God, Li Yao has already felt it.

It's very strong, but it's not too bad.

The clouds are very thin, and the table is covered with a thick layer of thick fog that is thick to the knees. Walking on the table, you can't see your feet clearly.

There are dozens of tourists who walk up to the top of the mountain.

Three apostles dressed in black clothed with white divine wings were reciting the so-called Oracle.

An ordinary person is an old woman, and two local fish orc old men are all rookies, and they have not even found the upper limit of Li Yao's breakthrough God's coercion.

Like three flies, shaking their heads there Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

Unfortunately, this is a mandatory fee.

Spring Frog and Qiu Chan covered her ears, but Li Yao gave them money and no one bothered them.

Li Yao didn't care too much. Before participating in the palace drama of Princess Vendetta, he took a look around with the mentality of traveling and looking for a mermaid.

Not to mention, this place is really divine.

Look down at the clear mist on the back of the ridge.

Half is a palace, half is like a fairy mountain, inlaid with each other, the clouds are rolling, and the auspicious energy is rising.

The ancient pines and cypresses are on the palace walls, the palace columns and pavilions are coiled on the rocks, there are halls in the mountains, and there are mountains in the halls.

Not long after, the apostle old woman shouted to Li Yao:

"The donor can come to the pilgrimage to make a pilgrimage."

The two girls knelt down In front of the black pillar, I pray that my salary will be doubled every month.

After sixty-four natural months, they will be the richest man in the universe!

Li Yao turned around and came to the black pillar.

This pillar is about ten feet thick, sticking out into the clouds, and the top can't be seen at a glance.

The cylinder is carved with some rare and exotic beasts that Li Yao has never seen before, exuding vast divine power.

There is a circle of shrines at the base of the pillars for people to pray for.

Although the shrine has several points of divinity, it is too rudimentary. It doesn't even have an incense burner, only a cash box.

The old woman in black sat on a high case and watched, reminding people to give money and making sure that the money was enough.

Li Yao suddenly felt like he had come to a scenic spot in China, and the smell of cheating money was completely undisguised.

But if you look closely, the Heavenspan Pillar in front of you seems to have something!

Expanding Divine Consciousness only to find that this pillar is releasing Spiritual Qi at an extremely slow speed.

This speed is so weak that other than Li Yao himself, it is almost impossible for others to notice it.

Li Yao sniffed carefully, this Spiritual Qi is not the same as the Spiritual Qi of Ceres and the ruins of Doragher Paradise, it is closer to the Spiritual Qi of the culture era.

That's amazing!

People are artificially making Spiritual Qi to revive, this spiritual pillar is really making Spiritual Qi...

Li Yao suddenly felt that this sinking fish Princess may not be very simple.

Why do you set the location for the commercial, or exactly where you meet him, on this planet?

What is she trying to say?

Li Yao looked down along the pillar, the stone pillar penetrated deep into the mountain and even inside the planet, and finally disappeared.

—not truncated, but vanished, as if half plunged into the abyss.

Looking up along the column, the top of the stone pillar seems to have been truncated, the section is still inclined, and a layer of concrete is used on the top to form a flat surface.

If it hadn't been cut off by someone, this pillar would never have released Spiritual Qi so slowly.

What is the special effect of this pillar to release Spiritual Qi in Dharma End Era?

Why is this thing poking on a tourist planet and not being discovered?

I'm just here for vacation, why bother with all this mess?

Li Yao couldn't help being curious.

He reached out and pressed on the surface of the cylinder, opened the way with sword qi, and Divine Consciousness stabbed in.

It was discovered that the Divine Beast carving with a history of thousands of years on the outside of the column was actually processed later.

The inner cylindrical surface is an extremely hard, extremely smooth and strange material, even Li Yao's Divine Consciousness can't penetrate an inch further.

The inner smooth cylindrical surface is engraved with lines of thick and simple, yet extremely clear and complex characters.

That's half-hieroglyph for hard to describe.

At the moment when Divine Consciousness meets the text——

Li Yao's brain buzzes, only in an instant, his body and mind are instantly sublimated, and Sea of Consciousness is as clear as a starry sky.

Looking carefully, the seemingly complex code, gorgeous as the stars, seems to reveal a kind of simple truth that children can understand, and tells the underlying logic of all things. .

As long as Li Yao's Divine Consciousness scans the text, even if he doesn't understand the content of the inscription at all, he will be deeply shocked by the subtle arrangement and combination.

In an instant, there is a feeling of feathery body fluttering and soul soaring...

It's like immortality!


Chapter 0097 The King of Talking: Asking For Leave

Chapter 0098 The King of Talking: Miyazawa Suzu Sakura

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