“… Standing by and watching is your best way to’participate’ right now,” Roseta the Great gave Matilda a deep look, and then he seemed to hesitate for a moment before he whispered, “Remember, child, Your hands cannot be dirty, especially in this matter.”

Matilda’s heart jumped, and unable to bear opened her eyes slightly.

Actually, she knew that her Imperial Father would raise upwards in this matter sooner or later, but she never thought that it would be in this situation and put it on the table in this way.

Roseta Augustus continued after a short silence: “Matilda, you remember that if you want to shoulder a country, everything you do must be long-term The future is more long-term than anyone can think about. From the very beginning, all costs and possible impacts should be taken into consideration. As for this time, all you have to do is to keep your hands from getting dirty. To appease the nobles with a perfect posture, to meet with the representatives of the citizens, to announce the follow-up welfare, production, and supply policies, you must be the maintainer and builder of order, and those unpleasant things… Done by someone else.

“Even if you make many decisions and many things, you have to maintain this ‘decent clean’.

“Matilda, those lists—and the cleanup work outside the lists. We all know that they are to wipe out the worms of Empire, to quickly stabilize the situation and to resist internal and external threats, but many people do not Paying attention to these long-term results, they will pay attention to the horror and tension in the process, as well as those’excusable victims’… In fact, their thoughts are even correct, because the clean-up work itself does not matter what its purpose is. All means can’t be called brilliance. If it is abused, then this is even a disruption to order. Regardless of the current and short-term effects of these actions, in the long run, they are bound to be full of controversy-and these controversies Can’t fall on you.”

Speaking of this, he took a deep look at Matilda again, with a smile on his face: “Do you feel that I have overprotected you?

“Matilda, many years ago, I faced a situation similar to today… or even worse, because at that time I made far more lists than today. I have to deal with People are much more cunning and insidious than those opportunistic merchants and selfish nobles today, and all of this, I could only do it myself.

“The consequence of doing it with my own hands is that I made more compromises, more trade-offs, left more room, and more enemies that cannot be eliminated directly, because only in this way can the entire country be avoided. split up and in pieces. I have spent more than ten years repairing these cracks, using repair methods to promote many imperfect New Deals, even so, many people still hate me in the dark, and as time goes by Hatred of Yu Shen——Time is up to today, and I have to put these people on the new list again, and I have to face many new opponents who are affected by them.

“This is a waste of energy and time, Matilda, I don’t want you to walk on my path again.

“So, your hands must be clean.”

Matilda listened quietly to father’s teachings, and a single thought suddenly appeared in her heart-her steel-like father. In recent years, she has rarely said so much to herself at once. .

“I understand what you mean,” she nodded, “but Hadillon…”

“He knows what he is doing, I think you can see it too,” Roseta said solemnly, “It may be unfair to him…but it is the responsibility of the members of the Imperial Family.”

Matilda sighed.

“Let’s talk about business now,” Roseta said, “I’m asking you to come, there is something to tell.”

Matilda immediately got serious: “Please tell me.”

Roseta went to extend the hand to the next drawer—he took out a thick document from there and put it on the table and pushed it towards Matilda.

Matilda took the file curiously, and the first thing that came into view after opening it was a line of large letters in printed form-“The plan and long-term significance of establishing the Typhon memo library”.

She continued to turn over a few pages, and soon discovered that a considerable part of the follow-up content was actually bibliography, a large number of bibliography.

“This is…” There was a faint suspicion in her heart, but she was not sure what she was thinking. She showed a look of confusion and confusion, looking at her father.

“We want to secretly build a memo library-to include all Typhon. Scholars has compiled a list of all history books and technical books, and further collection and sorting work is proceeding intensively. According to the plan , There will be more books to be included in it later, eventually forming a huge encyclopedia. In addition, the collection and sorting of works of art on poetry, drama, architecture, painting, etc. have also started, and now this work will be handed over It’s up to you to continue.”

Matilda finally disabled to bear interrupted Roseta’s words: “Your plan… is it preparation…”

“Just in case,” Roseta said calmly, “If we fail, someone needs to make sure that our tradition and history can continue.”

“Is the situation so critical that it is so critical?” Matilda couldn’t help asking, “At present, everything is under control…”

“It is true that everything has not yet reached the worst level, but we are walking on the edge of the cliff, it may become worse-and if there is one day, the work of preserving history and culture must start from now.”

Matilda listened carefully and thought, then she suddenly realized that what father was really worried about was not the god of aloof and remote at all, but the man: “You think those Cecil people will take this opportunity A devastating war? And do you think they have this ability?”

“I admire and are willing to support Gawain Cecil and his claims, but we can never completely trust our enemies. As for whether they have this ability… Matilda, it’s okay for them to have this motivation. , And I have recently discovered their motivation for doing so, and even their specific actions.”

Matilda fell into a brief thought, and only said solemnly after a few seconds: “…If the situation you are worried about is really reached, then even if we organize and preserve these books, they may only change. It is a collection in the Cecil Museum-used to showcase his successful conquest that’s all.”

“So this is the worst solution, even can’t be called an effective countermeasure,” Roseta indifferently said, “If this crisis passes safely, we will naturally have time and space to solve it slowly. Question, but now… there is not much we can do.”

“Indeed, I am a little pessimistic, especially since we were still immersed in the confidence of a strong national power not long ago, and we are proud to plan the future glorious era. My pessimistic thoughts now seem extremely unreasonable… But Mar Tilda, I am making a big bet.

“A ruler should not be a gambler, but in my life I always have to be a gambler. According to my experience, facing a gamble… it is better to be pessimistic than blindly optimistic. “

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