“They won’t be fooled for the second time,” Palin Dongbao Earl said solemnly, “but we have also achieved the expected results, and the next is the confrontation of hard power…”

Earl’s words in Winter Castle did not fall, Adesha saw a flash of rays of light deep in the soot in the hologram, something shocking dissipated the smoke, leaving a light azure trail in the air.

Next, the second and third flashes appeared in the smoke.

After just a few seconds, a huge explosion sound came in from the outside-attacked in the direction of the city wall.

Smoke was blown away by the wind, and the Cecil steel Legion appeared again-the menacing force appeared very embarrassed. After being baptism by high-energy beam rain, nearly 30% of the war machines have been reduced to wreckage. In addition, a large number of severely damaged and chaotic war chariots were scattered on the battlefield. The survivors were using the wreckage as cover to launch strikes against the walls of Winterwolf Castle.

Even if they are embarrassed, the momentum of their attack is still amazing.

At the same time, Adesha also noticed that there were other enemies behind the war chariot-some soldiers with strange equipment survived the attack just now. They were scattered under the cover of their war chariot and battlefield wreckage. On the position, it seems to be searching for something carefully.

They are destroying the arcane stress field generator buried underground.

Earl Tallinn’s tense face is tense, this is the first time he sees the “ordinary person” with a certain battle strength under the attack of the strategic magic spell of the Black Flag Magician regiment. Legion, he was not only surprised by the battle strength and survivability of those ordinary people under the blessing of equipment, but also by their courage after facing such a large-scale magic blow.

At this moment, the voice of the magic spell came into the ears of Adesha and Earl, and the magic sentry station set high in Winterwolf Castle heard more news about the coming of the enemy——

“Northwest has observed the war chariot of the enemy!” “Southwest has observed the mana reaction!” “The second wave offensive of the enemy has been observed from the front of the line of defense!”

“You are right,” Adesha looked towards Dongbao Earl, and slowly said, “The next step is the confrontation of hard power…”


In the rear of the main propulsion unit, the original Contracting Fort has been temporarily transformed into the front line command post of the First Army regiment. Various types of magic equipment transferred from the rear occupy the hall on the first floor of the castle. A large amount of command, communication, and coordination The staff were to-and-fro in the hall, which made the scene extremely busy.

It is Philip himself who sits here and directs frontline offensive operations.

A subordinate stood in front of him and reported on the situation just returned from the front line: “The advancement unit’s operation on the west side of Winterwolf Castle was frustrated. The first unit was hit by the Typhon’s Legion-level magic spell and was unable to move forward. Can slowly weaken the enemy’s shield at the extreme range. The second, third, and fourth echelons are trying to attack from all directions, but they are all bombarded by powerful cluster magic with formidable power, and encounter some kind of interference that can interfere with the operation of the magic circuit device. Trap.”

“It seems that the Black Flag Magician regiment has arrived at Winterwolf Castle,” Philip quickly concluded, and frowned. “That kind of trap didn’t appear in the previous information… It seems that there are some Typhon people who haven’t even seen us. New things.”

“General, did you put the reserve echelon on the battlefield?” the subordinate asked, “The Black Flag Magician regiment has entered Winterwolf Castle early, and the ground troops are now advancing slowly…”

Philip lifts the head, glanced at the magic circuit terminal not far away.

“No,” he shook his head. “Let the propulsion units maintain a safe distance and continue to weaken Winterwolf Castle’s shield outside the bombing range of the strategic magic spell. It doesn’t matter if it is slower-as long as you continue to put the energy of the Black Flag Magician regiment Just hold back, you can’t allow those mage to have rest and adjust the deployment gap.”

“Yes, general.”

After his subordinates left, Philip slightly exhaled, and he returned to the tactical map to reconfirm the terrain around Winterwolf Castle and the enemy deployment confirmed during the last reconnaissance.

Winterwolf Castle is now passively defending, although the battle strength it shows is strong but not beyond expectations, but the troops mobilized everywhere in Typhon are definitely converging towards the Winter Wolf defense line continuously. Over time, Winterwolf Castle’s The defense will be completely stabilized, and even active attacks will be launched.

However, he not at all issued an order to invest more echelons or change the attack plan of the advancing force.

But looking at the tactical map in front of him and thinking about the current battlefield situation, some sound suddenly appeared in his mind–

“Would you like to try a more aggressive attack? Let the front echelons carry the large-scale cluster impact against the defensive firepower of Winterwolf Castle. That many tanks and multifunctional war chariots are distributed on the open battlefield. If the direction is attacking at the same time, even the strategic magic spell of the Black Flag Magician regiment is impossible to cover the entire battlefield…

“The mage of the flesh and blood has a limit, and the super-large-scale strategic magic spell must have a cooling cycle…

“Compared with another set of sound plans, the advancing troops may encounter greater casualties, but they can achieve results faster, and in this way, the merits of the battle will belong to the First Army regiment, and there is no need to share honors with others. ……

“This is the battlefield, sometimes the necessary sacrifice is in exchange for the necessary merit…”

Beside Philip, Malm Dunett waited patiently with a gentle and loving smile for the young General Cecil to make a decision.

Philip lifts the head, he turned to look towards Malm Dunnet’s direction, and suddenly a smile appeared.

Malm Dunnett’s gentle and loving smile instantly stiffened, and he seemed to be caught in a great consternation, subconsciously speaking: “How do you…”

“I have faithfully believed in War God, and even now, this belief should still be able to influence my words and deeds, my way of thinking, and even unnoticeable influence to affect my soul-not everyone is capable. With his own will to break the soul seal,” Philip at a moderate pace said, “So, do you think that after knowing the hidden dangers of Typhon, Cecil’s soldiers will not do a little protection?”

As he said, he raised his left hand, and the pale-gold chain hung down. A small, pocket watch-like device slipped down his cuff, but when the “dial” opened, what was exposed inside It is a complex curved rune that is shimmering and reminiscent of deep-sea creatures.

At the moment of seeing the rune, Malm Dunett felt a vertigo, and his body quickly became unstable, flashing violently as if the energy was about to break!

The officers and civilians in the vicinity heard a howling that was not human, they saw a silhouette appeared out of thin air and were battered and exhausted in the vicinity of the general, and were exclaimed. all around sounded.

Malm Dunnett felt a biting tingle. After becoming Spirit Physique, he thought he had become impossible and had a similar feeling, but some unseen force was tearing him to maintain himself. The “Divine Power” used makes his soul seem to be cracked apart. This continuous blow finally angered the paranoid soul. He suddenly raised his body and raised his scepter high–

A spider silk wrapped around his wrist.

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