They passed through their inner residence and came to the balcony facing the outside of the mountain. The open floor-to-ceiling viewfinder has been adjusted to transparent mode. From this height and angle, you can clearly see the large city under the mountain. The bright lights from the buildings and the giant factory complex in the distance.

Melitta stands on the edge of the balcony, looking in the direction of the city: “Some dragons only have a dwelling that can rest in human form, and most of the time they live in human form.”

Gawain immediately wrinkled frowned, but he hadn’t had time to ask questions. When he walked to nearby Veronica, he opened his mouth: “What about their “body”? As far as I know, you can use Human form life, but always need to release the body to eat or trim…”

“There is a special’restaurant’ for eating. If the implant in the body is out of order, you can go to a maintenance center or a privately-owned repair shop. Apart from this Dragon Race does not need to keep the Great Dragon form for a long time. , If you put the body away, you can save space and your own stamina.”

Gawain feels weird the more he listens, at this time finally unable to bear asked: “What kind of Dragon Race will choose this lifestyle?”

“The Poor Dragon,” Melitta said, “Or the general citizens who judged by Omega that they do not have enough ability to exert value in the upper Tarlonde, and therefore can only live in the plains and lower cities.”

Gawain was finally dumbfounded: “You also have poor people in Talund… poor dragons?”

“Why not?” Melitta sighed. “We haven’t been able to build an average and infinitely prosperous society, so there must be upper and lower levels. It’s just that poverty is relative, and it must be seen from the overall situation of the society. ——Did you see the most densely lit area of ​​the city? They lived there and lived a’ununderstanding poor life’ from a human point of view. Elder’s Council would allocate housing to those citizens for free, and even provide all Omega will open almost all entertainment rights for them, and their monthly synergists are also distributed free of charge. There are even some hallucinogens that are not allowed to be sold in the upper zone.

“They have everything, and the Tallond society will provide them with everything. As a condition or price of all this, the lower-level citizens can only accept this kind of support. There is no other choice. They are engaged in limited, practically nothing. Meaningless work, can’t intervene in the affairs of the upper Tallond, and many other… limitations that are not easily understood in human society.”

Gawain frowned, and Amber’s voice suddenly came from the side: “It sounds… No work, no house to live, no worry about food and clothing, and plenty of entertainment. How do I feel pretty good?”

Melitta turned her head and looked at Miss Half-Elf, who was showing a tangled and thinking expression, and a smile suddenly appeared on her face: “So, this is the “poverty” that Loren Continent humans cannot understand.”

“I can understand,” Gawain said suddenly. “It’s not a difficult thing to maintain your survival to the extent that you have developed. Tarlonde society can easily support a huge’unproductive population’, and all The cost is only a small part of your total social expenditure. On the contrary, if you want to let these members of the society enter the job and get the same job and promotion opportunities as other clansman, there will be huge costs because of these low ability ‘The members of the ethnic group will destroy your current efficient production structure.

“So, instead of bearing this waste, it is better to support them directly-anyway, it is not expensive for you.”

Amber’s eyes widened as she listened to Gawain’s interpretation. Like a time, she could not understand the scene he portrayed. Veronica looked thoughtfully at Gawain. It seemed that she had thought about this kind of thing, and Melitta was surprised. She looked at Gawain up and down several times before frowning with an incredible expression: “You… thought of this so quickly?”

“Occasionally inspiration emerges that’s all,” Gawain laughed, “You know, I’m good at social deduction.”

“…This is beyond the scope of social deduction,” Melitta said oddly. “If it does not develop to a certain extent, this should be counterintuitive to humans.”

“I haven’t done a few common-sense things since I was resurrected,” Gawain said casually, and didn’t let the topic continue. “Anyway… I seem to have learned that Tallond doesn’t do anything. A known detail.”

Melitta was silent for a while, and she exhaled after a few seconds: “How is the rest? Are you interested in going to roam around with me now?”

“Are we going to “visit” from now on?” Gawain raised his eyebrows. “Or just take a walk with you?”

“There is no difference between a walk and a visit. There are too many things for you to see,” Melitta said. “The time now corresponds to Cecil City should have just arrived at dusk, which is actually a good time to go out and hang out.”

“I think it’s okay.” Gawain said immediately, and looked towards Amber and Veronica.

“I have no opinion!” Amber jumped up immediately, “I’m overwhelmed!”

Veronica is also gentle and nodded, expressing no opinion.

Melitta smiled: “Very well, then I will send a letter to Noretta, let’s go to see Tallond after dusk.”

Gawain nodded, then asked curiously, “Where are you going to take us to visit?”

“You are in the upper zone of Tallond for half a day today. You must have seen enough facilities such as the jury headquarters and the upper temple,” Melitta said at a moderate pace. “Then I will take you Let’s go to the middle and lower floors of Tallonde. We will go to the factory area and the large corporate complex, and then to the lower city of the plains-if Noreta agrees, maybe we can go to the dark city. The speaker asked me to take it You have visited every place in Tallond, but we want to come to impossible to visit the entire continent in a few days, then go to a few representative places… let you take a look at the complete and real Kingdom of Great Dragon.”

After that, the three Gawain and Melitta came to a platform outside the Dragon Nest. This wide platform built halfway up the mountain can be used by the Great Dragon to take off and land. In a sense, it is regarded as Melitta’s house Doorway.”

They didn’t wait long before the edge of the platform. Amber with sharp eyes suddenly saw a long and elegant white Great Dragon flying from the sky toward the southwest and landed smoothly on the center of the platform.

“Hi! Noreta!!!” Melitta greeted her happily immediately after her friends stopped, “You came very quickly…”

As soon as she said half of it, the white Great Dragon that had just stopped seemed to stumble suddenly, and the huge dragon claw moved two steps on the platform. The next second was stunned by Gawain and the others, even Stepping on Melitta’s head with some horrified gaze…

Strictly speaking, it is to step on the entire Miss agent.

If this is a personal category, Legendary is absolutely dead or disabled.

But the next second Gawain heard Melitta’s scream coming from the dragon claw, and it sounded still full of energy: “Noretta! You are deliberate this time!!!”

“I didn’t stand still,” the White Great Dragon lowered his head, and said in a rumbling voice, “You know, I’m not very comfortable with your landing platform.”

This is the first “unknown side”?

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