She seemed to suddenly understand that Gawain Cecil and the magician Legion he ruled within a short period of time settled a war and established an Empire, and understood the reliance of all these great causes, or that of reliance. one.

She was fortunate. Fortunately, in the most difficult period of the Cecil Empire civil war, the various races of Augari Tribe Kingdom chose to provide help instead of taking advantage of it. Fortunately, the gray Elves of Mosswood Forest has always dealt with business and people Therefore, there was no conflict with the human country living next door, but she was inevitably uneasy when she was fortunate.

But in the end, she condensed all the emotions that should not come out at this moment, put all her thoughts behind her head temporarily, and after a slight adjustment of the muscles on her face, she showed the most suitable smile on the current occasion. .

Byron stepped off the springboard and stepped on the solid wooden trestle. He besides the adjutant and several personal soldiers not at all took other people-Siren and Naga technical consultants were left on the boat or At sea, they do not need to participate in this contact.

The Patriarch of Grey Elf came over with a faint smile on her face. Although she was small like a human child, her face was a standard adult, and her body exuded the calmness and grace that a ruler should have. . She came to Byron extend the hand with a slightly hoarse voice: “Welcome to Baiyu Port, General Byron-very happy to see you all go well.”

Byron also extends the hand—to extend two fingers and “hold” with Wenna ’s hand: “Nice to meet you, Ms. Wenna Baizhi. Today is undoubtedly a memorable day . “

He then turned his head and looked towards several other race people who appeared with the representatives of Grey Elf. A Dwarf wearing a black armor and a gray beard came towards him like a movement The wine barrel made of muscle and iron is general. The Dwarf said to him extend the hand, in a low, muffled voice: “Palladin Huishanyan from the Dwarf Kingdom, hello to you, human, me Brought greetings from Forge City. Your skills in iron making are really good. “

Byron froze for a moment, but quickly understood what the other person meant: This was to praise the new experimental ship Curiosity.

He suddenly smiled, and at the same time extended the hand to hold with the other party: “Say hello to you-we received the news that Dwarf representatives will also appear before we leave.”

“Forge City is very interested in your ‘restart route’ plan,” Paladin Huishanyan said carefreely, “Frankly speaking, your large mining machinery is a good thing, but unfortunately it cannot be shipped to us. , To go through the entire Augari Tribe Kingdom, and a ridge on the edge of our kingdom, but now that I see this ship, I do n’t think we have to dig through the mountain-Ainz people 700 years ago used the ship and We have done business, and unfortunately it was interrupted as soon as we improved, and after I went back, I would advise the Forge City Council to repair the West Coast port … “

Byron took a lot of effort to finally draw his hand from the palm of the other party, and also deeply felt what the so-called “Dwarf-style straightforward” means.

The things mentioned by the other party are actually not in his mission plan today-today ’s most important mission is to conduct an initial flight test of Curiosity, as well as to collect the sea state and coastal data of the offshore area. The meeting between Elf and Dwarf representatives was more of a ceremony contact to announce the success of the initial flight of Curiosity and the official restoration of the route from Beigang to Baiyu Port. As for further business plans and route development … That requires more professional people to negotiate slowly afterwards.

He believes that Wenna Baizhi thinks so too, but the Dwarf messenger in front of him clearly does n’t think so, and the other party ’s thinking has obviously expanded to how to repair the port on the west coast …

It gives him a feeling of facing Gawain or Rebecca-an incredibly forward-looking, one who dares to say anything …

But soon, he showed a smile-dealing with such a straightforward representative is not a bad thing. In all fairness, he prefers this kind of person, which is more than seven or eight bends and a lot of words. The nobles and foreign ambassadors who need quotations to sneeze are much more cute …

The representatives of the three parties at the port chatted briefly, each with different thoughts, the entourage stood at their respective angles, and the atmosphere on the scene seemed harmonious and harmonious. Grey Elf of Baiyu Port “camera group” and Cui Cui The official Cecil recorders who got off the ship also recorded this scene with the magic circuit terminal.

A picture is passed to Mosswood Forest, and a picture is passed to Beigang Hub.


“The Curiosity successfully completed its initial voyage and arrived at Baiyu Port on the border of Augari Tribe Kingdom at 12.15 noon today. General Byron and the entourage of the ship were at the port with Ms. Wenna Bai Zhi, the leader of Grey Elf, and Dwarf representatives …

“The smooth initial voyage of Curiosity marks that the route from Beigang to the northwest coast of Augari Tribe Kingdom has been opened. Empire ’s offshore shipbuilding technology has laid the foundation, and we will take a more long-term step towards the ocean …

“… plan to extend the route to the Dwarf Kingdom and further to the south of Augari Tribe Kingdom …

“In the foreseeable future, we may establish further contact with Silver Empire by sea …”

Victoria Wilde waved his hand, turned off the screen played by the magic circuit terminal, and stood up from the sofa.

“It’s really optimistic forward-looking idea … the distance between Baiyu Port and Silver Empire is still far away,” the Northern Region Duke said to himself, “but optimism is not wrong at all, and the progress of restarting the route is pretty good. Well, according to this trend, sooner or later, you can connect with Elves from the sea … “

The room was quiet, and Victoria looked up.

A maid stood not far away in the room, bowing her head meticulously waiting for Duchess ’orders, and for the content of Duchess’ self-talk, the maid apparently neither understood nor responded. , Or even not listening at all.

“Alas … Maggie will at least participate in the topic if he is here.” Victoria unable to bear sighed, his face with a low expression has always shown some helplessness.

At this moment, a rhythmic knock on the door suddenly came.

“The connection test of the hub core is completed,” said the old mage, with a bright and proud smile on the face of Unable to Bear, “The data is perfect, you can accept it at any time.”

(Friendly recommend a book, “Rebirth Genius Single Girl”, should also be written by a book friend. emmmm …… In short, I sacrificed to heaven.)

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