On the fountain square in front of the front door, déng líng líng líng was coming from time to time, and Rebecca was riding on his own “new toys” and was surrounded around the flowers, and helpless waiters could only stand near or try to follow Princess in the vicinity and stand ready to put Princess on the ground.

It’s just that Rebecca is obviously a lot more sophisticated at this point than it was at the beginning, at least not going into the flowers again.

After the bookstore landed the window, Gawain acquiesced its eyes towards the square


“Double wheels… Typhon people are really stubborn,” Amber’s voice comes from behind him, “with an assessment by the counselor scholar of the Office of Political Affairs, which appears to be of great potential value, flexible, convenient, inexpensive, skilled use by any well-equipped ordinary person after learning in a short period of time, as long as it is a more flat part of the road, it can be used, and the extension threshold is lower than the device… is a good thing.”

Ah, a little less! I like to invite you to collect: (i) the fastest speed of updating the Japan Court.

What he thinks in his head is unknown to outsiders.

Although the shape does not seem exactly the same as the “Bicycle” in his memory, the rationale for that thing is nothing different from what he knows, but it’s just that the Typhon people have come forward before he gets the chance to spread it in Cecil.

Shit, a little less! Japan Court, update the latest chapter!

“Of course not,” Gawain shook the head, “honestly, in the Ainz era, the Typhon people themselves have been in the forefront of technology, and we have been leading these years with magic. And from the practical point

of view, Typhon creates this flexible means of transportation before us, which is also an inevitable”
? “What do you say?”

Their road renovation and peace work is earlier than we started, and when Ainz is busy with civil strife, there is already a new and wide-ranging path between Typhon towns and villages, and we can only now ensure that the road between large and major towns meets new standards, ”Gawain turns around,” and, in the end, that the birth of a new thing is not from hand to hand, without environmental support, there will be no new adaptation to the environment.

“What matters to me more than this is when this pattern of ‘double wheels’ appears? It’s a pretty high degree of completion now, so it’s not something that came out of nowadays…”

Day, I can’t see it again! One second to remember, Ramadan Court.

“According to information received from the ‘tracks’ intelligence line, such means of transport are now spreading rapidly among the middle-class citizens of Oldern, mainly skilled workers, engineers, small and medium-sized lawyers and decent operators with stable incomes. As for grass-roots workers, the price of double wheels could not be borne for the time being. However, several Typhon nobles initiated the” bicycle welfare scheme “, calling on factories to finance the purchase of cheaper versions of bicycle vehicles and then lend them to workers, who can have the car ‘free’ as long as they work in the factory for more than a certain period of time, and which has received a broad response and should soon be achieved – the factory owners and workers are very welcome to it and feel that they have benefited greatly.”

… factory owners are always able to recover costs from workers and workers feel relieved of their own travel pressures, saying, in the end, that capital can always stimulate the wisdom of capitalists, ”Gawain thought, lightly said with a smile,“ but in any case, things are really good, and we can use… roads in most parts of Southern Region have improved considerably, and these two wheels are available, their technical difficulties are not high, and the factory can be replicated. ”

Speaking of which, he stopped and fell into brief thinking.


production of magic machines and factories, which have more than a single, one-sided impact on a society, is a chain response, and when its source starts to function, all the social links associated with it inevitably begin to change.

The factory needs ordinary person as a worker, and the ordinary person’s role in social functioning has been expanded, so whatever Typhon’s upper society wants, they will put ordinary person on the lookout – even if they are viewed as teeth and walls


The bicycle made for ordinary person is only a start – not just for a few smart Typhon businessmen who found new business opportunities, but also for a portion of Typhon’s upper class, who had knowledge and production information, which has changed mentally.

And as long as this change occurs, their ability to use magic technology will inevitably increase rapidly, and it is pressure, but it is what Gawain wants to see.

He was once again in a state of contradiction that was rectified and awaited.

Amber looked at Gawain curiously: “What do you think?”

The Typhon people have changed their minds, “Gawain has slowly said with a slight sigh,” but it’s good. ”

Although not quite clear out how many complicated things you’ve been thinking in a few seconds, I remember you saying that people’s development is not bad, and we just want to make sure that we’re going to grow faster than others,” Amber took a short look at the top of what he recorded, “The Holy Gawain Cecil,” and then the subject goes, “Now that Typhon is counting time, that Mathilda Princess should be here soon.”

Martyrda Augustus… ”Gawain’s fingers came to the chin, and if you think about it,“ according to information from Maryland and Philip, Princess was a person of great concern to the technology of magic, although it did not exclude the attitude that she had shown intentionally, she did understand some of the more professional knowledge of magic. ”

Amber looked at Gawain and said,” What do you think she saw from Cecil’s magic technique, which in turn affected the hidden side of ‘twenty-five’? ”

No, ‘twenty-five’ has been cautious, and the technology he released has been mutated, and he has prepared a very complete ‘R&D evidence’, not all of the doubtful places,” Gawain shook the head, “I’m just curious whether Typhon Princess’s attention to magic is merely showing some attitude to Typhon Imperial Family… or really her personal preference. If it was the latter, I’d be happy to have a good relationship with her and then give them some of the ‘gifts’ that were prepared to be

exported to Typhon more naturally and reasonably…”
Amber would like to see Gawain show the classic plot against his face, but he was afraid to be blindfolded on the wall, and he would have to force the idea of saying “Speaking of Imperial Family in Typhon, the Bureau of Military Intelligence recently investigated information about the Augustus family’s genetic ‘insanity’, and we found something interesting.”

Oh? ”Gawain eyebrow raised,“ say it. ”

Knowing that opponents are the basis for protecting themselves, Gawain has been following the Augustus family in Typhon since the Southern Region united war, particularly the famous“ crazy curse ”legend of their family, and gathering information in this regard is also the focus of the CIA’s mission in Typhon, where he hears new information, and when he comes to mind.

“ On the basis of more public information previously collected, we have learned that the Augustus family’s ‘madness’ did not always exist, but only after the events of 200 years, known as the

collapse’, ”Amber, even when reporting began,” 200 years ago, Typhon’s old Imperial Capital collapsed as a result of a major earthquake and fell into the ground as a whole, but before the collapse, the then Typhon Emperor predicted a disaster and evacuated it in advance, thus avoiding casualties, after which the Augustus family members began to be plagued by the insanity curse…
“In our latest information, there was an explanation for the ‘curse’ that occurred after the collapse


“ Part of Typhon’s upper nobility and scholars have a claim that the collapse of the old Imperial Capital 200 years ago was not natural disaster, but artificial disaster, when Typhon Imperial Family tried to draw some taboos from the earth, causing backlash to collapse, so that Emperor Typhon did not anticipate a disaster but knew that ceremony had been evacuated without control.

“As for the so-called insanity, this repercussions of backlash — the power of deep and uncontrolled pollution of Augustus’s souls and the transmission of this pollution to today.”

artificial disaster… attempts to draw strength from the depths of the earth? ”Gawain wrinkled his eyebrows,“ which sounded more like the absurd court curiosity. This rumor of defamation of Imperial Family is supposed to be a taboo in Typhon, right? ”

Of course, no one dares to discuss these rumours openly – Typhon Imperial Family has always been tough, unlike the original Ainz royal family,” Amber nodded, “but this stuff is always kept hidden and continues to flow between a few less honest nobles and scholar


“ Reseta Augustus did not do as thoroughly as you did in his earlier years to pursue reform as you did in the domestic situation, which led to a great deal of grievances within Typhon, which might not oppose Roseta’s rule, but would certainly not mind discussing in private some of the ‘little stories’ about the Augustus family


“This little story does sound absurd, but since it comes to Imperial Family and can spread in a lot of scholar and Extraordinary, there must be a part of it that’s true…”

Gawain looked at Amber and said, “Did you tell me this, like, been screened and confirmed?”

Beyond what is too absurd and malicious, the part that can be cross-referenced with rumours in all its versions, ”Amber nodded said,” Fear not to say the truth, but it is true that the Augustus family has done something 200 years ago and has therefore led to family genetic insanity. ”

… I wonder what the hell they buried under their collapsed old Imperial Capital,” Gawain, faintly said, “The Lord of the Storm buried under the deep sea, Dark Mountain Range, and the legacy of Empire under the giant Sorin Tree… In this world, it is not a safe thing to bury holes underground.”

On the

one hand, he can’t help but come up with another slightly strange idea:

is that Martyrda Augustus Princess, who is going to visit, also perpetuated by this curse that will eventually provoke madness?


of the central

temple just gathered in the air and heard Yuri Bishop’s voice:
“Selena Grand Bishop, our first test of sandbox number one.”

I know, ”Selena silhouette, look towards Yuri in a white robe,“ what’s the particular situation? ”

“ The first spirits into the sandbox one, Knight, arrived in empty cities, where they found insanity in the city, which recorded that the world had ended, and that the world had been removed from meaningless wheels – after exploring the perimeter of the city, the actors confirmed that there was no inhabitants on the ground, ”Juri Bishop quickly said,“ With that spiritual Knight team, we finally re-established control over the shaft one, and then found out that all the minds in it really disappeared! ”

Selena Gale’s face becomes very serious:“ All – including the real test, and all the virtual personalities simulated in the sandbox? ”

Yes, all,” Yuri Grand Bishop nodded, “sandbox one is no longer ‘resident’, and it’s likely to have been ‘empty’ in the early stages of the shaft lockdown, and before we explored that hallucination town, we once assumed it was’ natural phenomenon ’caused by the distortion of projection, but now it’s not a’ distorted natural phenomenon ’, it’s a real state of sandbox one – it’s on the air! It has been airborne with

the sandbox One, which has been out of control for a long time, which should have accommodated tens of thousands of“ residents ”, which has been undergoing high-speed evolution internally, and the sandbox One, which had been out of control earlier, was already empty.

Where’s the mind inside?

God, I can’t see it again! One second to remember, Ramadan Court.

Despite the loss of an entity in the real world, Selena Gelph felt a sudden cold surge.

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