Regardless of the changes that have taken place in the gods of the storm, Gawain clearly cannot be answered from this deep-sea harmonious temple, which is at the end of the day.

Even, like Siren, the whole race is still in a state of uncertainty.

He couldn’t stand to squeeze his own jaw, to go back to the high back chair, and to let his thoughts spread.

Tyr’s message makes it difficult to contain a shock that he wants to go to the deep sea, to the opposite of the endless sea, to look at Siren’s country personally, or to look personally at the body of the head of the storm, to prove some of his own judgments.

He could not do so, however, not only because he could not abandon Empire, which had recently been established, but also because Cecil Empire was not yet sufficient for naval technology to cross the endless oceans.

And when it comes to the term “nautical technology”, Gawain can’t help but remember another thing that bothers himself: Cecil Empire does not currently have an appropriate export.

Most of Cecil Empire’s areas are inland, and none of the southern, eastern and western regions have any coastlines, some of which are located in the Arctic, outside the Northern Region’s mountains, where they belong to unregulated areas, bad weather, crowd resistance and the danger of the ocean itself have prevented the past Ainz Kingdom from considering the development of that place for centuries.

But there can’t be a waste there forever.

Gawain raised his head and looked over the tail of Tyr and looked at the map of the continent, which was not far away.

Beyond the Arctic Mountains of Ainz, the north of that coastline is not empty.

On the opposite of a narrow strait, a huge island, Violet Kingdom, the country of mage, was sitting on that island, while on the eastern side of Violet Kingdom, the territory of Sacred Dragon Duchy highlighted Loren Continent, formed as if the horses were in shape and returned to a half island in the west, and the end of the peninsula was similarly distant from the mountains of Northern Region.

In the past Ainz era, the state of the North has been largely mysterious and distant, and the closure of the kingdom itself, coupled with the objective factors of inconvenient transport, has led to a very weak link between the countries of the North, with the maintenance of basic communication by the Crown nobility and the limited circulation of a small number of civil business teams, which are known as “international activities” of the old age.

In the case of Violet Kingdom, there is only a narrow “Northern Strait” between that mysterious mage and Ainz, which itself belongs to the “safe zone” of the endless sea, does not exist storms and mana turbulence, but there is still no fixed “flight” between the two sides, and exchanges between the two countries rely solely on a limited number of “private flights” by a small number of adventurer general captains, or super powerhouses directly across the sea.

As for Sacred Dragon Duchy, the situation is better, and, after all, there are land connections between that country and Cecil Empire, Sacred Dragon Duchy is more than Violet Kingdom in conserving the mystery, so that even if the land of the two countries is connected, the old Ainz has hardly seen any diaspora from Sacred Dragon Duchy – a mage from Royal Capital large and small – occasionally seen Violet Kingdom in the mage organization.

Most mage came directly across the Strait with Extraordinary’s power, while a small number came to Loren Continent by private boat.

In old times, these are normal.

However, in the new order planned by Gawain, such a situation would have to be broken sooner or later in the forthcoming transnational trade, retention fever and North continent transport network.

He has tried to pave the railway in Augari Tribe Kingdom in the west, and in the future intends to open the close door to Sacred Dragon Duchy, Violet Kingdom, which is also the object of Cecil Empire’s trade activities, with a view to pulling it on the large ship “Cecil settlement zone”.

Magic trains can solve the transport problems on land, and relaunching the North continent Line, 700 years ago, is another issue for Gawain to consider.

Moreover, even without taking into account the plans of the Cecil settlement zone, challenges the oceans and seas from sea to the needs of States are a step that Cecil Empire must take.

People can’t always trap themselves on the ground, especially when the presence of Siren and Great Dragon reminds Gawain – the world – is huge.

“The world outside, it’s big!”

Byron sat next to the table at home and said to the girls opposite the table, with some exaggeration, that he had a little bit of bread residue in his mouth, and that when he spoke, he looked happy and well, with a glimpse of glory.

“From the rock to the north, from the Gorgon River to the old Royal Capital, where the landscape is very different from the Southern Region…

“… I was busy fighting, and monster was everywhere in the East Bank, and I directed battleship to hit them with artillery shells and light, and you saw the artillery in the training yard? The main artillery on Father’s boat was bigger than that.

“St. Sunil had a tall city wall, and there was an ambiguous wall outside the city wall, much higher than Tanzan and Kant City Wall, where I saw Cecil’s flag rise.

The girl sitting opposite the table showed a smile, explored her body, put his finger on the pork in the corner of Byron’s mouth, and made the sound of “whoa”.

This voice represents a small lesson.


more than four years, the old, thin and ugly little mute has now had a little dazzled, good nutrition supplements and training under Knight father’s guidance have led to the rapid uplifting of the beans’ individual, the formidable skin becomes healthy, and the wretched yellow hair is being softly sealed on her shoulder, where she is almost invisible.

But as in that year, she liked to hear Byron tell stories that were jealous and self-illusioned.

“Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.”

Beans show some pride smile, stretch hands to take a note from the side of the table, brush a set of words on it, show them to foster fathers opposite the table.

“Consolidated” A, hey, good, “Byron looked at the above, was happy to take a big leg, and then looked to his own adoptive daughter on the side of his leg,” What kind of incentive do you want? “

The beans think, wipe out the words on the glossary, brush a single word and show again:

“to return safely in the future.”

Byron looked at the typewriter, stumbled and couldn’t stand laughed heartily up.

“haha, you don’t have to worry about me anymore, I won’t, life-saving is still strong. Your Philip Uncle, he’s still working hard to build a defense line for Longwind Fortress, and that guy’s going to die with generosity every day.”

Speaking of, Byron’s been stuck on the chin, “I suddenly remembered that you were finished at the acquaintance school, and then you were going to Empire Academy, wondering which chamber?”

Beans think about it, a little slowly shaking their heads.

“It’s all right, so slowly, the winter season is over, you’re not old, you’re not late next spring,” Byron says, “And then you think of something,“ Right, you said you were going to go to the South Street with two friends today, right? “

The beans are nodded, pick up the glossary, write down a few words:

“A new Phelm Film Company was opened south of Mage District to recruit people who know magic.

“I have a short job with Pafily and Bobby.

“Go every day, and come home at night.”

“I’ve heard of that company,” Byron Pointed Nodded, “Your Majesty Ken, and received strong support from the Office of Political Affairs, as if there were Northern Region and Western Region successors, who felt reliable. Go ahead, be safe, don’t come back late at night – the starboard says it might snow tonight.”

Beans smile, go get dressed out of the house, take their own writing plates, push the door out of the house.

Calm down at home. There’s only one Byron left in the restaurant.

This Empire sailor commander was at the table for a while and suddenly laughed at himself.

“It’s hard to take a vacation, stay at home and not get used to it.”

“Philip went to the border and Empire was under control all over the country, and the fleet was so free for two months.”

“Hey, when am I so active?”

On the other side, Byron stood up and was ready to go upstairs for a lunch, but he just got up and heard the bell hanging at the seal.

He came to the door and opened the door and said, “Did you forget to bring something? I told you…”

His half-sentence was not finished, because the doorstep was not a bean, but a beneath the back of a camel, looking like a bad old Codger of a fake drug dealer.

Byron thought about it, and then half a step back, it’s closed: “No one at home, come back tomorrow.”

“dont, dont, dont, dont, I know you’re joking,” Pittman walked into the house with an astonishing allergy, “and I just saw the beans coming out of the house, and I figured it was now you alone, just looking at you.”

Byron stares up and looks at this little Old Man: “See how a single man in the middle of the day, when the only nursing woman gets out of the house, is he grieving all day in the restaurant?”

Pittman hearing that surprised to look at Byron: “I haven’t said anything yet. – Why did you finish it?”

Byron stared at Pittman’s eyes, but he was lazy and continued to haunt each other.

Because this little Old Man is almost identical to him at a level of chaos and shameless, and in that regard, this old man who doesn’t die is more than just honest and honest, and Philip who jumped into the pit.

Byron sighed, on the side of the door, and on the side of Pittman, who had slipped into the table, said, “Come in and ask you something.”

Pittman didn’t lift his head, and picked up his heart and answered it, “Is that about beans talking?”

“Seems like you’re here today,” Byron walks to Pittman, “and that’s it — beans still don’t talk, but you said that bioengineering technology from all Things finally Die Society’s nest could cure her?”

“Let me ask you one thing,” Pittman finally lifts his head, bears a little bit of crap, “Has her tongue grown up?”

“… it is true that she has grown up again and that she has not been used to it for a few days.”

“So from the point of view of the resurgence of blood, my team has succeeded, and peas have been a healthy girl from the physical structure, and she has tongue, tapes, nerves, and you know that.”

“But she’s still not going to talk,” Byron’s staring at Pittman, seriously, “What the hell is going on?”

Pittman was silent for a moment, and finally said, “She’s been cut off for six years… and you know what the concept is?”

Byron’s face sinks down.

“Her brain has forgotten how to command her voice organs,” Pittman at a moderate pace said, “Although her tongue has been re-established, her language capacity has been degraded to the infancy stage, which is our conclusion.”

“But it can still be retrained, right?” Byron says, “Like letting the baby learn to talk, even slowly, from the beginning.”

“I’m afraid not that simple,” Pittman shook the head, “I’ve seen a similar example of how this‘ rehabilitation ’requires not only efforts, but also, at times, luck, and there are many uncertainties that affect the effectiveness of recovery. The beans may re-train their ability to speak, but if she has any mental trauma or the brain refuses to open her mouth, she may never be able to reopen her mouth… Unfortunately, although I have super biotechnology, there is no study of these issues.”

Byron wrinkles, staring at Pittman’s eyes: “You come to me today, not just to say this frustrating bad news?”

“Of course not,” Pittman smiled, “in fact, we’ve recently had some new stuff in the technical field… I guess it might have some effect on beans.”

(Appoint a book that is still fresh, and the name “I’m dead and stronger”, and listen to the name knows the type that belongs to the brain hole.

The briefing said that sacrifices could become stronger, and Masha seemed to have sacrificed his life.

Anyway, Grandma gave the altar.

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