40 is six days old.

Baron Sunderland sat quietly on the single bed of his own, facing the wall, counting the scratches on the wall from the beginning to the end, and then counting from the end to the end.

He has been in 40 for six days in this cell.

As a member of the Southern Region aristocrat who started his war in response to Horsman Earl, he knew he was lucky – he was not qualified to be close to the team of Horsman Earl because of the low title, so he escaped from the gravel ridge. The shelling, and then the same because of the low position, he was thrown away by the large forces when he fled, and turned out to be one of the first aristocrats captured by the Cecil, but less likely to escape day and night in the wilderness. That was a bitter.

But he doesn’t know how long his “lucky” can last.

The defeat of the aristocratic coalition seems to have been a thing of the last century. The inspiring but end-of-life tragedy has now become a nightmare that has been deliberately avoided, but is constantly being replayed in the mind, Baron Sunderland knows. The entire Southern Region, with the exception of the Cecil Family and a small number of people who loyal to Cecil in advance, all the nobility has been finished – although he has had such a glimpse when he was just locked in this cell, fantasizing the Cecil people in the follow-up Lost in battle, and finally reached a stalemate with the Southern Region aristocracy, but he finally waited for one after another new “prisoners” –

A familiar face was thrown into the cell, and each face meant that a new piece of land fell into the hands of the Cecil. When more than half of the aristocrats in the Southern Region appeared in this “prisoner of war camp”, Mulberry DeLand Viscount accepted the fact that there is no turning point.

Now, like all other aristocratic prisoners, he can only stay quietly in this cell, waiting for the Gawain? Duke Cecil to call himself one day and give a clear result.

There was a commotion from the cell next door.

Baron Sunderland looked up and saw the “Prisoner” Terrier Viscount, who was in the same room as himself. He also raised his head. The two men listened to the movement in the cell next door, and looked at each other for a moment. Shaking his head and smiling.

“The few people who got back from the Rock Fortress,” said Terri Viscount with a smile. “It seems that they are not adapted to the ‘rules’ here.”

鈥淭he same was true at the beginning,鈥?Baron Sunderland also said with a smile. 鈥淟isten 鈥?they ask the guards to salute them, and ask for red wine and pillows, and even emphasize the ransom… I haven鈥檛 been here for a long time. I heard these words.”

The people who lived in the cell next door were only taken in a few days ago. They came from the Rock Fortress. Baron Sunderland once thought that these people had escaped the chasing of the Cecil and returned to their respective Feudal Territory, but now I knew that they just hid in the fortress in the north.

These new “Prisoners” brought amazing news to the aristocratic prisoners in the prison camp. According to their description, the Rock Fortress has fallen. Under the attack of the Cecil, the Legendary Fortress insisted for two days. To.

Even according to some sayings, the real offense only lasted for about half a day. In two days, it was the time to camp for the Cecil people.

Baron Sunderland has lived here for 40 for six days. He has successfully adapted and accepted the status quo at the moment, but it is clear that those who have just entered will need a period of buffering to understand the situation.

After the end of the movement in the cell next door, Trier Viscount asked: “What do you think Gawain? Duke Cecil wants?”

鈥淧erhaps the unconditional allegiance of all Southern Region aristocrats, just like loyalty to King,鈥?Baron Sunderland said of his own speculation. 鈥淲e can already see that this war was actually promoted from beginning to end, he obviously wants To get back your own things – Southern Region will re-emerge as Cecil.”

“…Cecil Principality,” Trelle Viscount was silent for a moment, sighed. “I didn’t ask for a ransom, I thought about it.”

Baron Sunderland picked up: “It could be worse…”

Trier Viscount wanted to ask the other person what the 鈥渨orse鈥?was in the mouth, but before he spoke, the sound of a military boot on the concrete floor interrupted him 鈥?the door opened and he was wearing magic energy. The Cecil soldier in the armor stood at the door and said in an indifferent tone: “Duke wants to see you.”

Baron Sunderland and Trier Viscount suddenly raised their heads and looked at them with surprise and surprise:

After waiting so long and worried, the Gawain?Cecil finally summoned the aristocrats in the Southern Region? !


In the city of Cecil, in the lounge next to the conference hall of the Office of Government Affairs, Gawain is waiting leisurely, next to him is Hetty, quietly standing, and Amber, who is not quiet.

“Hey, hey, do you think that the nobles will be convinced by you?” Amber glanced at the paper on the table next to him and couldn’t help but get in front of Gawain. “These things are almost terrible for them.” Hey–“

鈥淪hould you pay attention to a little etiquette?鈥?Hetty couldn鈥檛 help but frown. 鈥淭his is in the Office of Administration, you have to be at least conscious…鈥?/p>

Amber akimbo, plausible: “I noticed, I just saw you from the door, you didn’t see it?”

The occasional squabbling of the two was already a commonplace. Gawain ignored the facts directly, but said without hesitation: “Convince? I didn’t intend to talk to them, and the choice was not in their hands.”

“To tell the truth, why don’t you just send them all to the mine, dig the stones and dig them to death, and pull them out to let them ‘actively’ give up the privilege of the nobility,” Amber said inexplicably. “In any case, their Feidal Territory has been taken over by you, and their army has been beaten by you, even their people are already in your cell…”

Gawain smiled and shook his head, then looked toward Hetty: “Hetty, you explain to her.”

Hetty looked at Amber helplessly. Although he didn’t want to take care of the Disgrace of Elves, the elders still had to listen: “The migration of the ancestors and the construction of the new city are underway. Currently, Hosman City, Leslie City, Glen City, The transformation and construction of Kant City is entering a new stage, but as the population continues to concentrate, the new government order is constantly being implemented, and resistance from all over the country is gradually emerging.

鈥淭he three regions of Leslie, Glen and Kant are in good shape, with the biggest resistance coming from the Hosman region and almost all the old noble territory outside the four new cities.

“The influence left by the old aristocracy is still there, and it is quite tricky. Many local rich peasants still have doubts about the new Feidal Lord. A lot of local scholars and businessmen still support the old Feidal Lord, or simply It is the ‘private’ of the old Feidal Lord. It is very difficult for the 2nd Level Office to recruit people in those areas, and the commercial transformation has encountered a lot of obstacles.

鈥淚n the western Pelop region and around the Carroll region in the north, some exiled Knights and aristocrats have been converted into bandits. They are afraid to be close to the Cecil Corps, but they frequently harass the village. Due to the limited staff of the Cecil Corps, The progress of the smashing of these exiled Knight bandits was not satisfactory. Worse, a part of the exile in the northwest, Knight, was in contact with Lu鈥檃n, and they might turn into the armed forces of Lu鈥檃n Cathedral.鈥?/p>

Amber stared wide-eyed: “And there are exiled Knights and nobles?! They are not all killed or caught!?”

“70,000 people, running around on the plains, there will always be a net leak,” Gawain shook his head. “And the 70,000 people that Hosman pulled up could not be all aristocratic troops themselves, at least for each nobleman. Want to leave a few gatekeepers and soldiers in your castle? After the news of the defeat of the nobility coalition was passed back, the more alert ones in the left-night Knight ran almost immediately, and they became the exiled Knight.”

“It’s a big problem…” Amber was a big fan of this kind of thing. “You can’t use the Southern Region for a few days. The result is how to maintain order, but it’s more trouble than laying the entire Southern Region…”

鈥淕overnance itself is harder than occupation,鈥?Gawain tilted Amber. 鈥淚 took you off the window sill for a second, but it鈥檚 been more than a year. Wouldn鈥檛 you still jump into the window?鈥?/p>

Amber: “…I am asking you to mess with you…”

Gawain ignored Amber’s protests, but said: “The troubles we have encountered are really tricky, and some of them may even lead to the retrogression and repetition of our new order construction, some of which will be troublesome. It lasts for a long time and may even last for a whole generation or two…but I am not worried at all.”

A lot of footsteps came from the hall next door, and Gawain smiled and stood up.

“Besides the problem that the folk custom is difficult to change and the human heart is difficult to raise, it must rely on time to solve the problem. Most of the other problems are actually concentrated on the nobles and the traditional order they maintain. I am the origin of those nobles and traditional order. “”

The attendant stood in front of the big conference hall and shouted with a loud and powerful voice –

“Southern Region Guardian, Ainz Pioneer, the founder of the Kingdom, the ruler of the Cecil Principality, Gawain? Grand Duke Cecil -“

Sitting at the long table in the big conference hall, full of uneasiness, the Southern Region aristocrats who were still whispering at the moment were almost closed at the same time, just like there were dozens of invisible hands at the same time stuck their necks. Let these people look up neatly and turn to the direction of the hall door.

They stretched their necks like dozens of funny ducks.

Gawain, who was wearing the black Duke, walked into the hall. He looked at the Southern Region aristocrats who stretched their necks on both sides of the long table. These people had been deliberately left in the captive camp for about one li. The longest time was even Waiting for 40 for many days, except for a few people who have just caught back from the Rock Fortress, the remaining nobles have already been greatly frustrated. When they saw their eyes, Gawain knew that today鈥檚 things would be very easily.

The nobles got up, and although they sat for dozens of prisons, the courtesy movements engraved in the muscle memory allowed them to almost instinctively complete the most standard tribute process.

Gawain accepted the tribute of these losers and strode to the top of the conference table. He didn’t have any nonsense, but he waved his hand to the clerk who came in behind him: “Send them.”

The two clerk held dozens of documents in their hands and began to distribute them to every nobleman on the scene. The nobles looked at the scene with horror and curiosity, and even daringly whispered – this is what they expected The 鈥渃alling鈥?process is very different, and this 鈥淐ecil-style鈥?rule makes them feel helpless.

The aristocrats who received the documents immediately turned their attention to the printed matter in front of them: they first noticed the incredible uniformity of these prints, and each character, each line of text, and each segment were accurate to none. It is picky, even the best artisans can’t engrave such plates, but soon their curiosity about “prints” is broken up by the file’s with the body.

The aristocrats who saw the contents of the document all showed a horrified expression.

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