Looking at the rare positive expression on Tyr’s face, Gawain knew that he had caught the fish after all – but he was not quite sure how he had succeeded in fishing, because according to his original plan, he I also took Tyr and wandered around for a while, using a variety of human World things to a little bit of interest in the fish, but did not expect this guy to be directly interested in the rainbow gun.

But it’s not bad, it’s hooked anyway.

“Are you interested in the Rainbow Light Cannon?” Gawain looked at Tyr. “Is this thing very good in your eyes?”

“Great? Formidable power is really good, but we don’t need weapons…” Tyr shook his head. “I’m just curious… How do you constrain such a powerful arcane energy… and how to get this energy from the ordinary Extracted from the mana environment!”

Tyr is not interested in the rainbow gun itself – for the once-developed Siren civilization, the manufacturing process and engineering of this new weapon is not too clever in itself, but her principle behind the rainbow cannon The Cecil man’s thoughts on mana were curious.

Gawain soon wanted to understand this. He looked at Tyr and finally had no sleepy eyes. Instead of responding to the request of the other party, he asked: “Can I ask specific points? Why are you on this part?” Interested in technology? You Siren often observe the race on land. Have you ever had an interest in our magic technology system?”

“Before the magic technology system on land?” Tyr patted the deck of the Aurora with his tail. “Hah, are you saying that the ‘skill’ system invented by your land people? Or the magic formation of 1st Level 2nd Level 3rd Level? That’s totally different! Your ‘skill’ system doesn’t work for us at all. Didn’t you find it yourself? This is called the Rainbow Light Cannon… It is a more essential energy utilization technology, it Extract the energy in the magic circuit, then adjust, constrain, focus, and finally emit. In the process, is it a few levels of magic? What is the skill? There is no such redundant concept!”

Miss Siren was so excited that her tail was on the deck, even though her words seemed incomprehensible to some people, and even some of them were upside down, but Gawain’s heart was vaguely aware of what Siren was all about— –

The “universal energy” attribute of the magic circuit.

Humans have used tens of thousands of years to create a “skill tree” that transforms mana into various levels of skill, transforming it into magic spells of various categories, with countless complex and different spells and magic Pattern to transform mana into a specific phenomenon, but this kind of “skill” that only humans can understand and master is meaningless to Siren. Their life forms seem to determine that they cannot understand human magic spell at all. I can’t learn it, I can’t use it.

What they need is “universal energy.”

But it also seems to be due to the problem of life forms, they have never found a way to turn mana into universal energy.

The rainbow gun allowed Tyr to see a completely new technical route. She felt the power from the devastating beam to make Siren break some kind of bottleneck, and this power…not a rigid skill, but from magic In the circuit, the rune formation is used for frequency modulation, and the pure energy focused by the rainbow crystal is used. This energy can be emitted as a weapon, but it can be used elsewhere as long as the control rune is changed.

Gawain knows that Siren has an old lost city. The energy reactors in the city have been extinguished for many years. They need a strong new energy source to ignite the reactor. The spirits they have excavated from the seabed are powerful, but perhaps Because they could not be completely transformed, they could only maintain the “temporary temperature” of the reactor, but they could not wake up the entire city.

After a brief thought, Gawain broke the silence: “Can the rainbow guns ‘ignite’ your reactor?”

“Maybe it’s not working now, it’s not strong enough. Compared with our core fusion tower, it’s just a small spark…” Tyr turned his head and looked at the rainbow light cannon on the deck. “But you guys.” Let this spark appear…”

Most of the technology that was enough to change World was born at the beginning of its prototype is simple, even so succinct to let the ignorant sigh “the meaning of this fancy thing”, in the eyes of high-level civilization, this simplification is particularly serious .

Only a few people can recognize the value behind these “small sparks” at this stage and recognize how they can grow.

Gawain didn’t expect Tyr, who was always sleepy, to have such a vision, but he was glad that Tyr had such a vision.

Fish bites with better eyes are generally more porcelain.

“I will give you the whole one,” Gawain laughed, and Tyr nodded. “Of course, you have to pay something.”

“You just have to open your mouth,” Tyr confidently slaps the deck with his tail. “I will say it is also a war priest. It is definitely useful for you, or do you want wealth and treasure? Then I also I can think of it, the deep sea…”

“I have no interest in your personal combat effectiveness and personal savings,” Gawain interrupted Tyr. “Technology still needs technology to change.”

“Change with technology?” Tyr blinked. “What do you mean?”

“How much do you know about shipbuilding?”

Gawain asked this question, and Byron next to him showed the expression of “finally this part of the link.” It is obvious that Mr. Knight has long known that his own Feidal Lord brought the Siren to his mind, but he just checked it. The state of the rainbow light cannon, Rebecca, who was walking over, snorted after hearing Gawain’s words, staring at Gawain: “Lord Ancestor, are you going to let Miss Tyr help us build a ship?”

After receiving a positive answer from Gawain, Rebecca couldn’t help but scratch his hair and watched Tyr’s eyes full of suspicion: “But she do?”

Tyr had not answered Gawain’s question and heard Rebecca’s questioning. She showed a puzzled look: “How do you think I won’t do this?”

Rebecca is probably still immersed in the rune group and mechanical structure of the rainbow light cannon. The head is dizzy and has not turned around. He said casually: “Do you still need shipbuilding in Siren? You can’t swim…”

Tyr couldn’t help but look at Rebecca up and down: “You humans will walk, what are you doing?”

Rebecca’s expression suddenly stagnate, and he slammed a word: “Oh oh…”

After putting this girl who was always on the channel, Tyr turned to Gawain again. “You want me to help you build a ship. Well, I have no problem, but I have to explain a few points first.

“First, I understand that the ‘ship’ is absolutely different from the man-made shipbuilding technology of yours. In most cases, we don’t need a kind of underwater traffic that always floats on the water and keeps it sealed and dry. Tools, but this is not a big problem. With the technology of making water in the water, even in areas that we are not good at, it is not difficult to surpass you – this is not offense, but fact.

“Secondly, I can tell your craftsmen a lot of knowledge, such as streaming stamina, materials science, special coating technology, and even power technology, but it is very likely that these technologies will not be realized because they are too advanced. Because they need a lot of front-end technology and industrial foundation, and I don’t know how to get it out step by step. So I probably gave you a few years of consultants and drew a lot of good drawings. But your craftsman still can’t make anything. You don’t blame anyone for this.

“Finally, although I promised the technical exchange, but I promised in my own name, I can’t contact the deep sea court now, so all my promises are limited to my personal authority. I can only help you build the ship, all involved. I won’t help with war technology like weapons. But if we have a long-term relationship with Siren and Cecil, I will help you and my clansman.”

After Tyr had finished all three, Gawain looked at the other side and confirmed it again: “Is this all right?”

Tyr thought for a moment: “Well… help me to make a big round of the pool in the room. I usually sprinkle some salt, but I don’t ask for anything else.”

“Of course, no problem,” Gawain couldn’t help but laugh. “All these requirements can be promised, and in exchange, you can follow Camel and Rebecca to learn about the general energy technology behind the rainbow cannon – when you know enough Many, when you think that the conditions are ripe, you can choose to send these technologies back to the deep sea. I also welcome you to bring other Siren. Of course, if you want to leave early, you have to leave us enough ship technical information. “”

Miss Siren promised to come down.

The deal that Gawain remembered for a long time was finally reached.

He finally got the technology of this superb lost civilization – albeit only a small part.

As for the situation proposed by Tyr, he actually thought about it from the beginning.

Siren is a civilization that is completely different from any land race, and their technique comes from the “lost epoch” before the magic tide, which determines that the technical route cannot be the same as humans, just on “shipbuilding”. Gawain can think of more than one major “distinct point”:

Siren’s first ship is most likely a submarine – because they developed at the bottom of the water.

Siren’s first submarine should have no sealing concept, and it is all the same as the outside, just like the human-made convertible car – this is determined by their life form.

Even if the ship is sailing on the water, Siren may never have considered any life-saving facilities such as escape boats. They may not even build a water tank. What should the ship sink? When the submarine is open! What if the submarine is sinking? Everyone pushes a squat on the seabed! What should I do if the entire ship is disintegrated on the spot? Everyone swims back and forth – this is most likely the most reasonable idea for a Siren ship engineer…

Even so, Gawain believes that Siren Tyr can make a huge boost to the shipbuilding technology on the Feidal Territory.

Without saying anything else, Tyr’s “flowing stamina” is a testament to his judgment – ​​it’s a vocabulary, a combination of the words “flow” and “law” in human lingua franca. Tyr said it was awkward, and Byron and Rebecca next to it heard the word completely blank, but Gawain knew what the word meant.

In addition, Gairin didn’t worry about the ship that Siren now has, but he remembers that Tyr said that the city of Siren was originally a flying ship, with the survival needs of the saltwater fish. That ship should have simulated a “marine ecosystem”, so now they must have amazing sealing technology –

Sealing the water out of the boat and sealing the water in the boat is almost the same.

Of course, considering the great difference between Siren’s “shipbuilding” technology and human beings, Gawain should also consider the working method of “Cecil Shipbuilding Bureau” after going back to prevent the ship from being too “Siren”, but there is no way. Practical, but also have to consider that Tyr is not a professional technician in Siren. She is probably a “keyboard man” (water group theory expert) similar to her, so it is best to make this fish only a special consultant. Not the general command of the project…

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