The three cars carrying the Cecil Family emblem traveled on the streets of Royal Capital. In the headed carriage, the witch Jibril opened the cover on the window with a hint of curiosity, but kept watching the city cautiously.

She grew up in the poor and backward Southern Region until she knew the “big sister head” Amber. Her entire World was made up of dark, dirty gutter corners in the town, low-lying and slums, and rancid smells. It’s made up of garbage dumps, but like most Ainz people, she also has the opportunity to hear stories about this great Royal Capital – from occasional passers-by, arrogant adventurers, cunning vigilant businessmen She sketched out what the city imagined. She imagined the tall and majestic city wall, the splendorous and majestic church, the out of the ordinary aristocratic mansion, and the place where King’s inhabitants lived. Silver foil “Silver Castle”.

In the days when they were swindlers and witches in the gully, she knew that it was impossible to visit Royal Capital on her own status and ability. Don’t say that she visited Royal Capital. She even dared to step into a bigger city. Will be caught by the Feidal Lord and be whipped, but the fate is sometimes so wonderful – this sentence she is used to wearing the hood and the divination deck to fool those adventurers, but this time she is very I want to say to myself – under the wonderful fate arrangement, she became a decent person, a person loyal to the great aristocracy, and this Royal Capital, which used to exist only in imagination, is now in front of her eyes.

It is as majestic and magnificent as the bards and adventurers say.

But it is old and dirty everywhere.

Jibril frowned, seeing the streets of Royal Capital smeared on both sides, and there was no shortage of dilapidated slums in the tall city wall. As she came along, she saw the ragged poor and the “people” driven by the soldiers. She felt that her dream of Royal Capital had collapsed a little.

This is indeed a magnificent old capital. It is worthy of the head of Ainz in terms of its heritage and scale, but Jibril finds that he prefers the Cecil territory, the clean and tidy streets and the well-ordered urban areas, preferring the vibrant people and the people there. Officials who abide by the law.

But she remembered the task she had received before she left, so all the emotional changes were well hidden by her. With an elegant and graceful smile, she put down the cover of the carriage compartment and turned her head to look at towards The young Arcanist opposite me: “Mr. Sanctis, let’s go directly to the house of Duke adults?”

Sanctis had some peace of mind. After hesitating for a moment, he still said: “I want to… go home first.”

Then he quickly added: “Of course, Duke’s mission is more important. If you feel wrong, we will go to Crown Street No. 4…”

“No need to be so cautious, Mr. Sanctis,” the witch Jibril smiled slightly, like a real mage apprentice from a small aristocratic or wealthy family. “According to Duke’s order, you are the leader of this action, me and Pierce will only give you the advice and assistance you need. Just follow what you think is reasonable.”

“Okay… okay,” Sanctis was a bit uncomfortable with his head and slightly distracted his gaze. He tried not to keep a long linen hair, a long black dress, and a charming face. “Witches” look at each other, “Let’s go to Cross Street first. Right, the remaining two cars can go to Crown Street No. 4 first, don’t have to come together – the streets of Cross Street are narrow.”

The tall, thin man sitting next to this is inserting a mouth: “Mr. Sanctis, if our carriage can enter the cross street, then the other two are definitely OK, I suggest that the two accompanying cars follow – you are going home It should be as high-profile as possible. This is a gesture.”

Sanctis stunned and nodded: “Oh, okay, Mr. Pierce.”

Pierce, the “fast leg” of the guard, knocked on the plank at the front of the car and shouted to the driving guide sitting outside: “Cross Street!”

Three carriages took a turn on the street and turned to the civilian area of ​​Royal Capital.

Sanctis felt that his heart was “floating” in the process. A feeling of nowhere was entangled in him. He took a few deep breaths, so a cold air mixed with rich odors plunged into his nostrils: carriage Passing through the squid street, the smell of fish here can even cover the smell of the notes in the corner of the street.

Even if it is winter, the rotten smell is suffocating because it has been immersed in every brick on the street.

He couldn’t help but open the window cover and look at the street scene outside.

The familiar street scene caught his eye.

Low, cluttered, crowded dwellings are stacked under the city wall like layers of moss. Due to the cold weather, there are only a few vendors on the streets, and there are few pedestrians, and occasionally see a few The faces are full of numbness, and the numb people are swaying on the streets like walking dead. It seems that the cold winter and the malnourished diet have caused these people to lose all facial expression changes, but they also suddenly become “live”. Time – when the carriage carrying the aristocratic emblem sailed across the street, the numb poor people almost immediately fell to the ground, their foreheads were tightly attached to the ground, and their reaction was so fast, as if this were them Innate instinct in general.

Sanctis brows slightly wrinkle, and now the carriage has passed the short squid street and entered a slightly better “cross street”.

Cross Street is the place where the middle-level “citizens” live. People with a little status and wealth will live here. Compared with the squid street that belongs to the poor neighborhood, the house here is obviously taller, and those who walk on the road are obviously More spiritual.

They don’t have to fall to the ground when they see the noble carriage, but they must also hide on both sides of the street and bend their waists to a height that is absolutely lower than the carriage window – civilians must do this to prevent them from using dirty Dirty sight gaze may be looked from towards the aristocrats outside the window probe.

Only in the neighborhoods where the higher, baptized affluent citizens live, the “decent people” who have received the blessing of the church do not need to do this. They just need to stand on both sides of the street and bow down to pay tribute.

At Royal Capital, the rules are naturally more than those in the wilderness of the border.

Born in Cross Street, Sanctis, promoted to 2nd Level Arcanist, is the “most promising child” in this neighborhood. His mage rating is also the highest achievement that people living in this area can achieve so far. In the past, even Sanctis learned at mage. No matter how uncomfortable the middle class, how can he be squeezed out, he is also proud when he returns to the block, but now, seeing the neighbours who are leaning down on both sides of the street, there is only a burst of trouble in his heart. .

There is no change here, just like when he left.

This was the case with the cross street last year. The same was true of the cross street ten years ago. The cross street a hundred years ago is still like this!

But at Cecil territory, a year’s time is enough to set up a city that is enough for a group of illiterate children to learn to write their own and their parents’ family names enough to beat those monsters from Gondor Wasteland twice!

Sanctis thought about it, then suddenly saw a little girl in the corner of the street looking at this side.

The little girl was dressed in a neat but old dress. There was only one patch on the dress. She wore two neat ponytails, her face was reddened in the cold wind, and her hands were holding a bulging cloth bag.

She seems to have just stepped out of a corner of the street, so that she did not have time to bow down to the noble carriage, but a little reaction to look at it.

Sanctis snorted and then shouted: “Pepe!”

However, the little girl had suddenly ran away before he spoke, and did not seem to hear his next words.

“Who is that?” asked Jibril, who was sitting opposite, curiously.

“My younger sister,” Sanctis said in a strange tone. “Why should she run?”

The little girl ran across the street and ran to a house that looked a little newer than the surrounding buildings. He hurriedly pushed the door and ran in, wearing an old cotton coat and an old apron, grinding the herbs in the center of the house. The woman heard the movement and looked up and looked at her youngest daughter in surprise: “Pepe? Why are you coming back so soon? Have you handed the herbs to Mr. Wien?”

Then she saw the cloth bag in the hand of the little girl, and the brow could not help but wrinkle up, but before she opened her reprimand, the little girl had already stuttered because of nervousness: “Mom…mother! Three cars came outside. The big carriage! is aristocratic! Hanging on the carriage… Hanging the emblem, just like the big brother sent the letter on the letterhead when he last sent it back!”

The middle-aged woman stunned and suddenly shook hands, and the raft used to grind the herbs fell to the ground.

She refused to look forward, and immediately stood up and stared at the eyes of youngest daughter: “Do you see it clearly? Is it really the emblem? The emblem of the sword and the plow?”

The little girl clutched the cloth bag in her hand, a little nervous and scared: “See clearly…”

“That’s the emblem of the Cecil Family…the one sent by Duke Cecil…do you see anything else on the carriage? Is there a stagnation on the driver’s hat or clothes? The horse on the car is hung with White petal strip?”

The little girl seemed to be scared by her own mother, nervously unable to speak at all, and the door to the inner room was opened at this time. The male owner of the house heard the movement and came out: “What happened? I heard a lot of noise outside.”

“Dear, Duke Cecil’s people, came three cars…” The hostess of the house twisted his hands. “Is Sanctis going to have an accident? I told him earlier that the Dark Mountain Range is a dangerous place. Let him be careful, but he always said in the letter…”

“Calm down,” said the middle-aged man. “Sanctis is just an Arcanist at 2nd Level. Duke can’t send three cars to inform…”

Just then, a knock on the door suddenly came.

Men and women almost straightened their bodies, they stopped for a moment, and stared at the direction of the house, while the little girl standing near the door almost jumped up.

The knocking on the door was still ringing, and the little girl stunned a bit, then subconsciously took the Xiang Family door.

“wait a moment, I will go.”

The middle-aged man said as he crossed his wife and daughter to the door.

He opened the door, cold wind assaults the senses, a tall, thin silhouette stood there.

The little girl stood behind her own father and cried happily: “It is big brother!”

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