Sword and Magic and Taxi

Chapter 924: Too late to adapt

Venus has almost no magnetic field, which means that strong solar radiation shines through without any hindrance, and it hurts human cells all the time. Apocalypse is a strong one among mutants, but after all, it is based on human beings, not space creatures at all. He soon felt the full range of injuries, from the skin on the body to his internal organs. If it weren't for a powerful ability, his blood would have boiled long ago.

And the radiation fell on Zhao Mai, just making his skin appear crystal clear, like a layer of jade. The ghost ship regards the sun's radiation as food, and the Dragon Emperor treats it as normal energy for absorption, so this radiation will naturally not cause him pain. As for the air composition, it is not a problem for Zhao Mai.

"Work hard!" Zhao Mai said to Tianqi: "You have a way to solve the current predicament, think quickly! Don't think about conquering the world, destroying ordinary humans, and taking everything away from the powerful, think about your current situation. What do you need, what do you need? Maintaining existence is the ultimate goal of adaptation and evolution!"

Apocalypse's palm was claw-shaped, sucking up countless dust from the basalt on the surface of Venus, and then throwing it at Zhao Mai. The dust becomes a sharp knife in the air, enough to cut steel and mountains. Zhao Mai turned sideways and easily avoided, and he also had a long sword in his hand. "This is an eight-eye sword, mainly made of vibrating gold, so you need to be careful."

The price of Zhenjin on the black market is very high, and all of them are made into armor without exception. When Tianqi saw the Bamu Sword, there was only one question in his mind: "How did you sharpen it?"

"Don't you also change the ability of material form?" Zhao Mai waved his hand, and the spear that was also transformed into a rock shot towards Tianqi, only to be crushed when he raised his hand. But this really surprised Apocalypse. It is precisely because of the similar ability that he can judge the level at a glance: Mike's casual blow has used the material tightness more than himself, which shows that his control of the material is still in himself. Above!

"Why am I still standing?" Tianqi said suddenly: "Your material control ability can defeat me when you first touched me. Why can I still stand here?"

"Because you are dead, other people don't know how good I am." Zhao Mai said: "Killing you, will you cancel the bounty on Serena's head, will it get me out of trouble? I've passed it a long time ago to fight In the fighting phase, every battle must have a goal. The lowest goal is of course to kill you, at least to solve the immediate problem. Of course I have higher goals, such as sending some messages through your mouth."

"You can beat me, doesn't mean you can kill me! You will always have weaknesses, and I will be able to find them sooner or later."

"Of course, I have weaknesses, no system is perfect. But in terms of words, it is not only perfect to survive. The survival of the fittest, not the perfect alone. But if you say that I can't kill you, there is a problem, the big deal is for me Take you to the sun. Oh, I can’t stand on the surface of the sun either, but it’s definitely closer than you can. Do you want to try?"

Tianqi frowned. He judged that Zhao Mai did not lie. This terrible guy is indeed confident that he has this ability, but... "You are a magician. All these are your illusions. You want to deceive me, right? Here? It's not Venus at all, it's just an environment simulated by you! Oh, I gradually figured it out..."

"Selena said you are an extremely paranoid guy, now I understand what it means." Zhao Mai pulled a sword flower, the flame of his hair turned blue, and then said: "You believe in the survival of the fittest, but you can't adapt. The environment is you. You are just strong, not adaptable."

"Fart!" Tianqi raised his hands, lightning gushing out, and coming straight towards Zhao Mai. This is not a try at home, Zhao Mai naturally has been opening the psychic barrier! The lightning was cut off by a barrier and turned into brilliant electric sparks. At the same time, Tianqi's eyes became pure white, his body swelled again, and his height suddenly rose to three meters.

Zhao Mai nodded, lowered his body and rushed forward, slashing with the eight-eye sword. His speed has already exceeded the range that the human eye can capture, and he is not slower than those with super speed. But Apocalypse still moved his arms, and actually folded his hands against the guards of the Eight-Mesh Sword, controlling the movement of the blade, blocking the slash! This was an unprecedented situation, and it was the first time that Zhao Mai saw a guy whose speed could keep up with him.

"Damn it!" Blood spilled from the corner of Tianqi's mouth, and his arms broke inch by inch, shattering from his shoulders! It's just that the blue giant's regenerative ability played a role, and the fragments of the arm were pulled together and quickly restored to its original appearance. On the surface it looks nothing, but it must be quite physical. Zhao Mai was like this before, and he knew it well.

"Oh! I probably understand. Your ability is to adapt to opponents. You can keep up as fast as I can, and in the process you continue to learn other people's abilities. But, your body can't bear your abilities. , And my power is superimposed, so it’s rotten.” Zhao Mai smiled and said: “Hey, Apocalypse, you broke your arms just one attack just now. What if I continue to come again? Your regeneration ability has How strong?"

"Where is your body? Mike Dragonhowl, don't use illusions to fight!" Apocalypse answered the unexpected question, and roared: "Come to fight upright! Your spells have been blocked by my body~www.NovelMTL.com~ You coward in hiding!"

"You really can deceive yourself..." Zhao Mai pointed to his nose and said, "I'm here, this is the ontology. You can't deceive yourself just because you are at a disadvantage, can you? Where is your survival of the fittest? Come on. Adapt to me!"

Apocalypse's palms merged, and then slowly pulled apart, the countless lines of silver gleaming between his palms stretched like springs. He was out of breath, and this ability is now very exhausting. As he shouted, his palms merged again, and the silver light turned into a shock wave, expanding and advancing in all directions. Zhao Mai's field shook, and then nothing happened.

"Why are you still here, you should have been dispelled!" Apocalypse looked at Zhao Mai blankly: "What spell can resist the big push spell! Magic, elemental and spiritual abilities should all be expelled!"

"Then there are only mutant powers left? This trick is good, but it still doesn't work for me. Alright, it's almost time to end."

He accelerated suddenly and swung the eight-eyed sword again. Not surprisingly, Apocalypse once again inexplicably blocked the first blow, but then Zhao Mai did not stop. When Apocalypse's arms were injured and the regeneration was not completed, the blade cut over. A pair of blue arms spun up into the sky, causing his door to open wide. After a period of cutting of the sword and shadow, the skin of Apocalypse continued to harden, always trying to adapt to the power of the vibrating sword, but it was too late.

The ground is full of fragments of the apocalypse, but he still hasn't died, and his flesh and blood are wriggling to regenerate. Zhao Mai took a deep breath, and then suddenly spit out the magma of the Doomsday Volcano, covering the fragments of the apocalypse. He checked it carefully and confirmed that there were no more signs of life here, so he could teleport it back. After all, it can't delay the dinner of all employees, right?

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