Sword and Magic and Taxi

Chapter 891: Diversion

"Boss, you're finally back!" It was not someone else who greeted him at the first time, but the teeth. He was blown to pieces while improving Saruman's gunpowder. The remains were buried in the soil by the gardener dragon. As a result, many new fangs appeared after more than a year. Their bodies are either grass-green or purple-red, and the cells of soil, Legionnella, goblin and orcs are completely mixed together.

They look different, according to the difference in strength, the smallest is "jump", a small creature less than thirty centimeters tall, with big heads, big ears, big eyes, small bodies, agile movements, sharp teeth, and full of vitality. , I only know what to grab. Some can grow into "fart spirits" (goblins), their size increased to seventy centimeters, they have mastered the language, have good intelligence, have a certain degree of organization, and have the ambition of continuous improvement (evolution).

A few of them will become orcs. As I said before, green or red are a group of militant guys who deal specifically with the pressure of war from the outside world. Under the protection of the Z insect, the survival pressure of this group of "explosive teeth" is very small, so the number of orcs is extremely low, accounting for less than one in ten thousand. But the gardener Long said that if the pressure of survival increases, this rate may surge to more than 80%.

In the years when Zhao Mai was in the Doomsday Volcano, these "explosive teeth" continued to increase, and a village of 10,000 people has formed. They have been working on improving the Saruman gunpowder, and every explosion caused by a mistake will cause more fragments, that is, more teeth. Fortunately, the gardener dragon's ability to control Legionnaires is as effective as fangs, and this new species has not flooded.

"I'm back, ready to start relocation." In Zhao Mai's earliest plan, the first thing to take care of was the blackfoot settlement of Mordor, including the orcs and this large group of explosive teeth. After all, the opposite is Artas. The cruel world needs a more powerful and savage race to pass first, and to gain a foothold with animality before talking about humanity.

The continuous worms moved forward, carrying the soil and the Legionnella mushrooms and began to walk towards the portal. The efficiency of the Z bug is terrible. Zhao Mai is responsible for the general direction, and the gardener dragon is responsible for the control of the details. Everything is in order. In Arda, the total area of ​​the soil and the number of Z-worms are much higher than that of Atas. Therefore, the field of the worm's heart ring is stronger, and Zhao Mai's strength is also improved accordingly. He left Dorgian and Gondor's minister to coordinate the relocation of human beings, and he flew into the air, all the way to the southwest.

Atas lacks water, and Middle-earth has never lacked this. Flying across the mountains and plains, along the Anduin River, Zhao Mai came to the sea. He turned blue, the flames were burning, and his divine power was released, and then he called Uomu, the **** of the sea.

The power of the realm is like a divine power, passing wave after wave to the depths and distances of the sea. Some of the more intelligent marine creatures, such as whales and dolphins, felt this power and then came to the sea and nodded and waved their tails to pay tribute to Zhao Mai. However, after a long time, Uomu still did not appear.

"This is weird? Are the others here?" Zhao Mai turned to call Manwei, the **** of atmosphere. The bird in the sky lowered its height, rolled in the air, and waved its wings. Zhao Mai looked at the brilliant and colorful rolls, as if he was enjoying a drama. But the result is still the same, and Manwei, the **** of the atmosphere and the king of the gods, is also missing.

Not only that, Arda's world will is also indifferent to Zhao Mai's domain power. When this happens, the greatest possibility is that the gods leave. Although Middle-earth will be destroyed, it is the power of Iluvita, not the operation of the world itself. Sauron and the Supreme Lord of the Rings were destroyed, and this world was booming, and there was still a long way to go from the "near death" of Artas, so the world's laziness was understandable.

It can only be thought that the gods have withdrawn, but it is also possible that they have been wiped out by Iluvita. Zhao Mai didn't want the latter result, but he didn't know the law of power at that level, and there was no way to confirm it. The ships leading to Velino, the kingdom of the gods, had already left. Without the guidance of the **** of the sea or the **** of the sky, Zhao Mai would not know how to get to Velino. He sincerely hoped that Vera and Maya were safe.

It seems that no one will object to what Zhao Mai is going to do. He lowered his height, came to the mouth of the Anduin River, and then began to show his strength. Countless mud flew into the air and piled up on both sides, forming a deep valley on the ground. The flowers, trees, and farmland were all picked up by Zhao Mai with psychic powers and put aside. People along the way kneeled in horror, praying to the gods that this terrible scene would end as soon as possible.

Zhao Mai did not care about them, but focused on his work. By digging deep into the Anduin River, he forcibly changed the direction of the river. The river comes from the foggy forest in the north. Flowing through the land of the elves, to Gondor, passing by the gate of Minas Tirith, and then rushing to the sea. Now the river has turned around, with endless sea water, heading "upstream".

Two streams of water clash in the river, and finally a result is needed. After Zhao Mai dug a deep river channel, he pushed forward to the northeast until he reached the Minas Devil's Cave. The evil will shock caused by Sauron's death caused this place to become ruins like the evil black tower. Zhao Mai is moving away the ruins and using the valley where the castle was originally located, to repair the waterway through the Shadow Mountains.

Behind the Shadow Mountains, the vast plain of Gloveros was completely covered by soil. The deep and thick soil only needed Zhao Mai's instructions to change its shape and give way to a canal. The sea water mixed with the river water, just like this, from the sea thousands of miles away, all the way to the portal.

Afterwards, Zhao Mai dug a big pit near the river, lowered the height of the portal, and then pointed the outlet of the canal to the gate, so the sea and river water of Arda continued to flow into the world of Artas~www.NovelMTL. com~ Of course, Zhao Mai can throw the portal into the sea, so the speed of the water will be greatly increased, but for now, the priority is to relocate the orcs and fangs, and the accumulated Z insects and Xiyang faint. Is the top priority.

When he returned to the portal, Aragorn was already there waiting for him. He brought his wife and children, as well as relatives of the main generals, nobles, and important allies, and prepared to send in the first batch. As for him, he will stay and organize this great migration with the generals, nobles and allies. He saw Zhao Mai, who was full of blue flames like a god, smiled and walked up. "Gondor and Rohan have been mobilized. I am the first group behind me. The civilians are expected to arrive in three weeks. The messenger has reached the Shire and Gray Harbor, and we have spread the news as far as possible throughout Middle Earth. ."

"The halflings are willing to come, provided that they take the Chimera spacecraft, so I sent three spacecraft to pick them up, and there will be more." Dogian added: "If Tyrion is right, we will be four weeks later. From the current 32 ships to 54 ships, it can basically meet the needs of manpower transportation. Even if it is more, it is meaningless, because the passage capacity of the portal is limited."

Zhao Mai nodded and said to Aragorn: "I will leave Dojian to coordinate the situation across the portal, and she will be able to find her in the past. I need to arrange a new river there and deal with possible dangers. "

"Okay. We will cooperate." Aragorn watched the orc army marching towards the portal, and called for a constant jump and fart spirit. "Mike, don't forget that you must separate. If humans and orcs have friction or even fight on the other side, it's not good."

Zhao Mai nodded: "I have found someone to plan, don't worry."

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