Sword and Magic and Taxi

Chapter 886: Lazy life

In the quadrangle courtyard of "My House", the three-story main building is where everyone lives. Everyone has their own room, and Satiri is no exception. Although everyone's bedrooms are connected to each other-fully exposing Zhao Mai's true intentions-each person is independent and private in his residence. Maybe it's because of the relationship of the domain, maybe because of the worm's heart warning. In short, Zhao Mai attaches great importance to "your and mine public" and has strict requirements on himself.

So it was Zhao Mai who knocked on the door three times and came in, and it was Dojian who pushed the door directly. As for grain reserves and small flowers, the former is forbidden to enter because they like to turn things around, while the latter can go through walls and never go through the door.

Satiri’s room is full of comfort. Soft beds, sofas that can be rubbed freely like sandbags, and soft lights that can look straight without hurting your eyes. Among her favorite things, the first one is to go to the hot spring with Xiaowei, and the next one is to lie down on the sofa in various positions, reading a magic book in her hand for a day.

Zhao Mai's room can't be visited more, there is always a faint red-faced aura there, even with the use of air purification spells. Only when it is confirmed that Doji'an is intact and not in a certain movement, will Satiri go to Zhao Mai's room. It is confirmed that the pregnancy is almost four months old, but her lower abdomen is still flat, and there is nothing to see.

"Oh, I blame Zhao Mai!" Sadili touched her belly, frowned and ate another piece of "cake". She has doubled her appetite now, but she still doesn't get fat at all. Most of the nutrients provided by Legionnella are absorbed by the baby, but she hardly grows. But Satiri could feel a small psychic power in her belly, small, weak, and always attached to her.

"So, I will never be alone : Satiri turned a page of the book and took another bite of the cake. Although a lot of sugar and honey were used, the taste of Legionnaires in the cake couldn't be covered, so she could eat it without chewing. Tyrion calls this taste "hell", which can give people a natural anorexia. But in order for the baby to not lack nutrition, it must be unpalatable.

Everything will get better and better, real food and livestock are being cultivated, and the food for the next season will be abundant. Moreover, Zhao Mai has already begun to build the portal, which will connect to the world of Arda after completion. It is said that the halflings there are very hardworking and peaceful, and each one is the best farmer, gardener, chef and winemaker. They will not hide, kill people with venomous flying needles, and then chop the meat directly into their mouths to eat.

When Mr. Cotande went to get the Heartwood Spear, he was almost eaten by the halfling. Is there really such a big gap between the world? Hearing from Xiaohua, Arda’s elves are immortal. They are elegant, noble, and full of enviable artistic atmosphere. Satiri didn't really understand what art was, and guessed it should be some kind of powerful force similar to magic. God really favors Arda, or that Artas is really miserable.

Thinking of this, she didn't want to read a book. Throwing aside the priceless "Analysis of Magic" casually, Satiri came to the window to breathe. The morning glory is still hovering on the first floor. It is said that you will not be able to get to your window next year, but the unique fragrance of green leaves faintly spread, which is already a very luxurious enjoyment in Atas.

She especially likes the peaceful life now. Xiaohua was walking her dog in the yard, constantly throwing out the bouncy ball, so that she could pick up the stored food-teleport was not allowed. Sometimes the bouncy ball rolled in front of the gardener dragon, and those little guys would pick it up at lightning speed and throw it as far as possible. Often at this time, the food reserve will determine whether it is appropriate to pick up the ball or to hit the gardener dragon into the lake.

The gardener dragon that fell into the water sometimes leaked electricity because of its tension, crackling and releasing electric sparks from the hair ball at the tip of its slender tail. It will not hurt yourself or others, but will cause the Gardener Dragon to become very tired. Satiri saw three gardener dragons lying motionless on the shore of the lake, their tails connected to the soil, slowly replenishing their strength. However, one of the three clothes was not wet, indicating that she did not get into the water at all, but she was just lazy.

Being able to be lazy from time to time without delaying things is a very good life. She can lie on the windowsill and watch the scenery outside and be lazy; Duojian can paint or make-up in her free time, which is her biggest hobby. When Xiaohua is lazy, she will stare at the sun in a daze. The lazy way to store food is to hold a bouncy ball and let others throw it to herself.

Zhao Mai is seldom lazy, and he is doing psychic power training every day, or he is practicing natural force communication. Using the material transformation ability to make more water and fertilizer, or to make a portal, he always can't get idle. Even going to bed wrestling with Dogian from time to time is said by him as a way to exercise-hell, I want to exercise too!

Zhao Mai is talking nonsense, only Shilia is really exercising. She is now walking slowly along the lake with crutches. Her legs were trembling, and her crutches were dangling, and every step she took would throw sweat to the ground. She stood up a week earlier than Zhao Mai expected. This made everyone very admirable. After all, she defeated God's prediction of the future! Zhao Mai also complained in front of him privately, saying that because of his intellectual limitations, he was expected to be inaccurate, and it was normal if he defeated. But he would only have encouragement in front of Silia~www.NovelMTL.com~ Tyrion pushed the wheelchair and followed Silia, always preparing for his psychic powers, ready to support Silia when she fell . He really treats the little girl as a girl, and takes care of her very carefully. Dojian once said that his mother died when Tyrion was born, and his father did not wait to see him, and his sister wanted to kill him all the time. Tyrion, who lacks family care but longs for family care, vents his feelings on the orphan Xilia, which Santilly can understand.

Since Hiliya's operation was completed, Satiri suddenly felt relieved and felt a lot less urgent. The city of Tyre has abolished slavery, the oasis is expanding, and even a light rain fell in the first two days. Satiri had never seen rain, and she was so excited. It is said that besides rain, there is something called snow in the sky. Duojian said to her: "It's like Zhao Mai's feeling of dandruff shaking coldly in the sky."

Zhao Mai's head is on fire every day, there is no dandruff at all! Satiri also knew that Dogian was joking to her, but the heart that wanted to go outside was beating more and more vigorously. When Zhao Mai builds Atasi's home, the outside world is so big, he should also visit it.

With longing, she was immersed in her happiness. Zhao Mai, who was building the portal, felt a little bit and looked up at the sky. The will of the world became more and more relaxed, and after the great impact on the sandy wasteland turned into an oasis of peace, the dying Artas took a big breath. Zhao Mai bought time and eased the pressure of the world will on Satiri.

But the whole matter has not really been resolved, Zhao Mai has not really fully controlled Atas. There is one thing he is still unsure. Should he open the portal first and use Alda's resources to accelerate his expansion, or solve the threat of the Dragon King first? When the portal is completed, this matter must be decided.

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