Sword and Magic and Taxi

Chapter 836: Really unwilling to say goodbye

"Yeah, I crossed again!" Zhao Mai opened the car window and let the cold wind blow in. August 1 Chinese W≤W≈W=. ≈8≠1≥Z≥W≈. ≤C≥OM The snowflakes in the sky kept burrowing into the carriage, and Duojian actually sneezed.

"It's not cold, but conditioned reflex." Duojian rubbed his nose, subconsciously wrapping himself in a cloak. She is the daughter of the desert. The sun and sand are her neighbors, while ice and snow are relatively unfamiliar. Even if the energy armor of the Alliance of the Rings can prevent the actual damage caused by the harsh environment, the psychological effect is often a big inducement for the unacceptable.

"This is your hometown? It's really not that great." Duojian looked at Lindong City from a distance. The castle with dark walls and tall fish beams is considered a large building in Westeros, but it is completely invulnerable compared to Atas ruled by the Witch King. Only the precipitous Eagle's Nest City and the great Immortal Great Wall can compete.

"Last time you were playing here, I stayed with the relevant ministries and commissions. It's really a boring memory." Dojian stabbed Ado with his elbow: "Although the home is also good, let's go around and play together. It’s really interesting. Do you stop thinking about it?"

"Ado..." The giant looked at everyone and shook his head slowly. "Ado."

"Know, we will miss you too." Zhao Mai said: "Ado, we only hope you can live a peaceful and happy life. If you want to pursue a wonderful and passionate life, you will also be magical and have enough skills to support you. But in Westeros, the power of magic is definitely not as powerful as you are used to, so you still have to practice well."

The giant nodded and took out his wand from his sleeve. "Ado!" Fireworks shot out from the tip of the magic wand, and colorful sparks sputtered to all sides with the crackling sound, causing the grain reserves to bite with their mouths, barking and barking. It is obviously very smart, but it prefers to play dumb to make everyone happy. Duojian stretched out his hand and rubbed the head of the grain reserve, and the big dog lay down for the first time and exposed her belly.

Zhao Mai parked the car in front of the gate of Winterfell. The guards in the city were working hard to wind the crossbow, and the humming warning horn rang. "Bran! Snow! Who's in it. I'm Mike Longhou!"

A crow flew out, hovered over Zhao Mai's head for a while, and then landed on the city gate. Immediately afterwards, a tinkling bell came from the depths of the castle, and the guard guarding the gate let out a sigh of relief, carefully relaxing the crossbow. The gate slowly rose, and the half-rise suspension bridge fell again, and Jon came out after a while.

"Mike, welcome! Bran is taking a shower, and he will come out soon after putting on his clothes. Did you forget something?"

"Uh..." Zhao Mai himself didn't understand relative time, absolute time, and so on. The multiverse was a mess in his understanding. "I actually took a big turn outside and experienced a lot of things, but I can’t explain it. In short, it’s amazing. I won’t stay with you for a long time, mainly to send Ado back. He thought Home."

"Ado didn't do anything wrong, right?" Jon was taken aback for a moment, and hurriedly asked.

"No, no, he has always been nice, kind and diligent, and is our good partner. Does the Stark family feel that they will miss home only if they do something wrong?"

"Of course not. Please come in." Jon led everyone through the suspension bridge and the city gate. He glanced at the servants running around, then smiled and said to Zhao Mai: "It seems that my younger brother is ready, he must be waiting for you in the reception room. Stay for a big meal, you can come It’s like a holiday."

"Alright. Seriously, in Westeros for so long, there has never been a good feast in the castle."

The hall of Winterfell is steaming hot, on one side is the roaring fire in the fireplace, on the other side is the geothermal heat drawn up through the water pipe buried in the wall. For the northerners living in the cold, the temperature in this hall is like heaven, but for Duojian, she feels that the heat here is unnatural.

"I'm a little tight in my chest." Duojian's face was flushed, and he held Zhao Mai's shoulder with one hand, swaying around. Zhao Mai held her hand, and the natural force dispelled the alcohol that had accumulated in her body, relieved the hot flashes, but urged Duojian's sleepiness.

"Lie down and take a good rest. You are still unaccustomed." Zhao Mai said, "Don't worry about etiquette, you can come as you please."

The aroma of grilled meat and freshly baked bread was not more attractive than Zhao Mai's thigh pillow, and Duojian soon fell asleep. The banquet has just begun, and it would be embarrassing to end immediately. Zhao Mai used psychic powers to put Dojian in a silent environment, and then said to Bran: "She is not feeling well, so she slept first. Let's continue."

"Do you want to arrange a room?" said Lord Winterfell, Duke Bran Stark.

"No trouble, she can sleep more at ease by my side." Zhao Mai said: "I left her and Ado for an adventure before, and the time was a little too long, so I should compensate them. Ado wants to go home, so I will He sent it. Then I took Dogian home to see. There I wanted to build a comfortable manor and rest for a while."

"Building castles and manors is exactly what a lord should do. If it weren't because the war was not over, I would also like to take the time to repair Winterfell."

"Speaking of this, what is the situation facing you now? What about Stannis?"

"The ghosts have been wiped out~www.NovelMTL.com~ We have the energy to deal with the problems in the South. Amber, Mormont, Mandalay, Dustin and the Ride family have allegiance to Bran, and others He has not yet expressed his position. The North is still divided, the Bolton family’s traitors are still alive, and they still use the false title of Guardian of the North." Jon said: "The savages of the North, that is, the free people just moved south and lived there. After discussing with Bran, I thought that when the weather was right and the planting was completed, the troops would be organized. But Stannis was unwilling to wait and led his troops south. Sister Li De followed him to ensure that his army could pass through the neck and bypass the waves safely. The front line of the Dun family goes straight into King's Landing."

"Too anxious. His supply line is stretched too long. A small setback or even a slight delay will make him fall short."

Bran and Jon and Zhao Mai have the same idea, but Stannis is Stannis and Stark is Stark. Bran said: "This is not the best time to attack. Joffrey was killed at the wedding. External pressure will make the people of Junlin City regroup and hug Lannister's thighs tightly. If there is no history Tannis, the people of King's Landing will continue to question Tyrion about the murder of the king. Civil strife will be inevitable. But it is not without good news. Sister Sansa escaped, and I have seen her with a green vision. Soon she will also come to Winterfell and return to her family."

"That's good for Sansha." Zhao Mai said the woman's name, but he thought about the little devil.

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