Sword and Magic and Taxi

Chapter 673: Tangled girl

   In addition to the time when I met the wolves, some strange things happened along the way. The careful Zeratul counts the food on the truck every day, silently remembering the consumption, and therefore finds that there are always things on the truck that he has never seen before. It's not just caught game or mushrooms picked, but obviously processed food. These foods often taste good and can quickly replenish the nutrients the body consumes. But how do they appear?


   "I want to talk to him."


Hearing his sister's words, Zeratul's head was as big as a fight and hurriedly stopped: "Are you crazy, that's an orc, and an orc with a very strange temper! Under his ferocious strength, there is a very cunning heart. You. Forget our original intention, find the opportunity to kill and stay away from this black foot, and then continue on the journey."


   "I have different feelings, and my soul tells me that I should talk to him."


"Mind? Do you mean the ancient way of spiritual practice?" Zeratul shook his head: "That is a long-standing legend. Now there are no psychic powers. That ability has withered. Ever since Myron became Suo After Long betrayed the light, our..."


   "Myron is not Sauron, they are different. Myron has fought with Melkor, protected us, and guided us."


"Where did you learn these things? These only exist in your imagination. The history of our star elves is not like this." Zeratul shook his head: "Is your psychic powers crazy? I don't agree! "


"That's a cunning orc. Sooner or later I will find out who we are. And I'm tired. If it's still wrong this time, I want to go back to Villino." She said to her brother, "Even if I'm crazy, but I Never miss it, you have to believe me."


   After a short silence, Zeratul said, "I will go with you."


   "No, your presence by my side will interfere with my psychic abilities."


   "This is the saddest thing I have ever heard." Zeratul snorted, "Then you go, I'll sharpen the knife here."


   She was looking for opportunities along the way, secretly observing Zhao Mai's actions. The farther away from the Doomsday Volcano and the Evil Black Pagoda, Zhao Mai's mood is better, and the easier it is to smile, which is why she dares to try.


   "Reserve grain, let's play the game where I throw a stick and you pick it up?" Zhao Mai walked to the side of the road and broke a thick branch from the withered tree. The reserve grain snorted, no longer being fooled. The stick is always thrown farther and farther, the last time Zhao Mai threw the stick directly to the other side of the mountain, the fool would pick it up!


   Besides, there is still business to reserve grain! During this period, the slaves' mood fluctuated greatly, and from time to time there would be hostility towards Zhao Mai. Although these people didn't really threaten Zhao Mai's abilities at all, they would lose their face if they were beaten by the servants. I blinked my eyes and felt proud that I always had to take care of others.


   The pretender who was obviously an elf girl but was disguised as a human man was peeping again... The reserve thought he suddenly understood why Zhao Mai suddenly wanted to play with throwing sticks, he must have wanted to push himself away. Xiaohua won't be happy! There is another reason to reserve grain, let alone leave.


   "Master Blackfoot, can I have a few words with you?"


   "I think this sound is a bit familiar, and I finally remember it." Zhao Mai dropped the stick casually and said to the elf: "Thrandil, I will call you by this name from now on."


   "Why do you like to change our names?"


"That's it for your brother. He has his hair cut and dyed, and he can be seen as a skinny human being. You changed your race and sex. I really thought that others would not be able to see it. For this, I just changed my name. . It’s convenient for me to be happy." Zhao Mai shook his head: "Seeing you two have been holding back for several days, let's talk about anything."


   "I..." Thranduil was stunned. She didn't expect the dialogue to start like this. "Can you let us go?" she tentatively asked.


"Not now. So many slaves are watching. If you two leave and I didn't chase you back and kill them, they will all go. This is not good for me. Your brother still has some reputation among slaves, so as long as you try to leave , I definitely can't let it go."


   "This is the truth." Thranduil nodded. She suddenly felt that she was talking to a fellow star elf, not an orc. "What are your dreams?"


   "Ha! This is strange, you came to me, I asked what you want to do!" Zhao Mai snorted.


   "Are you Maya?" Thranduil asked in the old Elvish language.


Zhao Mai thought for a while: "Don’t use this language in Mordor. The wind will reveal your secrets and bring you unexpected disasters. As for your question, I didn’t think about how to answer it. What do you think about it in your heart? Just do it. This question makes no sense, next."


   Thrandil took a deep breath, and then said, "Can you follow me to the fairy city? I think many elves will want to see you."


   The world consciousness around him suddenly became disordered, Thranduil released the hidden light power, and Zhao Mai's dark power also echoed. The two forces did not annihilate and release energy, but shook hands like two strangers, introduced each other, and then entangled to establish contact.


What does it mean? This is the first time Zhao Mai has observed such a phenomenon. In addition to attachment, transfer, and struggle, now there are more "links"? Can the two types of rules of darkness and light work together?


   Just after this connection happened, Thranduil closed his eyes and raised his palm, releasing his own psychic powers. That is a relatively simple but harmless technique ~www.NovelMTL.com~ can improve another person's attitude, become more friendly, and easier to communicate and persuade. Zhao Mai passed all the psychic power skills to the Star Elf in the Origin World, and he really did not expect to see this ability again in this place.


   "Don't go." Regardless of whether it is in terms of skill or strength, Thranduil's psychic powers are only at the beginner level, and cannot affect Zhao Mai at all. "Neither of the two questions you asked is actually possible. Don't just look at the stars and forget about the earth. That will lead to no foundation. Think about it again, what are you really asking?"


   Thrandil bit his lip, clenched his fist tightly, and then asked, "Can we two survive? Will you kill me?"


"After the elves die, they will only go back to Valinor. What's the use of killing you? It's better to keep you by your side. That's where you and your brother are." Zhao Mai said, "Okay, I'm in a hurry. You have to keep your mouth shut and obedient, so you two are lucky."


   "Not all elves will go to Villino after they die. There is an elven king who did not go after he died. We are looking for him."


"That's your business." Zhao Mai finally said: "After arriving in the south, you two will clean up, at least let me see some different things. You will also see different things. It can be guaranteed."


   Thrandil nodded, she had already got the answer she wanted and was about to leave. Zhao Mai stopped her and said, "Don't use your psychic powers indiscriminately. Not all orcs can't see it."


   She was stunned.

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