Sword and Magic and Taxi

Chapter 488: Understand

Almost all living organisms with cell structures on the earth have a common structure: mitochondria. It stores its own genetic structure, which is independent of the genetic structure of the cell nucleus, but it divides together when the cell divides and enters a new cell. It coexists with all life in this form, and its function is simple and important: it provides energy to cells.

Without a kind of symbiotic cell organs, death will come to the cells, and then the death of life. The chemical energy provided by mitochondria is the energy source that drives biological movement, from amoeba to blue whales.

The ghost warship creature is different. He has a variety of cellular energy organs that can use a variety of energy, and some of them can store a large amount of energy. Z insect happily eats these cells, and then begins to change its state.

Just like the relationship between mitochondria and cells. Billions of years ago, large cells tried to swallow small cells, small cells tried to parasitize large cells, and mitochondria successfully reached balance with other cells, thus forming a stable relationship. Over a long period of time, mitochondria only leave behind the genes needed to provide energy, and the others are transferred out, a large part of which is learned and absorbed by the nucleus, and passed down from generation to generation. The same goes for Z insects, keeping their cells alive, reaching a stable balance with newly added cells, learning, retaining and evolving. Zhao Mai uses the natural force to ensure the survival of the Z insect, and uses psychic powers to control the entire process. The Z insect is still just an organ, not a complete creature, but every cell of it has left Zhao Mai's soul imprinted, making it a whole.

"What a magnificent creature." Diana looked up at the "heart and liver" of the battleship, and couldn't help but exclaimed. When they passed the "stomach", "intestines" and "lungs" of the warship, everyone would sigh like this. But what surprised everyone most was the super-light engine of the Ghost Ship.

These are two huge cylindrical organs lying flat, with a diameter of 20 meters and a length of about 30 meters, on the raised back of the entire battleship. The cylinder is covered with a network structure similar to blood vessels everywhere, and the energy generated from other parts is concentrated here, causing the two "engines" to pulsate slightly like breathing.

There is also a ghost energy device next to the cylinder to provide energy for explosive flight. These devices have gradually grown together with battleship creatures, just like mitochondria and cells. When they reach equilibrium one day, they will become one.

"It's incredible." Zhao Mai had the deepest understanding here. He said to Xiaohua: "In the beginning, the creatures just swim in the water, slowly rising to the surface of the water, seeing the land, and wanting to find out, they swim. Come up and learn to crawl."

"They are crawling on the ground, their vision is getting higher and higher, they want to find out, they get up, and then learn to walk, learn to run and jump."

"They raised their heads, saw the vast sky, and smelled the breath of freedom. If they wanted to find out, they worked hard to climb up, climbed in the air with their hands, pushed hard with their legs off the ground, and then learned to fly. "

Zhao Mai held up his hands and gestured to the entire battleship creature: "They saw the starry sky and the imprinted new frontier, so they continued on the journey of exploration and slowly developed to the present level. This is not a **** who said, "I want "Fly" will fly, but a great journey that starts from a small cell."

"It seems that you have a deep understanding. Do you want to keep a part of it in my body and I will save it for you? You are a unique understanding." Xiaohua said solemnly, "Although I know you will have a deep understanding someday, But I didn’t expect it to be at this time. Leaving the earth and entering a new environment is really helpful for you."

"Don't the druids go to various environments and experience the natural forces there, thereby enhancing their own perception and abilities?" Zhao Mai responded modestly: "I only have some conveniences, which are better than most druids. It’s just a lot to see far away. If I talk about time, I only left my insights at this time, which is actually quite stupid."

Although he said that, Zhao Mai didn't mean to refuse. He picked up the stored grain, put his hand on the flowerpot, and taught Xiaohua his experience through the induction of the natural force. This experience will also be very helpful to Xiaohua. If she can learn how to integrate her own perceptions and establish a good balance between "self-spirit", "druid perception" and "physical growth", maybe she can still Can usher in new development. Xiao Hua was very satisfied with the spirit state of the tree demon she was able to give birth to, but Zhao Mai thought that this should be far from the end of the road.

The power compartment and super-light engine compartment were cleared out, and the remaining ghosts were mostly minor problems, at least not affecting the maneuverability of the ship. Shepard checked the ammunition, "Diana, Mike, I don't have much ammunition, I'm going to rely mainly on you, right?"

"No problem." Diana waved her long sword: "I haven't sweated yet."

"I'm fine." Zhao Mai said to Shepard, "but shouldn't we inform the bridge and Atlantis about the situation here?"

"That's right~www.NovelMTL.com~ Shepard knocked on his headset, and just said a few words, he found that the superluminal engine started to start. Strong energy pulses gathered in the two cylindrical organs, resulting in a force field Bo pushed everyone out slowly. "Rodney, what happened? "

"You should ask Tyra specifically, but I also know that." Rodney's voice slowly sounded in the headset: "Atlantis' deep-space radar discovered that the ghost fleet has accelerated, and the earliest warship will be there. Arrived in ten minutes, instead of three days as originally expected. The ghost is rushing at any cost. Atlantis has taken off, and after leaving the atmosphere, it will start the superlight engine and leave. Oh, no... Atlantis asked Can we, can we hold the ghost ship to reduce the possibility of them tracking the super-light path of Atlantis?"

"Can it be done?"

"Theoretically, it's possible, but we have too few people. Tyra can't control so many equipment of such a large spaceship alone, and her brain will burn."

"I think I can help." Zhao Mai said to Shepard: "I also know a little bit about maneuvering the spacecraft."

Diana pointed to herself and Zhao Mai: "We have very good hearing, and we have all heard. We will definitely help."

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