Sword and Magic and Taxi

Chapter 356: Starting Stonehenge

The grass man flying into the sky is naturally Zhao Mai. [No pop-up novel network] He linked his thinking with Tolkien, and then came to his dreamland through the green dreamland. In Tolkien's dream, Zhao Mai was very restricted. If he hadn't communicated with Tolkien through his psychic powers and allowed the dream to accept himself, he would not even be able to condense his body. The little flower can only become a little flower, and Zhao Mai can only draw on the local materials and use the grass to shape his own image.

Zhao Mai gradually began to clarify the relationships. For example, this is Tolkien's green dream, which is where he communicates with other worlds. Zhao Mai can see parallel worlds with his green dreams, and can also communicate with his family in another world. Tolkien can also do the same. It's just that Tolkien hasn't been trained, his ability is completely spontaneous, and his growth is unpredictable.

Since Tolkien was not a druid, he had insufficient understanding of the force of nature, so this green dream lacked many necessary elements, and Zhao Mai's power was also greatly restricted. He can't move with his mind, he can only manipulate existing element actions, such as grass, such as the wind blowing through the grassland. He couldn't turn into an eagle and went straight to the sky, so even though he was impatient, he could only wait for the wind to blow slowly. Fortunately, this dream is not big, and the clouds are not very high.

The sound of the spell in the clouds was clear and audible, Zhao Mai pricked his ears to listen. At this moment, he found that there was something in the Cao Ren's body and it was shaking. Strange, what could it be? The grass man reached out his hand and took it out of his body. It turned out to be a mobile phone.

By the way, in my green dreamland, the mobile phone also exists, and he turned into a black slate to "kill" all the parallel worlds. The indicator light of the mobile phone flashed, and there was a prompt message inside: "A signal from an unknown world is found, do you report to the Alliance of the Rings?"

There are only two buttons, "Yes" and "No", and no other prompts and options. Zhao Mai thought for a while, but chose no. It is better to be more cautious about things you don't know. The phone was quiet, Zhao Mai turned on the tape recorder and recorded all the sounds here.

Then he flew into the clouds.

Inside the clouds was a pitch black, only the faint starlight in the distance. It is difficult for Zhao Mai to judge his location and direction, but he knows that he is moving, just like a taxi is in a space channel. He is constantly approaching a star that emits a continuous white light, watching it grow bigger and bigger, from a light spot to a luminous arch. The sound of the curse came from the side of the arch, continuously, and the closer it got, the clearer it became.

After walking in the space passage for about three minutes, Zhao Mai completed the crossing without using a taxi for the first time. He found himself still standing on a pasture, facing the famous British historical attraction-Stonehenge. Zhao Mai has seen this historical relic many times in the photos, and the civilization that created Stonehenge in the game can get the big prophet... off the topic. Zhao Mai looked intently and found that Stonehenge was just a few hundred meters away. It looked "intact and brand new". It was a perfect circle that hadn't experienced any collapse. The huge stone is full of luminous runes, gathering the majestic natural force, forming a shield to protect the Stonehenge itself. A group of people wearing blouses and cloaks covering their bodies were brandishing long staffs, constantly summoning the power of fire and lightning, and violently bombarding the shield of Stonehenge.

The spell language they used was exactly the "ancient spell" that Zhao Mai could use. This language echoed Zhao Mai's own power, making him, the "grass man" gradually plump, until his original body was restored. After that, the natural force continued to grow, just like blowing a balloon. Gradually, Zhao Mai found himself unable to control the fluctuation and growth of the Force.

The first condition for entering the green dream is to reduce the frequency of one's own force, or else you will be repelled by this space. Zhao Mai thought for a while, and the only way now is to use the force out, pour it in and expel it as much as possible, so he also casts the spell like that group of people.

He found that the curse he had summoned had his own will, aiming all the attack directions at the shield of Stonehenge, constantly making roaring sounds. The group of people besieging Stonehenge turned their heads, and under the heavy cloak was a black starry sky. They have no facial features, and may not even have a human body at all. If the cloak were removed, would this group of people disappear like smoke? In the starry sky under the cloak, a meteor flew, flickered across one's face, and then disappeared on the other's face.

Is this group of people connected to each other? This thought suddenly appeared in Zhao Mai's mind. "Starlight Face" nodded to Zhao Mai, and did not mean to expel him, but made a welcome gesture, and then continued to attack.

Zhao Mai nodded pretentiously and joined the group of "starlight faces", throwing spells out from time to time, and then eavesdropping on their spell language.

Tolkien sorted out some vocabulary, which became the basis for Zhao Mai to understand their language. If you don't have Tolkien's foundation and simply listen to them, you won't know what they are talking about in a hundred years. "Starlight Face" is constantly casting spells, summoning various energies to attack, which is equivalent to giving Zhao Mai a text demonstration of spells, allowing him to associate language with spell effects. With more repetitions, you will know what a scoop is by relying on the gourd.

With courage, Zhao Mai gradually approached the Stonehenge, and finally saw the glowing runes on the boulder. Knowing the language cannot translate these words for him, but he can vaguely understand the meaning of runes. This kind of understanding is much like a heart-to-heart communication-the shape of the rune is not important, the meaning and emotion contained therein are the core.

This is very similar to Druidic, at least in function. The comprehension tree is full of words, but if you just look at the words, you will not understand anything at all. Only by sensing the natural force can you get some insight. Some people say that words are the carrier of the spirit and the first step of the inheritance of knowledge, which contains extremely powerful power. Zhao Mai looked at Stonehenge and gradually understood this truth.

The attack continues, UU reading www.uukanshu. com seems to never be exhausted. Zhao Mai watched a performance of magic spells, some of which were powerful enough to destroy the world. He saw the whole mountain range flying in, obscuring the sky, and hitting Stonehenge like a meteor. This kind of power is enough to tear the earth apart, but it still can't shake the shield any minute. The mountains are just annihilated on the shield, turning into bright light and warm heat.

Subsequently, various creatures were summoned, including angels and demons, images from the depths of the most terrifying nightmares, and even death and destruction itself. These monsters passed by Zhao Mai, and even passed through him, as if he were a phantom like Xiaohua. The summoned monsters rushed towards Stonehenge one after another, but the shield of Stonehenge remained motionless, only turning these attacks into light.

Gradually, "Starlight Face" stopped attacking, gathered in a circle, silently looking at Stonehenge. At this time, a figure finally appeared in Stonehenge. His appearance and clothes are no different from the "starlight face", except that he staggers and his body is shaking from side to side. From under his cloak, a red liquid continuously flowed out, thicker than blood, and a small bubble was inflated from time to time, and then burst in the air.

"Merlin," the "Star Face" outside Stonehenge said suddenly. They used a certain language, and their ability to understand the language translated their words into Zhao Mai's ears. "This matter must have a result. We cannot allow you to take the Holy Grail away." (To be continued.)

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