Sword and Magic and Taxi

Chapter 1176: Reissue

"The·che" has power, the equipment starts to work, and the storage space of the car can be opened, but this is not enough to make Zhao Mai and others immediately get out of the predicament. Far away on the earth, in the small courtyard of Zhao's family of the relevant ministries, a gardener dragon suddenly straightened his body and closed his eyes tightly. Several gardener dragons jumped out of the house and hugged each other. They became z-worms, fused and wriggled for a while, then regrouped into "Zhao Mai".

"This feels really weird." Zhao Mai looked down at his right index finger, there was no trace of the worm heart ring. His memory remains when a family got on the car, happily at the same time extremely excited to go to the Dragon Kingdom to pick up the bride. This is the last remnant left by Zhao Mai's ontology in the Zworm neural network, and the newly born Zhao Mai is the soul who inherited that moment.

"Did you die? No, they must be trapped. They will never die, and the body will not allow such things to happen!" Zhao Mai's (new) eyes flickered. He stood motionless in the yard, about three seconds long. Afterwards, he said through the mind network of the zworm: "War preparation!"

The enemy is not yet known, but there must be enemies. The Worm Heart Ring is the embodiment of the will of the world, and it is created by using Alda's creation movement and the forging skills of the Supreme Lord of the Rings. The Supreme Lord Ring can call other Lord Ring clones across the world, and is used by Sauron to become the only one. The Wormheart Ring also inherits this ability and has the power to rule the zworm across the world. When the zworm cannot receive the jurisdiction of the worm heart ring, the new worm heart ring will slowly regenerate, and this also means war.

The night breeze was blowing, and the coolness of late autumn carefully touched Zhao Mai's skin, feeling the chaotic atmosphere of the natural force, and then ran away in panic. Zhao Xiaoluan appeared in front of the window. She was about to open the window to let the air out, when she saw Zhao Mai standing in a daze in the courtyard. "Brother, when did you come back? Did everyone come back?"

"No, I have something to come back early. You guys study hard and I will go to the relevant ministries and commissions." Zhao Mai squeezed out a smile, waved his hand, and then tore up the space, rolled up a burst of black smoke, and sent it directly to the office buildings of the relevant ministries and commissions.

He tried to summon the phone, but there was no response at all. Without the car, cell phone and keys, he would not be a ferryman and could not initiate a crossing. Something must be happening in the Dragon Kingdom, and he can't go by himself now. He is not the only ferryman on earth, and he wants to investigate this matter clearly, and he also needs the help of relevant ministries.

There are always people working in the office buildings of the relevant ministries and commissions. Although they are not brightly lit, they can be regarded as lively. The multiverse does not act according to the schedule of the earth, so a three-shift system is implemented here. Zhao Mai directly pushed open the door of the office building, and the alarm immediately sounded.

His eyebrows were squeezed together immediately. Could it be that the relevant ministries are behind the scenes? The anxious mood of missing his family immediately ignited his anger, he had already clenched his fist, and the power of the world wave had begun to gather.

"Ms. Zhao? Did you forget your pass?" The person who said this was Zhong Chixiu. As a member of the action team, he was listening to the mission introduction in the briefing room. After the alarm rang, he followed the security personnel to the lobby. "Don't be nervous, it's Zhao Mai, a member of the Conference of the Beyonders."

In fact, everyone knows what Zhao Mai looks like, but the access control system is not a face-saver. Zhao Mai (new) reshaped his body, and of course those things originally wouldn't follow. Not to mention an access card, the magic wand, the eight-eye sword, and the reserves placed in the psychic space are all gone. It turned out to be only the access control system-Zhao Mai loosened his fist to calm himself down.

"I didn't bring anything. You can help me deal with this misunderstanding, or you can find your father. By the way, Captain Liu is there? I have something to do with him. It's better to call Dao Chief Lu over."

"Oh? Where do you want to travel? You found a good place, you need Liu's help?" Zhong Chixiu's mind turned quickly and immediately said, "Okay, no problem. I'll go find them now."

The noise of the alarm bell stopped quickly, but the people from the security department left after a while. It is estimated that they also have some kind of authentication mechanism and process inside. Zhao Mai didn't have the time to think about such detailed things. He was giving all the z-worms preparation instructions.

Since there is no worm heart ring, his direct orders can only be passed on to the earth and through the moon port to the dark earth, but these have been able to organize a terrible army. Especially in the Dark Earth, extinguishing some dangerous and uninhabited stars, and stocking a large number of blue crystal zworms, will soon be able to create a more powerful army. These troops can only be on standby for the time being, as long as they have access, they can immediately go into battle.

Zhao Mai happened to know a way to build a space channel without relying on ferrymen. The space gate of Iluvita is enough to allow the people of Arda to come to Artas, and of course it can also allow the z-worms of Dark Earth to travel to other worlds. In a universe, the will of the world is always stronger in the place where life gathers, and weakest in the unmanned sky. As long as Zhao Mai can spread the zworm to a world, and then find a way to reach no one’s corners, expand and spread, make a whole planet become zworm, and locally establish the zworm’s world will, then he can build a space gate .

With the complex ecological environment of an entire planet and a unified world will, Zhao Mai naturally thought of the movie called Avatar. But compared to the simple and kind-hearted Na'mi, the z-worms, which are mainly aliens, explosive teeth, flying dragons, and Chimera, are definitely not so pure.

What happened, and who did it ~www.NovelMTL.com~ and what to do? These questions kept appearing in Zhao Mai's mind, involving his thoughts and emotions. Only by relying on the strength accumulated through years of psychic power training, could he barely keep himself calm. That is, the old man is not there, so no one can see his dangerous state of pressing the volcano.

"Zhao Mai, you really have no jet lag? Is there anything urgent?"

The one who came by was Lu Yan, who was still immortal, handsome and fluttering with long sleeves. Judging from his state, the relevant ministries can basically be removed from the list of potential threats. The main reason why it cannot be completely crossed out is because Zhao Mai must fully learn from the experience and lessons of the observer. He stretched out his hand to shook hands with each other amicably, and then said, "Sorry, sorry, but the main reason is that I suddenly ran into trouble. There was a problem with the car and mobile phone. Could you go to the headquarters of the Alliance of the Rings and see how to make a replacement? "

"Re-apply? Can this be done?" Lu Yan was taken aback.

"Why not, I vaguely remember where I saw something similar. There have been so many things in the Alliance headquarters recently, and maybe some changes have been made. You don't know. By the way, how long have you not been to the headquarters?"

"I haven't been there for a long time..." Lu Yan didn't notice the problem at all, just squeezed his beard and said, "It would be great if it could be done again. The teacher's blue cow has been dead for a long time. If it can... …"

"Resurrect the cow? Pull it down. Even if you resurrect, this cow is not the other cow. What's more, what do you let him ride the cow to cross?" Zhao Maigan laughed twice. "Can you help? Do you want fate gold coins?"

"I brought some by myself. I'll take a look first. I heard that you are still looking for Liu Su. Did you find any good places?"

"You also know my situation. I don't have a mobile phone or a car. It's no use saying anything. It's hard work, you can run more."

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