Sword and Magic and Taxi

Chapter 1143: Occupy the market first

Taking Zhao Mai and the reserve grains back from Exile Star, Duo Ji'an and Xiao Hua finally relaxed. In any case, it is much safer to be at the Alliance Headquarters than in the Exile.

The internal network of the Alliance of the Rings is being attacked, mainly concentrated in various branches, and few can penetrate into the headquarters. The reason is that the branches of the alliance choose to be attached to a certain major world, and cannot produce detachments by themselves, and their control over the rules is not strong enough. And the headquarters of the alliance is in a special space, where detached people are allowed to enter and exit (although the ability will be greatly suppressed), and the control of the rules is quite strong, and Naquus naturally cannot take advantage.

Simply put, that is the version update of the Alliance Headquarters, which has a higher character level cap...

"Copy first, then study, tell the Dragon Magic Team of Department 6 that this is a very high and highest priority research task!" Soka threw the scroll to the psychic jelly, and then pulled Norton over: "This time You can’t be lazy. Give me access to the system. I have found reinforcements and need precise transmission control."

"Uh... do you want to start zero..."

"Of course not!" Soka knocked Norton's metal head with his small fist, judging from the dull sound, this is not light. "Connect to the main system and open a temporary special transmission channel for me. It turns on and off instantly. Do you understand?"

Obviously, Norton should still be in control of some kind of secret system, which was almost exposed just now. Zhao Mai is very curious, but at this time it is better to watch his nose and his heart and pretend not to hear anything.

The load on the internal network of the Alliance of the Rings has risen to 76% under the attack of Nexus's supernova, and it may soar to more than 90% with another supernova explosion. Without further ado, any power is extremely helpful now, especially Zhao Mai's group that can form a copy of the natural force rule field. Although the methods of the clones are relatively simple, they are indeed superior to the unique, the quasi-transcendence fighting ability. "Send them all to the earth first, uh, how do you see the coordinates?"

"You are the ferryman, and the Alliance of the Rings can find the coordinates. Which earth to choose? The one with the transcendence or the one without?" Norton blinked, suddenly froze, and said: "Why the earth's original power changes Has become a shared between two worlds?"

"It's a long story. Go to the one with no detachment, and pass me by the way. I have to give the initial order." Zhao Mai turned to Soka and said, "What about the specific field command? Do you want me to play freely? ?"

"As long as it's a Nexus, you can play freely. Remember, try not to hurt the innocent."

Zhao Mai nodded. He felt the transmitted energy fluctuation, so he lowered his spiritual barrier to cooperate with it, and returned to the "dark" earth in the blink of an eye.

The sun's light has been restored here, and everything else is gradually being restored and rebuilt. Thousands of spacecraft shuttle in the earth's orbit, carry materials from the lunar port base, and send them to the soil-based ecological laboratory for breeding, reproduction, and release. As for the spaceships going to outer space, it is even more difficult to count. There are hundreds of starfish motherships near the earth alone, of which ten are extremely large, and their core is the solar destruction array.

The Death Star is still floating in the Earth's orbit and has now become the second orbiting satellite. After the observer's death, Zhao Mai replaced the observer's original biological structure with the core of the seven starfish motherships, thus turning the base star back into operation. He also specifically asked the woman holding the fire's opinion, and she said: "I don't think this is a corpse to resurrect, it's just that you put on someone else's armor again, it's nothing." The mechanical system of the Death Star base can still be used , Most magic circles are similar, but they completely lack the spirituality of the observer. Zhao Mai turned it into a space-oriented research base for the earth and human beings, analyzing the technology inside, and developing human technology.

Learn from others and become your own, so as to catch up and then surpass, learn from each other's strengths, and strive to be strong. This is the path that everyone must take. Human beings will not stop the pace of research just because the observer's death star almost killed themselves, and Zhao Mai will not be afraid of the vastness of the multiverse.

A good opportunity is here. As soon as he heard the elder Angel Soka ask for help, he immediately used his mind. If an individual turns into a race to occupy a universe, the Zworm considers itself second, then no race in the multiverse dare to say that it is first. With the help of the internal network of the Alliance of the Rings, Zhao Mai can spread the z-worms almost at no cost. Where can they find better opportunities than this?

Of course, the main task of the replica Zhao Mai is definitely to attack Naquus, and Zhao Mai has nothing to say in this regard. And his promise to Soka, "find a quiet place to consume energy and decompose it by itself after the battle is complete", this is definitely not a lie. Zhao Mai will surely let his own copy decompose, and downgrade it into a soil, worker insect, and z-worm alien form, and then evolve into an incubator room, a Chimera spacecraft, and a starfish mothership. The reason why Zhao Mai allowed the gardener dragon to accompany his copy in the battle was to draw on the gardener dragon's skills in planning and construction. As long as the copy of its own body is not completely destroyed and the surrounding environment is not disturbed, then it only takes a short time for the gardener dragon to slowly plant the Zerg population, and of course there may also be the explosive tooth population~www.NovelMTL .com~ Zhao Mai does not like to conquer other worlds and has no plans in this regard. The zworms in each world will find new species in their own world, store new knowledge, learn new skills, and then look for opportunities to use the power of the ferryman to give these things back to Zhao Mai. He transmitted his plan to the gardener dragon through the Zworm broadcast network, and a group of little girls snickered. Subsequently, thousands of replicas of Zhao Mai and thousands of gardener dragons were ready for battle, and Norton of the Alliance of the Rings sent them to the key nodes of the internal network.

"It's all cannon fodder. You need to throw it wherever you need it. Don't be polite. You'd better throw it away." Zhao Mai said to Norton who came with him: "If you think these quantities are not enough, I can try to make some more."

"The multiverse has never heard of such a thing as a quasi-transcendental combatant!" Norton thought for the first time that constructing a mechanical body might be as crazy as a neurological life body. He was worried that Zhao Mai underestimated the strength of the Huanzhi Alliance, so he said: "Naquus took the approach of terrorists and went everywhere. It is not difficult to destroy them. The key is that sufficient manpower is needed to find them, and these people The level of strength required cannot be too low. These are the search group, and the real strike group is always on standby."

"That would be better." Zhao Mai said with a smile. Could it be better? With the real strike group, the survival rate (or physical integrity) of these replicas will be further improved, and it will be more convenient to develop into a Zworm base.

"I also have a special combat unit here, called the Z Worm Alien. It is also very powerful. You have severely injured the detached. Are you interested in it?" Zhao Mai said, "These replicas are all fake, but the Z Worm Alien is. The quality is guaranteed after battle inspection!"

Norton shivered, and sparks flew.

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