Sword and Magic and Taxi

Chapter 1120: Norton II

"The Norton-shaped construction guide wizard is the oldest model of the League of the Rings, there is no one." The metal ball floating in the air swayed from side to side, putting on a particularly proud smile. "The latest lady sister model looks and feels much better than the Norton model, the sound is also very sweet, and there are many additional functions, but they are not in a perfect spherical shape!"

Can a perfect spherical shape be considered an advantage? Zhao Mai was almost unable to complain. The spherical shape should be spherical, as long as it is easy to use. "How does the Alliance of the Rings deal with Nexus-related matters, who should I ask?"

"Preventing Nexus from invading the multiverse is the third most important task of the Alliance of the Rings, so the third department is responsible. I can take you there." Norton 2 swayed in the air, with a robotic arm at the bottom of the sphere. Shaking vigorously, the rust finally stretched out in the sound of the friction of the click. It pointed to the entrance of the Alliance of the Rings, and said to Zhao Mai: "It's not far ahead. There is no toll on the road."

"You are really an ancient robot in the Alliance of the Rings. Do you need rust removal and repair? Are repairing and refreshing spells useful to you?"

Norton nodded: "It has been 732 years since my last maintenance. If...oh, thank you very much."

Casting two spells is nothing to Zhao Mai. He habitually hopes that everything around him is full of vitality. Although the concept of vitality is not the same concept for structural machinery and creatures, who can say that better maintenance and better operating conditions are not vitality in a sense?

"I have seen wise elemental bodies, and magical structures like Djinn, but this is the first time I have seen an intelligent golem like yours."

Norton No. 2 nodded: "Yes, my model is very rare. In essence, I am not a smart golem, but a real life form. Because I have a soul and self-awareness, I can beat my master though This generally does not bring any good results. I like you, Mr. Mike Dragon King or should I call you your majesty?"

"Do you know my name?"

"Yes, when you buy me, of course I will know your name." Norton 2 said: "After all, this is the Alliance of the Rings, and you are a part-time ferryman of the Alliance of the Rings. Of course there will be The corresponding record."

"Wait, you mean I bought you? And you said you have a soul and self-awareness? Does the Alliance of the Rings allow people to buy and sell? I thought I hired you." Zhao Mai stopped constructing the circle Ball, and said: "You have to explain to me what is going on, because this is very different from what I think is the League of the Rings."

"What's the difference? I'm here to serve you anyway. Can you let me be free, and then pay extra for everything I do?" Norton 2 shook the robotic arm, and said: " Freedom is just an illusion..."

"My child's mother used to be a slave, and the woman I valued the most was once sold as a slave. Of course, I never considered myself a slave in my heart." Zhao Mai patted Norton's metal skull." Four gold coins of destiny are just four gold coins. I have the right to learn a lesson from the Alliance of the Rings and be more careful next time. I don't like slavery, so you are free."

"I'm free?" Norton 2 stopped in front of Zhao Mai, and said stubbornly: "Mike Dragon King, you are sure to leave my destiny to my own hands. Can I be free?"

"Of course." Zhao Mai nodded affirmatively: "You are free."

"Haha, idiot, go play by yourself!" Norton suddenly accelerated, wiped Zhao Mai's ears and flew into the sky with a sigh, and soon disappeared behind the roof. Zhao Mai shook his head and said to Duojian, "No matter what money you spend next time, remind me to be careful. I feel like I have entered a multi-world profiteer distribution center."

Duojian nodded solemnly, and Xiao Hua almost burst into laughter when she heard this. Without Norton, how many people can't find where the three are? But when they stood in front of the huge sign, they did feel dazzling.

A floor plan of ten meters by ten meters is densely marked with at least tens of thousands of rooms, and the various labeling texts are roughly the size of sesame seeds. Except for Zhao Mai, no one looks at this thing at all. They have all kinds of wizards, so who would take the effort? Although these words can be translated into a version that Zhao Mai understands, they can still cause dizziness just by looking at them. Zhao Mai was about to make a mind crystal to record this picture. He didn't expect Duojian to pat his shoulder: "Don't bother, I remember. Just read it once, and the neural assist network will sort the map."

"Wow, you are amazing. This is the result of the system upgrade yesterday? I will follow you."

The gate of the Alliance of the Rings needs to be clocked in to pass, and a big "0" is written on the clock, which means a free passage. A card carries a group of people, and most people turn right after entering. "The ferryman's departure hall and the market are all over there, and to the left is the office area. Everyone comes with me."

Except for the influence of the resounding signboard of the Alliance of the Rings on people, Zhao Mai's feeling here is no different from that of ordinary office buildings. Hard, flat and monotonous floors and walls, floor-to-ceiling glass windows that are heavily used, and office doors that have been closed all the time. Dojian's heel stomped on the ground, and it was the only voice in the office area.

"It's too quiet here!" Zhao Mai felt a little uncomfortable. "Dogian, what area is this?"

"According to the map, this is the 32nd district, the office of the Internal Oversight Department, but I don't know why it is so quiet here." Duojian said as he walked: "I just looked at the navigation calculated by the map, and the whole circle The alliance is divided into many areas with different charges. To get to the third office for free, you need to make a little detour along the way. This is the purpose of walking from this area."

"I don't like it here. It seems that something bad happened here, and there is still a certain cruel atmosphere." Zhao Mai drew the eight-eyed sword from the spiritual space, and at the same time opened up his domain to form protection. The natural force spread out from under his feet, spreading in all directions, and the awkward feeling before was really much better.

"Wait, someone is chasing from behind." Zhao Mai squeezed the long sword, and then dropped it again: "It's Norton 2, he has followed again."

Sure enough, ~www.NovelMTL.com~ a sphere flew quickly from the far side of the corridor, it was Norton 2. The only difference between him and the previous one is that there is a certain triangle hat on the top of his head, which is pointed and tall, which is a bit like a wizard's hat, but he does not have a neck to tie, so he has to use adhesive tape to stick on the head shell.

"Da da! I'm back again. I think you are so smart, and you will definitely take the cheapest path." Norton 2 shook his head, and his pointed hat swayed from side to side: "I came back as a free man. Don't get me wrong. I tried to test if you really let me go, and you are all good people. So I want to discuss something with you."

"You will come across many places to spend money later, I will help you bargain. If you can achieve all the expected goals and can actually save the fate gold coins, how will you save half of that part to me?"

Zhao Mai glanced at Dojian, and the queen said: "The savings that must be produced under the premise of ensuring the effect are called real savings. I will keep records along the way to retain the right to pursue responsibility later."

"Of course it can." Norton No.2 said: "Are we agreed?"

Duojian nodded, and Zhao Mai said, "A word is a deal."

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