Sword and Magic and Taxi

Chapter 1096: Small explosion

Zhao Mai's natural force energy ball sinks rapidly, passing through rocks, water layers, and even the entire crust and mantle without any obstacles. Only when it approaches the core of the earth will it be affected by the will of the world. This skill was also inspired by the observer's parallel world rays. The beam of light that could easily traverse the earth gave Zhao Mai a lot of ideas. He has been tied to this beam of light for ninety years, and naturally he has learned a lot.

In the multiverse, different cultures and training systems will create a variety of skills. No one can master or understand them all. Therefore, in battle, "each person speaks his own words" is the most common state. Lu Yan's "Ten Thousand Swords Revelation" is based on a power system that Zhao Mai has never touched. When Zhao Mai sat on the golden throne, he spent a lot of time thinking about the observer's labyrinth space and summing up his experience of fighting against the elemental detachment. This trend has been predicted. Knowing yourself and the enemy is an important element of victory, and knowing the enemy will become increasingly difficult. Either sit on the throne of the detached and use the power of the source to help oneself "know the enemy", or let the "self" continue to expand until the surrounding world will and the rules of the world are left with only "self", which is also "knowing oneself and the enemy."

So Zhao Mai continued to promote the concept of "oneself is the ecological environment" and urged his power to the peak to create a complete world will. This is equivalent to a small-scale privatization "creation" process, which will not last too long and has no destructive effect on the surrounding environment. Zhao Mai condensed the "will of hundreds of millions of creatures," and issued a shout that could open up the world, and changed the face of the world. Within the scope of his "world wave", only Zhao Mai's rules can be effective, which is why Lu Yan feels that his whole body is limp.

"I saw it! A round shot!" Zhao Mai's eyes suddenly widened. "What do you want to do? No way!" As soon as he raised his hand, he raised a "world wave" natural force ball to cause everyone present to cry again. Zhao Mai threw the black energy ball under his feet, and then sank to the ground with a swish sound.

Lu Yan lifted the long hem of his sleeves, wiped his eyes vigorously, soaked up the tears, and talked to himself helplessly. "I once saw the lotus blossoming in the ground, and I was overjoyed; today I saw the sky descending on the black sun, and I couldn't make a sound. If he kept holding the black ball, wouldn't he cry to death?

Not long after Zhao Mai went down, a group of rotating black clouds appeared in the air, and the original clear sky became cloudy and windy, flying sand and rocks. The food reserve wagged its tail and barked into the sky twice, then ran behind Sadili, bit her pants with her teeth and pulled back.

"All back, get in the car! Aliang can't go wrong." Sadili ran to the car immediately holding the baby. Duojian said: "I'm sorry." Then he pulled Zhao's father and Zhao's mother with both hands, swiftly speeding up and taking them into the car. Xi Liya frowned, stretched out her arms, and put her arms around the waist of the dragon and phoenix. A few steps followed. Xiao Hua waved her hand, and the stored grain flashed twice, dragging her in.

As a result, Lu Yan and Zhong Chixiu were left outside. Shadiri waved her hand, and two magic ropes flew out, tying them in. The door slammed shut and everyone checked each other. "Well, the performance is very good, everyone moved very quickly."

Satiri hurriedly looked down at the little baby, Kiki was giggling in her swaddle, her two little hands dangling, as if she wanted to do it again.

"What happened?" Mom and Dad were in shock, but looked out of the car anxiously. "Mai is all right?"

"Second old man, he is absolutely fine. This rotating shadow is a harbinger of his teleportation. It's just a flash in the usual way. This time the movement is too loud, and there must be something tricky. Another possibility is Zhao Mai We were using this method to warn us, so we hid here in accordance with the previous exercise method."

"Oh, that's the case. Do you often encounter this kind of danger? How can it be done?"

Dojian hurriedly waved his hand and said quickly, "No. We can all be alone, but Zhao Mai always feels that he should take care of something first. So we agreed to protect everyone from being invincible first. Let him play even more."

"Hehe, this stinky boy, he's still a bit responsible."

Not long after the conversation in the car, the sky outside the car was completely dark, the kind of black that you can't see your fingers, and then you saw a blue flame in the sky, and Zhao Mai's figure was clearly visible in the flame. He held a black stone ball about ten meters in diameter in both hands and gently pushed it to levitate it in the air.

The shadow gradually receded and returned to Zhao Mai, and the sun's rays cast from behind the clouds again. Zhao Mai kept staring at the stone ball, and then shouted to the direction of the car: "Zhong Chixiu, don't let the villagers come over, Lu Yan, protect him. Don't get out of the car yet, let me figure out what this is!"

Zhao Mai covered the stone ball with his own kingdom of God, and with one move with his right hand, two natural force world wave energy **** flew up from the ground, slowly flying around his palm. Zhong Chixiu just glanced at it, tears and nasal mucus all gushing out, and sadness came from it, and he blurted out involuntarily, "I drop my god..."

Fortunately, Zhao Mai didn't let the energy ball stay outside for long. With a wave of his right hand, the energy ball penetrated the stone shell. "Show me the true shape!" Zhao Mai shouted fiercely~www.NovelMTL.com~ The inside of the stone ball burst out with indescribable light, like a small cosmic explosion. Although the outer layer is a lead shell, it is now as transparent as glass.

The inside of the spherical shell is hollow, and there seems to be a mass of mud suspended in the center, still wriggling. But when the light appeared, it trembled violently for a few times, and quickly lost its ability to move, falling like a rock. It becomes a transparent lead shell with complicated patterns on the inner surface, which is also completely erased in the world wave. At this moment, the lead shell stone suddenly began to radiate energy outward.

"It's this seismic wave!" As soon as Zhao Mai turned the direction of the stone ball, a violent energy wave was launched into the sky. Apart from creating a cyclone, there was no harm. This energy wave is enough to cause a strong earthquake of magnitude eight or more, or thousands of magnitude six earthquakes (increasing the magnitude by one level, the total energy is almost 30 times higher).

The energy was released for a while and then slowly stopped. A force that was enough to cause disaster in the end just frightened the dove in the sky. Zhao Mai slowly landed on the ground, extracted the Z insect source material from the spiritual space and spread the ground, and then formed four brackets pointing to the sky. The shot put is placed on the support, isolated from the ground. As long as it emits energy waves, it will be bounced into the sky immediately, giving everyone enough time for warning.

This is just prepared. Zhao Mai went around the shot put several times, thinking that this thing should have been "dead".

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