“… .”

“Taepyeong, if you’re feeling uneasy, should we at least hold hands? Or should I just hug him? “If my heart breaks at that time, I’ll think about it again, but wouldn’t it be okay to try something?”

“Po Hyeonbi. “It seems like the accident is going in a very strange direction right now.”

“Is there anything strange? Now, here… “Try holding my hand.”

After saying that, Hyeonbi Po grabbed my hand and hugged me, smiling brightly.

“You’ve got a lot of calluses. I guess you went through a lot of trouble. After all, not everyone can become a general-level official.”

“Po Hyeonbi.”

“oh. I guess he’s definitely a guy because his heart is a little fluttering. But can we say that they are not close friends because of this? How about testing it some more? Do you want to hug me?”

“Po Hyeonbi. Please keep your guard up.”

The impertinent head maid, Anrim, hurried into the inner room and looked at the surroundings.

The maid Anrim, who had already sensed an unusual energy, had already withdrawn all the upper-class maids. It was a great response.

“huh? Anlim. “Why are you so surprised?”

“That is… The difference between men and women… .”

“Wow, no fuss. I don’t look at Taepyeong that way. But you can try it out, right? If the distinction between men and women is so important, it is necessary to verify it. is not it? Come on, Taepyeong. Hug me. now.”

okay. I think I understand at this point.

It’s important to find the white ghosts wandering around the harem, but first I have to get out of here.

He quickly got up from the table and said.

“Po Hyeonbi. “I will come back to you once you have calmed down.”

“Oh my, Taepyeong. You are so unexpected. There’s nothing to do to gather yourself or anything. Come on, give me a hug first. Just looking at the wide chest makes it really sturdy. “After all, he is my close friend.”

When I glanced at the head maid Anlim, she quickly began to remove the tea utensils on the table.

However, Po Hyeon-bi quickly stood up and put his face in front of me.

Only then does Po Hyeon-bi’s gaze become terrifying. Perhaps because he has the right focus, he smiles warmly as always with eyes that seem to be looking into the distance.

At first glance, it looks the same as usual. There’s really nothing strange about it.

Therefore, there is a strange sense of discomfort that gives people goosebumps.

“What are you talking about, Taepyeong? “I’m completely fine.”

Seeing him say that and stroke my heart almost took my breath away.

Hyeonmu Palace was also hit.

Because of this, there is no guarantee that the Suzaku Palace and the White Tiger Palace will be fine.

first… I think it would be best to go out of the harem first. It seems better to retreat to the active room rather than wander around here. This is not my battlefield.

If this continues, this concubine will become my tomb.

“Don’t go for now and sit back down, Taepyeong.”

“Po Hyeonbi. I have to go check on the active room… .”

“It’s not urgent. huh? Let’s hug just once. ruler… Or would you like to hug me?”

“I’ll go.”

“don’t go.”

Eventually, I felt a sense of discomfort at the sight of Hyeonbi Po grabbing my arm.

The warm smile that was just a moment ago is gone.

“don’t go.”

The sight of Po Hyeon-bi catching me with cold eyes… Both I and Chief Maid Anrim had no choice but to freeze at the same time.

Surviving on Ropan Episode 115

Thin ice (4)

– ‘Hayeon. You are getting older, and you have to become one of the leaders of the Jeongseon Inga family, so you must know about life and reality.’

Lady In’s steps were getting faster as she walked down the hallway of the Prince’s Palace.

Her silky red hair was swaying at that speed, and the maids following her were also quickly following her with their heads down.

Lady In’s expression was so serious that even at first glance, the maids could tell that something had happened during the conversation with In Seon-rok.

– ‘Hayeon, in your eyes, how do you see me sitting as the chief secretary of a country?’

– ‘I remember him as a noble father who devoted himself to his people and always did his best for the emperor.’

* * *

– ‘Thank you for remembering me that way. However, Hayeon, you probably know well that the political scene at Cheongdo Palace cannot always be noble and beautiful. ‘She must have watched all kinds of mud while sitting in the queen’s seat.’

Sangseogwan Inseonrok.

Lady In Ha-yeon’s father sat as the chief secretary of Cheongdo Province and was famous as a great minister who devoted himself to the country for a long time.

In Ha-yeon has now become a full-fledged woman.

The days when he laughed happily while being held in the hands of his uncle In Chang-seok are just stories from his childhood. It is said that the days when people all over the world smiled warmly and looked at you cutely are over a long time ago.

Now you have to become an adult.

As a member of the Jeongseon Inga family, you must be able to fulfill your role.

You must learn not only how to wield a sword, but also how to wield a person.

When you sit in a high position, you must be able to withstand the jealousy and jealousy that comes.

Therefore, you need to know how to get your hands dirty.

At some point, Ingwibi began to vaguely realize.

My father, In Seon-rok, who seemed so experienced and mature… He is not just a clean person.

You will find out as you live.

Unlike the stories written in books, the world is not divided into people who are obviously bad and mean, or people who are good and kind at first glance.

The people in Cheongdo Palace seen by the Queen Mother while she was sitting in the master’s seat in the palace… For the most part, he was a gray-colored person who was nothing like this.

If there was merit, there was fruit, and if there was good, there was also evil.

There was a person who was a terrible person to my family but was a great bureaucrat, and there was also a person who was a terrible and corrupt person but could not be so good and kind to my family.

– ‘Politics is basically done like a bat.’

– ‘If necessary, you must be able to get your hands dirty, and if you do not need to use tricks, you must also know how to sometimes serve the national interest and the people.’

– ‘If you don’t know how to walk the line between self-protection and the interests of the country, you are bound to be left behind in real politics. Hayeon.’

The fact that he has endured for such a long time in the mud-like political arena of Cheongdo Palace means that he cannot be a completely good person.

So, I thought I was mentally prepared.

– ‘If he had left it alone, Hwa Yong Seol would have won the approval of Jeong Seon and become the most powerful person in Cheongdo Palace. First, how can one have the insight to look into the hardships of the people with only swordsmanship and martial arts skills? Therefore, it was necessary to break that force once.’

– ‘… .’

– ‘The biggest offense that Seol I-moon, the head of the family, had was Seonghyeol-hwa, a servant girl with whom she had an affair. I bought related information through Anpyeong Trading Company and fed the poison to Yeosang.’

– ‘yes… ?’

– ‘One, Yeosang was truly a woman’s wife, so she committed suicide to become a burden to Seol Imoon. At least that’s what I know.’

Superintendent In Seon-rok, who cared for his daughter dearly, did not want to reveal his secrets.

He had at least an idea that Queen In was vaguely aware of his insidious intentions. I just didn’t want to show it openly.

However, he could not remain a kind father forever.

Only for the sake of the people, we put down the iron fist against the moneylenders who make profits through usury, caught the merchants who used bribery to suck blood, spread farming techniques, and traveled to remote mountainous villages to see the reality of the people. A person who does not forgive those who try to insult the emperor.

One, in order to maintain his position, he sometimes slanders someone, sometimes uses tricks, sometimes arrests innocent people, and sometimes kicks out rival families.

– ‘father… ?’

– ‘I decided to live for my people. However, to do that, you need strength, and to have strength, you have to get your hands dirty. It shouldn’t be done with too little force. ‘You must hold in your hands the greatest authority that no one can surpass.’

In the end, if he had to carry his daughter, Lady In Ha-yeon, to the end… I had to tell her everything too.

– ‘father. However, if the method is not right, no matter how good the results are, the meaning will fade… .’

– ‘Does that mean you will calmly observe reality? If you want to pull someone out of the mud, you must be prepared to get mud on your own body. Do you want to live in a clean and noble place and discuss the dirty gutter? . ‘It is the self-righteousness of those who do not know reality.’

The sergeant-at-arms put down his teddy bear and looked down at his beloved daughter with more serious eyes.

– ‘I don’t want to live like that.’

– ‘But why… The matriarch of Hwayongseolga rebelled against the emperor, right? If you wanted to swing a sword, didn’t you have to try to swing it at your father?’

– ‘… .’

– ‘no way… Was it the Emperor’s will? Why did the Emperor… ?’

– ‘Are you disillusioned?’

At the words of the Chief Secretary, Lady In instantly lost her breath.

– ‘If you say you are disillusioned, there is nothing you can do. I have maintained my position by committing countless more insidious and evil acts than this.’

– ‘… .’

– ‘Only in this way can the position of a country’s chief secretary be maintained. I hope you understand that someday.’

“… … .”

Queen In lived half her life resenting Hwa Yong Seolga.

The family rebelled by killing his uncle In Chang-seok, who had been a great support to him during his childhood.

He resented them, hated them, and even gritted his teeth and swung his sword at Seol Taepyeong, a descendant of that family.

Only now do I know that Seol Tae-pyeong is not a person with such an insidious disposition.

However, the fact that it was my father who led the matriarch Seol Yi-moon into a trap is a completely different story.

‘Is it Jeongseon…? I did it… ?’

Seol Tae-pyeong and Seol-ran had an unhappy childhood.

The siblings said that in hindsight, it was okay. The two of us hold hands tightly and look back on the difficult memories of that time when we were wandering around the imperial capital as orphans, but… That’s something I can say because it’s past.

The starting point of all that misfortune was right in Jeongseon. It was Jeong Seon-ga who made them illegitimate children and orphans of a traitorous family in the first place.

In fact, the existence of Mr. In’s surname, which is attached to his name in front of his name, is in fact like an enemy to Seol Tae-pyeong.

The image of himself swinging a sword to avenge his uncle In Chang-seok comes to mind to the descendants of Hwa Yong Seol-ga.

In fact, it was heavenly for Seol Tae-pyeong to take revenge on Jeongseon In-ga.

– Shake it off.

“Your Majesty! Are you okay!”

Queen In, who was walking away with great strides, fell down because her legs gave out.

It happened so quickly that the maids were so shocked that they all ran out.

This was the first time since Lady In Ha-yeon, a symbol of bravery and maturity, showed such a weak appearance since she took the position of master of the palace.

The head maid, Hyeondang, quickly ran to help her, but was startled when she saw Queen In’s expression.

He looked like a frightened child, with his shoulders shaking as if he was afraid of something.

I don’t know why I was so shocked by what I heard from the chief secretary, but for now, moving to the bedroom seemed to be the most urgent priority.

Her hands on the floor were trembling, and her eyes were wandering.

“Your Majesty. “I don’t know what’s going on, but it might be a good idea to get some rest.”

“Hyeondang. Hyeondang… .”

“Yes, Lady Yin. I am here. “Your Majesty.”

As a member of the Jeongseon family, he lived his entire life receiving support from the Jeongseon family.

From the palace clothes they wear, to the food they eat, to the magnificent mansion where they spent their happy childhood… .

Now that I was disillusioned with the place called Jeongseon-in, I had already received too much to turn my back on living, and doing so did not mean that anything would change.

If he hadn’t been a member of that prestigious family, would he have been able to sit in the position of master of the palace?

No matter how beautiful he was, how good his character was, and how good he was at martial arts, was that enough to get him to this position?

In the end, he is a Jeongseon family member. That fact sticks with me until the day I die and never goes away.

And, the people who killed Seol Tae-pyeong’s parents were also members of the Jeongseon family.

My father, Sangseogwan In Seon-rok, began to look more like a monster than a person.

In front of the descendants of the person I killed with my own hands, I casually praised you as a military officer who would contribute greatly to the country of Qingdao. support. Smiling contentedly.

Let’s bury the shame of the past far away in history,

As I trudge out without any worries, I change my mask and live. If you follow his path, you will see hundreds and thousands of discarded masks rolling around on the floor.

That’s how I lived.

That’s how it survived.

It’s hard to survive in this imperial palace full of conspirators, tricks, and charlatans.

What does it mean to sit at the top of the Sangseogwan and make a name for yourself as a great scholar?

“I am… I don’t know what to do… Hyeondang… .”

The person who grew up under him, receiving the power of a powerful person… Can you blame him? Or can we take Xue Taiping’s side?

Would that be acceptable to him?

The night of the Birthday Festival, infested with ghosts.

The back of a man quietly treating Hyeondang in a cave on the side of Baeksaksan Mountain comes to mind.

Without resentment toward life or hatred toward the world. Just accepting reality as it is and living calmly.

It doesn’t take long for the reverence that was held in one’s heart to regard that figure as an example, to turn into shame.

And, those emotions disturb Ingwibi’s confused mind. The guilt of having nowhere to go disturbed my mind, and eventually it made it difficult to even balance my body.

At that time, it feels as if time has stopped and the surroundings are frozen.

As if examining the anxious state of the Queen Mother, a figure was seen settling down in one corner of the palace grounds with the collar of royal attire fluttering.

The maids were all startled.

Upon closer inspection, the human figure dressed as the Princess of Cheondo had the appearance of a ghost whose flesh was rotting and crumbling here and there.

Before the maids could scream and run away, the heavenly dragon energy emanating from the ghost attacked them.

I quickly informed Lady Anlim of the situation and left Hyeonmu Palace.

Being in the harem now is an act of suicide. The crown princes who had lost their senses seemed somewhat unstable, and it was impossible to know what kind of major accident would result if left alone.

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“Taepyeong! I ordered you to stay still! “There is so much to try!”

Leaving behind the cries of Po Hyeonbi coming from beyond the tea room, I gritted my teeth and ran out of the courtyard of Hyeonmu Palace… There were other people waiting for me in front of it.

… I didn’t tell anyone that I was going to Hyeonmu Palace, so I don’t know how they were waiting for me.

One day, Hyeondang, the chief maid of Jujak Palace, who was waiting for me, held her arms together, bowed her head, and spoke.

“The current head maid. How did we get to this point… ?”

“I heard a rumor that Master Seol is in trouble.”

“Where did you hear that rumor?”

“… Lady In would like to provide you with some help. Would you like to come to Suzaku Palace?”

Doesn’t answer my questions.

I was already on the verge of doubt and was already feeling anxious.

Hyeondang, the chief maid of the palace, was a person who was good at distinguishing between situations and had a quick sense of insight, so she answered appropriately no matter what was said. It was unusual for her to avoid my questions in such an awkward manner.

“Right… . i get it.”

After saying that, I turned around and sprinted towards the main gate of the harem.

– Ta-da-da-da-da-dak!

I don’t know why.

If you go to Suzaku Palace now, you will definitely die.

That intuition passed through my mind like lightning.

As I have been doing this for several years, I feel like I am slowly developing a sixth sense.

Run away.

It seems as if this is the end of the world, and the wide grassland seems to spread out endlessly.

Towards that red sunset… Run and run again. Seoltaepyeong… … .

Surviving on Ropan Episode 116

Thin ice (5)

Among the military officers in the palace, the name Seoltaepyeong was already elevated to great heights.

He was a sword master in the active room who killed a wild boar in his childhood, cut down hundreds of ghosts since his days as an apprentice warrior, wielded the heavy Hancheoljung sword like an iron chopstick, and even cut down special ghosts that threatened the imperial family.

In fact, among those who have never seen Seol Tae-pyeong himself, the story has already become exaggerated to the point of exaggeration, and it has been a long time since stories have been added about him cutting down a building with a single sword strike or slaying a middle ear with his bare hands.

What can’t that monster do? What is the limit?

Who can block the path of the military officer with a sword at his waist? The monster that will cut down whoever it encounters and move forward is the rising star among the Cheongdo Palace military officers.

* * *

* * *

* * *

I heard that there was no word for flight in the dictionary of that brave warrior.

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