Chapter 13 This is a personal talent

On the way to the cafeteria, Yang Yudong said with emotion: I didnt try to do a good job of electrophoresis analysis until I graduated from my senior year. Let us not touch it, saying that we are afraid we will be broken.”

After a pause, Yang Yudong said again, “But if I change it to the present, I will definitely not look at it, and I will just turn around and leave.” /p>

If you dont believe me, on Friday, I went to interview a chemical plant. Three people went in together. Two specialties added me. In the end, the company asked for the other two and rejected me.

I fucking dignified a 211 master’s student, but it is not as good as two colleges. I want this diploma to be useful.”

Zhou Wen didn’t speak, but listened all the way. Yang Yudong grumbled with grief.

No way, college biology is all popular science or understanding content, such as those introductory content of high school biology.

It has nothing to do with hard work, and Court Academecian’s life is the same. What you master is nothing more than more esoteric science content.

Because biology is a research science, and research is a very high-end thing. It is not only necessary to understand all the basic knowledge of the current biology department, but also to understand all the knowledge of the research direction. Innovation.

Other subjects are practical subjects, you only need to learn and practice the existing things. As for research, naturally there are people who want to do it.

Therefore, the biology department is jokingly called the “Dragon Slaying System”. After graduation, there is no dragon to slay. The only employment channel is to teach children how to “slay dragons”, and then look forward to “True Dragon” in several decades. “Will appear.

Just like Zhou Wen, a Senior Brother, dignified Xiangjiang University Biology Court Academecian graduated, and now works in a 211 colleges and universities in a second-tier city in China. I just offered Associate Professor this year with a monthly salary of 7000. The local house price is 20000.

Going to school that many years, staying up that many nights, doing that many exercises, with all kinds of pressure, taking all kinds of cruel exams, but in the end I cant even afford a house The ordinary person.

speaking of which is also a snot and tears.

Yang Yudong did not return to the laboratory after eating, and lost contact with Gu Hongyun again.

It may be that I went to the love nest outside school to applaud love during the lunch break.

Of course Lin Jiayi did not return to the laboratory.

Zhou Wen was also very happy, otherwise, in a laboratory, it would be embarrassing to not see the one who looked up.

Back to the laboratory, I did another sample of DNA.

The task is complete.

After submitting the task, Zhou Wen glanced at the personal attribute, and the EXP had reached 1580.

Just as he was about to upgrade his pharmacology, the phone in his pocket rang, and he took it out to see that Professor Wang Huiyao was calling.

Zhou Wen saved Wang Huiyao’s mobile phone number, but he never called.

Zhou Wen froze for a while, probably guessing what was going on, and then said: “Hello Professor Wang, I am Zhou Wen.”

“I’m in the office, Come here.”

Zhou Wen took off his gloves, washed his hands and left the laboratory.

In the office, Wang Huiyao is writing something with his head down, his thick jet-black hair is combed meticulously. When Zhou Wen comes in, he points to the office chair in front of him and says, “Sit.”

Zhou Wen sat down on the office chair.

Wang Huiyao wrote “shua~ shua~ shua~” for about 3 minutes, then picked up the pen holder on the table and set the pen, looked at Zhou Wen and asked, “How are you learning?”

Zhou Wen nodded, “en! Not bad.”

Wang Huiyao: “What about the graduation thesis?”

Zhou Wen said truthfully: “Uh…I’m considering I have a few thoughts in the middle of the game.”

Wang Huiyao let out a “um” and asked a few insignificant questions, saying: “Okay, then you go to work.”

After speaking, he lowered his head and continued to write.

Zhou Wen thought Wang Huiyao would criticize himself. Didn’t expect even mention it. What does it mean?

“Will it?”

Zhou Wen pondered for a moment and thought it made sense.

I called him specifically, although he didn’t say anything, but in fact he said it equivalent to.

“No wonder it’s the professor, the level is high.”

Zhou Wen is a little funny, Lin Jiayi is also naive, and she doesn’t want to think, who is he helping? He actually went to the tutor to sue him for the black situation, is it necessary for Wang Huiyao to ban him from doing this free labor?

After leaving the laboratory building, he rushed to the library.

He didn’t leave the library until the door closed at 10 pm.

On the way back to the dormitory, I received a call from Shi Lei. Laughed told him to invite him to dinner in the evening.

Zhou Wen asked with a smile: “Did the interview succeed?”

Shi Lei said “Um”, “It just happened that the previous experimenter was leaving, and then I went straight to work. .”

“Congratulations~” Zhou Wen sincerely blessed.

Shi Lei’s situation is worse than him, and this job is of great significance to him.

Shi Lei did not say the specific treatment situation, he did not ask, but listening to this tone, he should be very satisfied.

This “satisfaction” refers to a monthly salary of 5000, including food and housing.


In the morning of 2nd day, Zhou Wen went to the library untouched by thunder. By 11 noon, the task was completed.

In addition to yesterday’s mission, he has now accumulated 5 boxes in total.

Zhou Wen decided to open the box.

Without burning incense, showering and changing clothes, I lit a cigarette and started to open the box on the path behind the library.

The first box, [Congratulations, get 100 yuan RMB.

The first box was opened with money. Zhou Wen was very happy. According to this trend, he will be able to support himself next month without having to remit his living expenses from the family.

The second box it’s empty.

The third box, [Congratulations, get bio-type band-aids10]

The bio-type band-aids look longer and wider than the common band-aids in pharmacies It’s a little bit, and it’s almost as elastic as a small Sophie.

“This is good~” Zhou Wen very pleased in one’s mind. The products produced by system must be excellent. Although there is no experimental effect yet, he knows that it must be extraordinary.

The fourth box it’s empty.

The fifth box, [Congratulations, get 100 yuan RMB.

A total of 200 yuan, plus 10 bio-type band-aids, Zhou Wen is very satisfied.

Following this trend, he will not need his parents to send him living expenses next month.

I sat there for a while and then got up after seeing EXP. I forgot to upgrade before.

He chose pharmacology.

[Do you want to upgrade pharmacology? ]


[This upgrade will consume 880 EXP points, please confirm again]


When After confirmation, pharmacology flashed a golden-yellow rays of light, the level changed from LV0 to LV1.

The familiar feeling of enlightenment came again, countless medicine names and pharmacology that made him headache The knowledge of functions and mechanisms began to appear before his eyes, and then engraved in his brain, giving him a deep understanding of pharmacology.

He feels that if you just talk about a conventional medicine now, he can accurately say its within the body process, pharmacological effects and clinical applications, adverse reactions and so on.

At his current level, he said without humility, he knows more than many doctors.

Zhou Wen was excited for a while, and then saw that EXP was still 900, so he scanned the subject catalog, and after a little consideration, he decided to upgrade biochemistry.

[Do you want to upgrade biochemistry? ]


[This upgrade will consume 900 EXP, please confirm again]


Biology Chemistry flashed through a rays of light, and the grade changed from LV0, 100/1000, to LV1, 0/5000.

Soon, the molecular structure and functions that once made him so big are now symbols, floating in front of his eyes for a few times, and then deeply engraved in his mind.

It may be that pharmacology itself is similar to biochemistry. Zhou Wen discovered that after the upgrade of biochemistry, he has a deeper understanding of pharmacology.

If he is asked to do chemical reagent experiments on rice aphids now, he thinks the success rate should be very high.

“Well, try it tomorrow.”


Number One Person Civil Hospital, Jiang Prefecture City, Testing Center.

At one o’clock in the afternoon, Zhang Shuguang, a senior virus expert at the testing center and leader of the PCR team, frowned when he looked at the test report in his hand.

Wu Yan, a laboratory worker with a mask on her chin, walked over and asked: “What’s the matter with the group leader, is there any problem?”

“The problem is nothing wrong…”

Zhang Shuguang replied casually, and then pointed to the data above the report and said: “Look at this test data, how come it is clearer than what we used to be that many? It’s so strange.”

“Where?” Wu Yan stretched her head over to look at the data, hesitated and said, “You said this, we also found out last time, the problem should be the DNA concentration.”

Zhang Shuguang Strangely said: “Oh, how do you know?”

Wu Yan said: “Last time we were tested for the virus, it happened that the DNA was gone, so Xiao Li went to the drug control team to get two strains for use. At that time, the test data was similar to this situation. Finally, it was found through reverse inspection that it was the cause of DNA.”

Zhang Shuguang nodded, “en?”

Wu Yan said: “I will go I asked the drug inspection team, and the situation on the drug inspection team was similar, saying that the DNA was sent by Jiang Da. But then we used two more plants and the effect was not obvious, so I didnt tell you.”

“Have you done sample analysis?”

“Not yet.”

Zhang Shuguang nodded, handed the test report to Wu Yan, and said with a smile: “This Its a personal talent. So, lets do an electrophoresis analysis first. If the concentration is really high, find a way to dig this person up for me…”

ps: Im sorry, Please…

(End of this chapter)

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