Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 674: Tu Tianren

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All of them are strong, and the lowest is the seventh place of respect for the land. At the same time, dozens of pieces of mystery are played at the same time, like a heavy rain and thunder and lightning, giving a strong sense of choking.


Ning Xiaochuan summoned the ten-handed, nine-pin Xuanqi-level war swords, formed a sword array, and guarded himself in the center.

"Cut!" Ning Xiaochuan spit out a word.

The ten-handed, nine-pin sword-level war swords flew out at the same time, leaving ten long sword-gas tails, emitting countless sword lights, and harvesting the lives of the enemies.

Just a wave of sword gas rushed through, and the bodies of more than a dozen monks in the state were penetrated, and screams were made, all of which fell into a pool of blood.

Ning Xiaochuan did not run away, holding the magic sword and killing Li Zhonglou.

Li Chonglou actually dared to kill Ning Xiner. Last time, because he had some scruples, he just punished him for kneeling for three days.

This time, Ning Xiaochuan must take his life!

"Li Zhonglou, today is your death!" Even in the face of more than a dozen celestial beings, Ning Xiaochuan was not afraid, he cut it with a sword.

"Bold junior."

Behind Li Chonglou, two elderly men and two middle-aged men and women flew out, all of whom were celestial beings. They were deep and imposing, blocking Ning Xiaochuan's sword.

Among them, an old man with white hair played a figurative magical power, a white earth-shaking seal flew from the withered palm, and turned into a "Iron Mountain" with a height of seventeen meters and a weight of several hundred thousand pounds. Booming towards Ning Xiaochuan.

It was a nine-pin mystery, which was shot by His Holiness, and the power was fully excited enough to destroy a city.

Another celestial being dressed in a yellow robe sacrificed a Jiupin Xuanqi-level war sword, a sword stabbed on the ground, tearing the ground out of a huge crack, and the reddish magma rushed out from the ground.

The magma rushing out of the ground turned into a river of flames and swept towards Ning Xiaochuan.

They all knew that Ning Xiaochuan was wearing the Aoki Tenki and was most afraid of flames, so he deliberately tore the ground and mobilized the ground magma to suppress the Aoki Tenki.

"Break me!"

Ning Xiaochuan was brave and frightening, striding forward, cutting the magma river with a sword, as if capturing Fulong, no one could stop it.

A sword shot, the magical energy flew across the sky, like a lightning flew across the sky, stabbed at the heavenly lord in a yellow robe, and issued a "chirping" sword sound.


The blood-red magic sword pierced through the right rib of the heavenly man in yellow robe and pierced his body.

The heavenly man in the yellow robe changed his face, and immediately backed away, but the magic sword seemed to be fixed on him, and he was madly absorbing the blood in his body.

He thought of Lin Xueer's tragic death, and a horror erupted in his heart.


The 17-meter-high white sky turned down and smashed towards Ning Xiaochuan, carrying a sharp sound of breaking wind and striking Ning Xiaochuan's back.

If it is hit by a white mark of the sky, a city will sink halfway. Even if Ning Xiaochuan is wearing Aoki clothes, he will be seriously injured.

Ning Xiaochuan had to withdraw the magic sword, turned abruptly, held the sword with both hands, and chopped down towards that huge white sky.


The white earth-shaking seal was blown out, and a crack appeared on the surface, and a stream of mysterious essence was lost from the crack.

The white-haired old man was extremely heartache, and immediately recovered the sky-changing seal.

This is a piece of Jiu Pinxuan, which is the strongest warrior rewarded to him after he turned to the Li. Unexpectedly, just being slashed with a sword, it was damaged. I do n’t know how much black stone it will take to repair and perfect it?

The Venerable Heavenly Man in the yellow robe picked up a life and immediately backed away, secretly thinking that Ning Xiaochuan was indeed the "spirit" of the new generation of Tiandi Mountain, and it was truly terrifying, not that ordinary heavenly people can interact with him. contend.

He is not a disciple of Tiandishan, but a gatekeeper solicited by the Li people. The combat effectiveness and core disciples of Tiandishan are simply incomparable.


The Venerable Heavenly Man in the yellow robe did not escape in the end and was pierced by his magic sword.

His body shrank at a rate that was visible to the naked eye, and eventually, it turned into a gray-brown corpse!

Ning Xiaochuan pulled the magic sword out of the body of the dead body, and the magical energy on his body was a little stronger, even the pupils flashed blood, and all the magical gas was wrapped around the body.

Two middle-aged celestial beings, a man and a woman, rushed to the back of Ning Xiaochuan at the same time. The whole body's skin was silver, almost like the body made of silver.

What they cultivate is a double. Xiu Wu Jing, Immortal Jing.

One man and one woman can practice at the same time. When they practice to theravada, they can practice "silver is not bad". Cultivation to Mahayana can be practiced as "King Kong Immortal".

Obviously, this man and a woman are both practitioners of the heavenly realm, practicing the Immortal Scripture to the realm of Theravada!

They cultivated "silver is not bad". Once the exercises are performed, the body will become silver, with tremendous power and amazing defense. In the same realm, no one can compare with them!

Because they are both yin and yang. Repair, so, the cooperation is extremely tacit.

Together, the two were like five masters in Zhongtianjing, killing Ning Xiaochuan.

If the other heavenly people in heaven, under the joint efforts of the two of them, will not survive three moves and will die.

However, they encountered Ning Xiaochuan. No matter how fierce their attack was, they could not hurt Ning Xiaochuan.

"Hmm! Hmm! Hmm!"

Ning Xiaochuan also fisted and fought with both of them.

Hitting them was like hitting an ancient metal bell, making a loud sound of metal collision.


Ning Xiaochuan gave a loud slap, slapped out with both palms, hit dozens of lightnings, flew out the silver middle-aged and the silver woman at the same time, knocked down the wall of Taoism, leaving two huge caves.

They both spit silver blood in their mouths at the same time, with a little shock in their eyes.

Their couple is considered a little famous in the practice world. Together, they can fight with each other even in the face of high heaven and heaven.

I didn't expect to be beaten by a young man.

The two of them spun up and flew up at the same time, suddenly stepped on the ground, turned into two silver brilliance, and killed Ning Xiaochuan again.

"My son, has Ning Xiaochuan's cultivation already reached the heights?" Said a vulgar old woman, who was so grim.

Li Chonglou said: "Impossible! How old is Ning Xiaochuan? It is quite remarkable that he can reach the middle heaven. If he wants to reach the high heaven, it will be almost ten years to practice. However, Ning Xiaochuan has indeed become stronger again, everyone. Shoot together, be sure to take it down. "

Li Chonglou knew that Ning Xiaochuan was powerful, so he opened the eyebrow at the first moment, emitting a bright blue fire.

His body was wrapped in blue nirvana, and the ghost of the blue nirvana appeared behind him!

Holding a blue sword, he attacked Ning Xiaochuan.

At the same time, the eight patriarchs of the Li ethnic group simultaneously played a Taoist method to activate the spirit caves in the air and blessed all their power on Li Zhonglou.


After Li Zhonglou was blessed by the power of the God of Blue Nirvana and the eight lords of heaven and humanity, there were eight more shadows on his back, and he climbed up to a very scary level!

The blue war sword slashed down like a blue waterfall cascading down.

Ning Xiaochuan felt that the strength of that sword was not like the power that Li Chonglou could have, even more powerful than the two couples who practiced the Immortal Scriptures.

The ten-handed, nine-pin Xuanqi-level war sword turned into a sword array and beheaded towards Li Zhonglou.


The ten-handed sword was defeated by the blue sword gas and did not stop Li Chonglou's pace.

"Ning Xiaochuan, I am blessed by the power of the God of Blue Nirvana and the eight lords of heaven and humanity. Even if you are facing the heavens and men of high heavens, I dare to fight. Can you still compete with me?" Li Zhong The whole building was burning with flames, and behind them appeared the ghosts of the **** of blue nirvana and eight lords of heaven and humanity. When they stepped on the ground, the ground cracked innumerable gaps. Looking up at the sky, the sky was overshadowed.

At this moment, Li Zhonglou is almost like the union of the nine Supreme Masters.


Ning Xiaochuan had no fear in his face, and used a magic sword to kill the old man with white hair. The sword stabbed into the old man's body and sucked the blood of the heavenly man in the old man's body.

The second Supreme Master died under the sword of Ning Xiaochuan.

As long as you practice in heaven and human realm, no matter where you go, you will be a big man!

Li Chonglou led more than a dozen celestial beings to siege Ning Xiaochuan. He thought he could easily suppress Ning Xiaochuan and let Ning Xiaochuan kneel on the ground for mercy.

However, with so many strong besiegers, Ning Xiaochuan was able to kill two celestial beings without any harm, which was extremely arrogant.

"court death!"

Li Chonglou stabbed out with a sword, emitting a brilliant blue brilliance.

"The one who is looking for death is you!"

Ning Xiaochuan showed no weakness and stabbed out the magic sword.

The two war swords intersected, making a harsh impact, and the two's feet shattered, tearing all the formations in the Taoist temple, the building collapsed, the megaliths shattered, and the Taoist temple turned into ruins.

Both were extremely fast, wielding the battle sword and chopping out the devastating sword light.

In just one breath, the two fought more than 30 moves, and the sword qi flew out in all directions.

Those martial art monks brought by Li Chonglou were miserable, because the formation was broken and they lost their protection. The sword qi emitted by the two celestial beings cut off many people's bodies in two.

Only a few people escaped from birth.

However, they did not dare to stay in the clever idea and immediately fled and disappeared into the jungle.

This is the fighting method of the Supreme Master. It is not that they can reconcile, even if only a sword breath escapes, they can kill them.

Behind Princess Huanhua, a black figure appeared, her body was distorted, it was like a black mist, and her voice was hoarse: "Li Zhonglou was blessed by the power of eight celestial beings. The heavens and the heavens can fight each other, but there is nothing but Ning Xiaochuan. "

"Ning Xiaochuan's real hole card is Tianzun Seal. If he displays the power of Tianzun Seal, I'm afraid Li Zhonglou will lose."

Princess Huanhua's eyes were slightly raised, and she said, "It seems that we still need to do it, Long Thirteen, you must take Ning Xiaochuan's life, and you must not let Ning Xiaochuan escape!"


The black cloud of mist slowly dissipated, completely disappeared without a trace, silently sneaking towards Ning Xiaochuan.

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