Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 672: Lin Xueer

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"There are only two Aoki robes in the entire Tiandi Mountain, which are rewarded to you and the spirit girl Nie Lanxin."

Now I have the innate level of defense of Jiupin, and I can't even see Aoki Tenki with the naked eye, which is really a good baby!

Spirit sons and daughters can reward such precious treasures. I really do n’t know how precious the rewards of the Son and Goddess are?

Master Mu Lan's expression was clear. "Ogawa, do you remember the last time I told you?"

"Master said, after the core disciple selection competition is over, there is one thing that I want to do. I wonder what it is?" Ning Xiaochuan said.

Master Mu Lan took out a letter and handed it to Ning Xiaochuan, and said, "I want you to send me a letter to the wilderness, and give it to the Vatican Demon Emperor. You have to remember, In the great wilderness, it is very dangerous. If you carelessly, you will be lost. You take my token and go to see the Vatican demon Emperor, then hand it to it, and then you can leave! "

"Master knows the Vatican Demon Emperor?" Ning Xiaochuan said in amazement.

The Vatican demon emperor, but a mysterious master in the great waste, is extremely powerful.

Even the king of blue pheasants, the king of three-tailed foxes, and the king of the sacred fish ... the overlords in these great wastes must obey the Vatican Demon Emperor.

Master Mu Lan's eyes narrowed and he said, "When I was young, I saved his life and it owed me a favor. It said that as long as he took the token, it would help me do one thing In fact, I'm not familiar with it, I haven't met for hundreds of years, and I can't guarantee that it can still remember the human feelings that it owed. "

"I will definitely remember!" Ning Xiaochuan said: "Whether it is a person or a monster, the higher the cultivation, the more unwilling to owe others. If it really owes the respect of Master, it will definitely be remembered forever, I will definitely return the relationship. "

Master Mulan nodded, took out a one-meter-long golden tooth, and placed it in front of Ning Xiaochuan. "After you see the Vatican Demon Emperor, give this token to it, it naturally does not Will hurt you. "

Above the golden teeth, a powerful demon radiates, shocking the soul.

With just a glance, I am sure that the owner of the teeth must be an extremely powerful being.

That tooth was extremely sharp. Even if Ning Xiaochuan was wearing Aoki Tenki now, if he was stabbed by this golden tooth, his body would definitely have an extra blood hole!

Ning Xiaochuan didn't ask the content of the letter. He put the golden teeth into the Qiankun bracelet and retreated.

However, his heart was still very puzzled, "Master wrote to the Vatican Demon Emperor, he must want the Vatican Demon Emperor to return his kindness, and I don't know what the Master wants to do?"

Ning Xiaochuan naturally did not know that Master Mu Lan's idea was actually very simple, that is, he planned to ask the Li Fan emperor to teach the Li people fiercely.

Although Da Yang Xin Shi's own fighting capacity is not strong, but there are many powerful creatures who owe their affection. As long as they say a word, even the existence of the level of the Vatican Demon Emperor can be mobilized.

This is the devastating power that the courageous big mind trainer can exert!

Master Mulan also has his own arrogance and does not allow others to offend him. This time, he was really provoked!

This time, the letter was sent into the wilderness, and the journey was long and dangerous, so Ning Xiaochuan went on his own.

Obviously, Master Mu Lan also wanted to experience Ning Xiaochuan, and did not tell Ning Xiaochuan how to find the Vatican Demon Emperor. Everything required Ning Xiaochuan to go to the wilderness to find the answer.

As soon as Ning Xiaochuan left Tiandi Mountain, the news immediately passed to Wang Sunfu.

"The core disciple's assessment contest has just ended, and Ning Xiaochuan even left Tiandi Mountain, which is really abnormal!" The emperor was wearing gorgeous gold armor, burly, carrying his hands, his face showing a thoughtful look.

In the main hall, there are other monks of Wang Sunfu, there are men and women, all of them are high-ranking of Wang Sunfu.

Li Chonglou said coldly: "If he hid in the Baicao Garden, he might still be able to save his life, but since he took the initiative to leave Tiandi Mountain, he was trying to die for himself!"

He was suppressed by Ning Xiaochuan and kneeled in public, which was the greatest shame of his life.

He hated Ning Xiaochuan deeply and vowed to crush Ning Xiaochuan's body.

After learning that Ning Xiaochuan left Tiandi Mountain, Li Chonglou couldn't wait to kill Ning Xiaochuan immediately.

Li Wentian's horns had a few white silks. As a deputy of the Law Enforcement Hall, he should not have appeared here as his lofty status, but he came to Wang Sunfu with his mind and sat on the top position.

He reprimanded: "Just knowing the impulse, it is by no means a simple matter for Ning Xiaochuan to leave Tiandi Mountain at this time!"

"I heard that the Bright Lady sent the Red Dragon Lintu to the Baicao Garden, and said that Ning Xiaochuan was not allowed to leave Tiandi Mountain, just to take the Red Dragon Lintu to find that ancient treasure of the Dragon family!"

The emperor knew that there was a big secret hidden in the Chilonglintu. That kind of thing can never be obtained by Ning Xiaochuan: "If the Chilonglongtu is really on Ning Xiaochuan, then I must go out myself."

The emperor also wanted to get rid of Ning Xiaochuan, and he didn't want to see Ning Xiaochuan grow up. Only by shooting himself would he be assured.

"His Royal Highness, your cultivation is about to break through, or stay in Tiandi Mountain to practice! Deal with Ning Xiaochuan and leave it to me to run it. He must be allowed to go to heaven and have no access to the ground."

"Da da!"

A gorgeous woman in a rich and luxurious robe came in from outside, wearing a gauze, with a graceful figure, rounded peaks, white skin and jade, wearing a pearly gold hair accessory on her head, and dragging a long Golden skirt.

She is the elder sister of the emperor, the "princess of huahua" of the Tianshu Empire.

Princess Huanhua's body not only has the noble temperament of the princess, but also has a charming and charming **** style. She entered Tiandi Mountain to practice a century ago. Now, her cultivation is unfathomable.

The emperor nodded his head and said, "Sister Huang's thoughts are meticulous. If you are willing to take a shot, Ning Xiaochuan will certainly not escape your palm. However, Ning Xiaochuan is now the spirit son of Tiandi Mountain. He has a special status and wants to kill him. If you do, you must not miss the slightest sound of wind, otherwise it will cause a great shock. "

Princess Huanhua said with a smile: "If she didn't have full confidence, wouldn't this princess easily take a shot? A Ning Xiaochuan wouldn't be able to turn up any waves, this princess would let him die silently!"

"I will go with Her Royal Highness." Li Zhonglou said.

Ning Xiaochuan didn't know much about the situation in the great wasteland, let alone where was the Vatican Demon Emperor?

Therefore, he decided to go to the King of Qingyi first, and by the way, could see Xiaohong and Xiaolinger.

Before leaving Tiandi Mountain, Ning Xiaochuan used his meritorious value to exchange a large number of mysterious medicines in the treasure house of Wanjian Palace, including refining Guiyuandan medicine.

The mysterious medicine he exchanged was enough to make two furnaces for Guiyuan Dan.

The 100,000 points of merit rewarded by Tiandi Mountain have also been used up.

At present, I can only hope that Gui Yuandan can be successfully refined. Otherwise, he will really be poor.

On the way back to Zhantianhuangling, Ning Xiaochuan has been studying the sutras to improve his alchemy level.

Half a month later, Ning Xiaochuan crossed hundreds of thousands of miles, stepped out of Tiandi Mountain's territory, and entered the territory of the Tianshu Great Empire.

"Help! Help ..." Lin Zhong, a woman crying for help.

Ning Xiaochuan frowned slightly, how could there be a human voice in the deserted secret place where people rarely visited?

Besides, when he was thinking, the cry for help became more urgent, accompanied by screams.

As soon as Ning Xiaochuan's body moved, she flew in the direction of the call for help, and soon she saw a well-dressed girl in a robe escaping from the jungle. Her body was covered with blood, her pace was sloppy, as if she would fall into a pool of blood at any time In.


An eight-meter-high explosive ape rushed out of the forest, smashed a large tree with a thick bucket, opened the blood basin, and hurriedly chased after the robe girl.

The girl in the robe was so badly injured that the thigh root was scratched by a blasting ape, the blood flowed, and she couldn't run at all.

There was a spit of blood in the mouth of the exploding ape, which grabbed a jin of boulder, raised it above his head, and smashed it towards the girl in the robe before.


The girl in the robe was hit in the back by a huge boulder, and flew forward, falling horribly on the ground.

"Wow", spit out blood.

It's over! Dead!

The girl in the robe lay on the ground, watching the ape's claws stretch towards her. The claws became bigger and bigger, knowing that she would die today, so she closed her eyes.

However, death didn't come, instead, the scream of the ape was heard.

When she opened her eyes in surprise, the ape was already killed, and she fell heavily beside her, splashing countless mud and dust.

The young man who killed the ape was very weak and looked like a scholar!

He actually killed the seventh level mysterious ape?

"Thank you, Gongzi, for saving your life, I don't know the Gongzi's surname?" The girl in the robe was pale.

However, she was too badly injured. As soon as she moved, she was involved in the injury of her body, and a muffled sound was heard in her mouth, and she fell to the ground again.

Ning Xiaochuan glanced at the woman in the robe, but did not expect that this woman was surprisingly beautiful. On the subject of beauty alone, she was not under purple smoke at all.

Although she looks only sixteen or seven years old, she looks like a green girl in the age of Kou Dou, but she has developed very well and her chest is extra full because her coat was cut by the ape ’s claws, revealing large The white skin and half of the tender meat in the shape of a jade bowl are fragrant and beautiful.

The robe girl saw Ning Xiaochuan's gaze, with a shy expression on her face, and immediately covered her chest with her hands.

Ning Xiaochuan coughed twice and immediately looked back, saying: "The girl is very badly injured, I'll heal you first!"

A drop of colorful black water flew from Ning Xiaochuan's fingertips, fell to the lips of the girl in the robe, and automatically flowed into her mouth.

The five-colored Guanghua wrapped her body. Under the treatment of Xuanshui, the injury of the girl in the robe soon recovered.

In fact, she suffered all trauma and did not hurt her. Therefore, the injury was not serious.

The girl in the robe was very shocked. Such a serious injury was healed in just a few clicks. This is amazing!

She immediately knelt in front of Ning Xiaochuan, on her pretty cheek, full of reverence, bowed down and worshiped, saying, "My son is a noble spiritual master?"

"Hmm!" Ning Xiaochuan said.

The robe girl was also a respectful worship, saying: "Xin Lin, meet Da Yangxin Master, thank you for your life-saving grace!"

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