Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 665: Li Zhonglou

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Zi Hanyan was clinging to the wall and looked at Ning Xiaochuan very nervously, his heart beat faster!

Looking at her exquisite and beautiful face, her rosy lips are like red cherries, which are especially seductive, constantly attracting Ning Xiaochuan to approach her.

Purple cold smoke has just reached heaven and earth, every inch of skin exudes a faint purple vitality, forming a sharp contrast with white skin, a pair of clear star eyes, staring at Ning Xiaochuan tenderly like water, some eager and some afraid!

The blood in Ning Xiaochuan's body became hotter and hotter, her throat was thirsty, she kissed her soft lips, opened her white shell teeth with her tongue, and quickly found the smooth tongue!

At the same time, his hands began to become unruly, pierced into the purple placket, followed the silky skin, and finally caught a towering milk. The peak is like a soft mass of cotton.


Zi Hanyan's mouth made a messy snoring sound. Jiao's body was like being shocked by electricity. His flesh was numb. If it had not been supported by Ning Xiaochuan's thin waist, he might have collapsed to the corner.

Just as Ning Xiaochuan was about to make a further claim, suddenly his heart moved and he felt that someone had come to Mingjian Pond.

He immediately stopped further movements, retracted his lips, and looked towards the door!

Who came to Mingjian Po this time?

Zi Hanyan also has the realm of heaven and man. When he notices that someone is coming towards Ming Jianchi, he becomes even more shy and guilty. What if others let them see their unconsciousness?

She immediately arranged her messy clothes neatly, staring at Ning Xiaochuan resentfully, moving the Tianwu vitality in her body, and the purple glow came out, and enveloped her in a layer of illusory purple mist, only There is only one figure left!

"Brother Ning! Brother Ning!"

A pretty-looking little aunt rushed into Ming Jianchi panting breathlessly, her face flushed, and she looked very anxious. After seeing Ning Xiaochuan, she immediately said, "Ning Xiaochuan, the big deal is bad! Xiner, was injured ! "


Ning Xiaochuan's desire in the body. The fire disappeared cleanly, replaced by a more vigorous anger, eagerly said: "Master Mingzhu, what is going on? Where is Xiner?"

Chaos footsteps sounded.

Several young talents from Wanjian Palace, carrying Ning Xin'er, who was seriously injured, rushed in from the outside and put it in front of Ning Xiaochuan.

"Ogawa, you can help save Xiner. Her heart seems to have been punctured. I have used vitality to help her, but I still can't stop the blood!" Situ Jing sweated a lot, and his vitality was exhausted. , But could not control Ning Xin'er's injury.

Ning Xiaochuan immediately stepped forward to look at Ning Xin'er's injury, and her heart was bleeding constantly.

The heart was punctured and almost punctured the left atrium.

Ning Xiaochuan's face was full of anger and murderous, but she temporarily controlled the anger in her heart, immediately cuddling Ning Xin'er, rushed into the room, and placed it on the ice stone bed.

"Fortunately, it hasn't broken the heart, otherwise ... the consequences would be unthinkable!"

Ning Xiaochuan dropped a drop of colorful water on Ning Xin'er's wound.


However, when the colorful water drops dropped, the wound was not repaired. Instead, a black plume of smoke was emitted from the wound!

How could this be?

Ning Xiaochuan remained calm, immediately mobilized a mind, and carefully examined Ning Xiner's injury.

When his mind entered Ning Xin'er's body, he was attacked by an unknown force, and even devoured his mind.

"Soul Eater!"

Ning Xiaochuan squeezed his hands tightly, his teeth clenched, and his body exuded an air of cold magic.

It was only a matter of hurting Ning Xiner, and she even poisoned her with death. Who is it?

Those young monks standing outside felt clearly that a cold air was coming out of the house, and they could all feel the anger of Ning Xiaochuan.

Soul Eater is an extremely powerful poison!

It is rumored that this poisonous weed only grows in **** water. Once the monk was poisoned by Soul Eater, he would be devoured by the toxin, and eventually his body would rot and turn into black blood.

Even if it is a heavenly man, if he is poisoned by Soul Eater, it is almost a dead end!

Soul Eater's poison has been fused with Ning Xin'er's soul. If she were to be detoxified, she would hurt her soul. If she is not detoxified, I am afraid she will not live for three hours.

There is only one way for Ning Xiaochuan to detoxify her, and that is to **** the poison of Soul Eater into her body!

"Xin'er, you must hold on!"

Ning Xiaochuan didn't hesitate. He pressed his palm on the position of Ning Xin'er's heart, mobilized the power of the magic sword, gathered a small vortex in the palm, and sucked a black airflow into his body!

After half an hour, Ning Xiaochuan's entire arm turned black, almost like coke, without any vitality!

The poison of Soul Eater enters Ning Xiaochuan's body, just like a demon enters the body, and starts to attack Ning Xiaochuan's body and soul frantically.

"Zhou Soul Eater, dare to hurt my body."

Ning Xiaochuan possesses the supreme body of **** and demon, which contains three supreme powers of sword, magic and life.

Even Soul Eater, which is scared by nature, can be resolved by the Supreme Body.

Ning Xiaochuan circulated the blood in the body for three days, and then automatically purged the poison of Soul Eater.

He again dropped a drop of multicolored mysterious water droplets on Ning Xin'er's wound. The original bleeding wound was wrapped in multicolored light and healed at a speed that was visible to the naked eye.

It didn't take long for the wound to completely disappear and the white and tender skin to grow back without any scars!

Ning Xiaochuan breathed a long sigh of relief, "Xinger, can you hear me?"

Ning Xin'er was very pale and looked very weak because of excessive blood loss. He slowly opened his eyes and saw a faint smile after seeing Ning Xiaochuan sitting next to him, saying, "Brother, I ... I'm fine ... keke ... "

"Your martial arts soul and soul have been traumatized, and the blood in your body has also been lost. Take a good rest first." Ning Xiaochuan said.

Ning Xin'er nodded.

Ning Xiaochuan walked out of the room with a dark face, and closed the door gently.

Zi Hanyan immediately ushered up and said with concern: "Xinger, are you okay?"

Those young monks in Wanjian Palace also rushed over and wrapped up Yue Mingsong, Han Li, He Yanyuan and others.

"It's okay for now, but it will take a while to cultivate!"

Ning Xiaochuan stared at Situ, with a somber look: "Brother Situ, what is going on?"

Situ Jingdao said: "What happened on the battlefield is that the other party is one of the younger king, Li Chonglou. The repair of Li Chonglou has entered the realm of heaven and earth, but it is the top talent of the younger generation. Not his opponent, but did not expect him to kill Xiner. "

Today, Ning Xiner's opponent is Li Zhonglou.

Li Chonglou entered the realm of heaven a few years ago. The younger generation in Tiandi Mountain has a great reputation and competes for the top three.

When Ning Xin'er learned that his opponent was him, in fact, he never thought about winning, and planned to enter the stage to say hello to the opponent, and then he voluntarily conceded.

What I didn't expect was that before she conceded, Li Chonglou had already shot, and she still used her life-saving tricks.

Although Ning Xin'er was well-repaired, the gap with Li Chonglou was very large. With only one move, she was seriously injured and was dying.

"He is intentionally killing people! Li Zhonglou!"

Ning Xiaochuan pronounced the name fiercely, saying: "Han, you help me take care of Xiner, I'll see this Li Zhonglou!"

Luo Wu walked in from the outside, blocking Ning Xiaochuan's way, and said, "Brother Ning, I already know what happened. I'm a master sister, let me handle it! Li Zhonglou is the first day of the Li tribe, You have a very high status with the Li, so you can't mess around. "

The Li, Luo, and Jin are the three ancient families of the Tianshu Great Empire. The foundation is extremely deep. The strong ones are like clouds, the Tibetan dragons and crouching tigers, just like three mountains that do not fall.

Luo Wu knows Li Chonglou's status in the Li tribe more than anyone. If Ning Xiaochuan went to avenge him, let alone let Ning Xiaochuan be an opponent of Li Chonglou. Kill, then Ning Xiaochuan and Ning Xin'er are definitely dead.

She knew exactly how serious the incident was, so she came to stop Ning Xiaochuan.

"My sister's affairs should naturally be handled by myself. I don't need to worry about the master sister!"

Ning Xiaochuan is a sane person. However, he must not tolerate anyone harming his family. Even if his background is too strong, he must give him blood for his blood and pay for his life.

"Listen to me first ..."

Luo Wu also wanted to persuade him, but Ning Xiaochuan turned into a colorful streamer and rushed out of her side.


Luo Wu originally thought that Ning Xiaochuan was a calm person and could not disturb everything, but he did not expect that Ning Xin'er was so important in his heart, which actually made him lose his mind.

She immediately caught up, afraid that Ning Xiaochuan would make things uncontrollable.


"His Royal Highness, that Ning Xiner is just a small character. Why do you need to kill her? Even if you want to kill her, you can send a master casually to take her life. Why do you want me to do it? Above, kill her in front of everyone. "Li Zhonglou said a little puzzled.

Li Chonglou thought she had killed Ning Xin'er, even if the sword had not penetrated her heart, she escaped from the point.

However, she was poisoned by Soul Eater, and she must die.

The emperor, wearing a gold armor of carved dragons, sat on the crimson crumble, staring at the distant platform, saying, "Ning Xin'er is really not a big man, but she is the sister of Ning Xiaochuan ! "

"What? She is Ning Xiaochuan's sister?" Li Zhonglou said.

Recently, in Tiandi Mountain, Ning Xiaochuan's name has been rumored.

Li Zhonglou naturally heard his name.

However, from the perspective of Li Zhonglou, Ning Xiaochuan may really be a genius mind trainer, but it is not true to say that his martial arts cultivation also entered the heaven and earth realm!

It should all be just rumors.

The emperor naturally saw the scornful look in Li Chonglou's eyes and said, "Don't underestimate that Ning Xiaochuan, even I can't see him through, he is definitely not a simple character!"

Li Chonglou is also a brilliant person, saying: "His Royal Highness asked me to kill Ning Xin'er, was it because he wanted to bring Ning Xiaochuan out? Want me to try his true cultivation?"

The emperor smiled and said, "Yeah! If you want to test his cultivation, you must anger him. Killing his sister is not the best way to anger him? Huh! What do you think? "

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