Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 662: Cheng Dan

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The three chief cultivators of Baicaoyuan all looked at each other for a moment, staring at the white jade treasure tripod hovering in front of Yue Yueji.

Sure enough, it is the Supreme Device!

"With the power of the Bright Lady, it is impossible to refine the Supreme Device into a true heart, and it is necessary to help her by a peerless master." Master Jin Pan thought so.

In Tiandi Mountain, there are more than ten psychic masters, but only four masters, such as Jin Pan and Mu Lan, can be called chief psychologists, because all four of them will be psychologists. Zhen Ding refined into a sublime supreme device!

If you do this, the level of alchemy will far exceed other spirit-level big mind trainers.

It took Master Jin Pan more than two hundred years to sacrifice the heart cultivator Zhending six times before he made the heart cultivator Zhending into a sublime supreme device, and he knew the difficulties.

Therefore, he can be sure that there must be an expert behind the sage of Brightness to help her, so that he can be so young, and he will train the sublime supreme device to cultivate his heart.

The Bright Lady has both the Qinglian Torch and the Supreme Master Class of Nourishing Heart, which has far surpassed Ning Xiaochuan.

Today, Baicaoyuan, I'm afraid I will lose!

Master Jin Pan and Master Mu Lan looked at each other with helpless expressions in their eyes.

It's like, a genius born in a family and a genius born in Hanmen, everyone's talents are similar. However, the family-born genius uses more advanced utensils and naturally has more advantages!

The superiority of cultivating the heart at the supreme level is even more obvious!

Because, the Supreme Device has already produced the Spirit.

To control the true spirit, the maiden of light is even more handy. Even if she does not need to control the fire of alchemy herself, Qi Ling can help her to make alchemy, which greatly reduces the risk of failure.

"Perhaps, the Lady of Light can really make a new high-class dan!"

The old man who had previously firmly believed that the Lady of Light and Ning Xiaochuan could not refine the high-level dan, and after seeing the true spirit of the Supreme Class, they began to shake!

Ning Xiaochuan did not have psychological pressure because the sage of light possessed the inferior device of the sublime level, adjusted her state, and summoned her innocent device into a nine-meter-high bronze ancient tripod. .

Congenital nine-pin mysterious level of true heart tripod!

There is no need for Ning Xiaochuan to mobilize the mysterious fire, because the yin and yang flames have long been integrated with the Yangxin true tripod, and the two flames, one yin and one yang, wrap the Yangxin tripod, and when they are brought together, they become a "fire ".

Ning Xiaochuan's heart is really good, although not the ultimate device. However, there is a martial spirit of Ning Xiaochuan in Yangxin Zhending.

It can be said that Yang Xin Zhen Ding has become a part of Ning Xiaochuan's body, just like an organ on the body, completely controlled by Ning Xiaochuan.

To a certain extent, the bright sage possessing the supreme organ-level nourishment of the true heart is not necessarily better than Ning Xiaochuan.

The time passed by one minute and two seconds, both of them put all the medicinal materials into the medicine tripod, and they did not fail in the middle. Now, it depends on who can really cultivate the elixir.

Master Jin Pan nodded his head and said, "Ning Xiaochuan's control of the weather is very subtle. Even an old man who has studied alchemy for hundreds of years may not be better than him. Even if there is no such thing as a Supreme Master class, he may be true. It can also be refined. "

"The Bright Lady's knowledge of Danli also surpassed ordinary people. She dared to put 'Ape Mingcao' and 'Red Snake Gall' at the same time in the medicine tripod, which further improved the grade of the medicine. Other big mind-raising masters, This courage is not necessary. "Master Xue Qing praised.

Alchemy is easy, but it is difficult to carry it out.

Yun Dan is a long process. In the past eight hours, a scent of Dan Xiang came out from the sacred heart of the bright lady.

Strands of white elixir came out of the medicine tripod, above the sky, condensed into a white fairy cloud!

"It will be so soon?" Said an old man, somewhat surprised.

"Extreme device-level cultivating heart, together with the Qinglian torch, Yun Dan's speed is naturally several times faster than other cultivators. I guess Ning Xiaochuan will be able to make elixir. Three days later, we can become a dan. This is the gap! "Said a big cultivator of the bright sacred earth proudly.

However, the smile on his face had just overflowed and he froze immediately.

Because, Ning Xiaochuan's Yangxin Zhending also emits a fragrant incense, emitting five-colored elixir, turning into a colorful cloud!

"Ning Xiaochuan doesn't have a cultivating heart at the highest level. How can Yun Dan's speed be so fast?" The big cultivator of the bright sacred earth said something unbelievably.

The courageous great spiritual trainer of the bright holy earth said meaningfully: "Do you remember that Ning Xiaochuan previously put the heart of Xin Yang into the heart? If I didn't guess wrong, Ning Xiaochuan should have a different species The palace of the heart uses the power of heart fire to accelerate Yun Dan's speed. Therefore, he does not have the highest level of spiritual cultivation, but Yun Dan is not slower than Her Royal Highness. I am really curious what kind of alien he has Heart? "

Seeing that Ning Xiaochuan's Yangxin Zhending gave birth to a sense of pride, the three chief cultivators of Baicaoyuan were also relieved, showing joy on their faces!

Today, they are getting too many surprises, making the three elderly people who have lived for hundreds of years very uneasy.

Ning Xiaochuan was too furious for them. Under the circumstances that they were not as bright as the Virgin, she was able to withstand the pressure and refining the elixir, which was extremely valuable!

Even if you lose today, Baicao Garden is not shameful.


Su Yueji's pair of beautiful eyes suddenly opened, Bai Yubao Ding's lid, opened immediately.

Inside the tripod furnace, a white brilliance was emitted, turned into a dazzling beam of light, and rushed towards the sky.

Two longan-sized white xuandans fly around the beam of light, constantly rotating, emitting a strong medicinal fragrance!

Haoyueji took out two glass trays and placed them on the desk case. The two xuandans that originally flew above the sky immediately fell down and fell gently into the tray.

"Please seniors verify Xuan Dan!"

With a slight wave of the sleeves of Yue Yueji, a white piece of Tianwu's vitality flew out, holding two glass trays, and flying to the spiritual master of Tiandi Mountain and the Holy Land of Light.

The master Mu Lan caught the tray, just glanced at the white xuandan, and said, "The best of the high-level xuandan! It has twice the medicinal power of ordinary high-level xuandan and has no side effects. His Royal Highness is really powerful. Within a day, he created a new type of high-grade Dan. Even if it is a legendary young Shennong, it is probably not stronger than this! "

Master Jin Pan nodded his head and said, "The pill-washing pill is for newborn babies. It is more difficult to make than the other high-grade pill. Her Royal Highness can use the incomplete Gudan recipe to make medicines more common than pill-washing pill Better elixir. It's really valuable! "

Newborn babies are still in a state of ignorance. They will not learn to speak until one or two years old.

Some people with brain defects, even six or seven years old, have not learned to speak.

However, if a newborn baby is taking a high-level pill that opens the mind, just born, he can have wisdom that exceeds the number of ordinary people. It only takes one or two days to learn to speak!

Even if you are born less than a month, you can start to practice mystery on your own.

Those children of the family have already started cultivation when they were born for one month.

And the children of Hanmen have to wait until they are four or five years old to understand what it means to cultivate. Some poor children even worshiped in Wufu to practice martial arts in their teens.

It can be said that when it comes to the starting line, it is already far behind others.

Therefore, the high-grade washing pulp Dan is very precious, only those rich ancient people can afford to buy it, especially for the younger generations in the family, so that in their teenage years, they have stronger cultivation than adults.

The two Xidan Pills refined by the Bright Lady are already very high grade. It is almost impossible for Ning Xiaochuan to surpass her!

The mind keepers of the bright sacred earth all have the look of victory in their faces!


Ning Xiaochuan drank!

The bronze medicine tripod was opened, and a multicolored brilliance burst out from it, emitting a rich multicolored mist. Twelve five-colored high-level xuandan suspended in the multicolored mist, like twelve stars suspended in a nebula.

"Twelve high-grade dans were made in one go!" Those great cultivators of the bright sacred earth were shocked.

Looking at the twelve high-level dans suspended in the void, the maiden of light also fainted a little. Ning Xiaochuan was able to refining so many high-level dans at one time, which was six times as much as the high-quality tans she had refined.

What does this mean?

This shows that Ning Xiaochuan's use of drugs has reached a state of mystery and no waste of medicinal materials!

Ning Xiaochuan alone is comparable to six mind trainers in the same realm.

Even if Ning Xiaochuan's refined medicine was not as good as her, the amount of medicine he relied on could be defeated.

The twelve high-grade dans refined by Ning Xiaochuan were all used to promote the practice of monks, and they looked quite satisfactory.

However, when the soul-grand spiritual master of the bright sacred land pinched the elixir in his hands, his face was slightly stunned and he said, "How can this be?"

Master Mu Lan, Master Jin Pan, and Master Xue Qing also found that the elixir was somewhat abnormal.

"Ogawa, how did you craft the high-level xuandan?" Master Mulan said with surprise.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "This is my disciple's own understanding of the elixir. I have tried to fuse the matrix and the elixir for a long time. According to the disciple's research, the matrix is ​​carved into the elixir. Can improve the quality of the elixir. "

"For example, engraving the 'Xumi array' into the elixir can store more elixir and double the efficacy of the elixir. For example, injecting the 'shuqi array' into the elixir can lock it. Even if it is stored for one hundred years, its efficacy will not decrease.

"The twelve high-level xuandan made by the disciples, in the elixir, they recorded the" Xumi array "and the" stationary array "."

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