Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 651: Make great progress

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Three months later, when Ning Xiaochuan woke up, the injury had healed and his body still exuded black and white.

Inside the body, every drop of blood is full of force and full of vitality.

"Not only has you cultivated the Supreme Body of Gods and Demons, but you have also reached the realm of heaven and earth! Just don't know how long you have slept in the world of Moju Market?"

The celestial being at the beginning of the day, took a sip of Jiuhua Qiongye and slept for three years.

However, Ning Xiaochuan is different. He cultivates into the Supreme Body and can digest Jiuhua Qiongjiang much faster than ordinary people. What's more, most of Jiuhua Qiongye's medicinal power is used to condense the Supreme Body, which has little effect on Ning Xiaochuan.

Therefore, Ning Xiaochuan just woke up after just sleeping for three months!

"Meet my master, congratulations to his master for his great advancement, and to become a lord of heaven and humanity."

Seeing Ning Xiaochuan awake, a six-armed tyrannosaurus, a two-headed stone beast, a unicorn ghost bat beast, a golden eagle, too old, a white-headed nine-claw eagle kneeling on the ground and saluting him.

The breath on Ning Xiaochuan was too terrible, like a juvenile supreme, let the proud six-armed tyrannosaurus kneel on the ground.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "Get up! How long have I been asleep?"

"Master Hui, you have slept a total of ninety-nine days!" Taisui said.

"It's only been three months." Ning Xiaochuan was slightly surprised, and stared at Tai Sui, saying: "Tai Sui, you have reached heaven and earth!"

"Yes, I have condensed the demon element, which is comparable to the realm of human beings."

Tai Sui's body has a touch of demon qi, there are demon elements in the body rotating, the combat power has far exceeded the other four heads of nine mysterious beasts.

"Okay! Good!" Ning Xiaochuan nodded.

"Master, how does this person handle it?" Both the bald-headed nine-claw beast and the unicorn ghost bat beast turned into humanoid forms, and brought Lu Ren to Ning Xiaochuan.

Lu Ren was **** by an iron chain and was covered with injuries. Obviously, after he fell into the hands of a few mysterious beasts, his life was very bad.

When he saw Ning Xiaochuan, he immediately knelt down on the ground and begged: "Ning son, uncle Ning, you can spare me! I **** it, I should not be against you, your adults do not remember the villain, and treat me as A fart, let me go! Please, I'm wrong, I'm really wrong ... "

However, Lu Ren saw Ning Xiaochuan kill his uncle with his own eyes, and he couldn't even kill Tianjie, so he just repaired it by himself, and it wasn't enough to plug his teeth.

Ning Xiaochuan looked at Lu Ren kneeling on the ground and thought to himself, "The two old men guarding the gates of the mysterious realm, but they saw me, Lu Ren, and Lu Qingyuan entering the world of Moju Market. If so, Lu Ren and Lu Qingyuan both died at Mocha Market In the world, people of the Lu nationality will definitely doubt me. "

Therefore, Lu Ren cannot die yet!

Ning Xiaochuan said: "Look up and look into my eyes."

Lu Renxuan looked up and looked into Ning Xiaochuan's eyes, his face was full of fear.


Just for a moment, Lu Ren's mind was controlled by Ning Xiaochuan and he became his slave.

"Meet the master! Thank you for the grace of not killing the master. In the future, I will do my best for the master." Lu Ren's expression seemed natural, and he knelt on the ground as if he was doing a proper thing.

Ning Xiaochuan accepted Lu Ren as a slave, and also planned to bury a dark chess in Wang Sunfu. Whether it is used or not, at least one move is required.

"Give me your bag," Ning Xiaochuan said.

Lu Ren immediately untied the Qiankun cloth bag and held it with his hands, and respectfully handed it over to Ning Xiaochuan.

In the previous Tianjie, everything in Ning Xiaochuan's body was split into the ashes, leaving only Xuanshoujian and Jiuhua Qiongjiang.

Lu Qingyuan's Qiankun cloth bag was also struck by the sky, and all the treasures inside turned into ashes.

Ning Xiaochuan opened Lu Ren's Qiankun cloth bag and secretly said to himself that Lu Renhao was also an outstanding descendant of the Prime Minister's House of the Tianshu Empire. It was too shabby. There were no treasures in Qiankun cloth bag.

If it wasn't for Ning Xiaochuan's conviction that he had brought Lu Ren under control, he would definitely think that Lu Ren was messing with him.

What Ning Xiaochuan didn't know was that Lu Ren had a lot of treasures on his body. There were hundreds of millions of black stones alone. However, Lu Ren was ruined by Yue Mingsong, but there are other treasures?

Ning Xiaochuan took a robe from the Qiankun bag and put it on his body, and returned the dried Qiankun bag to Lu Ren.

Although he has cultivated the Supreme Body and reached heaven and human realm, the strength of his body is too arrogant and cannot be freely retracted.

If you go out like this, it will definitely cause a sensation, which is not a good thing for him.

"First control the surge of power in the World of Mojo Market, and then go out later."

Ning Xiaochuan looked to the six-headed beast, and secretly said, I now have a six-arm tyrannosaurus at the level of heaven and human and a Taisu beast at the level of heaven and human, and my strength has greatly increased. If all six mysterious beasts reach heaven and earth, who else can fight with me?

Ning Xiaochuan called all six mysterious beasts, and let them all take a sip of "Jiuhua Qiongye", and put them into the mysterious beast book.

"Now that I've reached Heaven and Human Realm, I don't need the help of mysterious beasts. Mysterious beasts can help them to refining Jiuhua Qiongjiang. I definitely don't need to sleep for three years to wake up. When they wake up, I don't know How strong will Xiu Wei be? "

Ning Xiaochuan is most optimistic about the six-armed tyrannosaurus and Taisui beast, because they are now the level of monsters, and after digesting Jiuhua Qiongye, their strength will definitely increase.

Ning Xiaochuan stayed for another month in the Moju Market, and was able to completely control the power in his body, hiding the power of the Supreme in the depths of his blood and freely retracting it.

He pulled his power back completely, and on the surface he looked like an ordinary person.

"Finally, the power of Jiuhua Qionghua has been fully refined, and it has been cultivated to reach the peak of Chujingtian, not far from Zhongjingtian."

This month's cultivation, Ning Xiaochuan's harvest is huge, and the cultivation is climbing up one after another, which is equivalent to the decades of other heavenly people's cultivation, and the power of the nine flower agar slurry left in the body is completely digested.

"It's been more than four months since entering the world of Moxu Market, and it's time to go out."

Ning Xiaochuan and Lu Ren returned to the underground palace again, and the two old men were still guarding the three cultivation secrets.

When the two old men saw Ning Xiaochuan returning with Lu Ren, they did not see Lu Qingyuan, and their eyes were surprised, but they didn't ask much.

One of them said: "You should have been training in the World of Mojo Market for one month. However, only four months before you walk out of the World of Moho Market, each person must pay another 3 million pieces of black stone, or Yes, three hundred points of merit. "

Ning Xiaochuan was a little embarrassed. All the black stones on his body were chopped into ashes by Tianjie, and now, he's clangingly poor.

Lu Ren is also very poor. There are only hundreds of thousands of black stones in the Qiankun cloth bag, which is not enough.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "I don't have black stones or meritorious me now. Otherwise, if you two need alchemy, you can find me. I'm a big minder and I should be able to help you."

"Are you a big cultivator?" Both veterans stared at Ning Xiaochuan in shock, disbelieving.

In their opinion, it's unlikely that Da Yang Xin Shi will be so young.

Lu Ren said unpleasantly, "What do you two know? Brother Ning is a disciple of Master Mu Lan. He is a genius and a spiritual master. I can ask Brother Ning to give you alchemy, which is the luck you have cultivated in eight lives."

"Master Mulan's disciple! God! It's great, Brother Ning, please rescue us and help us refine Guiyuandan."

Two veterans heard that Ning Xiaochuan was a disciple of Master Mu Lan, and they knelt on the ground in excitement, begging Ning Xiaochuan constantly.

Ning Xiaochuan immediately helped the two old roads and said, "Two old people, you call my brother, I can't afford it."

"Affordable, justifiable. Although we are older than you, you are a disciple of Master Mu Lan. Our ranks are much lower than you. Calling your brother, we are already high on you."

"Get up and talk." Ning Xiaochuan frowned slightly. "Why do you ask me to help you make Guiyuan Dan?"

The two old men saw that Ning Xiaochuan didn't have such a shelf, so they stood up. One of them said, "We have practiced in Tiandi Mountain a hundred years ago, but we still haven't reached the level of heaven and human. With our current age, we have to Reaching heaven and earth, Gui Yuandan is the only hope. Otherwise, we can only live up to 20 years. "

Ning Xiaochuan said: "Okay! Since it happened, it is also a kind of fate! If you help us pay 600 points of merit, I can try to help you refine Guiyuan Dan, but refine Guiyuan Dan You need to prepare your own medicinal herbs, and I cannot guarantee 100% success. "

After Ning Xiaochuan reached Heaven and Human Reality, his confidence increased greatly, and he felt that he could start to try to make human-grade Dan.

Moreover, he has studied human-level Dan, and it should not be difficult to refine human-level Dan.

"Medicinal materials are naturally prepared by us, and it doesn't matter if there is no refining success. After all, we are just betting on luck, and no one can guarantee that we can produce human-grade Dan. However, Brother Ning is a disciple of Master Mu Lan. The probability of refining Guiyuandan is definitely higher than that of other mind trainers. "

The two old roads showed a look of great joy, for fear that Ning Xiaochuan would regret it, and immediately paid Ning Xiaochuan and Lu Ren six hundred points of meritorious service, and they couldn't close their mouths with a smile.

It is also their good luck. If they meet Ning Xiaochuan, if they change to another great mind trainer and don't receive 10,000 points of merit, it will be impossible to make human-level Dan for them, and the success rate is not high.

"I don't know the two ... how to call them?" Ning Xiaochuan originally wanted to say "two masters", but seeing that the two old men have gray hair and wrinkles on their faces, the words "master" are really inexplicable .

This is not to blame Ning Xiaochuan. After all, he came across the earth. The education he received from childhood was "respect the old and love the young." The old man always maintains the least respect.

If it is another monk, as long as his practice becomes strong, let alone two irrelevant old men, even the elders of his own tribe will kneel and salute him, and respect him.

For this, Ning Xiaochuan is still quite disgusted. Although it is said that this world is respected by strength, the bottom line of certain principles in the heart must always be adhered to.

Of course, respect is mutual. Why is it necessary to respect the enemy?

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