Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 647: Start strong

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"It is indeed the earth's vein of the holy earth, and it really contains powerful power. It is estimated that even if it is a heavenly man, it can't walk in the vein of the earth."

After hundreds of millions of years of silence, the earth and the earth have bred into the "earth reiki" at the bottom. The "earth reiki" gathers into rivers and flows under the ground, like the blood of the earth, making the earth fertile and full of vitality.

Known by monks as "the context of the earth"!

The earth's veins have the earth's thickness and are full of ancient charm. Close your eyes and feel the breath of the earth's veins, as if you are communicating with a knowledgeable god.

The thicker the earth's veins, the longer the silence will last, and the stronger the gathering of fortunes.

Mankind builds a civilized country on the earth's veins. It borrows the luck of the earth's veins. As long as the earth's veins do not die out, the civilized kingdom can flourish. Therefore, the earth vein is also called the dragon vein of a country!

If the dragon vein is broken, the land of the entire civilized country will become more and more barren, no mystery will grow, no black stones will be born, the vegetation will wither, the river will dry up, and eventually it will become a desert.

It's like a person's aorta is severed, then it's dead.

To build the ancestral gate and family ancestral house, you must also choose the place where the earth veins flow through. If you can find the earth veins left by ancient times, you can even build a holy earth!

Under the Tiandi Mountain, there are more than ten major earth veins. Among them, there is even an ancient earth vein left over from ancient times, which can be called the dragon vein of the Tiandi Mountain.

The monk cultivates beside the earth's veins. Absorbing the "earth reiki" throughout the year, the monk can contaminate the air transport of the earth's veins and become a part of the earth's veins.

It is of great help to both Taoism and Wushu.

A major earth vein is connected between the world of Mohan Market and Tiandi Mountain, connecting the world of Mohan Market with Tiandi Mountain.

Ning Xiaochuan soon came to the world of Moxu Market. Just after it landed, the sound of "下" came from his feet. The temperature on the ground was so high that it was like standing in a hot iron pot with all his clothes on. Burning.

"Yunxia returns to strength!"

Ning Xiaochuan mobilized Tianwu's vitality in his body, condensed into a mask of ten meters in diameter, guarded his body in the center, and completely isolated from the outside world.

The world of Moju Market is extremely dangerous. It is covered by flames all the year round, and even crimson flames are suspended in the air.

On the ground are all black iron stones.

Between the iron stones, the boiling crimson magma flows, even if a steel plate is thrown into the magma, it will melt in an instant!

In such a harsh environment, if it is just an ordinary person, it will be burnt to death in less than a minute.

There are many secret places for cultivation in Tiandi Mountain, of which the danger level of Moju Market is ranked in the top ten.

There were some core disciples who had cultivated to be powerful and fell into the world of Moxu Ruins. Therefore, unless it was a warrior who had cultivated the Five Elements of Fire, would he dare to risk his life and practice hard in this secret realm!

For others, this is the **** world, but Ning Xiaochuan has to rely on the harsh environment here to temper the body and forge the supreme body!

Of course, before casting the Supreme Body, there is a big trouble to be solved!

Ning Xiaochuan believes that Lu Qingyuan and Lu Ren will definitely follow the world of Moxu Market. They want to get rid of Ning Xiaochuan. Why doesn't Ning Xiaochuan want to get rid of them?

"Wow! Wow!"

After half a while, a light gate appeared in the mid-air of the Moxu Market, and Lu Qingyuan and Lu Ren flew out of it.

"It is indeed a cultivation secret of pure fire nature. It is really not a place to stay. It is estimated that it can be compared with the temperature of the earth's center!" Lu Ren immediately held up his vitality and guarded his physical body.

Lu Qingyuan's cultivation is high, but he is an enlightened heavenly man. The ordinary flames can't hurt him at all, but he still supports the vitality of the protector in the first time to form a vitality hood!

When he came to the world of Mohan Market, he felt a dangerous breath. Therefore, care must be taken.

"Where did Ning Xiaochuan go? He didn't already know that we were going to kill him, and hid in advance?" Lu Ren stood on a black reef with boiling magma at his feet, and heat waves continued to surge from the ground. .

He had a sloppy smile on his face, and his uncle was there, and Ning Xiaochuan was dead!

"No, no ..." Lu Qingyuan did not have such a good mood, and that ominous hunch was even stronger.


The magma on the ground boiled even harder.

Three hundred and thirty-three parcel flags emerged from the magma to form 333 dark pillars, which were inserted into the magma. A huge formation, fixed space, wrapped Lu Qingyuan and Lu Ren in the formation.

The five-headed, nine-level mysterious beasts stand in the five positions of the formation, each of which is tens of meters high and emits a loud howling sound.

They are no less intelligent than humans, hold five arrays of eyes, and make the array work.

The other three fronts are controlled by Ning Xiaochuan's three mental bodies.

The complete array of eight winds and sacred gods is operating in the world of the magic scorpion. The power is fully unfolded, and the wind is roaring. The flint on the ground is swept into the sky, condensing into 333 huge flame meteorite.

Every crimson meteorite is like a burning mountain of flames!

The formation method suddenly appeared, scaring Lu Ren with a face full of earthy colors, and constantly swinging his legs. If he was not supported by Lu Qingyuan, he would have fallen into the magma.

How could this be?

Who is so brave and dares to ambush his uncle?

Lu Ren would not even think of Ning Xiaochuan, because, in his opinion, Ning Xiaochuan, like himself, is just a good gifted mind trainer.

Relatively speaking, Lu Qingyuan behaved very calmly, without fear, saying: "This is another formation! Your formation can defeat Dongfang Sheng, but you have to look down upon me too much against me! Ning Xiaochuan, hasn't your true body appeared yet? "


A terrifying dragon howl sounded!

Inside the magma, a huge six-armed tyrannosaurus rushed out, with a body and feet of more than a hundred meters high, scales the size of a dustpan, and longan like two red-red lanterns, emitting a terrifying dragon.




The six-armed tyrannosaurus rushed out of the magma and ran towards Qingyuan, landing, and stretched out two huge dragon claws, attacking like a mountain.

Lu Qingyuan's face changed slightly. How could the six-armed Tyrannosaurus in the world of Dengtian appear here?

He couldn't bear much thought, the two dragon claws had reached the top of his head, the claws were sharp, the dragon scales were strong, and the power was almost terrifying. It was just that claw wind that made his skin hurt, as if cut by a knife.

Lu Qingyuan is a monk who specializes in Taoism. His physical strength is not strong, so he naturally dared not to bump into the six-armed tyrannosaurus.

Between the electric light and flint, a defensive Taoist technique was immediately performed, and the palm was pushed out flatly, and the five fingers exuded a cyan glory!

A fifteen-meter-high glaucoma shield was printed from the palm of your hand.


Two dragon claws slap on the blue shield shield, making a deafening sound, and the blue shield shield was torn apart by the dragon shield and turned into light rain fragments.

Lu Qingyuan still kept calm, pointed at the dragon claw and nodded. At the moment when he pointed out his finger, his finger became golden, like a shooting star bursting into the sky!

This is an offensive Taoist "flow of gold and one finger"!

Seems to be just a finger, but Lu Qingyuan's whole body practice is condensed. By concentrating all Taoist powers to one point, the most powerful power can erupt.

Even if the strength of the six-armed tyrannosaurus is strong and the scale is thick, he is confident to penetrate the physical body of the six-armed tyrannosaurus.

However, it was not the claws of the six-armed Tyrannosaurus, but a blood-red magic sword.

The blood red sword light flashed in front of his eyes!


The sword point of the magic sword hit Lu Qingyuan's fingertips, and the sword qi shattered the golden brilliance with a destructive force.

Lu Qingyuan was once cut off his arm by a magic sword. Naturally he knew that the sword was terrible, sharp, magical, and unbreakable. Therefore, when he saw Ning Xiaochuan's sword stab, he immediately retracted the Tao and quickly retreated.

It is very unwise to touch the magic sword with your fingers.

When he withdrew the Taoism, the momentum immediately declined and became passive.

Ning Xiaochuan will naturally not miss this great opportunity, and chase it up.

In the Eight Winds, the speed of Lu Qingyuan was impeded, and Ning Xiaochuan quickly caught up with him, giving him no chance to breathe.

A ghost image of a demon emerged from the back of Ning Xiaochuan, with a strong will to destroy, the magic qi filled the entire formation, condensing a cloud of magic.

Lu Qingyuan immediately threw out three bronze arrays burned by heavenly people and turned them into three defensive arrays, guarding himself in the center.

After temporarily blocking Ning Xiaochuan's sword qi, Lu Qingyuan finally took a sigh of relief, immediately mobilizing Dao Yuan's power, his finger was a little bit empty, and a fire python flew from his fingertips, attacking Ning Xiaochuan.

He must not only defend, but also attack.


Ning Xiaochuan and the magic sword almost merged into one. He waved the magic sword to break the three defensive formations. The three bronze disks were chopped by the magic sword and turned into a pile of broken copper.

With Ning Xiaochuan's current practice and the power of the magic sword, the disks written by ordinary people cannot stop him at all.

Ning Xiaochuan held the sword in both hands, and also mobilized the power of Dao Yuan in the magic sword, condensing his whole body to repair, and one sword was cut down.

Lu Qingyuan is a disciple of the older generation. He was deeply cultivated. Although he was severed by Ning Xiaochuan, his combat power was only 20% off.

Therefore, Lu Qingyuan must be wounded first in an unexpected situation. Only then can he kill Lu Qingyuan.

Even if Lu Qingyuan could not be killed, Lu Qingyuan would be severely wounded, so that he had no time to practice but could not play. This is the plan Ning Xiaochuan designed from the beginning!


A blood-red sword light more than 70 meters long rushed out of the sword front, exuding sky full of sword energy, and hit Lu Qingyuan's chest!

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